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How to Edit My Published Nerd on FindNerd?
Hello I by mistakely publish some wrong information here in my post and i want to delete or edite it but unable to find how to edit please let me know if someone can tell me how to do it.
How to find the paragraphs that don't end in ".? ! " In notepad++ using regex?
I want to find the paragraphs in a text that don't end in ".?!" in notepad++ using regex. I have tried multiple codes, but in all of them the paragraph ending in "." is also found (which is not what I am looking for).
In need for software development outsourcing services
Hello all! Is anybody out there who knows any company that is providing outsourcing IT services? Because I need one for the project that I'm in now. Please let me know if you have had any related experience.
How to Develop a Database Optimiser System?
I have database of shapes, each shape has a color and value.
There are only 6 types of shapes and each shape can be used only once for a combination. Each shape in the database also has a different value, and a different color of sha...
How to Systematically Generate Images from Data Values?
This is a little difficult to explain, so if there is any questions asking me to clarify, I will be happy to do so.
An example with ideas: Imagine that there are five squares in a series. Each square can either be red or white. I wou...
Is there a program like Excel that can do functions but is more widely used?
I am working on a business and will need a program that can handle basic equations like multiplications. My challenge is that I need it to be easily opened on any computer with all the functions still working.
Am I better off sticking to Excel...
How to create an apply function with the dataset and function below in R?
I have this function:
xa <- 9
xb <- 6
za <- 20
a1 <- xa / za
b1 <- xb / za
Validation <- function (a1, b1)
if (a1 / b1 >= .85 && a1 / b1 <= 1.15) {...
Query String surfacing on my URls during the Google Search Results!
While entering the URL of my website, I’m getting the URL back but with added query strings.
I have tried disallowing the robots.txt file as Disallow: /*? and received a message stating:
‘A description for this...
Language & Web Framework Ensuring Backend Integration with e-Commerce Sites?
Which language & web app framework to code software to ensure integrability with backend of most number of consumer product e-commerce sites?
What are ATL, TTL & BTL Marketing Activities? How they are used for branding?
Dear Nerds,
I want to understand about the ATL, TTL and BTL marketing activities and how can I utilize these activities for brand promotion and to reach out to the target customers.
Besides, it would be great if anyone can explain...
Advice on creating a Winning Freelance Writing Proposal!
I am writing a proposal for freelance work. I do freelance writing in spare time and have around 2 years of experience. So far, I’ve mentioned my skills and past experiences. However, I am still struggling to work it out properly. What else...
What are the efficient and time saving ways to get the Email Ids of potential clients from a specific domain?
I don’t have time to review the entire directory database and buying an email list is expensive. Please suggest the more cost-effective and less time consuming approach to get the job done. Thanks!
Unable to open Gmail on my Laptop?
Hello nerds,
From yesterday when I am trying to open Gmail it shows me some network error whereas rest of the other websites are working and opening on my system.
I tried to open Gmail on both Firefox and Chrome and the same issues co...
What Does AdMob 403 Error Mean and How to Resolve it?
Hello Nerds,
I am using AdMob, an account associated with AdSense for advertising my application on mobile, whenever I'm trying to login to AdMob account then, I'm getting 403 Error on the screen and some times it goes away.&...
What is a Backlink? How can I get more backlinks to my website?
On my pursuit of understanding SEO in a better way, I came across the term ‘backlink’. Is it an important ingredient required for a better SEO? Help me understand what Backlinks are all about and how beneficial it would be for my webs...
Help me increase my Twitter followers!
Hey Guys! I made the twitter account in 2010 while I graduated from college. Back then, Twitter wasn’t that cool, neither hyped nor important so I stuck to FB and Orkut. But now, I’m in an immediate need to get my Twitter channe...
How to Refresh Google Adsense After Some Time for a Game Page ??
Hello Friends,
I have a gaming website in which I am running Google AdSense advertisements, now I want to update the advertisements on my gaming page to show new one. So I want to know how to refresh Google AdSense after some time to...
What are the Common Causes of Project Management Failure?
In my previous organization, I was partly involved with project management. During my short tenure of six months, I immediately noticed that a large number of projects fail? Help me with the possible reasons?
What does the term "non-autistic" mean when talking about AI?
Recently, I was watching a Hollywood sci-fi movie Ex Machina, and in that a term non-autistic is used "it's kind of non-autistic" I was wondering what this term means when taking about Artificial intelligence.
What are some common mistakes to avoid when it comes to Project Management?
Please suggest some common mistakes to avoid during Project Management especially dealing with software development, web development, etc. Thanks in advance!
What are the most remarkable features in a Project Management Software?
Choosing an ideal Project Management tool is difficult. Some are offering Giant Charts, Real time communication others are offering Bug Tracking, Calendar, etc. I want to choose the most ideal tool which can perform the PM operations with ease an...
How can Microsoft Hololens be Made Available in India?
HoloLens, an augmented reality head-mounted smartglasses made by Microsoft that runs the Windows Holographic platform under the Win 10 OS has been just released on October 12, 2016 and is ready for developers to pre-order in Australia, Ireland, F...
Can't Connect Android Phone as Media Device to My Computer
I have an android cell phone, Micromax Canvas Turbo A250 (16 GB ROM, 2 GB RAM). When I am trying to connect this phone as a media device through data cable to my desktop (Windows XP), then instead of connecting as a mass storage device, the phone...
What other free IDE's are available for PHP apart from Eclipse?
Hello friends,
I am searching for free IDE for PHP development. I already used eclipse before, now i am looking for another free IDE which provides better support for PHP. Please provide your suggestions.
Best Cloud backend for Games
I'm starting with a new Game App. Which cloud backend apart from Google Play Games do you suggest?
University project
Hello, I'm a beginner at programming writing up a theoretical project for university and i wanted to know if this idea could actually be done in real life.
I'm trying to collaborate the prices of items from different superma...
Image and Video Filtering for Profanity
I want to filter images and videos posted on my website to block profane/offensive content. Please suggest a 3rd party service or plugin which can be used to automate this.
Shortcut keys to Remove/Delete saved usernames and password on google chrome browser?
Hey Guys,
When I login from various different website like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, the chrome browser show me various loging IDs(usernames) and dotted passwords for the same. Some of the ids are no more live and some of them passwords are ...
How can essay writing reviews will help to write a tech essay?
I have to write a technical essay for my academical assignment. It is difficult for me to write the essay myself. I am in a trouble. I want to hire an essay writing service. Which essay writing service is better? How the essay writing service rev...
How to highlight duplicate values in Google sheet
Hi Guy,
I am doing some analysis on my Google sheet (Google Excel). One of the column i.e 'E' of this contain the URLs. Need to highlight all Duplicate URL in same column certain color like RED. I know this is possible. But don't know step for...
How to fetch cells data from one Google Sheet to another?
I have two Google Sheets named Sheet_1 and Sheet_2. I want to link both these Google Sheets and fetch the cells numerical data from Sheet_2 to a specific cell location in Sheet_1.
How to Save my Clipboard (Copy History) in Ubuntu 14.04
Hello Guys,
I am facing an issue in my day to day work i.e when I Copy a content to paste it to website or document and in the meanwhile If I accidentally copy another content the previous content that I copied is not accessible to me.
Short cut keys for Google Docs
I am facing troubles with using short-cut keys in Google docs that I never faced in MS Word. For example, one can use Shift+F3 to make initials of words in a sentence either capital or small. Could somebody help me with all short-cut keys availab...
How to remove Blank Rows in Google Spreadsheet?
While working on Google spreadsheet, I need to delete the blank rows from my sheet, as shown in screenshot below.
In the above screenshot in column B, I have Names and after each Name there is an empty row, I want no empty r...
How to Import Data from Website in LibreOffice Calc
Hi Guys,
I need to import data from a website, Like a Website ( http://ss64.com/nt/ ), which provide list of commands and their description.
I want these command and description can directly import to my local LibreOffice Calc Sheet ...
My number value is overwritten by #NUM!
The column which now shows #NUM! had values like 20000, 4000.
It earlier had values like mentioned above.
I copied a row, pasted it in another row and darn! It got messed up...
FYI- This sheet uses Tables.
Blue Line in Excel
Hi Guys,
Can anyone tell what is this blue line I am seeing in my excel?
This excel has lot of data and formula.
How to design XSL-fo style-sheet in XML
Hello guys
I need help to design XSL-fo style-sheet but I don't know which is the best way of design to XSL-fo for generate PDF file.
Please suggest me best way of design XSL-fo style-sheet.
My code format is below :
<?xml version=...
fetching cookie information
how to fetch cookie information from http request headers??
I have tried google. but it is not answering my question. It is giving a way to SET and then FETCH cookie information, whereas I just want to fetch the already loaded cookie i...
Magento NOT shared shopping cart possible on store level?
Hi all,
I have a problem with Magento 1.9.1 i am hoping somebody can help me with.
I would like to configure my shopping cart on store level. To save on costs and to have maximum interaction on one website (because google likes this) i want...
Memory error during clustering.
Hello Everyone,
I have to do clustering on a data set, the size of my current data set is 10000 x 3 in form of tab separated value and the elements of data set are integers. For clustering was using MATLAB Artificial Neural Netw...
Data download problem using apache-flume from Twitter
Hello Everyone,
Nowdays I was trying to learn how to handle Big Data, the framework I am currently using is Apache Hadoop. Now I need large amount of data for testing for getting large amount of data I was using apache-flume to download tweets...
Undergraduate Project
Hey folks,
I am very confuse about to choose a project that i have to work on this semester and the topics are right shown below:-
1- Data mining
2- Natural language processing
3- Machine Learning
4- Graphics
You great people just give me ...
How to display my 3D models in browsers ?
Hello fellow nerds,
I have some 3D models that I have designed. I want to create an online portfolio of those. I dont want to render some images and make a slideshow. I want to make something interactive. like a person can view that model in 3...