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Show default image when image not found

When we show a profile image we get image path from database and show that image as a profile image. But if image not found or image path is not correct then we see a broken image. So we add a conditions there to show a defualt image. But if we u...

Using Auth method for login in cakephp

First of all load the component in the controller lets say UsersController using the below code $this->uses=array(Auth); login.view: <?php echo $this->Form->create('User', array('id'=>'signUpForm','name'=>'userSignu...

How to get user image from Foursquare IOS sdk

Foursquare authenticate API returns all the information related to user's fourSquare account. In this response under "user" tag there is a tag "photo" with two other tags "prefix" and "suffix" like below. photo = { prefix = "https...

Date/Time Operations in php

Sometime there is a need to perform different operation on dates for ex: You may need to : 1) Add two dates/time 2) Subtract two dates/times for ex- to calculate your age by deducting your date of birth from current date. And many m...

Formatting time

Some time you may need to find the day, hour and min and seconds for ex: *you entered a number 105 and you want 1h-45Min ago* then you can simply use the following function although you can use your custom function as well depends on the...

Get Facebook messages in Android

Note- Facebook provides 25 latest message conversation. To get Facebook chat messages in Android, following steps are used: Define the 'read_mailbox' property as below: private static final List PERMISSIONS = Arrays.asList("read_mailbo...

Decomposing the associative array in chunks based on their keys

Consider you have two arrays like the below: 1) $arr1 = Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => 2 [2] => 2 [3] => 3 [4] => 3 ) 2) $arr2 = Array ( [0] => 28 [1] => 48 [2] => 21 [3] ...

Read Google+ Activity publish date in NSDate object in IOS

In Google+ IOS sdk activities API return the activity published date in following format. "2013-11-22T11:31:47.269Z" You can use below line of code to read this date in a NSDate object. NSDate *activityDate = [[GTLDateTime dateTimeWithRFC333...

QA Checklist for Build Verification

When the Build is deployed in QA Environment ,following are the checklist for verifying the build. 1.Interface Integrity Internal and External interfaces are tested as each module or cluster is incorporated into structure.This is perform to e...

iphone and Android Push Notification API

Push notifications are messages that allow an app to notify of a message similar to how a text message pops up on your screen with a sound. Code for Android ,Iphone API push notification is given below by using urbanairship. 1.Android Push No...

How to send an e-mail with attachment and delete the attachment afterwards in C#

Sending an e-mail with an attachment through a .net application include these simple steps:- 1)- Use the following namespaces - using System.Net; using System.Net.Mail; using System.IO; 2)- Call the following function where you h...

How to create a transparent image with CSS?

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><title>css3</title> <style> { width:500px; background:#000; border:2px solid #00ff00; } div.transparent-box { width:400px; margin:40px; backg...

Custom Search in ListView

In OnCreate() Method add addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() to an EditText View example: searchEditText.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() { @Override public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int ...

Playing with date format in Android

We can change date format of a date as below: Here, I have defined different date formats: String FACEBOOK_DATE_FROMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZZZ"; String MESSAGE_DATE_FORMAT = "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm a"; String MESSAGE_DATE_TIME_FORMAT = "M...

Gradient Mesh in Illustrator

Gradient Mesh in Illustrator: Gradient Mesh, is an advance tool that allows us to create gradients in any shapes. The result in artwork seems like as it come right from the Photoshop. Every designer have his/her own way that how they apply gra...

How to Develop an Android Game in Unity3D

When we create our game, we might want to see how it looks when we build and run it outside of the editor as a standalone or web player. Today, I will explain how to access the Build Settings and how to create different builds of your games. G...

Get all Facebook chat messages in iPhone

Note :- Facebook provides only 25 latest chat conversation messages /This is completion handler method and takes 3-4 sec to load chat messages from FB/ NSMutableArray *arrConversation = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init]; NSArray *arrPermis...

Hibernate environment in Spring

Spring comes with a family of data access frameworks that integrate with a variety of data access technologies. Whether youre persisting your data via direct JDBC, iBATIS, or an object relational mapping (ORM) framework such as Hibernate, Spring...

Salesforce web-to-lead integration in Drupal 6

Salesforce is becoming popular which is used for tracking sales leads, managing mailing lists etc. Drupal webform is a bridge module that helps to feed submitted data into salesforce. Salesforce Integration require following modules to be ins...

Agile Software Development in India - Why so much buzz about it??

Working in software/IT companies we all come across a word that is coined rampantly - the Agile development. So what is this and why do you also need to understand this was what troubled me few years back and I went onto an Online search expediti...

SQLite with Flex

Hello Readers! This blog is about how to use SQLite in Flex. Before proceeding a brief introduction to SQLite. SQLite is a relational database management system contained in a small C programming library,it is an embedded SQL database engin...

Creating a very basic module in OpenErp 6.1

Creating a module in OpenErp is very simple. All you need to know is the basic skeleton of any module to be used in the system. There are four major files that build up your module: 1.) file 2.) file 3.) mymod...

Getting MMS from an Android Device programmatically

To get MMS conversation from an Android device, use the following code: ContentResolver contentResolver = getActivity().getContentResolver(); Uri uri = Uri.parse("content://mms"); Cursor cursor = contentResolver.query(uri, null, "thread_id ...

9 simple steps to improve your technology blog

How to create good original content for a technology blog seems to be the question on everyones mind. It is to be noted that just uploading codes doesn't count as good blogging. One needs to support the code with some content which highlights its...

Download and Install Android paid app for free

Do you want to install paid application present in Google market without wasting your money? If "YES" then you can follow these steps. Step 1: Open the Google Play in your android device. Step 2: Search your desired app in search bar. St...

Marker/Null interface in java

Marker Interfaces or Null interface in Java are special type of interfaces in character as they have no methods declared in them which means that if any classes implementing these interfaces don't have to override any of the methods. JDK provi...

SQL - Generating XML 2

Every XML has two elements i.e. 1) Attributes and 2) Value SELECT magazineId AS '@id' , magazineName AS '@name' , CoverPage AS '@coverPage' , isActive AS '@status' , publishDate AS '@publishDate' , expiryDate A...

SQL SERVER - Generating XML - 1

Following is the XML which we want to create: SELECT magazineId , magazineName , coverPage , publishDate , expiryDate , isActive ,( SELECT ( SELECT ( ...

Get Facebook permissions status in iPhone

After requesting facebook permissions we can check facebook permissions status using following code. [FBRequestConnection startWithGraphPath:@"/me/permissions" completionHandler:^(FBRequestConnection *connection,id user, NSError *error) { ...

Convert Facebook Datetime format in iPhone

Convert date format - 2013-10-31T07:41:39+0000 to 2013-10-31 01:48:11 +0000 NSString *dateString = [stringDate substringToIndex:19]; NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; formatter.timeZone = [NSTimeZone localTimeZo...

Launch application after phone boot or screen unlock in Android using BroadcastReceiver

We have BroadcastReceiver to listen to the system events. There are receivers like BOOT_COMPLETED, SCREEN_ON, USER_PRESENT which we can register to perform any specific task when phone boots or screen unlocks. The same we are using here to Launc...

How to generate MD5 and SHA-1 fingerprints for an android application

By following these steps you can be able to generate MD5 and SHA1 fingerprint for your android application using command prompt.(It will surely work in windows7) First of all you need to get the paths for keytool and keystore. keytool you...

How to create scrollbars in Unity3D

Scrollbar in Unity3D Scroll bars let a user choose the direction and distance to scroll through information in a related window or list box. Scrollbars are very common on all languages.. In Unity we can also build our own scrollbars. It...

What is And Why to do Regression Testing ?

What is :- Regression testing ensures that quality of software is not disturbed because of the changes made.. Regression testing is used to ensure effectiveness of fixed bugs in the Application. Which means when a tester finds the bugs in t...

Camera Simulation in iOS Simulator.

Every now and then the Xcode developers have to make use of the iPhone camera to click pics, photos and even different types of symbols and codes like bar code and more recently the QR Codes (Quick Response codes). The primary problem faced by...

Skinning a Character in Maya using Component Editor

Skinning a Character in Maya using Component Editor Tutorial #1 Intermediate In the following tutorial we will learn the alternate way to skin the mesh in Maya apart from usual painting based skinning . We will use Mayas multip...

Skype, Sign in bar is not visible in Windows Operating System

If sign in bar is not visible in Skype, then you can follow the following steps: Step 1 : Go to Windows Start Step 2 : Select All Programs Step 3 : Select Accessories Step 4 : Right click on Command Prompt Step 5 : Select "Run as a...

How to get SMS from an Android Device programatically

To get SMS conversation from an Android device we will use following code: ContentResolver contentResolver = getActivity().getContentResolver(); Uri uri = Uri.parse("content://sms/conversations/"); Cursor cursor = con...

Get all image assets from iPhone Image Gallery

Write following code in .h file Add first the assets library framework from BuildPhase -> Link Binary with libraries import framework in .h AssetsLibrary/AssetsLibrary.h Declare properties @property (nonatomic, retain) ALAsset...

Validation And Verification

Validation : Determination of the correctness of the final program or software product from a development project with respect to the user needs and requirements. Validation is usually accomplished by verifying each stage of the software deve...

Associate your actionbar popup menu with the hardware menu button in Android.

Google Kills Android Menu Button, Replaces It with Action Bar But still so many devices have hardware menu button so now we can combine hardware menu button along with action bar option popup menu by just doinig a small trick. When you clicks...

Convert date into specific day of week

The following code is to convert day into specific day of week like Sunday , Monday , today , tomorrow etc. and after 7 days you want to show only that date, then this code will help you. NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]...

SSL By Pass

When we have a client/server application. There is certificate(SSL installed) in server side. So In that case we have a problem , how to extract data.In this case we can by pass the SSL just writing few lines of code. Write the below code b...

Change day in date through coding.

The following code changes the day from the given "date" for example: if you want to add or subtract 5 days from the date put a value 5 or -5 respectively for "timeSliceDay". -(NSString *)getTimeSliceDate:(NSString *)date format:(NSString *)fo...

How to create simple drop down navigation menu using css3

Hello readers ! This blog is about how to make a simple drop down navigation menu. First of all you need an unorder listing(ul-li) in html page as I have taken in example below. After this we come on css. Here we define all classes with...

low sound when recorded audio is played

Sometimes we record audio from AudioRecorder and when we play the same audio, it runs with a quite low volume even if volume is set to 1.0 i.e maximum. Use below lines of code to avoid such issues: AVAudioSession* audioSession = [AVAudioSessi...

Using Property Lists (Plists)

Method to get a value from plist NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"PlistX" ofType:@"plist"]; NSDictionary *dict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path]; int number = [[[[dict objectForKey:@"One...

Forming Valid Query Strings in jQuery

The jQuery serialize() method turns the form values into a valid querystring, as such you can simply append to the string: firstName=Maurizio&lastName=Tarchini Useful, right? Lets take an example: <p><em></em>...

how to differentiate synchronized block and synchronized method in Java

The synchronization is the mechanism by which we can control multiple threads to access the shared resources. Without synchronization, it is possible for one thread to modify a shared resource while another thread is in the process of using or up...

Making a Blurred Mask

Making Blurred mask in Flash Masking in Flash is very easy..But when we talk about Blurred mask..Not an easy task.. So to make that easy i am posting this blog.. Lets start with "How to Mask an object", there are following steps.. 1.Open ...
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