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Want to develop a Book review iOS application using php,mysql and Xcode, please help

1 In this tutorial, I am using the same hosting service (bluehost) in combination with wordpress. Does anyone know why the page is showing an error message when I input the url... aside from this issue. I am following along in this tutorial an...

How to Summarise Leave Time Proportionally and Correctly in MySql

In mysql database i created "leave" table:   CREATE TABLE `leave` ( `ID_LEAVE` int(11) NOT NULL, `ID_WORKER` int(11) NOT NULL, `BEGIN_DATE` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `END_DATE` datetime DEFAULT NULL ) INSERT INTO `lea...

Why my If Statement not Working in While Loop in PHP Program?

I have searched and an IF statement seems to be the only way   The only thing is,when i put IF statement in - it doesn't seem to DO the INSERT statement at all, so nothing is being inserted, it's as if it's stopping before ...

How to create a feature similar to Sign in with Facebook using PHP?

How to implement a feature similar to sign in with facebook , I have a site B . com ,I want sign in to using email and password registered in from another website . How can i implement it ?

How to Resolve Index Page Calling Error in PHP Application?

I am getting an error warning when calling my index page for a PHP application. Below is the Error: Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in C:\xampp\htdocs\uni-saga\index.php i get th...

How to Make MyFriends Query in MySQL?

Hello readers! If you are developing the web based friendship structure, Then in this blog we will help you to make myfriends query with database. Let's suppose you have database in following structure ID senderM...

What Is Wrong With Number Of Rows Count Function ?

Guys & Ladies, This LOGIN.php was working lastnight and so I don't know why not now. The ELSE at 53 gets triggered even though I have typed the right password! What do you think of line 16 ? ... if($numrows >1) I tr...

How To Force MySql With Php To Show Final Row Only?

Buds! How to code so php forces mysql to show only the final row of the column ? The followings are how I coded (2 copied youtube tuts) to show all rows to allow user to delete multiple rows:SAMPLE 1 [php] <?php session_start(); re...

Php 7 Acting Weird - Failing To Send Email, Failing To Send Link With Random Numbers

Hi, I'm a beginner in php. Starting my learning at php 7 and not 5 or earlier. I don't understand why php 7 is showing me an error like this: [09-Mar-2017 20:54:49 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined metho...

How to find out slow queries in MySQL?

Hello everyone, Please help me regarding the use of slow queries in MySQL. I want to know how can I find out slow queries in MySQL and What is optimal query time to query a single table of 3 Million records on Indexed column?? Thank you

passing id from function to another in php?

I have PHP MySQL functions and I need to pass the id number from one function to another and each function are called in different page. I'm using the URL to pass the variable. I don't know if that is possible but can I use session to pas...

Discussion on insert data using replace statement in Mysql

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss insert data using replace statement in Mysql Basically REPLACE INTO Statement is used for inserting a row in a table. If we want to replaces any record form our table then fi...

MySQL query to retrieve data of past two months

 I have a table with name and createDate, please tell me the query to retrieve the user data of past two months. Thanks in Advance

set the correct answers equal to 1?

i'm working in query to insert answer into answers table and i need to set to correct answer equal to 1 and the incorrect answer equal to 0 for that i'm using radio buttons to assigned value into the answer but every time when i run the q...

how to choose correct answers from multiple choices questions ?

how to choose correct answers from multiple choices questions using php and mysql i don't know if i'm doing in the right way because i'm still new in programming world  1- i'm using an array to store the questions  ...

How to use LIKE operator in MySQL

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to use  LIKE operator in MySQL? Basically, LIKE operator is used for searching for a specified pattern in a column. So in other words we can say that the LIKE operat...

What is process to use Limit clause in MySQL Query ?

Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss what is process to use Limit clause in MySQL Query.? Basically the LIMIT clause  is used to specify the number of records to return. In the MySQL LIMIT clause is used to limit the numb...

What are Mysql Indexes

A database index is a structure that improves the speed of retrieval of data from our table. Index is similar to the index of a book. If you want to find a chapter you look in the index first without scanning the whole page. Users cannot see th...

how to avoid duplicate data in php mysql ?

i have this database which contain table for questions and other for answers how can i display each questions with the answers that belong to this question my problem is when i try to display the questions i get duplicated rows or all the answe...

Use of IN operator and BETWEEN operator in MySQL

MySQl IN operator facilitates us to match a column's value against multiple values in one go.   As most of us are aware that we use WHERE clause for giving any condition in SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements, so whenever we ...

How to get a list of MySQL user accounts

Get MySQL user accounts   Hello friends, I am using MySQL and I want to list user accounts. So to do this I followed the below process:   This can be done by writing the following query: SELECT User FROM mysql.user; ...

update data using get method

update and delete using get method i have this code to update data from my database i have no error reporting but he's not updating  any data can you help me with that   my database and my code -- -------------------...

What is the use of IFNULL Operator in MySQL?

In MySQL, the IFNULL operator is used as conditional statement for NULL values. When we need to fetch NULL values with LIKE operator then we can use this operator. Example: We have a table "employee" as below:    ...

How to make WHERE col LIKE '%' select NULL values too?

When we apply LIKE keyword to any query then it doesn't return NULL values, and sometimes it required to return NULL values as well. We can do this by using IS NULL or IFNULL operator. Example: We have a table "employee" as be...


INTERSECT Clause: It works similar like union clause as it is used to combine two SELECT statements, but it returns  tuples only from first SELECT statement which are common to tuples in the second SELECT statement. Syntax: S...

How to update multiple row in single mysql query

Hello friends, Most of time we need to update multiple row at a time or in single mysql query, So most of developer use iterate the update query and execute many time. This is not good practice. We should use syntax given as below. For Exam...

How to use the mysql result for the sepecific values

Hello Reader's if you are learning, optimizing the mysql query then in this blog you will know some new syntax offered by Mysql where you can make your query fast. Lets see the examples as below:- In the code below, the results select...

Mysql: Compare two columns word and print total common words count

I am posting this blog because I was facing issue to show the total common counts in 3rd column from two columns. This is following table which contain these records: |==========title=================|======title================| |...Cat Do...

SQL: How to display all the records related to common id

I was stuck in the following issue. Issue was related with retrieving common records in group. I have to display records which are common with each id. Following records are inserted into the table "mytable": id | ti...

How to access the database with SQL PLUS?

Hello all, I am unable to access my SQL database as I forgot the login details. I have tried with some but getting error "ORA -12560: TNS : protocol adapter error." Kindly suggest me the way to retrieve the details. Is there any comm...

How to sort column by clicking on column header iin PHP

Below code will gives us a table on which when we  first time click the headers of column, it display data in ascending order.  if we click the header second time than it display values in descending  order.   <?php...

How to fetch data from database in PHP

For fetching data from database  in php, first we have to create a connection from database by using following code.   <?php $servername = "localhost"; $username = "root"; $password = "pass"; $database = "demo"; //this wi...

Insert data into database from form in PHP

Below is a form which contain id field, name field, phone number filed, gender radio button and we are sending these data  by using post method. <form name="user_registration" method="post" > Name: <input type="text" name...

Temporary tables

MySQL Temporary tables: A temporary table allows a user to store temporary records and we can use these records several times until the session does not expire. They are useful in those situations when it is expensive to write a query havin...

What is process to Copy entire date into other table in SQL Database ?

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss what is process to Copy entire date into other table in SQL Database ? If you want to copy a SQL table into another table in the same SQL database then you should use copy st...

Use of AVG() Function in MySql

The MySql provides us with various for wide use for handling the database. The AVG() function is also one of the important function used in MySql. The AVG() is used to calculate the average value of the columns. Syntax: SELECT AVG(column-n...

TOP Clause in SQL

SELECT TOP clause: TOP clause is used to fetch specific number of records from a table. This clause is very handy when we have huge table of thousands of record in it . And fetching data from these tables are quite time-consuming , in ...

How to use Right Join on two tables

Right Join: Right Join is used to join two tables and it return all rows from right table(table 2) and matching rows from table 1(left table). The result is NULL for unmatched rows for table 1(left table). Right Join keyword is used to apply R...

Aggregate Functions

Aggregate Functions: Oracle has many built-in functions which are used to process numbers or strings. They are very useful as we can directly use them , we just have to write the aggregate function name and in braces the column name on which w...

Having Clause

Having Clause: The Having clause is used to filter the group result. As we cannot use Where to filter the Group By clause results so Having provide the same functionality as Where. It filter the result fetched by Group By clause. It comes a...

Rolling Back A Transaction in MySql

Transactions are very important part of MySql and for handling the transactions the Transaction Control Language (TCL) is used. Transactions are basically used to handle all the changes made in the database. Rolling back a transaction means stor...

Crreating Virtual Table using CREATE VIEW statement

CREATING VIEWS: Views are virtual tables which are created from other tables .It is beneficial for those situation when we want to show limited columns to users. It can be created from one or more tables. Syntax: CREATE VIEW viewname AS ...

How change date format using MySql

Hello Reader's if you are using unix timestamp for storing date the time. Then you have to convert them into date format. But now MySql has come with a new syntax of 'format', Because of this it will make the conversion as you want and will save...

How to use top in Mysql

Hello Reader's if you want to use top in your MySql query then this blog is very helfull to you. Lets see how to use top clause in MySql in different different location. Suppose if you want to get only first 5 records of the table, Then you c...

What is the use of DISTINCT statement in MySQL.

In MySQL, the SELECT DISTINCT statement is used to return only distinct values means if in a table, a column has duplicate values then SELECT DISTINCT statement will be used to get different values. SELECT DISTINCT Syntax SELECT DISTINCT co...

how to get questions with jquery,ajax,php

have a quiz script. My script contains quiz.js, getquestions.php, insertresults.php. In quiz.js: var i = 1; var sec = 20; var timetaken = 0; var answer; var points; var result = .5; var score = 0; var f = new Date(); var duration; var...

SQL Tutorial -> Sql Joins

<-- Chapter 24: SQL Aliases Chapter 25 SQL Joins SQL Joins clause are used to combine data rows from two or more than two tables according to common field values between them. Lets see an examples from the below tables "customer...

Inserting data using replace statement

REPLACE INTO Statement: It is used to insert a row in a table.It is similar to INSERT INTO statement but it does not allow duplicate row as it replaces the old one with the new one. Syntax: REPLACE INTO tablename (column1, column2, col...

SQL Tutorial -> SQL Aliases

<-- Chapter 23: SQL Wildcards Chapter 24 SQL Aliases SQL Aliases are used to rename a particular table name or column name in a temporary manner. In a SQL statement , any table or column name can be temporary change. SQL Syntax fo...

SQL Tutorial -> Sql Select Top

<-- Chapter 21: SQL Injection Chapter 22 SQL Select Top SQL Select Top clause is used to retrieve TOP N number of Records or X percent of Records from database table. Note: All database systems does not support the SELECT TOP claus...
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