Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Social Network for Developers - FindNerd Introduction
In this Video Tutorial, we are describing a brief
by sachin.joshi -
How to Resolve Canonical Issue? (301 redirect)
Hello reader! In this Blog I will cover the top
by sachin.joshi -
Plagiarism and its Role in Content Writing
The word Plagiarism is derived from the latin word
by sachin.joshi -
Guidelines for Blogging
Important steps or points to be followed before po
by sachin.joshi
How an SEO Agency Enhances a Business' Marketing Process
Unlocking the Power of SEOIn the fast-paced and complex world of business, every company has unique goals and faces specific challenges based on its current status. To navigate through these obstacles effectively and maximize growth opportu...
Top 5 SEO Trends to Look for in 2021
(Image Link: https://unsplash.com/photos/l5if0iQfV4c)
Search engine optimization or SEO is an efficient way to attract more visitors to your online platform. If you use it properly, that is. Nevertheless, we are at a point where ...
5 Reason SEO and Web Hosting Will Increase Your Brands Marketing Potentials
When building a successful business website and establishing an online presence, choosing the right web hosting provider is the first step. Websites that run smoothly and swiftly are more likely to rank higher in Search Engines Result Pages (SERP...
Top 7 WordPress SEO Plugins to Improve Your Websites Presence in 2020
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the ultimate process/technique to get organic traffic for your website. Whether it is a start-up or a business running for a long time, every person wants to improve his website’s online presence with ti...
Universal Google Algorithm Updates On SEO Trends And Tracks To Know
It is true to state that SEO is good for your site and it is the hardcore truth. The main catch in here is that not all SEO is good and some might degrade the quality of your SEO site to yet another level, which you never would have wanted. There...
5 Essential Tips for Building a Strong eCommerce Brand
It is the best possible time to start an ecommerce business because shopping online has reached its golden era. Providing your customers a rewarding online experience is absolutely crucial and you need to direct your efforts into making your e-co...
The Role Of Youtube Seo To Rank Your Videos
You probably do know, or at have least heard about SEO but do you know what exactly YouTube SEO is? It is the process that helps optimizing your videos, playlists and your channel(s) on YouTube’s organic search results for any giv...
Voice Search Optimisation: Everything You Need To Know About It
Voice search utilizes speech recognition allowing to search your query by saying it aloud rather than typing it like what is done in a traditional search. It uses speech recognition to understand the query of the person & then tries to find t...
How to Achieve the Position Zero on Google With Your SEO Efforts
When it comes to Google ranking algorithm, your SEO efforts will never be enough. When you think you have got everything figured out, Google will invent something new to keep you on your toes. For a while now, the aim of most websites SEO has bee...
Do You Know 21% Population are Using Voice Search Every Week?
Me: “Ok, Google ! Which is the best restaurant to have barbecue chicken near me?”
Google Assistant:
“This is what I found…....”
And the list is in front of you.
The voice...
4 SEO Marketing Trends To Follow In 2019
With the advancement in the digital world, there are consequent changes in the ranking parameters by the search engine. Several changes have been made creating a special and interacting environment for the users. If you are still relying on the o...
What You Should Expect from a White Label SEO Reseller
Numerous white label SEO service providers continue to compete for clients. Each offering a wide range of services. However, sifting through the entire list on Google will take you forever.
Today, we’ll take a look at what you ...
Local SEO Strategies for Enterprises to Reach Your Business Goals
If you're planning on improving your website for better traffic and business, then you'll want to look into SEO and learn how to utilize it according to your goals. And if you're a local business, consider looking into local SEO, whic...
How to Improve Organic Traffic and Keywords Rankings for Business Website
It is a known fact that every website would be in need of good and new traffic on a regular basis because it helps them to generate business and be productive a regular basis. It is important for people to understand the advantages of having orga...
Guide To Create Persona Driven SEO Strategy to Growth Hack Business
From the clueless search marketing to targeting specific keyword and giving more emphasis to user experience, we all have a long way in search marketing . Now we have got exposed to organic visibility for terms which only increased the bounce rat...
7 Digital Marketing Trends of 2018 for Business Growth That You Need To Know
In this ever changing world, we need to adapt to a lot of changes on a daily basis. Especially as marketers, people can see customer tastes, preferences, needs and wants changing at a rapid pace. In this highly digital age, it can be even harder ...
How to Get The Perfect Marketing Solution for Business
Boosting your webpage to the top of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) is a challenge growing in difficulty, especially in past year. Google has been modifying the algorithm to such an extent that it has...
Why WordPress Web Development Is Perfect for Small Businesses - Top Reasons
A high percentage of small businesses doesn’t own a website since they still depend on traditional forms of marketing. The great majority of small businesses shut down within only five years by ignoring current marketing trend...
7 SEO Essentials- Need To Know When Choosing CMS for Web Development
In many online applications a good Content Management System (CMS) can make the difference between a performing website and one that is not performing. In any online e-commerce approach, booking a top position in the Search Engine R...
Top 7 Digital Marketing Strategies for Aspiring Business Startups
It is undeniable that marketing is one of the most important things for any new startup, the greatest problem here lies in the fact that most of these young companies operate on a tight budget. With this in mind, what they need to f...
How much should your company invest in internet marketing and SEO?
Years ago, the foundation of any marketing and advertising campaign included putting up billboards and buying radio and TV placement ads. However, today is the era of the PC and mobile phones. With millions of people with access to ...
Actionable Guide to SEO Best Practices for Ecommerce Websites
According to a research conducted by Optify, websites that are number one on major search engine rankings, often receive an average click-through rate (CTR) of 36.4%.It is closely followed by websites ranked number two with an avera...
Simple SEO Guide: How to Keep Your Rankings After a Major Website Overhaul
Change is a wonderful thing. It’s demonstrative of one’s ability to grow and adapt when faced with new technology and changing needs. It may be time to launch some huge changes on your website, but don’t get too eager just yet. ...
Title and Alt Attribute and it's Importance
Alt attribute is a tag which provides a description of the image you use in your website blog etc. The main propose of this attribute is that when sometimes some browser can't display image so if the image doesn't appear in the browser / ...
Top 5 SEO Friendly CMS a Web Developer Should Choose
What is CMS
CMS means Content Management System. It is a web application that provide capabilities for multiple users on different levels to manage content, information & data of a website, internet application. Content Man...
What is "soft" 404 error?
Generally when a user requests a page and if it doesn't exist then the server will return a 404 not found error as an output on the user screen. This error/response code informs the search engine that the current page request do not...
Top SEO Trends That Are Dominating 2016
In 2016, some of the most well-known SEO strategies are even more crucial than before. In addition to some of the old methods becoming far more emphasized in various ways, there are brand-new changes on the horizon as well. Being aw...
7 Core Reason to Choose Custom PHP as Web Development Servcies
Custom PHP development services in India and across various overseas destination all around the world has suffered a good amount of transmutation. This has not only simplified but also reduced the time and value to develop some hand...
Top 10 Questions Often Asked in SEO interview
Many times, you face a situation when you have to face interviews and try to find some interesting SEO questions to brush up your knowledge. I personally faced this situation many times before. When we already know so many thing...
Reasons Why You Should Use Google+ for Online Marketing
Google Plus was launched on December 15, 2011. However, the Google social networking and sharing website had to face hard times initially. There was a buzz that it will replace Facebook, but it didn&rsq...
Top 5 Off-page SEO Trends & Techniques in 2016 for Natural Backlinks
Subscribe Now to FindNerd YouTube Channel for Latest Tech Updates
As we all are living in a digital world which is so fast and changing at lightning speed each and everyday, so we need to get ourselves updated with the late...
Three Elements of Online Marketing
Marketing is the backbone of every small and big organization. Nowadays, big companies are investing and focusing more on marketing their products and services online. Without a strong marketing strategy, it's very hard for a company to susta...
How to Build an SEO Friendly Website from Scratch
Building an SEO friendly Website is not a tough ask. But, we have to be a street smart player for this game of SEO web site creation. If you are already here through organic search, then this is a clear evidence that the web page has complied to ...
How to Get Top Google Rank for Multiple Targeted Keywords?
Being an SEO professional, you may face some situations when you are asked by your Boss to get top rank for highly competitive multiple keywords say 8 to 10 on Google for a single landing page. This situation is a bit challenging to...
Why is Google the Best Search Engine?
Over the last decade, Google has become synonyms to search engine. I guess, every person, who has a computer with working internet connection, must have used Google for day-to-day activities. If you are going to calculate the price of infor...
Instant Approval Article Submission Sites List 2016
Hi Guys,
Today, I am not going to write any tutorial/Blog/Article for mentoring purpose but I am giving you real weapon for high DA link building.
What is Link Building?
It’s a method of getting links (Dofollow ...
6 Google Advanced Search Query Syntax for SEO Professionals
In 2016, Google made the record of 100 Billions monthly searches. Google has amazing average of 2.3 millions searches per second. Google covers over 70% market among the various search engines. As an SEO expert, we have to give special focus to G...
How to Rank Up Your Blog on Google From 11th Position to Page 1?
Ranking of a website link for certain set of keywords on search engines like Google depend on some defined set of rules that need to be followed in order to improve the keyword rank and achieve a higher ranking on Google. However, w...
SEO Interview Question and Answers: Part 1
Hello Friends, In this tutorial I am providing you some important SEO interview question that you must prepare before you kickoff your interview.
1. What is SEO?
This is very basic question some interview might ask w...
On-page SEO Optimization Checklist
What is On-page Optimization?
On page optimization is an SEO technique that plays a very important role and have vital effect on your website listing on search result page, it refers to all steps and the factors considered within...
What is Keyword Prominence?
Prominence means the state of being important, hence Keyword Prominence refers to how prominent your keywords are within key elements of your web page, importantly how close your keyword or keyword phrase is placed to your title tag, and header t...
What is Keyword?
Keywords are very important to your Sites SEO. For the entire SEO campaign your Keywords will act as the cornerstone. If you dont have right keywords, you have no foundation for your SEO structure and you wont get the desired ...
SEO Growth Hacker Plan: Learn and Promote your Business
STEP I- Website Optimization
(One Time Effort During Development)
Enhancing technical aspects of website (On-site) is the first SEO move. Your focus should be to optimize your website for high user friendly experience and make it readi...
How to create SEO friendly responsive web page using CSS
Hi friends,
Now all the website are open from various screen sizes from a small mobile phone to large screen computer, so we required a webpage which adapt according to the various screen size and OS system like android phone, iPhone...
Importance of Building Custom 404 Page for Website
Imagine a situation in which you just wake up at 2 Am midnight and you tried to browse internet and typed the Website URL, but due to half sleep condition you typed the wrong URL and aft...
Advantage & Disadvantages of 3-Way Link Building
In my previous blog about How to Execute 3 Way Link Building Process, I have explained detailed step by step process involved in executing 3 way link building process. As you all know th...
How to Check Quality of Website for Getting Backlinks
Many SEO experts work on building links for their domain with the prime motive of gaining quality backlinks so that they can improve the search engine ranking for the targeted keywords w...
How to Execute 3 Way Link Building Process
Image Courtesy : https://bloeise.nl/
Link building is an important technique to improve the keyword ranking for your targeted keywords. There are three different types of link building named one way, two way and 3 way link b...
Online Marketing Every Business Owner should Know
Marketing is the backbone of every small and big organization. Nowadays big companies are investing and focusing more on Marketing. Without strong marketing, its very hard for a company to survive in the market. Marketing can be defined in dif...
How to Search Theme Based SEO Link Building Data?
Being an Internet marketer link building is not considered as a difficult task, however searching quality data for link building is one of the most important challenge that every SEO exper...