How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
Why You Should Add A Podcast To Your Blog
While podcasting is much bigger than it was a few years ago, it’s still not as big as a could be. Many bloggers have yet to get into the art of podcasting. Some are shy and aren’t ready to take that next step, while others want to, bu...
The Benefits of Content Blogger Outreach For Your Business
If you’re looking for better ways to improve your business - especially your branding and appeal to your audience - you’re likely going to observe better marketing methods from efficient angles. If you’ve stumbled across blogger...
How To Protect Your Blog Content and Make it SEO Worth
One nice thing about beginning your own blog is when you jump to see web movement, subscribers, and money come flowing in. There are bloggers who basically steal your content by scratching it. There are even bloggers who get graded high in the se...
9 Useful Tips on How to Attract New Audience to Your Blog Content
When it comes to driving traffic to their blog, every great blogger will encounter problems. As an owner of a blog, you are working hard to create and deliver valuable content. You make it easy and helpful. You consistently post every week. You a...
How To Make Your Blog Content Popular On Social Media
You have a blog with great stories however no one online knows about your blog. You really wish to drive a lot of inbound traffic to your blog but you fail to draw in people. In order to make your blog visible online and interesting to your reade...
Why do You Need Content Editing for Improving Website SEO?
Blogging, Proofreading, and Editing is a love triangle that no author, marketer or SEO wants to upset. When we say, “your blog needs editing," most bloggers and webmasters think it has only to do with language. That is rarely the case....
Learn how to create a slide using pure CSS
In this blog, I am going to share an example in which i have created a pure CSS Slider using few CSS properties like transitions, transforms,input:checked functionality and animations.
Slider is the most ...
Learn how to create a comment with word limit using jQuery
In this blog, I am going to share an example in which i have created a comment box using few html tags like input box and text area and i have used jquery to set the word limit and to count the number of characters typed.
Go through ...
How web application is developed in AngularJs using MVC Architecture
This blog is in continuation with my previous blog on AngularJs, In this blog i am going to discuss about the most popular concept (MVC) on the basis of which an AngularJs application is developed.
MVC stands for Model View Controller...
Learn how to create a FlipFlop button using Pure CSS
In this blog, I am going to share an example in which i have created a pure CSS Flip Flop button using few CSS properties like transitions, transforms, checkbox functionality and animations.
Flip flop buttons created using...
Learn how to create a Ribbon/Strip to highlight some important text using Pure CSS
In this blog i am going to create a pure CSS ribbon or strip which can be used to display some important information,link etc with highlighted, eyecatching view on a webpage.
While we create any ribbon or strip design we must u...
Learn how to use CSS pseudo-elements while styling web page.
In this blog i am going to share a simple example in which i have used CSS pseudo-element using which we can insert any content, images or create any design before, or after any html tag.
selector:pseudo-element {prope...
Use Angularjs Expression to resolve expressions
This blog is in continuation with my previous blogs on AngularJs, In this blog i am sharing a simple example in which i have used few AngularJs directives like ng-app, ng-init, ng-model and an AngularJs expression.
1)ng-app directive...
Dynamic and static data generated using angularjs
This blog is in continuation with my previous blogs on AngularJs, In this blog i am sharing a simple example in which i have used few angularjs directives like ng-app, ng-init, ng-bind, ng-model.
1)ng-app directive is used to initial...
Learn how to create an accordion using AngularJs
In this blog i am going to discuss about accordions i.e is a web control used while creating menus, content-rich pages.
Main idea behind using this user interface accordian is to collapse content and make it expanded when hovered or c...
Different jquery methods used to calculate dimensions
In this blog i am going to share the definition and difference between different methods of jquery used to calculate dimensions.
Following are the six different jquery methods used to calculate dimensions as per ...
Countdown timer in Pure JavaScript
In this blog, I am going to share few lines of javascript code to create a countdown timer.
Countdown timer is used in many places like
In online shopping sites showing sale ends , starts in time, delive...
Finding index value using AngularJs
To learn how to find index value from a given list of array element or to find the index value of filtered data using AngularJs.
Go through examples given below.
Example 1:In this example index value of the day selected from the drop ...
Learn how to copy text and paste to clipboard using javascript
To learn how we can copy text and paste to clipboard using very simple few lines of javascript code,Go through the given example below
In this example execCommand() plays an important role in the following way:
Step 1: I have a html tag...
Create color picker using javascript without using any external link/library/plugin
In this blog i am sharing an example of creating a color picker using javascript without using any external link/library/plugin.
There are many browser's addons tools and online tools available using which we can choose ...
CSS Radial gradient property
This blog is continuation with my previous blogs in which i had discuss about type of css gradient properties,
In this blog i am going to share how to use css radial gradient property in different ways.
Go through the following exam...
CSS Linear gradient property
This blog is continuation with my previous blogs in which I had discuss type of CSS gradient properties,
In this blog i am going share how to use css linear gradient property in different ways.
Go through the following examples below...
Using CSS gradient property in background
In this blog i am going share how to use css gradient property to increase visual appeal of your webpage.
Go through the example below to learn how we can apply gradient property in background of any html tags in different ways.
CSS gra...
Learn how we can repeat html element without using any conditional loop
Learn how we can repeat html element without using any conditional loop by using AngularJs.
To repeat html elements using AngularJs we use ng-repeat which is a directive of AngularJs, ng-repeat directive is used to repeat an HTML element.
Learn how to create a slider with animation effects using simple code of jQuery
I had shared few example of animation effects using CSS and jQuery,This blog is continuation with my previous blogs on "animation effects" using CSS and jQuery
Learn how to create a slider in html with different animation eff...
Learn how to create "on hover" animation effect using css
If you want to give your web page more attractive look,you can use beautiful "on hover animation effects".
By using hover effects you can create visually richer webpage.
We can use different plugins to give &qu...
Learn how to create different shapes using CSS technique.
In this blog. I am sharing CSS code to create different patterns like a square, triangle arrow etc.
Shapes created using CSS technique instead of an image can help to make your web page lighter as compared to a web page with lots of im...
AngularJs Controllers
This blog is continuation with my previous blogs on AngularJs,In my previous blog i had discussed about the following:
What is angular js,angularJs directives and expressions.
In this blog i am going to discuss about controllers in angula...
Start an infinite animation effect on page load using jQuery
When we talk about adding animation effect in our web page then css is one the best option we use along with any of the programming laungage such as javascript,jQuery etc to give dynamic animation effects.
Using animation effect in a...
How to check password strength in your form using jQuery
In this blog, I am sharing jQuery code by which you can set validation i.e check password strength in your form. By adding this option in your form, You can enhance the security level of form by adding validation for the password.
Create draggable objects using javascript
In this blog i am sharing a simple javascript code for creating draggable objects using mouse event.
This code can be used when you want to add animation effect in your static html document and make it more attractive.
You ca...
How to change the value of css property
This is an intresting features of angularJs you can use when you want to change the value of CSS properties dynamically.
Using this feature we can change many value of css properties like background color,text color,border-color,f...
How to create an angularJs application
AngularJS is used to make web apps in a simple way which can be easily maintained, In this blog i am going to share a simple example by which you will learn how to create an AngularJS Applications.
Before you go through an example,yo...
How to use Ternary Operator in AngularJS Expressions?
Use of Ternary Operator in AngularJs is one of the great feature which provides an alternative to conditions such as if, else and end if.
Using this feature you can easily use JavaScript functionalities in...
AngularJs Expressions
This blog is in continuation with my previous blog on directives in angularJs, in this blog, I will discuss expressions in angularJs.
In angularJs "Expression" are used to bind data to HTML.
AngularJs Directives
This blog is in continuation with my previous introductory blog on angularJs, in this blog I will discuss about directives in angularJs.
In angularJs "Directives" are used to extend the functionality...
Introductory blog: Angularjs
Hello Readers,
HTML is the best way of creating static documents, but when we want to create dynamic views in web-applications then we use javascript which is a client side scripting language, AngularJS is a framework o...
using return keyword within a Ruby block
As we all know,Ruby Blocks and Ruby Methods work in tandem and the output/value of the last line/expression being executed by the block is returned to the associated method .
Have a look at this example:
2.1.5 :006 > def demo
2.1.5 :0...
Difference between size() and length in Javascript
In jQuery size() and length property are the two features, which have the same property of returning the number of elements in a jQuery object which creates a lot of confusion for developers.
This blog is to help developers to understand the d...
Sbiling in jquery with demo
It returns all the sibling elements of the element that you have selected.
It allows you to go through the siblings of the matched elements in the DOM tree and creates a new jQuery object from the matching elements.
Lets see how it works:
Active Inactive button in cakephp using ajax
Suppose we have a table name player and in player table we have field like id , image,player_name, status, etc. Suppose data inside fields are id=1, name=ram, image=abcd.jpg and status=0, Now we want to change status to 1, and again we have...
Difference between event.stopPropagation(), event.preventDefault() and return false
We have many times have listen about event bubbling in javascript which propogate an event from child element to parent element.
So, to avoid such event bubbling in our page we use event.stopPropogation or return false. Also there is a new thi...
Event bubbling and capturing in javascript
There are two ways of event propagation in HTML DOM, when an event occur in an element with an element:
1. Event bubbling
2. Event capturing
1. Event bubbling : There are many times when we want to handle two or more event handlers at differ...
CSS3 transition with demo
With the help of CSS3 new properties, we can transit an element from one position to another with the help of few properties.
It provide you to control the values of the element property for a particular duration of time.
There are two steps in...
Difference between Graphics tags Canvas and svg tags
HTML5 has tags for graphics like:
1. Canvas
2. SVG
There are certain differences between the two:
1. SVG is resolution independent while canvas is resolution dependent.
2. SVG supports event handlers while canvas doesnot support event hand...
How to get the first class from multiple class of an element using js with demo
There are certain cases when, we want to get the class of a particular element from multiple classes in that element, you can use the following code:
<div id="gettingClass" class="firstClass secondClass">Click o the following ...
Difference between window.onload and document ready
There are some minor difference between the two but it can effect with lots of confusion between to many of us.
window.load - It is fired when everything on the page is loaded. By everything I mean that when the DOM is loaded, when all t...
Overview of Flex box CSS3 with demo
It is so called the new layout which is given by CSS3.
It is an improved version of our native block model in which we uses float properties.
It mainly consists of two main thing.
1. Flex container
2. Fex items
1. Flex container - ...
How to increase and decrease the date by one on click using js?
If the user wants to increase or decrease the date by one, on click of a button, he can easily do this by using the following code.
Date: <input type="text" class="dateone" id="datepicker">
<input type="button" onclic...
Onkeypress Enter focus Input field
In this blog I am going to share a javascript code using which we can create a form in which user can fill data without using mouse to move from one input field to another.
You will see that on keypress enter focus will move to next inpu...