How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
How to Canvas HTML script Animate shapes
I have created a Canvas and I am working with HTML and inside the HTML script tags I have created shapes that I want to move to animate. I want to add an animation to my Canvas. I Want to animate the Triangle and the Hexagon so that they rotate a...
Senior Front-end Developer Job Opportunity!
Senior Front-end Developer
We are looking for talented front-end programmers who attach importance to details.
Wrocaw (Poland)
10 000 - 15 000 PLN net / month
Your key skills:
- technologies: Java...
Full Stack Developer wanted!
Full Stack Developer
10 000 - 20 000 PLN net/month
Your key skills:
- you have at least three years’ experience as a programmer,
- you have a very good knowledge of Node.js, JavaScript, HTML5 a...
Senior Front-end Developer Wanted!
We are looking for talented front-end programmers who attach importance to details.
Wrocaw (Poland)
10 000 - 15 000 PLN net / month
Your key skills:
- technologies: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3
- nice-to-h...
Single select button group space issue and box-shadow not working in safari browser
I have created single select button group using radio button with label tag using css display: table and table-cell for text content exceed or overflow in each button. It's working fine all browsers (Chrome, Firefox & IE) expect Safari br...
How to make Autoplay Hidden Div using JQEURY
Hello, I managed to make the div autoplay and show their respective hidden text. But now, how can I made the current play div to be in brown background just like when I manually hover to that div.
Here is the codepen for you guys to see it.
Dynamic Custom Checkbox Angular5
A checkbox is a GUI widget which allows user have to select or make a choice out of the two or more given items, such serious are handled by checkbox. But Angular5 has some different features lets see it along with the example to create Dynamic c...
How to Run One JavaScript Function After Other Using Delays
First things first, I added the JS to the HTML so I don't have to attach multiple files. Hopefully this helps.
I've been having some trouble running one function that slowly displays a message, waits, then fades out. However,...
Why you Need to be Ready for Flash to HTML5 Conversion?
It's been only 8 years since Steve Jobs announced the death of Flash, but in the field of computing, that's a long time. Steve Jobs is no longer in this world now, but his prophecy came true. His decision to block the use of...
How to Solve PHP Connectivity Error with MySQL
if(isset ($_POST['Signup']))
$file_name = $_FILES['image']['name'];
$file_tmp =$_FILES['image']['tmp_name'];
Tips to Use T-shirt Design Software For Creating Unique Designs
These days, customers have become more demanding and want a greater say when it comes to designing. They aspire to design and customize their own t-shirts without any interference. As a result, it has become vital for businesses to integrate t-sh...
How to Use Parameters in HTML5 Video Tags/Attributes
One Of the Most powerful elements of HTML5 is Video. The video element is used to embed the video in the HTML page.
There is no need of any plugin or other markup, and the best thing is that it supports all the major browsers. You have to just...
How to Implement AngulaJs Form Validation in a Web Application
AngularJS is an open source free and most popular JavaScript client-side framework which provides a great power to built HTML and JavaScript based web application.
This tutorial is in continuation with my previous tutorials, regardin...
chained dropdown from database
i have this registration page,but i wanna display a chained dropdowned like is they select the area i wanna display user names of the people
how can i do that?
How to use HTML5 download attribute
HTML5 provides download attribute that can be used in place of PHP-driven file download scripts. In this article, you will come to know about this new attribute of html5.
One Attribute, Two Functions
download attribute sets a file download na...
Storing Objects in HTML5 localStorage
In HTML5 there is a new feature of localStorage. With this feature web pages store data locally inside the user’s web browser.
Earlier, cookies were used for storing data. The data is used only when it is asked. also you can not store larg...
How to disable zoom via mouse scroll on embedded Google Maps?
Hello, Readers!
I worked on a PSD recently and it required me to embed a map into it which was done successfully. I embedded a Google Map using iFrames.
But in doing so, I came across a problem. The problem was: When we/user scroll the page...
CSS Star Rating
Hey Readers!
We visit uncountable web pages in a day. We read reviews, news, blog posts etc.
In many of these pages, you might have seen a star rating.
A star rating consists of a series of stars. A star rating is required to know the us...
SVG element in HTML5
Hi Readers!
This blog post will discuss the basic concepts of HTML5 SVG element.
SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. It is used for describing 2D-graphics and graphical applications in XML. SVG is used to define vector-based graphics i...
How to remove the space between inline-block elements?
Hey Readers!
We must have all used the display property. One of the values for the property is inline-block. There is a certain problem with these. Inline Blocks have this weird space in-between them. The actual space is in the HTML.
I am p...
Creating a Tic-Tac-Toe Game Using CSS
Hello readers, Well all love to play games whether a child or an adult. So here in my blog I have tried to create a game which we all have played in his/her life in their childhood days.
So, I have created it using CSS properties , h...
Why does CSS work with fake elements?
Hi Readers!
The other day I was experimenting a little with CSS and this is what I came up with.
imsocool {
Uses of dragging and dropping elements in HTML5
Dragging and dropping can enable users to drag an object from one destination point and drop it to different location into the same webpage. This is a very instinctive way for users to interact with your webpage.
Where we have to use Drag and ...
CSS Filters
Hey Readers :)
We apply different in-built filters to our day to day pictures. Some of these filters, if not all, can be applied to the images we use in our websites with the help of CSS. This is done by the CSS property filter.
CSS Filters...
How to add Google Map to your website?
Hey Readers!
Today, most web developers prefer embedding a Google Map on their website. This adds to the convenience of customers. If they like the product or services, they may wish to contact the person personally, or even visit them. Google...
Password Validation using HTML5
Hello Readers
In my last blog I have explained about how you can validate password with regular expressions using JavaScript, now in this blog, I’m going to tell you the HTML5 process for the same, so basically this article will guide yo...
How to draw different shapes with canvas?
Hello readers, today we will discuss canvas element for drawing different shapes like triangle and square. Canvas element of HTML is used to draw graphics on the web page. In my example, I am using this element to draw a triangle and square...
Checkbox validation with Html5
Hello Readers!
In my earlier blog post, I explained about the checkbox validation using Javascript. This blog post will explain you the same thing using HTML5. Let me give a brief overview of checkbox validation here too.
While fi...
Chapter 5: Audio and video
HTML5 have native feature for audio and video facility and for it you do not need to have flash.
There are two tags <audio> and <video> it is very simple to add media in your website for it you just have to set the source path. B...
Chapter 2: HTML5 syntax
Hi All,
HTML5 is much smarter, so its need simple syntax to specify it, Few of them are below:
Quotes are optional for attributes.
Uppercase tag names.
Closing empty elements are optional.
Attribute values are optional.
Chapter 1: An Introduction to HTML5
Hello readers,
This is the my first post for html5 tutorial. Here are some basics for HTML's which will help you for the forthcoming post.
HTML5 is the most latest version of HTML. HTML5 is a markup language HTML documents described by ...
Inner border over images with CSS
Hello Readers!
We have all applied borders of all types on the outside of an image, a div, a text etc. Let us look how to do the exact opposite of this i.e. applying a border on the inside (here, an image).
The result should look something ...
Save drawing as an image using HTML5 Canvas
Save drawing as an image using HTML5 Canvas
Hello friends, today I am going to tell you how to save your drawing as an image using HTML5 canvas. Before starting, let us understand what is canvas. Canvas is used to draw graphics using...
Draw an image using HTML5 Canvas
Draw an image using HTML5 Canvas
Hello friends, today I am going to tell you how to draw an image using HTML5 Canvas. Before moving ahead, first of all let us understand the basic of canvas. The HTML5 canvas is used to draw graphics ...
Type attribute of script and style ?
Hello Readers,
Probably sometimes you see it when you use internal CSS, internal JS or in link text, and you are not if you are not using this (eg.- type="text/css"), also your script and CSS works.
So why we need this?
In the ...
Vertical Wizard in CSS
Hello Readers!
In this blog post, we will be preparing a vertical wizard. A wizard is commonly seen on shopping websites (while placing an order) or when we fill a form. A wizard shows us the various steps we have to complete before fulf...
HTML Embed Multimedia
Many times you have to include music or video into your website. The most effortless approach to add video or sound to your website is to use the HTML tag called <embed>. This label makes the web browser to itself incorporate controls for t...
How to create a login page with validation using angular js?
In this blog, we illustrate how to create a login page with some validation using angular js.
To validate a login form data we can use the following to trace the error:
1. $dirty:- It is used to check whether the value has bee...
Use of dir attribute in Html
dir attribute:
It is used to specify the direction of text in Html element content. In Html5 it can be used with any html element. Prior to Html5 it cannot be used with <base>, <br>, <frame>, <frameset>, <hr>, <...
contenteditable attribute in html5
contenteditable attribute is a new feature added to HTML5. By the terminology, we understand that this attribute is used to specify that whether the contents of an element are editable or not. This attribute was designed and implemented by Micros...
Pattern Attribute in Html5
Pattern Attribute:
Pattern attribute is used for input field validation and used to provide a regular expression which is used to match the input fields value whether the value is according to the pattern specified or n...
Autofocus Attribute in Html
Autofocus Attribute:
It is a boolean attribute used with input fields, button that set focus on that element on which autofocus attribute has been used when a page is loaded. But we can focus only one element at a time using this attribute.
contenteditable Attribute in Html5
contenteditable Attribute:
ContentEditable attribute provides the user to edit the content of html element. If the attribute is present and its value is true user can easily edit content of an html element and if value is false user cannot edi...
spellcheck Attribute in Html
spellcheck Attribute:
It is used to specify whether to check the spelling and grammar of the text in an editable html element. This attribute can be used with input elements, textarea and other editable html elements.
Custom Tooltip using Html and CSS
A tooltip is generally used to indicate hints (extra information) about something when the user moves the mouse pointer over an element.
We can use either bootstrap tooltip plugin or we can create our own tooltip using html a...
Tabindex attribute in Html
Tabindex attribute:
User uses tab key in a webpage to navigate through interactive elements(links,input fields etc) and navigation depends upon the elements order in Html code. But with the help of tabindex attribute we can change ...
Use of accesskey Attribute in Html
accesskey Attribute:
Accesskey attribute is used in html forms and links. It provides the user to use keyboard keys for functions which are usually done by a mouse. Example: Like user clicks on links in a webpage using mouse , so with th...
Pure CSS3 mobile menu
Hello reader's, in this blog we are going to create a navigation menu for mobile with CSS3 and HTML. I am using the Javascript for the clicking function. Here i used "+" Adjacent sibling combinator selector to make click function fo...
How to create keyframe animations using css3?
In this blog, we will learn how easy to create rotating and translating images by using css3 keyframes, here we will create spinning wind turbine and a blue sky with clouds floating in the background.
In this example I have taken images of clo...
CSS3 Spinning Loader
Hello Readers, here is a small blog on spinning loader, when we visit any website we have seen loader at the time of loading website. these preloaders are the visual feedback while the content is being loaded. In this example, I have taken&...