How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
Best IOS Emulators For Windows PC | Run IOS Apps Oon Windows PC
IOS is formerly apples devices Operating System which is very popular in worldwide. However, Ios gadgets are costly; instead, android gadgets are not much expensive, like ios. There are many android devices available under 100$ but not any single...
How to Get Your iPhone Ready for a Repair
An Apple iPhone is one of the strongest mobile devices and rarely requires repairs or maintenance, aside from the battery which you will necessarily wear out after some years of intensive usage. The process of getting help from Apple or any iPhon...
Kotlin- Bridge Between Android and iPhone Mobile App Development
Kotlin is a cross-platform programming language that is supported by Google for Android app development launched in Feb 2016. It is declared as an official language for Android by Google. This language is designed to work reliably with JAVA langu...
What are Best 5 Underrated iPhone Features You Probably Didnt Know
Apple’s first, original iPhone first debuted in 2007, the reason it sold more than hotcakes would, is because it was the simple alternative to a market full of overcomplicated smartphones. During that time, platforms like Symbian, BlackBerr...
New WhatsApp feature to prevent others from reading your chats
WhatsApp, a wonderful messaging app. Of course there are presently lot of messaging services around, however Whatsapp had a massive head start on practically every one of them, which means it has huge number of features. If you are planning to de...
Top 10 iPhone App Development Companies in 2019
The substance of iPhone application showcase is continually changing. The iPhone application improvement organizations are trying their best in creating top iPhone applications. Those will be the ones that will take a few minutes to...
Create iOS App Store Distribution Provisioning Production Certificate in 5 Steps
Production certificate is used to identify the concerned organization with the help of distribution provisioning profile. If you want to upload your application to Apple App Store, production certificate allows you to submit your application in A...
How can You Find Best iPhone App Developer for iOS Product Development?
There are a million iPhone application development platform options to create iPhone apps. And more freelance iPhone app developers. All you need to do is do a Google search. However, finding good iPhone app development platforms is a challenge. ...
Present ViewController with Transparent Background in Swift iOS App - Basic Steps
Sometimes we have to show a transparent View on a ViewController, For that we generally use .xib file and add them as subView in ViewController to show the transparency. But we can also give the transparency to view controller while presenting th...
How to Build Chat Application in iOS Swift3 Using Firebase for iPhones?
Before moving on to the topic first of all you must be aware with Firebase, if not then please, do visit this my last tutorial on How to Register Realtime User Information at Firebase in iOS. It will clear you about how to get...
How to Register Realtime User Information at Firebase in iOS App
Firebase is a realtime database where we can store the information and can check whether data got saved or not in Firebase. Here is a simple example of creating a project and connection of the project with Firebase, so, here we go.
How to Show UICollectionView in UITableViewCell Using Swift in iOS App
We can easily create a simple table view to show the data in tabular format but if we need to show UICollectionView inside the UITableViewCell then it become a challenging task for the beginners. So here is an easy tutorial, to get the concept of...
How to Play, Record & Save Videos in Swift3 iOS App in iPhone
If you have ever tried to play, record and save a video using iOS Swift 3 language and found difficulty or messy code, then today in this tutorial, I am here with a simple and easy example for you. Lets's discuss all the aspects one by one.
How to Implement Custom Camera Functionality using Swift3 iOS App
To Implement camera functionality in iOS, we use Image Picker Controller but if we need to change the style and functionality other than of Image Picker Controller then we need to create a custom camera. So, in this tutorial, we will see an examp...
2 Easy Steps to Implement PageViewController in iOS Swift 3 Application
The user can easily navigate between the pages of content in which each page is managed by its own view controller objects. screen navigation is controlled by the user gestures. Once UIPageViewController interface is defined, you can add the View...
How to Capture Screenshot of Particular Screen Via Swift3 Application
Many a time we need to take a screenshot of a screen on an iOS device. So In this blog, we will discuss how to capture a screenshot of a particular screen through an application and with the help of an example this concept can easily be understoo...
Learn How to Integrate Google Login SDK Using Swift in iOS - 3 Easy Steps
To integrate your iOS app with Google for allowing login from Google, Share and other features we need integration by Google login SDK. So in this tutorial, I am providing you simple steps to integrate Google Login SDK using swift in iOS.
Learn How to Integrate Facebook Login SDK Using Swift in iOS - Easy Tutorial
To integrate your iOS app with Facebook for allowing login from Facebook, Share and other features we need integration by Facebook login SDK. So in this tutorial I am providing you simple steps to integrate Facebook Login SDK using swif...
5 Steps iOS Tutorial to Create Repository in Bitbucket
Bitbucket is a hosting service which is used to store source code of any application and code reviews. We can store source code of the application in bitbucket with the help of repository. The repository is used to store source code and any furth...
How to Fetch Particular Substring from a String in iOS Swift3 Program
In this tutorial, we will see how to Fetch Particular Substring from a String in iOS Swift3 Program, but before moving on the mane case first of all let us see, What is String and Substring?
What is String
How to implement SFSafariViewController in swift3?
What is SFSafariViewController?
SFSafariViewController is a view controller which is used to provide a user interface to show web pages from an application. It includes different safari features like autofill, content blocking, illegal w...
Creating Tic-Tac-Toe Game in iOS Swift3 Language for iPhone Users
Tic-tac-toe is a very well known game among young children and very often most of us like to play this game to remove stress and feel refreshed. This game is for two players and all about placing noughts and crosses or Xs and Os in any place in a...
How to use custom sound for notifications when application is in foreground/active mode?
Hi Reader’s,
This blog includes the concept of how to use custom sound for notifications when application is in foreground/active mode. Below is the code in objective C language for the same which you have to write in AppDelegate file ...
How to login with Facebook in swift 3.0
To Implement Facebook login in swift 3.0, we can use following steps.
1. install pod
pod 'FacebookCore'
pod 'FacebookLogin'
2.Register your app on the Facebook developer account. After registration,Go to you info.plist, right ...
Send Text Message in Swift
Here we’ll learn how to send messages programatically in Swift. With the use of provided MessageUI framework we will implement message functionality in our app. This framework has MFMessageComposeViewController class which prov...
Function Returning Function in Swift
As we all know that Swift comes with new and variety of enhancements over objective C. Returning a function as a return type of a function is also one of them.
Here we are defining two functions which are accepting Int kind of...
How to Add Custom Vibration Pattern Programatically
Im trying to implement custom vibration pattern programatically inside my app.kindly suggest any sample apps/ source codes which we can add the custom vibration pattern inside code.I am able to bring the default vibration inside by adding t...
4 Effective Ways to Cut Business Expenses for Entrepreneurs
Whether your business is going well or in troubled waters, you should always be considering ways to cut unnecessary expenses. This doesn’t always have to involve compromising the quality of your product or service. Here are fi...
Things to Remember Before Hiring Team for iOS App Development
The present market scenario, every business firm wants to pump out maximum benefits, and this can be only possible if they deploy essential platforms like digital as well as mobile, to promote the respective products and services in...
Launch Date Apple iPhone 7 Confirmed: Here are Some Expectations, Forecasts and Rumors
Its official and it's out - The iPhone 7 will be launched on September 7. Apple has put an end to all the rumours that circulated over the launch of iPhone 7 series. Apple sent out the media invites confirming the time and date of the mobile ...
How to create custom library in iOS?
Hi Reader’s,
This blog includes the concept of how to create custom library with the help of AssestsLibrary framework. Custom library is useful for multiple images selection at one time so given below is the screenshot of story...
How to set random numbers from an array as title of UIButton in iOS?
Hi Reader’s,
This blog includes the concept of how to set random numbers from an array as title of different UIButton taken in story board. Random numbers are much needed if you are making a number based gaming applic...
How to drag and drop UICollectionView cell item to another UIView in iOS?
Hi Reader’s,
This blog includes the concept of how to drag and drop UICollectionView cell item to another UIView with the help of long press gesture. First of all given below is the snapshot of storyboard in which collection ...
How to implement autolayout programatically in iOS?
Hi Reader’s,
This blog includes the concept of implementing autolayout programatically. This can be done in two ways:-
1.NSLayoutConstraint Class
Below is an example which includes a UITextField ...
How to blur UIView in iOS?
Hi Reader's,
This blog includes the code which is used to blur UIView in iOS in a very simple way. This code can be used according to the need of the user to blur the UIView. Code is given below which includes how to blur UIView ...
How to use tabbarcontroller and transfer data from one controller to another in iOS?
Hi Reader's,
This blog includes the concept of TabBarController and how you can transfer data from one controller to another. TabBarController is use to manage different content view controller which you provides according to your need. He...
How to store image in cache in iOS?
Hi Readers,
This blog includes the concept of how to store image data in a cache memory with the help of SDWebImageManager. First of all, we need to install pods in the application to use SDWebImageManager, after creation of pod file you need ...
How to use AFNetworking to make a server call in iOS
Hi Reader’s,
This blog is to use AFNetworking to make a server call with the help of API. Here we are using an API which includes GIF images and other related data. So below is the code used to get response from server. Before ...
How to save and fetch record from NSUserDefault in iOS?
Hi Readers,
This blog includes the concept of NSUserDefault which is used to store a small amount of data in it. Now the question arises if we already have SQLite database to store data then why do we need NSUserDefault?
The answer is other...
How to convert NSData to UIImage in iOS
Hi Readers,
This blog includes the concept of converting NSData to UIImage with the help of a very simple example. Given below is the screenshot and code which is used to convert NSData to UIImage on button click. Snapshot of storyboard is g...
How to fetch data from SQLite in iOS?
Hi Readers,
This blog includes the concept of how to fetch data from database after saving the data. You can go through with previous blog if you are not aware about how to save data How to save data in SQLite. Now we will discuss the ...
How to display collection view cells based on screen width dynamically in iOS?
Hi Readers,
In this blog we will get to know how to resize collection view cell dynamically and according to the screensize of iPhone.
Here is a very simple code given below to perform this task in a very easy way. We will use a method insi...
How to save data in SQLite database in iOS?
Hi Readers,
In this blog, we will discuss how to save data entered by a user in SQLite database. Before proceeding towards the saving of data into the database you should know how to create a database and tables inside SQLite database.
UiSplitView Controller in Swift
To Create a SplitViewController in swift follow the steps:-
1- Create a new Project.
2- Add a splitViewController.
3- Create a cocoaTouch Class inherits from UIViewController named as DetailViewController
4- Create another CoCoatouchC...
Show a pdf file in ios WebView in swift
Hi to load a swift file in webView in ios :-
1- Add a WebView in your viewController
2- Create an IBOutlet for this.
3- set the delegate fro webView.
4- if you want to load the pdf from server or from an url use the function loadFromU...
Record a sound in iOS
To record the sound in ios we can use the code below:-
To record the sound first set the delegate of AVAudioRecorder in AudioRecorderViewController.h File like
#import "AudioRecorderViewController.h"
@interface AudioRecorderViewControl...
How to print the stack trace using symbolic Breakpoint
Hi Readers,
When You find any runtime conflict in your constraints while running the app and you are not able to find the place where the conflict is.
Then, making a symbolic breakpoint and printing the stack trace can be very helpful....
How to add a Refresh Control on a tableView
Hi Readers,
To refresh the table whenever you pull down the table, we need to use Refresh Control.
To add a UIRefreshControl on a TableView you just have to add a below code in your viewController.
UIRefreshControl ...
Parsing JSON objects using Mantle framework in Objective C
Hi Readers,
Mantle is latest and reliable framework which we can use while parsing JSON objects coming from server end. We can do this by simply initialize a class of type MTLModel.
We can understand framework working with following example...
Crop Image in iOS
To crop image in iOS use the following method.
it will crop the image from the visible frame of the imageView.
-(UIImage *)imageFromImageView:(UIImageView *)imageView rectFrame:(CGRect)frame{