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What is Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) and why we create it?

Requirement Traceability Matrix Requirement Traceability matrix is just a Table which is used to trace user requirements with test cases. In other words, with the help of this matrix we can trace, what requirements has been covered by tester a...

How to Avoid HTML Mistakes

Hello Reader's Here is the article which will help you to know, How to Avoid HTML Mistakes In this article I will guide you how to avoid minor mistakes when create an HTML Page. 1) Don't use block elements within Inline elements. **Wrong ...


Fr den Standort Berlin suchen wir zum nchstmglichen Termin eine/n PHP Leadentwickler/Teamleiter (m/w) Deine Aufgaben Aufbau eines eigenen Entwickler-Teams mit dem Ziel fachliche und eventuell disziplinarische Fhrung eines bis zu 5 kpfig...

Wir are looking for PHP / WEB Senior & Developers

Wir suchen begeisterte und erfahrene Software-Entwickler*innen fr Spryker-Projekte! Hereinspaziert, aber: Fe abtreten und Hnde waschen! Denn wir produzieren ausschlielich Clean Code. Kannst du? Willst du? Dann knnen wir Freunde werden und ei...

How to make unique field and not allow duplicates records in openerp

To make a unique field and do not allow duplicates records in openerp, below is the solution In .py file use this code:- class course(osv.osv): _name="course" _columns={ "name":fields.char("Name"), } ...

Creat Google Maps in OpenERP

Use below method to create Google Maps in OpenERP 1- use this code .py file in openerp from openerp.osv import osv,fields class launch_map(osv.osv): _inherit = "res.partner" def open_map(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): ...

How to manage the account cashflow operations in OpenERP(Odoo)?

In below example, I have written Python script for account cashflow operations. see below python code in .py file : import time from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta import tools from osv import osv, fields import decimal_precision...

Tutorial 3 - AngularJS Filter

Hi all, In angularJs filters are use to change and modify the data. We can use multi filter using pipe (|). Below is some example of filters- 1) uppercase 2) lowercase 3) currency 4) filter 5) orderby Uppercase :- Uppercase fi...

How to run two server in same machine at a same time in openerp-7 (Odoo)

If you want to run two server on a same machine at a same time in openerp-7 (Odoo) follow these two simple step 1-Do this in your Terminal to run first server `/workspace/openerp/openerp-6.1-1$` ---> (this is server location ) Now run th...

How to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP?

Hello Readers If you want to calculate difference between two dates using PHP , use below code. comment: Suppose we have the two dates below date1 and date2 $date1 = "2014-06-11"; $date2 = "2015-07-16"; comment:then we get diffrence ...

Unity 5.1 UI: DropDown Menu

Unity 5.1 UI : DropDown Menu We have to go through the following steps to create a DropDown menu in Unity 5.1 UI - In the Hierarchy Window go through UI -> Canvas Create a Panel1 as a child of this canvas Create a Button1 as a child of ...

Difference between DataTable.Rows.Add(DataRow) and DataTable.ImportRow(DataRow)?

Hello Reader , When adding a row to DataTable, there are two methods available in C# and VB.Net i.e. DataTable.Rows.Add(DataRow) and DataTable.ImportRow(DataRow). Both do the same functionality, adding a row to DataTable but the main differ...

How to Create Custom Jquery Tabs

Hello Reader's In this article I will guide you how to create custom responsive tabs without use of any Jquery plugin. This will surely make your web page faster because its not an plugin. Its an simple custom Jquery HTML & css. Copy and p...

How to Install DebugKit on CakePHP

Hello Nerds! If you are going to develop a new project in cakephp then you might need Debugkit for that, and its really a lifesaving tool for rapid developments. You can install DebugKit using doing the following steps as:- Step 1:- You ne...

How to check Null/WhiteSpaces/Empty Values in Oracle Query

If you have requirement to filter records where some columnName is either having value Null or have WhiteSpaces or is Empty, you can use following query: SELECT columnName FROM tableName WHERE TRIM(columnName) IS NULL Simil...

How to show tab panel in AngularJS

Hello All, Working with AngularJS, which helps us to create and work with one page application, and in one page application we want to show all the Data in only one page, In such situation we must show the data in well organized manner and to ...

Functions and Arrays in PHP - Tutorial 5

This tutorial explains User Defined functions in PHP. It also explains Array, there types and how to iterate through arrays.

How to generate ppk file from pem file in Ubuntu?

To generate ppk file from pem file in Ubuntu you just need to write below command in the terminal: puttygen pem-filel.pem -o ppkfilename.ppk -O private For example: puttygen /home/ubuntu/jeeyoh-site.pem -o jeeyoh.ppk -O private Ho...

Sample application using JQuery, Spring MVC @RequestBody and JSON together

See the below steps to create sample application using JQuery, Spring MVC @RequestBody and JSON : 1- Define dependency for Spring, JSON in pom.xml as below: <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="

Constants, Operators, Conditional Statements and Loops in PHP -Tutorial 4

This tutorial explains about the Constants, Operators, Conditional Statements and Loops in PHP.

ActionResult in Asp.Net MVC

"ActionResult in Asp.Net MVC"     We all know that ActionResult is a return type mentioned in the Action Method inside a Controller in MVC.    In this article I will explain it in more detail. Getting s...

Zoom in an UIImageView using 3D transform in objc

If you are looking for a function to Zoom in an UIImageView in a 3D tranform scale then you should use CATransform3DScale. First of all declare a BOOL variable to check scale points. Here I am taking CGFloat _scalePoints and CATransform3D tr...

How to define the States of object in openerp-7 & Openerp-8(Odoo)?

Below is the way to define the States of object in openerp-7 & Openerp-8(Odoo) First we have to define the States After that, We have to add a state field to object, in the _columns collection See below code Example- <pre> _co...

Trim whitespace from a NSString in ios

If you want to trim occurrence of whitespace character from both ends of a NSString. Use below code to do it:- NSString *newString = [yourString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet: [NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]]...

UIButton width according to Title text.

We can increase or set width of a UIButton according to button title test. To set the width of a UIButton use CGSize. Here is the code :- CGSize stringsize = [yourButton.titleLabel.text sizeWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:17]]; [yourButto...

How to generate bar code image and bar code value in OpenERP(Odoo)?

To generate bar code image and bar code value in OpenERP(Odoo), you have to follow 3 simple steps as given below. Step-1 Click Bar-code Menu As shown in below screen-shot Step-2 Click on Barcode->Barcode ->Model ->Res Id -...

How to Detect if an app is installed in iOS or Android Using Javascript and Deep Linking

If the app is installed in our IOS device or ANDROID device the app will open else we can redirect to the Apple store or Google store for downloading the app. So, In this tutorial, we will learn how to let our device detect if an app is instal...

Converting JSON to Map Object

How to convert JSON to a Map object: Most of the time we have to communicate with other applications using the web services, and web services basically uses two ways to communicate with application one is using xml file and other is json. So th...

What is Zapier ? how to use it ?

Zapier:- Zapier is a tool or we can say a platform to connect different web apps(Like- faccebook, gmail, google calendar e.t.c). When to use zapier:- Suppose that you are using Google calendar for your day to day activity and you want when...

Jackson Tree Model (Traversing json tree with Jackson)

How to traverse JSON object using Jackson api: Jackson api is used to read, write and update the Json object. We can traverse the JSON object using the Jackson api. Jackson provides the Tree model to traverse the JSON document, so we can traverse...

Singleton Design Pattern

Singleton Pattern It restricts object of class to be created only once throught the application and provides global point of access to it. It also comes under creational pattern like Factory pattern as it allows one of the best way to create ...

How to manage counterpart in Point of sale in OpenERP(Odoo)?

Below is a code of Python script for counterpart. Below python code is written in .py file : insert_data('counter_part', { 'name': _("Trade Receivables"),, 'account_id': order_account, ...

How to manage each tax group in Point Of sale in OpenERP(Odoo)?

In below example, I have written Python script for each tax group. see below python code in .py file : (tax_code_pos, base_code_pos, account_pos, tax_id)= (0, 1, 2, 3) for key, tax_amount in group_tax.items(): ...

CakePHP 2.0 with Twitter Bootstrap

Hello nerds, If you want to start your new CakePHP project with Twitter Bootstrap set with it, you can follow the steps as following:- Step 1: You need to Download CakePHP and Twitter Bootstrap versions. You can easily download them from ...

How to configure the Barcode through Python code in OpenERP(Odoo)?

In below example I have written Python script to configure barcode. It will print one barcode on each page based on quantity available of selected products. Like below python code in .py file : import logging from openerp.osv import field...

Multiple column using CSS3

Hello all, Here I am sharing some information about how to get multiple columns layout using css3. By using css3 column-count property we can divide an element into number of columns. Here is an example: div { -webkit-column-count:...

How to add the skype field in .py file(Python) in OpenERP(Odoo)?

For the skype field first we have to go in .py file (python file) After that we have to decide where you want to give skype field and then give attribute of skype to that field. Like below python code in .py file : from openerp.osv impor...

Zoom Animation in android

Zooming Animation in android Here I am writing a code for zoom animation. Here I have add this animation on mic button. You can add it according to your requirements. First of all implements Animation.AnimationListener listener. Then in you...

How to Create a Responsive Image Slider in jQuery

By using jquery image slider plugin we can create Responsive Image slider .In below example, I am using rslider plugin. Step-1. Link files <script src=""></script> &l...

Static Map in android

Static Map in android Here I am writing a way to show static map on ImageView. Its image of map that displays on mobile without the help of any api key. Here we just make String url to add your latitute and longitute. like private d...

How Cake PHP redirect with parameters in url

Hello readers, If you are using cakephp and want to redirect user to any other page/controller with some passing values in url, Well cakephp provides you its own syntax written in php, check bellow example: $this->redirect( arra...

How to resolve error "Could not start the IIS Admin Service - error code -2146893818"

Whilst setting up Sharepoint 2013 on Windows server 2012 R2, we need the IIS Admin Service running on the server. But sometimes service stopped running and raised the error says "Could not start the IIS Admin Service - error code 2146893818". ...

CakePHP check if user is logged in inside a view

Hello Readers, if you are looking for a condition to check whether a user is logged-In or not from view, you can use the following code:- if ($this->Session->read('Auth.User')){ // you can put your condition here } In ca...

Sprite Editor in Unity 5.1

Sprite Editor in Unity 5.1 The Sprite Editor is used to slice individual sprites from Sprite Sheet. When Sprite mode 'multiple' is selected the sprite editor button appears on the Inspector window. Click the Sprite Editor button to open t...

Play Device's default Notification sound

You can play android device's default notification sound using RingtoneManager: Get the path url of the notification sound from the getDefaultUri() method. Pass this url to getRingtone() method which will return the Ringtone Object Play tha...

How to show div at the center of the page

Hello all, When we create our UI design of HTML page, and we want to put specific div at the center of the page, we can do that with the help of CSS (Cascading Style Sheet). we can set the width of the div to a certain pixel and set the margin...

Vibrate and Sound defaults on notification in android

Vibrate and Sound defaults on notification in android We need to add sound and vibration when notification comes in. Here I have written the way to get default sound when notification comes in. And vibration because of notification. ...

CSS3 Animations

Hello All, Here I am sharing some information about the animations through CSS3. As we know animation is changing the style of an element. we can change the animation by changing the style of an element using css properties. When we talk ab...

How to make JSON.NET as the default JSON serializer in ASP.NET MVC

"Making JSON.NET as the default JSON serializer in ASP.NET MVC"     The default JSON serializer in Asp.Net MVC is JavascriptSerializer.   In this article I will explain how to replace the JavascriptSerializer fo...

How to export all products in csv

Magento provide the facility to export all product data including attributes , below are the steps involved to export all products deails in csv file - 1) Before exporting the products data make sure that all updated products data have be...
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