How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
Change product image by selecting only one attribute in Woocommerce Variable Products
This relates to an online clothing store. We have variable products set up with colour and size attributes, for example a product might have 2 variations; Green/Any Size and Black/Any Size.
There is an image of the product in the corresponding...
Need an Illusion module In wordpress donation Website
I hope all of you are fine.
I am making a donation website in WordPress.
There will be a charity account creation that has 4 different amounts in cents. Users will create their account and donate to that charity. It will be recurring based....
How to Add Custom Product Attributes on Cart Page in Woo-commerce?
Hello Everyone,
As i am trying to display custom attributes into cart page by using the below code, but i am getting the output as "Array" in the cart page. Kindly help me out with this issue.
$product = w...
10 Most Useful and Powerful Wordpress Plugins You Need to Know in 2020
Believe it or not, 2020 is just around the corner! So, is your Wordpress Website ready to handle all the upcoming challenges in 2020?
Are you still in a dilemma that what widgets you need to integrate into your Wordpress website? Don...
What Do Wordpress Bloggers Has To Follow While Blogging?
Wordpress has been developed especially for bloggers and created a huge impact on them. It is a necessity to handle the content that is gonna blog with a suitable concept and a reach with a proper console hence make sure that the content is quali...
Must-Have Features For A Third Party Salesforce CRM Portal Solution
If you are in the business of ecommerce in any capacity, then you probably know that it is important to give access of your CRM to your customers, so that they can manage their wish list, orders, payments, as well as refunds and returns. Now, of ...
Top 3 Web Development Trends To Stay Updated in 2019
Web development is not just getting more innovative and advanced by day but the new frameworks and technologies surfacing in the web development world are completely changing the face of website development. Now, web development is resolving more...
Ultimate Tricks to improve WordPress website SEO
With the rising utilization of the web, search engine optimization has turned into the master of internet marketing. SEO is only an approach to facilitate your activity of directing traffic to your webpage. In fact, sources state that 75% of the ...
WordPress: Features, Benefits & all About Most Popular Web Framework
Talking about the software-based times, everything you do starting from shopping to shipping, selling to buying online, management to social media is governed by software-based websites. And to serve this huge world that runs on web, you need an ...
Wordpress vs Drupal We Development Framework Comparison: Which One Would You Choose?
When you think about developing websites, writing a blog, starting up an online shopping portal or displaying information, you may have heard of the major two options which are used by almost 80% population of the world and those are WordPress an...
How WordPress Client or Customer Portal Can Grow your Business?
An eCommerce business is no less than a small child. The keen interest and supervision on all your interactions with your business determine your success and roadmap. From managing store inventory, product orders to customer relationship manageme...
A List of Top 10 Best WordPress (WP) Personal Blog Themes!
In the current year and the near future, it is highly important that one maintains a blog for their business. Not only must the content in such a venture be of high-quality, but it must also be presented in a suitable theme. This way, you can be ...
Defining the Traits of a Perfect Customer Portal
‘Customer Support’ has undergone a huge transition over the years. From haggling with the customer support executives on the phone to finding all the solutions online, we’ve come a long way. However, not all digital experiences ...
How Do Premium WordPress Plugins And Scripts Help Create Websites Quickly?
WordPress is a leading platform for creating websites as it provides outclass features and options to build websites. Whether you want to create a blogging website, an e-commerce platform, or a web portal for your business, WP provides all the ne...
Everything You Need to Know About WordPress 5.0 Bebo
The long-awaited update to WordPress is finally here and it's huge! The 5.0 version, also called "Bebo," is live and features one of the biggest changes in the way we use WordPress. The editor has been completely overhauled and is n...
How To Create Your WordPress Theme Responsive?
It is incredibly important to have a responsive website.. You need to read this post if you are generally running a static theme and also desire to make it responsive. It will be easier to do so than customizing as well as already taking responsi...
Advantages of Integrating WordPress & Salesforce You Must Know About!
Talk of CRM and one name that always ranks first on the list of sales professionals is – Salesforce. And why not? It is quite obvious for them to lean towards a tool that offers excellent functionalities for organizing and storing the compa...
How to Send Username Using Post Method in WordPress to Another Link
I would like to send the username of the user who is online in the WordPress system with a POST method to another link.
WordPress vs: Magento: Web Applications Comparison
WordPress vs: Magento: Applications Compared
Anyone wishing to open a business in the global network needs suitable e-commerce software to operate. There are several web applications that business owners use. Online shop owners often choose Ma...
Top Five Security Plugins To Keep Your WordPress Site Safe
WordPress doesn’t have a bad security record compared to other content management systems in its class. An up-to-date and properly maintained WordPress site is as secure as any other CMS. Most hacked WordPress sites are out-of-date or other...
3 Steps to Ensure That Your Client Portal Is Impeccable!
Client Portal is not just a medium for business owners to converse with their clients. It is an establishment of a new relationship. The beginning of transactions through messages, documents and invoices. And it can be quite tricky to pursue a di...
Quick tips that make your Wordpress Website more Mobile Friendly
Due to the increasing adoption of smartphones, mobile web development has overtaken desktops and laptops. A study reveals that more than 1/3rd of internet access is via smartphones, shrinking the desktop browsing to 48.7%.
This shoul...
WordPress or Static HTML; What is better for a business site?
Building a website for your business from scratch can be confusing. Most businesses start as small ventures with local clients and expand from there. No matter what stage of development you may be in, a website is always a good idea – but w...
The Difference Between LMS and Membership WordPress Plugins
Creating an online course often turns out to be a complex task. But, things become much easier with WordPress learning management systems! Non availability of a separate plugin in the past, say a decade ago, made it very difficult to create a lea...
Why Developers Should Use WordPress CMS for Web Development?
A common dilemma is making the mistake of categorizing WordPress as just a blogging platform, where newbies to the blogging world usually question Why the need for WordPress? Why not the old website which I currently make use of. What’s the...
Top 5 Platforms and Tools for Building a Website
You don’t always have to do things the hard way. Even if you have experience with HTML5, CSS, or building websites from the ground up, shortcuts can give you great results while saving you a ton of time. If you’re looking to build a s...
4 WordPress Security Widgets for Web Development According To Hostgator
From a simple blog to fully featured website, WordPress is perhaps the most popular blogging platform that supports every kind of website. A statistic provided by hostgator shows that over 26% of all websites worldwide use WordPress. Due to this,...
Why WordPress Web Development Is Perfect for Small Businesses - Top Reasons
A high percentage of small businesses doesn’t own a website since they still depend on traditional forms of marketing. The great majority of small businesses shut down within only five years by ignoring current marketing trend...
What WordPress Plugins are Needed for Classifieds Website Development?
I am Searching for wordPress plugins for my new Classifieds Websites, suggest me the best things
Tips to Make Wordpress Web Design Mobile Friendly
Mobile-friendly WordPress sites are the order of the day. The web designers should not just focus on creating excellent looking websites, but also cater to the large number of users who use mobile devices for any Internet-based activity. This sho...
How to Display Recent Article Title to Top New Bar of PHP WordPress Site from Specific ID
I recently stumbled upon this site and was wondering if someone out there could provide help.
Currently there is an area in the top bar of my Wordpress site that has a section called "BREAKING" (this "BREAKING...
How to Display Advance Custom Fields in Wordpress - 2 Different Methods
Custom fields are the addition fields in WordPress that are used to show the custom data that we want to show/have in our WordPress posts/custom/posts or pages.
While adding a new post in WP Website you will find draggable or drop-down boxes, ...
Will Button CTA Logic on Specific Condition Doable in WP?
Hi FindNerders,
I suspect this is possible in WP, but would love to have someone confirm it's doable.
I have 2 fields and 1 button:
1. Zipcode
2. Service Type (e.g. cleaning, office cleaning)
3. Get a quote
World's Best 10 Premium WordPress Blog Themes for Professional Bloggers
WordPress was originally designed to cater the needs of bloggers but eventually evolved into a system that addresses all niche’s needs. There are thousands if not millions, designers who are developing new themes with advanced...
Top 10 Free WordPress Themes for 2017
Just like your ‘aged’ ‘oaked’ & ‘toasted’ Wine, the WordPress is also getting better, creamier and luscious with every passing second. Gone are the days, when the WordPress pondered just as a ...
Top 5 SEO Friendly CMS a Web Developer Should Choose
What is CMS
CMS means Content Management System. It is a web application that provide capabilities for multiple users on different levels to manage content, information & data of a website, internet application. Content Man...
WordPress HTTP API
Hello readers, today I will guide you about "WordPress HTTP API".
Do you wish to make a request to the remote server to go or to post something?
WordPress HTTP API is the perfect solution for this. It provides a simple interface t...
Any Alternative to WordPress for Easy Content Management By End User?
Can anyone please suggest some good alternatives to WordPress for client sites, so that it is easy for them to manage themselves?
We all knows that Wordpress provides us many different features to build as well as manage the website....
Creating Wordpress Custom Plugin
In this blog post i am explaining how to create a custom plugin which we can use in wordpress.
For creating custom plugin first we have to create a file, here i am creating a plugin for a custom form type so i am naming the file as custom-form...
what is custom meta box and how to create custom meta box
The most critical part of the wordpress development theme is to make a custom meta box. It avoids forcing clients to depend on custom fields and it is an approach to add an editor to the post screen. when you create a post type then you have to a...
Why Do We Need to Hire WordPress Developers?
Is it feasible to run a business without a business owner? Is it possible to look after the accountancy without an accountant? It is feasible to handle the graphes as well as routines of a business without a supervisor? The solution to every one ...
Display WordPress posts by number of Views
Displaying the most viewed posts becomes very helpful for every user to have a look at trendy blog post in your WordPress.
There are so many plugins that will help us easily to add most viewed/poipular posts in our WordPress website. But there...
Password hashing in wordpress
WordPress doesn't ever store client passwords as plain content. This is the essential motivation behind why, on the off chance that you forget or lose your password, you have to reset it. Your password is not stored by wordpress, regardless o...
Move Comment Field to Bottom inWordPress
In this blog i am going to explain why comment field of comment form in wordpress 4.4 and above version comes on the top whereas other fields come on the bottom and how to make comment field to come on the bottom and other fields on the top. ...
Reading setting in Wordpress
In WordPress, there is a Reading setting option in WordPress dashboard which is inside setting option. We can use this Reading setting for controlling Reading experience in WordPress. Reading setting is utilized to set the substance which i...
What is permalink settings in wordpress
The URLs of the substance you distribute on your WordPress site are known as permalinks. Permalinks are what individuals go into their program address bar to view one of your pages. They are additionally what internet searchers and different site...
How to show related posts in WordPress without using plugin
As we see in most of the WordPress websites that each single blog post is having related postsat the end of the content. It is the technique to engage the visitor in the website by giving them suggestions for reading another alike blog pos...
How to create a wordpress custom widget?
WordPress widget is a simple approach to include substance and particular elements into your site.
You simply need to move and customize the gadget into any widgetized territory like sidebar, footer or header of your site and begin utilizing i...
How to fetch Post in Wordpress
Hello Friends,
If you are new in Wordpress and looking to fetch any specific post data. Please review the code below::
//Here we are going to fetch post named Vacancy.
$args = array('post_type' => 'Vacancy');
How to create pagination with wordpress post?
Hello Friends,
In Wordpress if you listing post on your page and wants to setup pagination on the pages. Please review the below code, I am listing vacancy and you can make your changes as per code requirement.