Top 10 Template Engines for JavaScript
What is a Template engine? Template Engines are
by nishant.mishra -
jQuery Accordion
Hello readers! In this Blog we will gain knowled
by vishwanath.rana -
How to make Numbered and bulleted list in HTML Editor with JavaScript
Hello all, Working with HTML Editor we wanted t
by gaurav.gautam -
How to hide particular div with just one click?
Hi, you want a condition in which the particula
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
How to Create and Retrieve Array in Javascript?
If you want to store multiple values in a single v
by siddharth.shahi
Different way of writing multiple click functions
jQuery make it possible to interact with user by adding events to the web page, It includes many Events Methods like hide(), bind(), blur(), change(), click() and dbclick(). Here in this blog I just want to create one "click" function t...
Hide/Show content with plus minus sign using JQuery
Hello there.
In this blog, I am going to tell you how to hide or show your content. If you are trying to hide and/or show your content, this can happen with a change in the plus minus sign.
How? This blog has the answer to it.
Difference b/w onClick() and onSubmit() Event in Javascript
Hello readers , today in my blog I would like to discuss about the difference b/w the onClick and onSubmit Events .
Below is the difference b/w them :-
Below is a example showing the use of onSubmit() :-
JavaScript- Hide broken image icon or set a default image icon when source image is not found
Hello Readers,
When source image is not found then it will show a broken image icon. In today's post we will learn how hide broken image icon when image URL is invalid or not found.
onerror attribute of <img>&n...
Google URL shortener API with Javascript
Hello Readers,
goo.gl service at Google URL shortener API takes long URLs and squeezes them into less characters to make a small link so that can be easily share on social media and email to friends. This API is free with a daily limit o...
Shortened URL with Bitly API and jQuery
Hello Readers,
Bitly API is a way to shrink long URLs so that we can share it on social media. For example on twitter we can't share long URL so it is a very easy way to shorten long URLs. The most important thing is no ser...
How to create Dynamic Content load on click using JQuery?
Hello reader
In this blog! I am going to tell you how to create Dynamic Content Load using jQuery. Generally, we see the content loader on many websites and on some registration form when we click on the next step button after completed the...
Calling JavaScript function from String
Sometimes, you may need to call a method at runtime. If you know the name of the function you can invoke it as a string. You can call a function as a string. You are basically achieving eval of javascript indirectly.
Lets say, there ...
Difference between const and var
Hello Readers! In this blog we will be discussing about the different identifiers. What is the difference between them and when to use which identifier? First lets start with the const.
Const : is used to declare a variable...
Keydown and keyup event in jQuery
Hello friends,
Today we learn about the keyup and keydown event in jQuery and understand how they works.
In jQuery, keydown() event is used when we want to perform any functionality on press of any key. keydown() event occurs ...
Theme Changing Application
Hello Readers! In this blog we will be creating an application through which we can change the theme of a device. For an example we can consider a mobile theme application. In mobile, when we select particular theme the settings changes according...
Search in Angualr js
Angular js provides a very powerful feature for searching in a list of records. Let us understand it step by step with the help of an example.
Step 1: Include the angular js scripts in your project. Example as follows:
Learn how to create a comment with word limit using jQuery
In this blog, I am going to share an example in which i have created a comment box using few html tags like input box and text area and i have used jquery to set the word limit and to count the number of characters typed.
Go through ...
Cookies in Angular JS
Cookies are the information of the user, which resides in a browser of any corresponding website he/she visited.
Cookies are also the important aspects which we use to maintain session.
Here we perform some basic operation in cookie by using ...
How to make clone of an element in jQuery?
Hello friends,
Today we learn how to make clone of an element using jQuery. In jQuery, clone() method is used to make clone or copy of a set of element or a particular element. This method makes not only the copy of element but also it's c...
How to make Back to Top Button using Javascript
Making a good client experience on your website it is necessary to keep individuals on the page. The most ideal approach to make a decent client experience is to make it simple for users to utilize, if your website is hard to utilize it disturbs ...
Accessing JSON object in JavaScript
JSON is used to read data from a web server, also it is used to display the data in a web page. In this blog we will be accessing the values of JSON object with the help of the jquery's getJSON() method. GetJSON() method is used to load the J...
jQuery wrap() and unwrap() method
Hello friends,
Today we will discuss about the jQuery two methods: wrap() and unwrap(). Both method are used to wrap and unwrap a particular element. Let's discuss them in details:
wrap() method in jQuery is basically wrap ...
Trigger() method in jQuery
Trigger() method:
It is used to trigger an event for selected element and also trigger default behaviour of an event for the selected html element. It works similar to the triggerHandler() method, but triggerHandler() does not trigger default ...
Print the html using a print button
There are many case which need the print out of the document that is being currently displayed.
We can print the document easily just by using a button and a little javascript code.
All you need is a html.
Then the div or the part of the...
How to convert query string to json object in javascript?
You need to parse an URL and return all the parameters from the URL, you can use the below javascript function:-
var getURLParameters = function(url) {
var result = {};
var searchIndex = url.indexOf("?");
if (searchIndex...
TypeError: variable "x" redeclares argument in javascript
If you redeclared a function parameter in the function block using a var. This is a naming conflict and javascript gives you a warning "TypeError: variable "x" redeclares argument"
This warning occurs in strict mode only. I...
Display content on the basis of drop down value selected without using id concept
Hello Reader! Usually, when we are asked to get the contents to be displayed as per the value selected from the drop down we use to get it done with the concept of id. Consider a scenario where the list contains more than 10 items, than generatin...
Time validation in 24 hours format using regular expression with javascript
In this blog we will learn to convert the time format as per requirement with the help of the regular expression.
Pattern of regular expression for time in 24-hour format:
1. Pattern 1: ( [01]?[0-9]|2[0-3] ) : [0-5][0-9]...
Angular 2 Architecture
Angular 2 architecture consists of module , component , template , metadat , data binding , service , directive and dependency injection.Some of them are :
A module is a block of code...
Captcha Implementation with Javascript
Captcha is stands for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart". It is a test for checking that the response is coming from human. People have tried ...
SystemJS and main.ts AngularJS 2
Hello everyone,This is the third tutorial of our ongoing series on AngularJS 2.
Now, let's look at the main.ts file:
import {bootstrap} from 'angular2/platform/browser';
import {AppComponent} from './app.component';
components AngularJS 2
This is the second tutorial in continuation to our AngularJS 2 tutorial series.Incase if you have not read the first tutorial ,please follow this link:
Filters In AngularJs
AngularJs provides a number of filters.Filters Are added to format data or to transform it. It is added to the expressions by using the pipe character '|' followed by a filter.
Some of the AngularJs filters are:
Creating Slideable Grid Using JQuery
Hello readers , Today in my blog I have tried to create Slideable Grid with the help of jQuery .
As we all add columns to our web pages either for dividing the data as per the screen size so that the content would not get overlapped ...
Javascript Prototype
All the objects that are created in javascript has a prototype. In fact we can say that a prototype is an object itself. All javascript objects created inherits the properties and methods from their prototype. Primary use of prototype property is...
Configuration files for AngularJS 2
Hello Everyone.
Here,We will be going through a series of tutorials which aims at providing a basic understanding of AngularJS 2 framework. At its best,it will make you quite acquainted with the fundamentals of AngularJS 2.
This is the firs...
Angular Directives
Hello everyone , here we are going to take an overview of directives in angularjs. Angularjs provides us with a set of built-in directives which provides functionality to our application.We can also define our own directives in angularjs.
jQuery date picker
Datepicker in jquery is very easy to use in your application with some preinstalled libraries, it has various features as hide the future dates, hide the past dates from the current date. Calendar popup will show on focusing input field.
Introduction to Touch events in JavaScript
We can handle the touch event in the javaScript using touch event listeners. The touch events are similar to the mouse event but in different way, it is more complex than the mouse event because it supports simultaneous touc...
Password validation Using HTML5 and JavaScript Function
Hello Readers
In my previous two blogs, I separately explained about Password Validation using JavaScript and Password Validation using HTML5. In this blog, I will explain you all how to separate form and function, so basically it will h...
An Overview Of Forms Using JQuery with Progress bar
Hello readers , today in my blog I will discuss about creating a form using JQuery along with the use of progress bar .
In this blog , I have simply created 3 forms whose first step includes the form for creating your account that in...
Change Event in jQuery
Change Event:
Change event triggers when value of an element changes. It works only for form fields (<input>,<textarea> and <select> elements).
In case of select menu,checkboxes, and radio buttons change event occurs wh...
Disable Button and Submit button after one click using JavaScript and jQuery
Hello Everyone!!
As we know that when we are clicking the submit button then it send the data to the server, but what happen if we are not disabling the submit button after the one click then here is the some problem :-
Overview of JavaScript arrow functions
Traditional javaScript function has the Method, Non-methods and constructor and have their own this keyword, so it causes the this binding. To overcome this problem coffeeScript provides an Arrow function, Called "javaSc...
Jquery Arrays: Creation and Manipulation
jQuery.makeArray() is used to transforms any array like object to JavaScript Array. This function is useful for making an element into a array list. Here in this line of code i used one div for explaining the box, in which the data of LI can be d...
An Overview to Single Page Application
Hello readers , Today in my blog I will discuss about the Single Page Application i.e (SPA) .
Introduction :-
It is basically a web application design approach .
It uses all the modern browsers and HTML5 .
It uses AJAX and ...
How to add Google Map to your website?
Hey Readers!
Today, most web developers prefer embedding a Google Map on their website. This adds to the convenience of customers. If they like the product or services, they may wish to contact the person personally, or even visit them. Google...
use of one() method in jQuery
one() method:
One() method is used to attach events to selected elements and also used to specify a function when the event occurs. It is similar to on() and bind() method but the events attached using one() method executes only once for each ...
Cross fading images with the help of css
We have seen in many image galleries and in many websites that when we take our cursor into the image it gets faded out and other image come in its place , this effect is called cross fading image effect. we can achieve it by simply using c...
How to check a function exist or not in Angularjs?
Hello friends,
Today we learn how to check a function exist or not. In angular js, IsFunction() is used to find out the function exist or not. If the function exists it returns true else it will return false.
How to Validate File extension before Upload using Regular Expression in JavaScript and jQuery
Hello Everyone!!
In this blog, we are discussing the uses of the regular expression in the validation a file extension before uploading. Regular expression is a set of the symbol or character or both and it is used in many field but here we ar...
Password Validation with Regular Expressions using JavaScript
Hey there!
In this blog I’m going to tell you how to validate your username and password and how to match password to confirm password. Lot’s of websites now require registration, meaning that users need to be assigned a username a...
How to post a comment on blog using Ajax?
Hello Reader's , If you have developed the blogging website and you want to make commenting via ajax then this article will be very helpful for you. You can develop commenting function with many ways but if you use ajax then you can speed up ...
jQuery nextAll() Method
The jQuery nextAll() method gives back all next sibling components of the component which we have selected.
By using nextAll() method we can select all the next siblings of the component which we have selected and then w...