How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
How to Detect Network Connectivity Using Observer in Android Device
If you want to check whether your device connected to Internet or not OR when it turn on/off then adding the observer is the best way. You have to add the observer in activity to check connection is on or off.
Why my Andriod app crashes on some devices when clicked on button?
I just compiled an andriod app and its working fine via emulator and also tried using my device 7.0 but after trying to use the app on andriod 4.4 it crashed after clicking on a particular button..I have testes on firebase lab to get errors..test...
Where to Place Audio Files to Get Rid of Not Found Exception Error in JAVA Program?
I am working on a game in java and I have a class that reads an audio file as InputStream and then plays that file through AudioPlayer. I keep getting a file not found exception. I have tried placing the audi...
How to Implement Room Database in Android using RxJava2?
The Room is basically an easier implementation of SQLite database and a part of Android Architecture components.
We know that SQLite uses SQLite open helper class to manage SQLite database but Room provides migration by removing this implement...
How to Disable (delete) Permissions From App
Hi i want to disable (delete) these permissions from my app
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
How to Solve Array Problem in Java?
Monk was surprised to see a new game called, "Conversion Game". In this game, two arrays of N integers A1,A2...AN and B1,B2...BN are playing against each other and Array A wants to convert itself in Ar...
Big View Notification - How to Apply Expanded Layout to Android Notification
There are two types of visual style which appear on the Notification, normal view and big view.
So, here in this tutorial, we will see how to Apply Expanded Layout to Android Notification. Regarding Nig View Notification, you should aware tha...
How to write a function that looks up values from a table within a range?
In the database I have a table for Users, and one table that is used as lookup. it holds scores and values.
10 5
15 6
20 7
After form submission, on the Users table a value like 12 is persisted.
What I need is, a function to g...
How to change gridView child background at given position in android from another activity?
I actually want to change particular background of grid view from another activity at user given position. But when i go to activity which contains grid view , add call gridView.getChildAt(position) i got an error .getGetChildAt() call on null ob...
Converting Java Apps to JavaScript Using CheerpJ
If you want to convert Java application into JavaScript, CheerpJ might be the best tool to do so. CheerpJ melds Java and Web development. It can convert Java applications or libraries into JavaScript and here comes the best part, to do so you don...
How to capture image from front camera in backend on button click using phonegap?
I Want to learn about how to capture image on login button click from the front camera of smartphone without knowing user and display the pic on the next page. For development I am currently using PhoneGap.
Please help.
Show large resultset from database into jtable with scroll pagination in java swing
Hello all,
I am very new to java, so please ignore if you think this question is stupid. A task has been assigned to me in which I have to extract data from h2 database table with **more than 1 crore rows (SAD) from one table.** And finally show...
How do you know whether to make a class, a subclass, an abstract class, or an interface?
I usually write code as I go along, but I noticed this takes more time in the long run especially when I lose track of what codes does what where, but I wanted to start planning my code by making UML class diagrams and mockups.
However, like t...
Help with java defensive programming technique
I have a the following four classes..
FTPApplication- Models FTP commands in a modular, extendible way. This abstract class provides
several methods used by both the client and server.
ServerSession- Models an FTP session with a client...
Json textview to Json viewlist
public class ExistingCSheet extends AppCompatActivity {
private TextView listing;
String[] items;
ListView lv;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
How to Allow 2 Users One at a Time to Place Their Ships on a Board
Please check the code below and provide a solution for this:
package Gui;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Board {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-genera...
Design a registration.jsp page with input for user registration details
Design a registration.jsp page with input for user registration details like firstname, lastname, choose username, choose password, confirm password. After submitting this details, display the details onto the display.jsp page using struts
String-Print a string character then extract user entered letter match with that word and append it as different word
Its not entering the If loop in the code snippet, couldn't get what's wrong in this logic.
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
* To change this template file, ch...
Node of list
Hi, all programmers. I can't solve this question. Can help me to solve this question. Because next Tuesday need submit my assignment. Thanks.
Data Structure and Design for Java object model based on Aggregating Data?
Am working on a coding exercise which I am somewhat confused on how to implement a solution.
According to the JavaDoc, I have to implement this EmployeeManager interface.
Presume that employee data arrives in a separate thread from ot...
How hashMap internally works in java ?
It’s not wrong to say that HashMap is an implementation of Map interface as it allows value storing in key value pairs. Although unique elements are present in Hashmap, null values and only one null key are allowed.
Hashmap basically wor...
java problem
what is the problem here?please help me
package help;
import java.util.Date;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class Help {
public static void main(String[] args)...
Difference between an Interpreter and a Compiler?
Hello Everyone,
I am stuck somewhere and it would be really great if you help me out regarding this query in order to clear my confusion.
What's the difference between an Interpreter and a Compiler?
Thank you
How can i arrive at the my expected output in my android project?
Hello friends how can i arrive at my expected output in my android project?
Currently, I am getting all the output values such as brand,model,type,variant as integers instead of text. Actually i need my result as
RegNo: TN10D5551
Write a program in java to evaluate and print the value of mathematical function: f(x,y) = 2x2 - y + 3
Write a program in java to evaluate and print the value of the following mathematical function:
f(x,y) = 2x2 - y + 3
Vary the values of x and y according to the following table and prints the values of f(x,y) as shown in the table.
Attachment Download Feature : Streaming huge(> 1 GB) data string from javascript to JSP
Hi All,
Feature Goal :
To send a huge(sized) string data from javascript side to JSP and download that data as an attachment to user's machine.
Current behavior :
We are sending limited sized data in post body (<= 25M...
How to get difference between two or more arrays in PHP?
Hi everyone, I am a beginner and have been learning various programming languages like PHP, DotNet, Java etc. I faced an issue regarding php programming in which I wanted to learn how we can find out the difference between two or more arrays base...
Server Side Programming
1.Modify the web.xml to turn off the three test filter filters and turn on the LogResponsesCookiesFilter filter.
2.Note how the filter works with the cookies.
3.Modify the LogResponsesCookiesFilter. The filter you implemented needs to add a...
How to resize attach image and view it (can see original size)?
Hye. I am Nabilah and below is my Java code at Jframe in netbeans. It is code about attach file or imageto display to Jframe. Here I hope someone can help me
1. how to resize image (stadardize the size I upload) that already attached and...
Is it a good option to opt for game development for pitching up my career ?
Can anybody explain to me if libgdx is a worthy option to get into game development? I just came across it in my research for taking up Game Development as my career path but am confused like what are its advantages and limitations?
What is Factory Pattern?
Factory pattern is one of the most used design patterns in java with the help of this pattern you can create object easily by using this concept of oops.
Example of Factory pattern :
1. Create an interface
2. Create class that 'll ov...
Data structure when to use what ?
We have different types of data structures like array, linked list, tree etc but which one is better so this is basic question that comes in mind every time when we have large data set.
In this post we can find out the best data structure type...
Passing XML string to a stored procedure?
I am really really confused about how to convert string data that I get from a form and convert it to a XMLstring and pass the XML string to a stored procedure in Java. Please help me out.
So, Let's say:-
Post () method-
String a = r...
Jcrop image croping
1- Place JS and CSS files under head tag.
2- Also copy and paste bellow piece of javascript code under head tag.
<script type="text/javascript"...
Ask to complete the class
I was given a test to complete but unsure how I can use the apache commons in some methods. I have attached the file. Appreciate all your help.
package interview;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleD...
Help in my test for Apache Commons
I was given a test to use the following in my methods. Those were pre-imported and I need to figure out how I can use it in the class they provided to me
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.l...
Getting Springs, Hibernate Exception in Java
Can someone help me with this exception in Java,Springs,Hibernate.
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: An SQLException was provoked by the following failure:
at com.mchange.v2.sql.SqlUtils.t...
Java Arraylist loop problem
import java.util.InputMismatchException;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Random;
public class StringVariables {
public static void main(String[] args) throws NumberFormatException,
images from database to jtable. Java
I have an app that contains a database using java sql, and has a jTable that displays the database info. It works fine, EXCEPT for when I am trying to store and display images to one of the columns. I used the jTable1.setModel(DbUtils.resul...
Close to having database queries displayed to Jlist, what am I missing?
Hello, I feel like I may be very close to having my app display the rows from my database in the Jlist the way I would like (with every column from each row displayed as one item on the Jlist. I think the problem might be in connecting the ...
Travelling Salesman Problem
Travelling Salesman Problem is for finding the shortest possible root that visit every node in the graph and return to the origin point. It is used to find the shortest path.
For example:-
In this graph, Their is many way to rea...
How to Print All Leaf Node of Binary Tree
Hello Everyone!!!
In order to solve binary tree problem of leaf node, we should know that what is leaf node? Leaf node is node of the binary tree whose have no left and right child means whose left and right child is null. It...
BufferedInputStream in java
How internally BufferedInputStream work in java?
During read from a file, how or who bring bytes from the file to the internal buffer?
Wether BufferedInputStream read 1 byte at a time from internal buffer?
How to add video background without slowing down the page?
How can I add a video background (see an example here: http://gamentio.com/) without slowing down my page? Is there a limit to resolutions also or can I use a high resolution video also?
Any help would be appreciated.
Android - Information leakage flaw OutputStream
I have developed an application in the Cordova Framework, and I have added a camera plugin for capture functionality.
I am getting an Information Leakage flaw in the code below i think i need to initialize , using veracode to scan APK. Do i ne...
How to sort array without using Collection.sort method?
I need to sort an array but I don't want to do it by using the default Collection.sort method. How can I use Comparator to achieve the same result?
Any help would be appreciated.
Suggestion for scalable java based socket server?
Hello everyone,
I have some doubts. Can I get some suggestions for scalable java based socket server ? Please give some examples. Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thank you
How to sort an arraylist of objects?
Hello everyone, I am stuck somewhere. I need to sort an Array List of particular type of Objects in java. Please explain with the help of an example.
Thank you
Most Popular Application Development Frameworks 2016
"Developing mobile applications used to mean that you had to write native code, for each individual device or operating system that your client required. However, these past few years the term Hybrid App Deve...