How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP, developed by Taylor Otwell and debuted in June 2011, with a aim to give an alternative of CodeIgniter Framework which will be more advanced and provides features like built-in-support for user a...
CakePHP 3.x Implementation and Installation on Ubuntu - Beginners Tutorials
CakePHP is an open source web development framework for PHP 5.4+. It is a critical programming framework used by web developers which is completely based on MVC structure, a very powerful used to build complex web applicat...
[Paid/Partnership] Kinky Dating Site With Long-Term Plans
Hi! I'm new here, this is my first post. I'm Nookie, and I run a dating site for kinksters originally built on an Oxwall/SkaDate framework and customized.
In seven months, we've grown to 22,000 users, despite bugs, slowne...
submit php form using xmlhttprequest ?
i have this code for submitting an online exam and i submit this page using javascript xmlhttprequest(pure javascript no Jquery) and i have three parameters the question id arrays and answers and the numbers of rows
How to Resolve Index Page Calling Error in PHP Application?
I am getting an error warning when calling my index page for a PHP application. Below is the Error:
Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in C:\xampp\htdocs\uni-saga\index.php
i get th...
How To Precede A Tracking Url Onto A Url >
Fellow Php Programmers,
What does the following header mean (ebay.com):
**HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-EBAY-C-REQUEST-ID: ri=N79YSYGvO9se,rci=qZJNjVUUeUF9xCaS RlogId: t6e%60cckjkb9%3Fvo%7Bccbgmijf%28vo%7B%287570577-15c59d3449c-0x129 X-Frame-...
How to Implement Generators in PHP 7
A generator is the simple and an efficient way to write your code in the form of the iterator.
PHP generators is the simple way to write your code that use the foreach loop to repeat your data set of array, without building that array in the m...
CakePHP vs Node.js : Which One & Why to Use for Web App Development?
CakePHP vs Node.js: Major Differences
CakePHP and Node.JS both are server side technologies but still there can be few dissimilarity between a CakePHP back-end and a JavaScript-powered back-end via Node.js.
How to implement load more dynamic results functionality using jQuery, Ajax Php and Database?
To display or load more results, whether it is commenting on a blog website, like or images on social media or products on eCommerce website the best UX pattern for this is either pagination, a Load more button or infinite scrolling. In this tuto...
Top 10 Free WordPress Plugins to Add Animation Effect to Your Website
WordPress is an open source CMS based on PHP and MySQL, it is very easiest and SEO friendly in all existing CMS. It has many Themes and Plugins free and paid using which you make your website more attractive. So, this article is a set o...
using ajax to load content from php file without jquery ( TABS)
i want to make a tabs that generating content from database based on what users click.
i want to have a script which uses PHP, ajax and JSON if needed. but i don't want to use jquery.
Could you please Help me?
here is what i hav...
Learn 4 Easy Steps to Integrate Standard PayPal Gateway in PHP
PayPal is an American Company Founded in 1998 by Palo Alto of California "United States". It provides services to users of online payment globally such as money transfer and traditional payment methods like checks and money orders.
Top 5 Content Management Systems Built with CakePHP frameworks
Cakephp is a well known and widely used open source web application framework that offers comprehensive architectural programming for the maintenance, deployment and the development of PHP applications. CakePHP saves the precious time of the...
How to Fetch Recent Activity as Newsfeed for Social App in MySQL PHP
I am working on a MySQL PHP social networking application and I want to Fetch Recent Activity as Newsfeed with respect to post activity timings.
Here is my site database, i am writing only few columns which are required to show.
Convert SQL Query into Laravel?
FROM jobs
WHERE published = 1
AND (created_at between '2017-05-12 00:00:00' and '2017-05-13 00:00:00'
OR created_at between '2017-05-10 00:00:00' and '2017-05-12 00:00:00'
OR created_at between '2017-05-05 00:00...
Update closed column in database using button click?
I've been trying to do this multiple times but still didn't get the answer. I have a column named closed in my database and close button in my view, whenever I click the button close, I want it to update my closed column to '0' if...
How to Get Hijri Equivalent Date of Gregorian Date?
Hello Reader's!
In this blog, we will see how to get conversion of Gregorian date into Hirji (Islamic date).
Before you start the getting the equivalent you must be knowing that Hijri Calendar is about 400 year lags behind our curr...
How To Record Urls Loading on iFrame Into MySql Db ?
Programmer Experts,
I'm embarking on an interesting project to gain work experience in php. Just stuck on one thing and wondering if you can help.
You probably used Team Viewer. This is where I create a Team Viewer session and...
Php Sql Injection Secure Tags
New Friends! :)
The following is my member registration code as of latest.
I get this error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '_' (T_STRING), expecting ',' or ')' in C:\xampp\htdocs\e_id\reg...
What Is Wrong With Number Of Rows Count Function ?
Guys & Ladies,
This LOGIN.php was working lastnight and so I don't know why not now.
The ELSE at 53 gets triggered even though I have typed the right password!
What do you think of line 16 ? ...
if($numrows >1)
I tr...
How To Force MySql With Php To Show Final Row Only?
How to code so php forces mysql to show only the final row of the column ?
The followings are how I coded (2 copied youtube tuts) to show all rows to allow user to delete multiple rows:SAMPLE 1
How To Add More Than One Entry On A Single Cell/Array Where Each Entry Is Separated By Commas?
Programming buddies,
I'm back online after nearly 2wks of offline. Gonna be harassing you guys again and more this time. Eeek!
Anyway, right now, I'm trying to build a script that adds multi-entries into the same single cell MySQLsq...
Add children objects to a parent only if they don't yet exist
I am busy developing an action for parent that should add a number of children given by the user input.
The children have 3 properties, and combining them, each child should always be unique.
I make use of Symfony and Doctrine and my basic ...
Which Parts Of Php Not To Learn ?
After getting putoff from php.net to learn php 7 (because it is not beginner friendly) and raoming around youtube for 1.5mnth to learn php and failing to get proper tutorials there, I returned to php.net. Was reading the CONSTANT chapter...
How To Display Data in iFrame A Url From Mysql?
This is my latest shortened version of the homepage in my reg-login site PHP.
When you login to your account, your homepage welcomes you with your first & surname.
Then it is supposed to show you your bio ($row "bio" in tbl) and s...
What On Earth Is This Outlandish Error - PHP Parse error?
Programming Buddies,
Here's my latest script. It is a member reg-login script.
It registers you and gets you to activate your account confirming your email and then auto logs you into your account. It uses cookies to remember your user de...
Which tutorial should I pick out of these (member reg, login site) ?
Programming Buddies,
Looking at the following links, can you be kind enough to tell me which one I should learn from and which one teaches what method (mysqli, pdo, etc.) and whether they are on php 7 or 5 because only looking for php 7:
Php 7 Acting Weird - Failing To Send Email, Failing To Send Link With Random Numbers
I'm a beginner in php. Starting my learning at php 7 and not 5 or earlier.
I don't understand why php 7 is showing me an error like this:
[09-Mar-2017 20:54:49 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined metho...
PHP's file handling system functions.
As PHP is a server side scripting language it does allow to create, access and manipulate files on the web server.
Let's see how it works.
The very first need to work with files is to open the file. For this purpose, there is a ...
How to convert the given string in sentence case using php?
The sentence case is one in english language in which the first character of the sentence is in capitals
and the rest ones are in lower case.
Lets see how can we convert the given string in sentence case in php.
How to enable CURL in PHP ?
This tutorial will guide you about "How to enable CURL in PHP". CURL is one the most basic and essential requirement as it allows you to connect different protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP etc. By default CURL is not enable in php.ini ...
php class vars auto instantiation using (PDO) ?
I'm creating an admin class and i need to know how to auto instantiating the class vars
class Admin{
public $admin_id ;
public $admin_name ;
public $admin_email ;
public $admin_type ;...
How to convert Gregorian(English) into Hirji date(Arabic)
Hello Reader's, If you are developing an Arabic website where you want to convert English date into Arabic Date then this blog is very helpful to you.
In Hijri date the number symbols are convert into islamic language.
So first we...
How to make ranking in php
Hello Reader's If you are developing the project related to gaming and you want make the Ranking of your users, Then this blog is very helpful to you.
Suppose you have a criteria of total wins by a user on which the ranking will assign. Yo...
Top 9 Factors to Consider Before Outsourcing PHP Web Development Work
Websites are important for being able to conduct online business and do online marketing. A website needs to be created and designed keeping in mind the targeted audiences and their unique requirements. If the content fails and design is not ...
Where Can I Find Best PHP 7 Tutorials For Complete Beginners
I would like to learn PHP 7. PHP 7 tutorials are available online for those who already know previous version which I don't know. Please resolve my following questions:
Q1. What are your top best Php 7 tutorials (paperback books, eb...
Discussion on display error messages from mysql response in Cakephp 2.5.6
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss on display error messages from mysql response in Cakephp 2.5.6 .
Sometime you need show sql error messages to users when you get duplicate entries from database. Suppose you ...
Discussion on send puch notification on iPhone in cakephp 2.0.
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss on send push notification on iPhone in CakePHP 2.0.
Push notification is basically used for sending messages on mobiles. It pops up on a mobile device.
If you are app publ...
Discussion on send smtp mail from godaddy server in php
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss on how to send SMTP mail from GoDaddy server in PHP.
If you are developing any web application in PHP then, sometimes you are required to send emails in your PHP application....
Countdown using PHP or Jquery
<?php $time=time();
if($userInfo['deleteTime'] < $time_out){
$countTime=$userInfo['deleteTime'] - $time_out
How to get difference between two or more arrays in PHP?
Hi everyone, I am a beginner and have been learning various programming languages like PHP, DotNet, Java etc. I faced an issue regarding php programming in which I wanted to learn how we can find out the difference between two or more arrays base...
Calculate distance between two addresses / points / locations using Google map API.
Hello Readers ,
In this blog we are calculating distance between two address / points / locations using Google Maps V3 API.
First we have one small HTML having source and destination fields after clicking the submit function "GetRoute&...
Convert html to PDF with dompdf using PHP.
Hello Readers ,
Below is the explanation of how we can create any HTML into PDF and then further send it to emails as an attachment etc.
Install the Dompdf library from github https://github.com/dompdf/dompdf/releases and then put it ...
How to send emails in sendgrid in php.
Hello Readers ,
For sending emails in sendgrid initially we need two things.
Sendgrid API key : To configure API keys, visit https://sendgrid.com/beta/settings/api_key or you may create sendgrid account to have the API keys.
Sendgrid L...
Generate Excel file using php with PHPExcel library
To generate an excel file in core php we can use PHPExcel library.
download library from the following link here - Download PHPExcel library
Lets cut the chase and see how can we do it :
First of all extract the .zip fo...
How can i print values of array in this program? it is printing the key?
In program below, I want to print values of array but it is printing the key, can someone help.
$TEAM = array("ESP"=...
How to open, read , wight and close a text file in php?
Open a text file in PHP.
To open a text file in PHP you will use fopen() funtion.
$yourfile = fopen("yourtextfilepath", "r");// r is a mode that are used for read file.
Read a text file in PHP.
To read an opened file in PHP you will...
Which PHP Framework is easiest to learn?
Hello Readers,
I am Fresher in a company and working as a HTML Developer. Now a days, I am planning to learn PHP, So I want to know which PHP framework is easy to learn?
passing id from function to another in php?
I have PHP MySQL functions and I need to pass the id number from one function to another and each function are called in different page. I'm using the URL to pass the variable. I don't know if that is possible but can I use session to pas...
Full Calendar Events From Database
1- Create a mysql Database.
2- Create a Table events inside created database.
CREATE TABLE `events` (