How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
10 Best PHP Frameworks That Will Assist In Coding Effectively
Originally standing for Personal Home Page tools, PHP has come a long way. It is now used to refer to Hypertext Preprocessor. The language is very valuable in creating dynamic websites and interacting with other coding languages. Some people crea...
CakePHP 3.x Implementation and Installation on Ubuntu - Beginners Tutorials
CakePHP is an open source web development framework for PHP 5.4+. It is a critical programming framework used by web developers which is completely based on MVC structure, a very powerful used to build complex web applicat...
How to Use 2fa Google Authentication in CakePHP 3 and Above - 8 Steps Guide
About Google Authentication/ 2 step verification
2fa stands for "Two Factor Authentication" also called Google authentication which provides security to user account. In order to log-in to their account, they nee...
CakePHP vs Node.js : Which One & Why to Use for Web App Development?
CakePHP vs Node.js: Major Differences
CakePHP and Node.JS both are server side technologies but still there can be few dissimilarity between a CakePHP back-end and a JavaScript-powered back-end via Node.js.
Top 5 Content Management Systems Built with CakePHP frameworks
Cakephp is a well known and widely used open source web application framework that offers comprehensive architectural programming for the maintenance, deployment and the development of PHP applications. CakePHP saves the precious time of the...
How to Make MyFriends Query in MySQL?
Hello readers!
If you are developing the web based friendship structure, Then in this blog we will help you to make myfriends query with database.
Let's suppose you have database in following structure
Difference between Cakephp 2 and Cakephp 3
CakePHP 2
CakePHP is basically a rapid developing framework for PHP. It provides the user a flexible architecture to develop, maintain, and deploy the application .
In CakePHP within the convention over configuration paradigm, we basically ...
Model Validation Using cakephp 3.x with Example
As we all know that validation plays an important role in any technology. In cakephp 3.x we will implement either model validation or javascript validation. Steps to implement model validation is as follow.
Step 1: Fisrt we have to set the val...
Upload multiple images/doc/pdf/zip using jQuery Ajax in Cakephp 3
Upload multiple images using jQuery Ajax / Drag & Drop Images
Hello friends, welcome to findnerd. Today I am going to tell you how to upload multiple images using jQuery and Ajax in Cakephp 3. You can also drag and drop images an...
Configuring gmail in Cakephp 3
Configuring gmail in Cakephp 3.x
Hello friends, welcome to findnerd. Today I am going to tell you how to configure gmail in cakephp 3.x. First of all you need to load the class for email in Controller:
use Cake\Mailer\Email;
Discussion on display error messages from mysql response in Cakephp 2.5.6
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss on display error messages from mysql response in Cakephp 2.5.6 .
Sometime you need show sql error messages to users when you get duplicate entries from database. Suppose you ...
Internationalization in Cakephp 3.x
Internationalization in Cakephp 3.x
Hello friends, welcome to findnerd. Today I am going to tell you how to implement Internationalization in Cakephp 3. It is similar to multilingual. In my previous blog I have mentioned how to develop mu...
Discussion on read and write Session in Cakephp 3.0
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss on read and write Session in Cakephp 3.0
Sessions is used for allowing you to identify unique users and session also allow to you requests and store persistent data for speci...
Discussion on send puch notification on iPhone in cakephp 2.0.
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss on send push notification on iPhone in CakePHP 2.0.
Push notification is basically used for sending messages on mobiles. It pops up on a mobile device.
If you are app publ...
How to Install Swagger in Cakephp 3.x ?
Hello friends, today I am going to give basic understanding of installing Swagger in Cakephp 3. Before Installing it, let us understand what is Swagger. Swagger is the most powerful framework which is designed to develop APIS and to create ...
Discussion on Database Access and Object-relational mapping(ORM) in cakephp 3
Hi Readers,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to Discussion on Database Access and ORM in CakePHP 3.
The new version of CakePHP comes with lots of new features and changes in it.
To access the database in CakePHP 3 there are two main...
Simple shopping cart using cakephp
In this blog we will learn to create a simple shopping cart application using cakephp. This application is very basic and simple you can download the zip file attached at the end of the blog and customize it as per your requirements. In this exam...
How to browse and show multiple images at the same time in cakephp?
Sometimes we are required to upload multiple images in our CakePHP application and at the same time to show them on that page.
Let's see how we can do it.
In our view file like as we have done in post add file of view. In our form of ty...
Integrate Cometchat With CakePHP 3.x.x
1- System Requirements
1- PHP version 5 or greater
2- MySQL version 4/5 or MSSQL Server 2005/2008/2012 or PostgreSQL 9.2-9.5
Include models in cakePHP components
Cake models are not available in components. So we need to include them manually. There are lot of ways but I found following very easy:
Just include construct class in your component class and add all required models there:
public functi...
How to use exceptions in CakePHP?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss exceptions in CakePHP.
We can use exceptions for a variety of uses in our application when implementing any web application in CakePHP. CakePHP uses the exceptions internally...
Discussion on install Plugins in Cake PHP
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss install Plugins in Cake PHP.
When adding a Plugins in CakePHP web application we should follow any of the below four ways
1- Manually plugin install
2- Plugin installed A...
How to add admin prefix in CakePHP 3.0 version?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to add admin prefix in CakePHP 3.0 version ?
If we want to add admin prefix in our CakePHP web application then firstly we have to use CakePHP 3.0 version because we can ...
Discussion on enabling SSL in CakePhp
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to enable SSL in CakePhp.
Basically, SSL is a very important feature in a CakePHP web application. We can enable ssl https in our CakePHP application on the server. We ca...
How to create and delete zip folders using PHP
Hello Reader's, If you want to make folder zip functionality through website then PHP give you to do this. PHP uses ZipArchive() to create the zip files from the destination path provided. So lets get started working creating a zip fold...
Discussion on apply layout in CakePHP
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss apply layout in CakePHP.
Layouts is a very important feature in a CakePHP web application, by default layout in (app/View/Layouts/default.ctp) file. But we can apply differen...
Discussion on retrieving and set the data in cakePHP
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss retrieving and set the data in cakePHP.
If you want to retrieve the data from the database in your CakePHP web application. So in CakePHP, there is an inbuilt function to get...
Discussion on Group By in Cakephp
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss Group By in Cakephp
In Cakephp web application sometimes we need to fetch data from database according to group field name. So GROUP BY statement is used in conjunction with ...
How to create different shape images in css3?
In this blog, we will learn to create images of different shapes using css3. In my example, I have created images of different shapes like rhombus, hexagon, diamond, octagon. I have taken four classes rhomb, dia, hexagon and octagon having ...
Callback methods in Cakephp
Hello readers today we will discuss on callback methods in cakephp. These methods are very simple and easy to use.
In MVC architecture C stands for controller. Controller is used to manage the logic around a single model. Controllers can...
Discussion on set default timezone in cakephp 2.x
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss set default timezone in CakePHP 2.x
When developing an application in CakePHP, sometimes we need to set default time zone in our applications, according to the timezone area....
Discussion on speedUp CakePHP Website
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss speed up our CakePHP Website.
When implementing any web application in CakePHP sometimes we observe the application speed very slow and data is not coming in view page and it ...
Discussion on naming conventions in CakePHP
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss naming conventions in CakePHP.
When implementing a web application in CakePHP, we have to use naming conventions for making any model name and table name etc very carefully.
client side and sever side validation in cakephp
Data validation plays an important role in any application, It helps to confirm that the data in a Model confirms to all the rules of any application.
There are 2 types of validation in cakephp. First one is server side and the...
Discussion on converting .DOCX file to .PDF file using LIBREOFFICE in cakephp
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss converting ".DOCX" file to ".PDF" file using LIBREOFFICE in cakephp.
If we are developing any web application in CakePHP then sometimes we need a file to ...
Discussion on useful Plugins in CakePhp
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss about useful Plugins in CakePhp
IF we are developing any web application in CakePHP then sometimes we need some plugins for adding some features like "Search Plugin"...
Discussion on login with Facebook in CakePHP
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss login with Facebook in CakePHP.
As we see that login with Facebook is very important feature for a web application because most of users do not take too much interest in signi...
Discussion on convert Html to pdf in CakePHP 2.x
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss convert Html to pdf in CakePHP 2.x.
If we want to convert Html to pdf in our CakePHP web application then firstly we have to download TCPF library from Github. You can see bel...
How to implement ajax in cakephp?
Hello Everyone,
In this blog, we will be learning about that how to use AJAX in cakePHP. There is not much difference of using Ajax with cakePHP or with HTML.
Ajax is defined as Asynchronous JavaScript. It is a client-side scripting language th...
Discussion on helpers in cakephp 2.x with example
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss helpers in cakephp 2.x.
If we are making any web application in CakePHP then sometimes we have to use helper for extending the functionality of view. Because helper is used fo...
How to apply Server Side Validation on form in Cakephp
Data validation is the process to ensure that computer input coming from user is clean, correct and useful. Data validation also checks if field is not empty. If validation fails , response is sent back to the user, then display proper message, s...
Create Admin Panel in CakePHP using BrowniePHP plugin
We can make an admin panel easily in cakePHP using a plugin called "BrowniePHP" .It help us to create an admin panel in short time of span.
for using BrowniePHP, you should know how to develop applications in cakePHP.
How t...
Discussion on bindModel and unbindModel function in CakePHP 2.x
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss bindModel and unbindModel function in CakePHP 2.X.
If we are making any web application in CakePHP then sometimes we have to use bindModel and unbindModel at a runtime. So Cak...
How to Create your own Exception handler in cakephp ?
Hello readers, today we will discuss a very important topic of a programming language "exception handling". Exception Handling is the process of catching errors which are generated by our program and then taking appropriate action accor...
Discussion on "Qimage" component to resize image in CakePHP
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss Qimage component to resize image in CakePHP.
If we are developing a web application in CakePHP then, sometimes we have to upload image for user profile . When a user upload im...
Discussion on load models in CakePHP
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss on load model in CakePHP.
Basically model is a very important feature in a CakePHP web application because it is manage everything regarding our data, So in other words, we ca...
Discussion on Authenticate Application in CakePHP Using Auth Component
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss on authenticate application in CakePHP using Auth Component.
If we are developing a web application in CakePHP then some time we have to use Authenticate user for login functi...
Discussion on remember me in Cakephp
Hi Readers,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss on remember me in CakePHP.
If we have a login form in our CakePHP web application, So when we checked the “Remember Me” checkbox in our login page then our login id wil...
Discussion on beforeSave() methods in cakephp.
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss beforeSave() method in CakePHP.
Basically beforeSave() methods is an important feature of CakePHP and this is a pre-save logic. It is also called callback methods in Cak...
How to customize Flash message in Cakephp 2.x?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss how to customize flash message in Cakephp 2.x?
If we want to customize flash message with alert flash box in our CakePHP web application.So for that we have to follow below pr...