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How to implement cron job using laravel 4.x

A cron job is time-based job scheduler in Unix-like computer operating systems. This is normally used to schedule a job that is executed periodically or in simple word we can say when we want to execute any command automatically after some time t...

How to make Unit of Measure (UOM) in OpenERP (Odoo)

To make Unit of Measure (UOM) in OpenERP (Odoo) is not a difficult, you can do this in just two steps which are provided below, follow both the steps and it's done. Step-1 Go to sales modules->Configuration ->Unit of Measure->Create ...

What is the best way to create global variables in CakePHP?

Hello All, In this blog we will discuss creation of global variables in CakePhp. Sometimes there is a need to access a variable everytime in the application, so instead of declaring it again and again we can declare the variable globally ...

Email validation using regex

Email validation using regex The Email Id such as is made up of local-part, an @ symbol and then a domain part. Hence, Email Id is of the form : local_part@domain *TLD = Top Level Domain Some Valid Emails ...

How to handle errors in Angular JS

Hello All, There are several ways to handle errors in Angular JS, Some of them are listed bellow: We can use $exceptionHandler which enables us to catch errors which can occur any where in or application. by default $exceptionHandler prin...

How to use getElementById() method in javascript

In the example given below document.getElementById returns a reference to our HTML element myText. We store this reference into a variable 'myTextField', and then use the 'value' property, that all input elements use to grab the value. <scr...

HTML Canvas Linear Gradient

Draw Rectangle with Linear Gradient : In this article I will show you how to use Linear Gradient to draw the graphics. To draw graphics with Linear Gradient in web page we will use Canvas API, we will draw the createLinearGradient() method. Follo...

Converting Java Object to JSON

How to convert Java object to JSON : Converting Java object to JSON is a little complicated work in Java. We can use the third party api to make this easy. Jackson is one of the most popular api for JAVA JSON processing. Jackson api is fast, co...

Tutorial 2- AngularJS Directives

Hi all, In this we will discuss about Directives. Directives are core features of AngularJS. Directive is introduced as a new syntax. They are markers on a DOM element which have a special behavior to it. Just for an example only HTML don't...

What is Bootstrapping in AngularJS?

Hi all, Bootstrapping is the equivalent of starting, or initializing your Angular app. There are 2 ways to do so. First :- <html ng-app="appName"> - - </html> Second:- After creating your app, you should use this when ...

Email Validation Code in Android

Email Validation Code in Android Almost on every login and Sign Up screen, you have to create email field and add email validation on it. Its a simple code for email validation. Here you have to call it first doing login or sign up. ...

Using Null-coalescing operator (??) in C#

We have ?? Operator which is called null- coalescing operator in c#. It takes two operands, one at the left side and one at the right side and checks if the left side operand is null or not. If is is null then it will return the right side operan...

How to make the scheduled call in OpenERP(Odoo) ?

To make the scheduled call in OpenERP(Odoo) you must follow the below steps- Step-1 Go to Sales Modules-> Phone Calls->scheduled calls Step-2 Call Summary ->Date->Duration->Responsible ->Administrator Step-3 Sales Team...

Spring MVC: Difference between context:annotation-config and context:component-scan

Difference between <context:annotation-config/> vs <context:component-scan/>: <context:annotation-config/> : <context:annotation-config/> is used to activate all the annotations that are present in java beans and thos...

Activity Life cycle

Hello again, this video tutorial will guide you about the Activity life cycle in Android. From this tutorial you will get the better idea of all the life cycle methods of an Activity.

Sorting In Linklist

Sorting inside Linklist:- This Blog will show you, how to create a sorted linklist. By using that can achieve the Sorting inside our Linklist. The Element will Enter inside Linklist in Sorted Manne. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio...

How to Create a Liferay Plugin project

Hello Friends, This Video tutorial will guide and help you to create a Liferay plugin project using the eclipse IDE.

Add multiple simple type products to cart programmatically

Sometimes we need to add multiple simple type products to cart programmatically from listing page or using ajax. To do that we need to do some modification in listing page html so required data will be post using add button. Below is the funct...

Binding JavaScript code to Android code

Binding JavaScript code to Android code When Building a WebView based Web App in Android, you can communicate with your android client side code through your Javascript code.You can call any method of Android client side code on any triggered ev...

ASP-Net-MVC-The CRUD-Part -1 Insert and Show

Hi Friends,I am back with my MVC article with some new things. So we've covered the concept and structure of an MVC application in my previous article which are listed below:- 1-ASP-Net-MVC-What-s-inside-Part1 2-ASP-Net-MVC-What-s-inside-Pa...

How to check variable is being passed in partial

While working in rails we make use of partials very often and there are case where we make use of same partial for different scenario. We try to achieve the same by passing default parameter for some unwanted variable which might case issue. Pass...

How to speed up your CakePHP Website

Hello Readers, These are some techniques to speed up the cakephp website:- 1. Upgrade versions regularly When you work on cakephp website.You need to upgrade your Cake website to the latest version in order to keep it performing at its be...

How to create global variables in CakePHP?

The majority of the developers, develop skepticism in which, what's the correct place/Page in which they should declare the constant variable in cakephp. Previous going to variable declaration, we must consider that any of us will work over a ...

How to use RouteProvider in AngularJS

With the help of Routing method we can divide our application in logical views and bind different view to controllers". In below example we have use first config() method to define $route Provider configuration. Also in the same file we defined t...

How to generate random number in Java?

Sometimes we need to generate random numbers to identify an entity uniquely. We can generate random number very easily by the below code: /** * * @return a random confirmation code. */ public int generateIntRandomNumber() { Ra...

How to generate the barcode for product in openerp (Odoo)?

You will need the following kind of python code declaration in your .py file: class product_category(orm.Model): _inherit = 'product.category' _columns = { 'ean_sequence_id': fields.many2one('ir.sequence', 'Ean Sequence'...

How to add the custom field in default joomla 3.x registration form

I am posting the steps below to add the custom field in default joomla 3.x registration form: 1.Navigate to joomla_root/components/com_users/models/forms/registration.xml and add a field there. 2.Then open up joomla_root/components/com_users/mo...

Using @PreAuthorize on Spring controllers methods

Authenticate controller method using @PreAuthorize annotation : @PreAuthorize annotation is used to provide the method level security. We can secure our methods by using @PreAuthorize annotation. It is very easy to use and it is always preferred ...

Difference between @Secured and @PreAuthorize

@Secured vs @PreAuthorize : Spring Framework provides the different ways to secure the application. Spring Framework has lots of handy tools or methods to secure application. @Secured and @PreAuthorize are the two most popular annotations used to...

Canvas Shapes HTML5

1- Custom shape in Canvas If you need to create a custom shape with HTML5 Canvas, first you have to create a path and then close it using the closePath() method. Use the lineTo(), arcTo(), quadraticCurveTo(), or bezierCurveTo() methods to con...

Difference between Polymer elements and AngularJS directives

Polymer Elements are know as scope because of they act as an hidden tree in their dom. That means you can't predict their style and dome. However Angular is not scoped to that particular directive you can create like a polymer web component. An a...

Spring MVC @PathVariable Uses

Sometimes we need to pass parameters along with the url to get the data. In Spring MVC framework, we can customize the URL in order to get data. For this purpose @PathVariable annotation is used in Spring framework. For example you want to wr...

Spring with JSF integaration

JavaServer Faces (JSF):- JSF is an MVC web framework which focus on or we can say that it's objective is to built user interfaces for Java web application similar to the JSP(Java Server Pages). The JSF comes with 100+ ready UI tags to build the U...

Difference between hash and hashwithindifferent Acess

The Hash class in Rubys core library retrieves values by doing a standard == comparison on the keys. This means that a value stored for a Symbol key (e.g. :my_value) cannot be retrieved using the equivalent String (e.g. my_value). On the other ha...

Starting a table view from the bottom of the screen

Hello Readers, In case you want to start a table view from the bottom of the screen rather than the top of the screen, you may call the following method from the delegate method as follows: - (void)updateCellInset { NSInteger numRows=[...

How to pass variables from CakePHP to JavaScript

Hello All, In this blog we will discuss about how to pass CakePhp variable in javascript. So firstly we will be initiallizing a variable in the function below i.e abc(),then set this variable in for the ctp file. Example- function abc...

What is the difference between '@' and '=' in directive scope

'@' is used to send the property from parentScope to isolatedScope. By transfer, you are not able to change the property of parentScope that is being pass. It is called one-way binding. If the binding property is a primitive type, like interpo...

Fetch Profile Picture From Google Plus

Hello Readers, After the successful authentication from google plus , the following code snippet is one of the ways that can be used to get the url of the profile image: - (void)finishedWithAuth: (GTMOAuth2Authentication *)auth ...

Blur image using objective-c and swift

Hello Reader's If you want to blur image in objective c and swift then copy this code in your project and just call this function. In this code , Blur effect is 50 percent . For Objective C :- -(UIImage *)convertToBlurImage:...

Spring @Transactional Annotation

@Transactional Annotation in Spring:- A transaction is unit of work that have ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability) properties. Atomicity:- this means that the changes will completely happens or not. for example If money is ...

How to building a table using angular ?

The ngRepeat directive instantiates a template once per item from a collection. Each template instance gets its own scope, where the given loop variable is set to the current collection item, and $index is set to the item index or key -angularJS ...

Using $scope in Angular JS

$scope is an object instance of a controller. $scope object instance is created when the ng-controller directive is called. The $scope object that is used by views is organized into a hierarchy. Firstly, there is a root scope, and then root sc...

How to access the angular $scope variable in browser's console?

If there is an AngularJs app running in the page, it is often hard to debug or see the current model (stored in the $scope variables). Now suppose that we have some variable name attached to the scope in the div app. Let take the example below ...

Variable Name Standard in Android

Variable Name Standard in Android This is the standard regime to follow in your coding when you define any variable. 1.Non public, non static field should starts wih m. 2.Static fields name should starts with s. 3. Other fields sh...

Difference between is and as keyword in c#

The difference between is and as operator is that: An object can be cast to a certain type then is returns true otherwise false, but talking about as operator, it is used to cast an object to a specific type but if in any case it is unable to ...

How to export GridView to pdf in

Hello all, In, to show data in tabular form we use GridView Control, in which we can bind our database table directly and at time we need to export the GridView in from of Excel or PDF file format. To export Grid to PDF, we have fol...

How to export GridView to pdf in .net

Hello all, In, to show data in tabular form we use GridView Control, in which we can bind our database table directly and at time we need to export the GridView in from of Excel or PDF file format. To export Grid to PDF, we have fol...

How to handle an error occurred in finally block

Hello all, To handle errors in C#, we generally use try, catch and finally methods. but when error occurs in finally block basically three things happens: . The exception rises and it needs to be handled at upper level, but while handl...

How to get current web page url in Laravel 5

To get the current web page url in Laravel 5. you can use the URL::current() helper function. here is an example. Route::get('/current/url', function() { return URL::current(); });

How to enable & disable maintenance mode in laravel 5

There are two ways to enable & disable maintenance mode in laravel 5.Whenever your website is in maintenance mode, laravel return a custom view that will be displayed for all requests. This makes it easy to "disable" your website or applicati...
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