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  • How to Build an SEO Friendly Website from Scratch

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    Building an SEO friendly Website is not a tough ask. But, we have to be a street smart player for this game of SEO web site creation. If you are already here through organic search, then this is a clear evidence that the web page has complied to all the parameters of Google for SEO of an website.



    A small step at the time of building of your website can bring huge benefits to your site SEO in a long run. So, I try to figure out some of the steps at initial stage of building a website that will definitely boost your search engine page ranking.

    Domain Name:

    First thing when you are going to start an online business is choosing your website name. So, choose a domain name that reflects your niche. Don’t try to exactly match to a particular keyword because in 2012 Google already launched EMD Update — for “Exact Match Domain” which penalises websites with an exact domain match to particular keywords. For example, one can try to trick Google with their targated keyword “Top Web design company in India” with website domain name However, Google now has a method to get recognize that this website domain name is just to rank up in SERP’s of Google. So, the takeaway is your website name must be as per your niche audience, not for Googlebot.



    Choosing Website Platform:

    Choosing a good website platform is very crucial step in the initial phase of any website. I am not saying that a good developer can’t make a good SEO friendly website for an average platform, but a good theme helps a good developer to build a great website. I guess WordPress or Drupal are champions as far as building an SEO friendly website is concerned. There are also reasons behind that - First, they have the largest community which helps in evolving their products and second, they have various advanced SEO plugins like All in one SEo plugin for WordPress. So, smartly choose your website platform.

    Well Structured URLs:

    The well structured URLs not only boost your targeted keyword ranking in Google SERP’s but it also gives your user a fair idea that what this page is all about.

    Example of Bad structured URLs:

    Here are some good points to make your URLS properly structured:

    • Your targeted keywords must put into your URLs.
    • Make sure your URLs are clean and Readable.
    • Not use Underscores, use Hyphens.
    • Your quailty Content in must in Top Folders of your website.
    • No capital letters in URLs.

    Example of good structured URLs:

    From Google:

    Focus on Content:

    While developing your website one should focus on the quality content rather than trying to trick Google with ordinary content, since SEO is a highly dynamic thing. One trick that worked in 2010 may not work in 2016. Google has become smarter now and in the flood of content it gives high value and ranking to those that have quality encapsulated in them. Quality always wins over quantity.

    Your primary aim is to provide your user a good quality content and proper navigation of your website can boost its usability.



    Proper Title Tag:

    A tag is the backbone of every web page. Title tag of every page must have targeted keyphrases in it. If it is not possible to embed exact keyword, you can use synonyms for the same.  One thing to keep in mind is Google only picks around 60 characters from your webpage title, so make it clean and concise within the limit of 60 characters. Keywords nearer from beginning is also mantra of webpage success in SEO.

    Web Page Description:

    As all developers know, there is also a tag called meta description i.e. <meta name="description" content="Web Page Description"/> which tells the search engine about the summary of a web page. Each web page must have a unique title and description. The limit of Google description indexing is around 150 characters. So, make use of that 150 characters and make sure you have your keyphrase properly embedded in this. A web page description also gives your user a fair idea of what your web page is all about.

    Use the Power H1 Tag:

    Always make your H1 tag <H1> count with the proper utilization of keywords in it. There are other Heading tags like H2, H3,H4….. Make them also count, but not overuse them. Ultimately, your web page is for users not for Googlebot, make sure it doesn’t not look crapy.

    Handle the crawlers: The Googlebot is responsible for crawling and indexing the particular web page. Make sure you properly allow the content  to be indexed and disallow some private content. For example user Accounts details.

    One example of robots file is :

    # To ban all spiders from the entire site uncomment the next two lines:
    # User-Agent: *
    # Disallow: /
    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /account
    Disallow: /cache/
    Disallow: /tmp/

    Mobile Friendly:

    According to a report published on, there will be more mobile device users than PC/ Desktops in near future.

    It’s wiser to make your website responsive and mobile friendly. Also , Google recently brought Algorithm updates that will definitely boost the ranking of mobile friendly site as compare to non responsive mobile friendly websites.




    We all know the importance of SEO for any business website but its vitality matters the most at the time of initial phase building. Some small but important steps can result in make or break of your website SEO. For any query regarding this blog , please use comment function or you can share this article on your social media.

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