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Unity C# Print Strings Randomly From The List After They Get Selected
I have two lists with 4 strings each. I shuffle them and then I select a string on each list to create a combination of strings from both lists. I want the four combinations (written below) repeated four times (so 16 combinations in total) but ea...
How to Pass Message in Unity3D b/w LAN Server Only & LAN Client on Different Scenes
Hi, I want to pass message back and forth on client and server which are on different scenes, how can I do that in Unity?**
Following is my Scenario:-
I have 5 scenes-
1. BaseScene (2) OfflineScene (3) O...
Speech Recognition in Unity3d to Detect Audio from Mic in Web Player
Hello Sir,
I want to detect the audio from mic in web player build from unity3d. I mostly found the paid libraries and when i deep search about it.
Then i found the Microphone tag in unity but it also not supported...
How to Pass Dotted Ray From Stick to Ball in Billiards Pool Game
Hello Sir,
I want to make a pool game in 2 parts.
1) Single device
2) Muliplayer (Online using photon)
Here I tried to manage pool table, 8 balls and stick but i don't know how to pass dotted ray from stick to ball so th...
Need an Advice on Deciding which Game Engine is Best to Learn Basics
As a beginner in Game Development, I need a little help in deciding which game engine should I start with to learn how they work? I understand different games use different engines but is there a simple enough or common enough engine I can learn ...
Unity 3D: Idle check direction
Basically I have created a 2d rpg click to move game on unity. My problem is that my player isn't facing the right direction once it has reached it's position, for example please take a look at this video: Unity problem 2 - YouTube[^...
How do I stop the flickering that occurs when the character stops moving?
I followed this tutorial on youtube: Unity3D. Top-down 8 directions movement - YouTube[^]. It took me a while but I've almost converted from movement by arrows to mouse touch . but now I have this problem, there's flickering that occ...
need help for my future career
I am fares i am 17 old years i like developer game i started dev for 3 years i think to get in future a game designer i started with Game maker for two years and now i learn in unity .My question is: can i work at game developer company with only...
Error while building Unity3D Android Game := Plugins colliding with each other
when I build the game in Unity3D , it makes error :"plugins colliding with each other"
I am using Facebook SDK and Playfab.com SDK
Found plugins with same names and
Unity UI for different Devices
How to create a UI in Unity 4.6 which adjusts to different resolutions and aspect ratio and is compatible for all IOS and Android devices .
How to create a RPG game?
Hello I love RPG games and want to create a simple RPG game too.
But don't know the best approach for this. Can anyone help in this. ?
Thanks in advance.
Which is the best approach to select the Server?
I want to create a multi-player game but I am very confused to select the back end server. I want to do this game with unity effects.
Thanks in advance.
How can I get a decimal number in text field?
Currently I am using this code:
InputAmount = System.Int32.Parse(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Amount")[0].GetComponent().text);
Declare with float but how can I get a decimal number from the text field? Because I am doing a calculator...
Sync with gmail.
Im making a 2d multiplayer game, can u tell me how to sync contacts from gmail, for ex if iam downloading my game app, so i want to sync those contacts from my gmail who has already downloaded that app, like the game clash of clans, in which cont...
Different situations between play mode and Built game
i made a camera which is looking around in the game.i set the rotation. 20 seconds for a tour. When i enter play mode it is working. it is rotating in a normal way, but when i build the game, it is rotating maybe ten times in a second.Anyon...
Hi all im working on a game 2d , i want to make a space game on 2d and i all most did it but the problem is on axis it wont work :( so i need help here is my script in C#
public float speed = 10;
void Update()
float transl...
android game made by Unity installs twice on the device
after building the game made by Unity and installing it on the device , I found that it is installed twice
check this image : http://i.imgur.com/6TSICnk.png
issue with implementing AdMob ads
after testing the game in a device , it exit after opening it directly
in case of deleting the AdMob Plugin , then the game works fine
after some researches , we found that the problem is because of the manifest files
there`s 2 manifest ...
waitforseconds() method not work not working
I wrote my codes right and based on the codes in (Unity docs)
but still not working , not waiting , any help !
IEnumerator wait(float waitTime)
Debug.Log("Wait"); // write this successfully
yield return new WaitForSecon...
(please help) Start screen in the game scene
Hello, It was hard for me to describe sorta what I wanted in the title. But basically I know exactly what I want but for some reason it will not let me upload the picture that I have as an example. But Basically I want to have in my game scene a ...
rotate gameObjects around another gameObject
I have 19 circles in a big circle , I need to write this algorithm
"in case of clicking on a centralized circle (the around circles rotate around it)"
not only rotating (about the around circles - the circle should equal/assigned to it`s fo...
assigning image to a sprite renderer
I want to assign image to a sprite renderer
but its not single image , its one from the cut images using sprite editor
Can't login to facebook on android but working fine in editor
I was working in Unity3d version 4.5.5f and integrating facebook,
problem is that when i tap login btn it prompts for username and password after authenticating it returns to app and my screen goes black..
But when i check it in editor it ...
add team and charcater select to multiplayer Game using "MultiLan V3.0"
I am trying to develop multiplayer games with Unity3D and I use a plugin "MultiLAN V0.3" and I must add the functionality of the team and the character choose for my study project and I am very a hurry by time, I would be very grateful f...
How to validate the characters of the strings to the characters typing via mobile keyboard?
Hey guys i am working on the prototype like this:
how can i validate the characters like in this game.
And if he types wrong he is not allowed to type, Like if I need to type"Hello" , and user p...