How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
gesture recognition - Pinch, Pan, Drag and Rotate.
The evolution of touch screen devices has been very rapid along the recent years. One of them is the gesture recognition. The gesture recognition technology is able to recognize many type of gestures made by a single finger or even a multi-finge...
Simple responsive menu using css3
Hello readers !
This blog is about how to make a simple navigation menu .
First of all you need an unorder listing(ul-li) in html page as I have taken in example below.
Now remember you also need an anchor tag after list.
The anchor tag wi...
Basic SVN Commands
What is SVN?
1) Subversion(SVN)is a SCM(Software Configuration Management)
2) It allows to track changes in files and directories.
3) It allows concurrent development in same files.
4) It is centralized(one server).
Basic ...
Add Sound in Unity3D
An AudioSource is attached to the GameObject to play sounds in a 3D environment. To play the sounds we need an AudioListener.
The Audio Listener acts as a microphone-like device. It receives input from an Audio Source in the scene and plays sou...
Using Background Worker in C#
To use a background worker class in C#
1- Create an Instance of Background Class
BackgroundWorker bgw=new BackgroundWorker();
2- Create an event handler for the background worker's DoWork event
private void backgroundWorker_DoW...
Cakephp - Removing setFlash bar
We can get rid of the flash message shown on a webpage in cakephp using setFlash method without refreshing the page by the help of simple Jquery function.
flashMessage is the default html id used by the cakephp while showing flash message.
Colliders in Unity3D
Colliders and its events-
Colliders work with Rigidbodies to bring physics in Unity to life.Rigidbodies allow objects to be controlled by physics. Colliders allow objects to collide with one another.
It is necessary that when two bodies with ...
It is the most dangerous word. Every developer in the world is terrified by it. In our software service industry, where client is king, it is like a stone in his hands which he can throw at the developer anytime and a developer always find themse...
How to use prefabs in Unity 3D
What are Prefabs-
A Prefab is a reusable Game Object stored in Project View . We can have prefabs in number of scenes or multiple times per scene. Adding a prefab in our game is creating an instance of it. All Prefab instances are linked to th...
dynamic searching in a UITableView
Sometimes a UITableView needs to have a lot of rows of information. The main problem that arises with having a table view with lots and lots of rows in it is the accessibility of the rows. Imagine a contact book in your phone with 500+ phone numb...
JScript to Check or Uncheck Checkbox in a Grid
JScript to Check or Uncheck Checkbox in a Grid
GridObject: Object of the grid in which checkbox exists
Column: Column name where value is searched
CellValue: Reference cell value
Status: Check or uncheck the checkbox
Giving Android Dialog a custom layout.
We see situations while developing an app that we need to put certain things inside the Android Dialog box. Here is how we can achieve the same:
First, create the layout that you want to give to the Dialog. Below is a sample layout:
How to permanently disable Adobe Reader Update
How to Disable Adobe Reader Update:
1. Accept the User license agreement certificate.
2. Edit -> Preferences -> Updater: Choose "Don't download or install updates automatically"
3. Help ->Adobe Product Improvement Program: Ch...
Creating custom alert and waiting popup using jquery
Creating custom alert and waiting popup using jquery
function displayWaitingPopup(){
var dynHtmlPart1 = '';
//insert lightbox HTML into page
$("#shade").css('height', $(document).heig...
Change background and font of UIWebView
To change the Background color, Font color, Font style in UIwebview, follow the following line of code.
[webview loadHTMLString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"<html><body style=\"background-color: red; font-size: 15; font-family: Helvet...
What is a BUG in software?
A bug may be define as coding error that causes an unexpected defect or fault in a software. Software can become unstable or unusable because of Bug, The affect of some bugs does not seen at the initial development state of software they come up ...
Multiple TableViews in a ViewController
Adding a UITableView in a ViewController is a great way to display data and information in a list, and it is easy to implement as well.
The problem arises when the developer have to implement more than one table views in a viewController u...
Programmatically create coupon codes in Magento
Create backup for your database and project directory
2.create a form to post the coupon code information.
such as
<div class="descriptionBox">
<h2>Create New Coupons</h2>
Copy image into amazon S3
Here is the small steps to upload images or any file into amazon S3 server:-
define('awsAccessKey', 'AKIAJMEIK5LU3NAR3BTQ');
define('awsSecretKey', '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');
function copyImagetoAma...
Basic HTML Document
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. Its a type of text document, where text is marked up by using special tags that inform a program that reads the text in how to render the text. Typically that program is a Web Browser such as Internet Ex...
Internet Explorer(IE) Caching Flash SWF Problem
Sometimes we need to rapidly hit the same API . Like ,"http://myAPI.php?param=123456"
There is a caching problem in IE. Swf hits URL first time and store in to the cache and shows the same result in each response. So to resolved the issue we jus...
Memory Management for Unity3D
Many a times while developing a game in unity3D we encounter issues like crashing in between the game play due to low memmory warnings. This is because the game is consuming unexpectedly high memmory. Developers not usually think of this while de...
Move Body To A Targeted Destination In Cocos2d WIth Appropriate Angle
In order to move body along with the sprite in cocos2d with box2d,you no need to worry about. Just take a look to this:-
PhysicsSprite* sprite = (PhysicsSprite*)body->GetUserData();
CGPoint target;
//set target for the body
Photo Shop Short cut Commands
Press Tab will hide tool bar and palette, Shift+Tab will hide only palette.
Hold Shift + click the top blue bar for toolbar and palette will move them to the nearest edge.
Double click the top blue bar, on any palette window, to minimize ...
How to work on Stored Procedure in SQL
Store Procedure:-- These are set of SQL Statements which are grouped in such a way that they execute to do a certain task and make processing of our application fast.
Advantages:- They are stored in precompiled format and therefore are fast.
How to open OpenPanel in mac os
static NSArray *openFiles()
bookmarkMode = 0;
NSOpenPanel *panel;
NSMutableArray *extension=[[NSMutableArray alloc]init ];
[extension addObject:[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]objectForKey:@"ImageExtension" ] ];
Lying on the couch, thinking of the childhood days,when we use to spoil our notebooks and even walls, trawling our color pencils creating lines,circles and other geometric shapes. Parents used to call it a scrap making it come to a standstill as ...
Sys Commands in SQL
Sys Commands :
1) How to count number of procedures in a table
USE [Database_Name]
SELECT COUNT(*) as procedures FROM sys.procedures
2) How to get the attributes of procedure in a table
USE [DatabaseName]
SELECT * FROM sys.procedure...
How to Create Immutable Class in Java
How to create Immutable class in java
Immutable class is a class which once created, its contents can not be changed. Immutable objects are the objects whose state can not be changed once constructed. e.g. String class
Since the state of the ...
How to search records with maximum and minimum limit in MySQL
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS GetCustomerSearchResult$$
CREATE DEFINER=root@% PROCEDURE GetCustomerSearchResult(
criteria INT
,searchValue VARCHAR(500)
,MinLimit INT
,MaxLimit INT
Open zip file through code in mac os
Method to open zip file
NSTask *unzipTask = [[NSTask alloc] init];
[unzipTask setLaunchPath:@"/user/bin/unzip"]; //this is where the unzip application is on the system.
[unzipTask setC...
Terrain in Away3D (Part 1)
Terrain in Away3D (Part 1)
User are always curious with the heights of Hills, Mountains and Depth of river and wells in the game.
He always thinks how these things are done.
By this blog you will have a fair idea about Height Maps, Alpha Map...
Keyword test in Test Complete
TestComplete - Keyword Test
TestComplete is an automation testing and quality assurance tool. It supports keyword-driven testing which allows the user to create, modify and record the tests.
How to create a new Keyword test:
Every projec...
How to rotate image in mac os
NSImage *_image = [YourImageController image];
NSRect imageBounds = {NSZeroPoint, [_image size]};
NSBezierPath *boundsPath = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:imageBoun...
Commands to install packages on Linux
Linux has different flavours available in the market but can be classified into 2 major categories ie.
Distros based on Debian: eg. Ubuntu etc.
Distros based on RedHat: eg. Centos etc.
This have different package managers to install pre-com...
Can you catch the Hummingbird- Google's latest search algorithm
The hummingbird, outsmarting the panda, the penguin and you
The new google algorithm does justice to its nomenclature, its fast in its processing and furious with its accuracy. Humminbird is the freshest Google algorithm, which assimilates...
How to create reports using Base Report Designer and OpenOffice in OpenErp
Creating reports in OpenErp using OpenOffice is the easiest way. Just need to follow simple steps:
Download base_report_designer module from the web or https://www.openerp.com/apps.
Add to the addons and install the module.
Open OpenOffice...
How to fetch Nth highest salary from a table.
There are two ways to fetch Nth highest salary/number.
1 - By using general sql query which works on all database.
2 - By using database specific sql query.
Database specific sql query example Nth highest salary/number
SQL Queries in ...
How to call custom scrollbar dynamically
To use custom scroll bar we have to follow below steps.
1 - First download tiny scrollbar javascript libarary by using below url.
2 - Include tinyscroll bar library in th...
How to create Singleton class
Sometimes, we need access of some object /data/ variable globally throughout the App. In that case, creating a singleton class which can be accessed through out the app is helpful.
App Delegate is a good example of singleton class. After goog...
How to create Wizards using osv.memory in OpenErp 6.1
To create a wizard for a module, we need to create a wizard folder; this folder will be imported in our main __init__.py of the module. The wizard folder will contain another __init__.py which will import all the wizard class files.
The Wizar...
Installing RVM and Creation of Gemsets Part 2
In the last tutorial we learnt how to install RVM. In this one we will take one step further by creating Gemsets.
Note - Gemsets are used to eliminate Gem clutter and version mismatches. Also by creating Gemsets we can install multiple version...
Using Tar command in linux to compress and uncompress the files
One of the frequent task that we do with the increasing data on our linux boxes is to compress the files and folders and to do so there is a command tar that we can use to achieve the same.
Below are the examples of how to compress files in a...
Installing RVM and Creating of Gemsets Part 1
Installing RVM and creating Gemsets can be difficult at times. Frown not because in this tutorial we will learn the basics of installing RVM and in part 2 of the tutorial we will be creating Gemsets.
Quick Revision
RVM helps to manage multi...
pagination in core PHP
**When there are a sufficient number of pages present, a Last Page link is added. When you navigate away from the first page, a previous page link is added. When you navigate past the second page, a first page link is added.
This code hasn't b...
Share video on Facebook using ASIFormDataRequest
In facebook graph API "https://graph.facebook.com/" url is used for all APIs. But to post a video on facebook an other API url is provided. To post video on facebook you must use "https://graph-video.facebook.com/me/videos" API.
Below is the c...
Share image on facebook using ASIFormDataRequest
Below is the code for sharing photo on facebook using ASIHTTPRequest.
- (void)publishStoryWithImage:(UIImage*)image andMessage:(NSString*)message
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"https://graph.facebook.com/me/photos"];
Call JavaScript Function From Action Script 3
Some time we need communication between ActionScript and the SWF container for example, an HTML page with JavaScript . So Adobe Doc has a class ExternalInterface , which solves this problem.
First import :
import flash.external.External...
UITableView extra spacing(padding) on the top in IOS7
When using xcode4.5 or 4.6(i.e ios6) UITableView added to xib files appears as it is. But when it comes to IOS7(i.e When you are using xcode5) along with adding the UITableView to xib you also need to add a small code which will remove that paddi...
How to know the device capabilities using as3 using flex
Capabilites of a device can be known by using Capabilities class.
1.Capabilities class is used to determine in which environment swf is running.
2.By using Capabilities class we can know the resolution of the users system, language of the u...