Error message upon submitting quiz
I have a WordPress Quiz Master Next Plugin set up
by vipul.srivastava -
403 Error Unable to load the HTML Page
Hi, I have a issue in trying to access a page o
by gaurav.singh -
URL rewriting using .htaccess
Hi, I was trying to rewrite a URL in .htaccess
by gaurav.singh -
How to identify the network usage of your particular application in android?
Hello Tech Nerds, I have created an app for And
by sachin.joshi -
How to included a timer on a web page
hello all, I want to include a timer on a web pag
by manish.joshi
How to Implement ofstream of high.txt File in C++
I want to output a score in a file high.txt that is highest among the previous score (It is actually a guessing game) but everytime i run this code it outputs 1 as the highest score (it should be no of time i guess for example if i guess the rand...
How to Solve Optimization in scpy.optimize.minimize Problem?
I have a problem with optimizing of a function that contains loops. I start with paricular lista=[0.002,0.006,0.003,0.02,0.008,0.006,0.05] of floats and the intervals `(0,k*0.0025),(0.005,k*0.005),(0.005,k*0.0125), where upper border de...
How to Translate a C# Code into Java Language?
I need to translate this c# code into java, please
string sourceAddress = @"input.txt";
string astAddress = @"AddressSymbolTable.txt";
How to Convert SVG to Image (JPEG, PNG) in Browser & Save on Server
How to Convert SVG to Image (JPEG, PNG) in Browser & Save on Server for product preview to checkout
I'm converting svg using html2canvas to save on server side as png product preview before checkout with base64. The svg works...
How to Write a Two Pass Assembler Code in JAVA
I need a two-pass assembler code in java that takes input as assembly language code from text file and convert it to binary code according to the two flow charts in morris mano book Computer System Architecture.
How to Create a Simple Admin Page in HTML?
At first i'm a beginner and i have a simple project to do.
I'm trying to build a simple admin page that add some content to my website
This is not a big deal, but i need someone who can instruct my directly ...
How to Write Image to Excel File in Same Workbook but Different Sheet in Python
I can write all other filed to excel sheet, but not having any luck with writing image to excel sheet.
I am trying to grab image file name from setimage function and that is where i am stuck.
I am not sure how i can use ...
How to Attach File to the Project in Mobirise Builder
I started to use Mobirise builder not very long time ago. I needed to create the form, so users could attach files to it.
I tried to add the code, which you can see below, to it. But I didn't have any success...
Is It Possible to Put all Upcoming to Mobirise eMail to Separate Database?
I receive a huge amount of messages from my landing page, created in Mobirise website builder. It's a mess.
I want to put them in a separate database, so I could see them in an order. Is it possible? I didn't find an answer i...
How to Write Code in Recursive Version in Python for My Code
def sub_lists(list1):
sublist = [[]]
for i in range(len(list1) + 1):
for j in range(i + 1, len(list1) + 1):
sub = list1[i:j]
return sublist
l1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
Getting Error When Trying to Pass JSON PHP to JS with Ajax!
Hey, I'm in desperate need. I have made a JSON object with PHP named userAuth and I am trying to pass it to a JS file with Ajax, here is my PHP code (auth.php):
$userAuth->access = 1;
How to Implement Tweets Live Streaming Using Tweepy and Save Tweets in .csv file
I am a newbie to python, after reading streaming with Tweepy and going through this example I am just trying to write tweepy app to crawl live stream data with the tweepy Api and save it to .csv file but I &nb...
How to Implement Two Virtual Function Methods?
So what I've been given: Mean.cc is a class that inherits polymorphically from Statistic.h (the only things defined in that class are virtual void Collect(double) = 0; and virtual double Calculate() const = 0;)
So the mean.cc is defin...
How to Upload Image and JSON to Server
Hi am Fresher in android . am creating a app which i need to upload captured image and JSON data which i got from QRcode to PHP server. But am getting Secret_key not matched message when i debug.
I Checked API from postman the server is ...
How to Make a Server and Client with Python Socket
I am trying to make a server and client which sends a file from client to server and the server saves it to hard then the server asks for another file and if the answer of the client is yes then the client sends the second file then the server ag...
How to Code Guess Number Game in Python
How to Code Guess Number Game in Python.
I need a code what ask to continue the game if the user wins.
How to Run Linq Query in .Net to Get Subjectwise Average Score of a Student of Current Month
How to Run Linq Query in .Net to Get Subjectwise Average Score of a Student of Current Month.
public GetCalculatePerform(int? Student_ID, int? CourseID, int? SemID)
var newlist1 = dbcontext...
Unity C# Print Strings Randomly From The List After They Get Selected
I have two lists with 4 strings each. I shuffle them and then I select a string on each list to create a combination of strings from both lists. I want the four combinations (written below) repeated four times (so 16 combinations in total) but ea...
How to Resolve "Unhashable Type: Index" Error Code in Python3?
I'm getting "Unhashable Type: index" error in python code. Can you please help to resolve this? I'm using python3.
df_temp_cns = pd.read_excel(r"/nsmnt/NS_Exec_DSHBD/IS_IT_Demad_Perf/cns_weekly/SrcFile/JnJ_CNS_Wee...
How to Resolve Invoation Target Exception Error in JAVA
public class MainGUI extends Application {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
class deck {
What are the Latest Growth hack and Tips for SEO
I am not a new person in SEO,but there are a lot of great tips for ranking a website.So can you share with me this information?I am just interested in some new life hacks for me in this sphere
Thank you in advance :)
How to Code an Algorithm to Calculate Maximum Product of Any n-1 Elements
How to code an algorithm to calculate the maximum product of any n-1 elements in the array in O(n) time complexity for only positive integers?
Complex Software Algorithm Problem (Java/C#)
Can someone please assist in solving the attached complex software algorithm problem as attached (using Java or C#)
Thank you in advance
How to Summarise Leave Time Proportionally and Correctly in MySql
In mysql database i created "leave" table:
CREATE TABLE `leave` (
`ID_LEAVE` int(11) NOT NULL,
Dynamically Set State is Not Displayed in Generated Places in Javascript
I am receiving some data as props and on click I am trying to display next items from array. In render I'm calling `{this.dropdown()}` which triggers folowing and display data succedsfully:
dropdown = () => {
How to Loop Through Images on Firebase Storage with a Click of Button
How do I loop through images stored on Firebase storage on the click of a button in Android application.
How to Merge Two Tables on Coded Columns Using Python
Hi guys!
I have two tables and I need to merge these two tables on columns left_on='A', right_on='B'. The problem is that 'A' column is coded 'B' column.
What would be the best optio...
How to find the paragraphs that don't end in ".? ! " In notepad++ using regex?
I want to find the paragraphs in a text that don't end in ".?!" in notepad++ using regex. I have tried multiple codes, but in all of them the paragraph ending in "." is also found (which is not what I am looking for).
How to Sort Names in Alphabetical Order Using Bubble Sort in C Program
Could someone help me write a C program that would let users to input names in any order, then displays the names, sorted in Alphabetical order. You may use any sorting algorithm like Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, et...
Questions and Answers App Not Working in Ruby on Rails
I have created a ruby question answer app but on answering the correct answer the question is getting repeated i.e next question is not appearing.
How to Reconcile Between Protege and Gurobi
I am having a problem with protege4.3, I choose to solve the programme protege 4.3 aout (stop), I did not know how to reconcile between protege and gurobi
Can Anyone Explain the Output of This Program
import java.util.*;
public class Input {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner s=new Scanner(System.in);
How to Merge XML CTE's in SQL Server Using Common Refid Key
I have the following CTE's, and I'm trying to combine XML1 and XML2 CTE's in Sql Server by their common refid key.
;With TBL1_Fruits As
(Select '1' as refid,
'Apples' as fruits,
'Red' a...
Any R programmers here that have experience with Shiny?
I keep seeing 'Not Found' when trying to load my Shiny application, it seems to be that R cannot find the Shiny server, I have tried reinstalling all packages and still no luck.
The strange thing is that it works the first time I open ...
How to Insert Data Contained in Entry Widgets on a GUI Correctly into SQL DB Created in Python?
In the code below the str entry widgets that I use the get method to retrieve data from, have been created earlier in the code.
I have tried the following ways to solve the problem:
turning the list into a tuple
using a list ...
How to Distribute Jobs Fairly on Accounts - Distribution Algorithm in C#
I'm working on a project that publish to a multiple websites using a multiple accounts. each account can publish to a specific website. as shown in the 'Dict' below. The problem is I'm trying to distribute the publishing jobs on a...
How to Resolve Overlap Issues in Responsive Version of Menus
I am having a css issue for screen sizes of 640px and lower.
On the smaller screens, the pulldown menus come in with overlap issues. How best to determine why this is occurring and how to correct these problem(s)?
How to add Image and text in Sqlite and Display it in recyclerView with kotlin
I want to take image and text from user and add in Sqlite and display it in recyclerView with kotin
Let me show what I have done so far
<?xml version="1.0" encoding=...
My Quiz Application in PHP for WordPress Site Doesn't Return Any Results?
I am working in a program which is a quiz written in php for wordpress site. However it doesn't return any results after submit button is pressed, it goes to home page of website.
Can you help me execute it correctly?
RINGING_MODE_SILENT Not Executing in Android Application
Dear all,
I am not able to access RINGING_MODE_SILENT in my application it crashes my application. I am using android oreo 8.1 API level 27. Here is the log file
2019-01-18 14:42:58.818 5658-5658/com.example.user.speakercontrol E/...
Please Help Me With the Sensors Management Code in Python
I want someone make a code using python, this code relating to sensors management, read order, show the result, save the result and arrangement the results, that for 6-20 sensors at the same time.
If there is a programmer can d...
In need for software development outsourcing services
Hello all! Is anybody out there who knows any company that is providing outsourcing IT services? Because I need one for the project that I'm in now. Please let me know if you have had any related experience.
Drawing a circle on ImageView2 in same coordinates as ImageView1 if i tap a place in ImageView 1 and Vice versa
I'm trying to make find the difference game app, but I never made anything like that and since I'm a new to development I'm stuck
well baby Steps are always needed to learn xD
**I read in some documentation that i have to get ea...
Remove Function Not Working in Code That Solves Sudoku in Python
I have been trying to write a code to solve sudoku. This method basically involves finding the empty elements in the list of input, then filling the empty elements with the possible values that can be used in that box by deleting the values prese...
Linux Not Connecting to Internet via USB Ethernet Adaptor
Hi there,
I'm using linux mint right now, and wanted to use a usb ethernet adapter rather than the default-build-in-ethernet-card, but seems cannot get it to work.
I know that somebody tried to ask similar questions before,but...
Encryption and Decryption Code Transposition Algorithm in JAVA
I need to make some simple edits on trans-position encryption and decryption code, anyone interested please say
How to Send Username Using Post Method in WordPress to Another Link
I would like to send the username of the user who is online in the WordPress system with a POST method to another link.
Single select button group space issue and box-shadow not working in safari browser
I have created single select button group using radio button with label tag using css display: table and table-cell for text content exceed or overflow in each button. It's working fine all browsers (Chrome, Firefox & IE) expect Safari br...
Accounting for Unaccounted Time Spent Serving a Request in JAVA
We have an API which returns xml results based on queries, the server is running Tomcat 7.0.53. I've been trying to determine how much time is spent processing and serving the request, and there is a significant amount of time (104ms, on aver...