Every XML has two elements i.e.
1) Attributes and
2) Value

SELECT magazineId AS '@id'
, magazineName AS '@name'
, CoverPage AS '@coverPage'
, isActive AS '@status'
, publishDate AS '@publishDate'
, expiryDate AS '@expiryDate'
-- Map columns to XML attributes/elements with XPath selectors.
chapterId AS '@id',
chapterName AS '@name',
chapterOrder AS '@Order',
-- Use a sub query for child elements.
pageid AS '@id',
pageName AS '@name'
FROM tbl_page
WHERE chapterId = tbl_chapter.chapterId
FOR XML PATH('page'), -- The element name for each row.
TYPE -- Column is typed so it nests as XML, not text.
) -- The root element name for this child collection.
FROM tbl_chapter
WHERE magazineId = tbl_magazine.magazineId
FOR XML PATH('chapter'), -- The element name for each row.
FROM tbl_magazine
FOR XML PATH('magazine') -- The element name for each row.
,ROOT('Magzines') -- The root element name for this result set.
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