Top 10 Template Engines for JavaScript
What is a Template engine? Template Engines are
by nishant.mishra -
jQuery Accordion
Hello readers! In this Blog we will gain knowled
by vishwanath.rana -
How to make Numbered and bulleted list in HTML Editor with JavaScript
Hello all, Working with HTML Editor we wanted t
by gaurav.gautam -
How to hide particular div with just one click?
Hi, you want a condition in which the particula
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
How to Create and Retrieve Array in Javascript?
If you want to store multiple values in a single v
by siddharth.shahi
is() method in jQuery
is() method:
It is used to filter html elements by checking with selectorElement. It returns true if there is minimum one match from the given selectorElement or some other argument provided.
How to replace or remove a particular item from a list of items using jQuery?
Hello friends,
Today we learn how to remove a particular item from a list of item using jQuery. For this, jQuery provides a selector :eq() or a method .eq(). This method helps in selecting a particular item from the list.
.eq( ...
How to check next sibling of an element in jQuery?
Hello friends,
Today we learn how to check next sibling of an element using jQuery. In jQuery, next() method is used to match the immediate sibling of an element.
.next( [selector ] )
selector is the optional parameter which...
jQuery Equal Height
Suppose you have various list items in one or more rows with different amount of data i.e each list item has a different height due to this your layout will not look good,so you can resolve that issue with jquery easily by picking the height of h...
on() method in jQuery
on() method:
On() method is used to attach events to selected elements and also used to specify a function when the event occurs. It is similar to bind method but on() method also attach event handler to elements generated using script while b...
How to check a value exist in an array or not using jQuery?
Hello friends,
Today we learn how to check a value exist an array or not. In jQuery, $.inArray() method is used to check the value exist in an array or not. If value exist it will return the index of the value and if the value not exist ...
Form Validation: Date and Time using JavaScript
Hey there!
Form Validation is a very important aspect when it comes to filling forms. It helps us to identify if we are entering the correct information or not. This blog post will particularly deal with the form validation of date a...
How to set multiple attribute values using jQuery?
Hello friends,
Today we learn to change the multiple attribute value using jQuery. To set multiple attribute value we will use a jQuery attr() method. This method is used for changing the attribute values. We can change multiple attributes wit...
How to display the image before uploading?
Hello friends,
Today we learn how we can display a image before uploading using jquery. For this we will take a input field of file type and a image tag as follows:
<input type="file" id="demo" />
<img id="demoimage" />
sessionStorage Object in js
Hello Readers! In this blog we will be saving the data temporarily in the browser. Earlier we use to achieve such task by using the cookies. But now for a change we will be doing this with the help of sessionStorage object. The sessionStorage obj...
Hover() method in jQuery
Hover() method:
This method is used to perform some changes on mouse over and mouse out for html elements. It requires two parameters which are as follows:
over −This function triggers when the mouse is moved over a matched element...
Create Moving Marker Functionality on Google Map with jQuery and HTML
How to move markers on a google map api without clicking on any object ?
The above can be achieved with simple logic . ie update the marker position after a particular time ( Let say 1 second in our example )
The following HTML and jquery c...
Disable Click effect on web page.
Hello everyone,
Today, We will discuss that how to disable click effect on the web page so that we can protect our html.
Using javascript we can disable the click effect on the web page. But this is not most difficult way to protect the HTM...
reset() method in javascript
Reset() method:
It is used to clear all the values entered in a form. This method does not require any parameter and also does not return any value.
<!DOCTYPE html>
jQuery next() Method
The jQuery next() method gives back the next sibling components of the component which we have selected.
By using next() method we can select the next siblings of the component which we have selected and then we can use ...
Use of strict mode in javascript
strict mode:
It is used to catch or throw errors when some unsafe actions are taken and use strict directive is used to execute javascript code in strict mode. For example: we cannot use undeclared variable in strict mode.
use strict ...
Jquery Chaining
jQuery - Chaining
In general terms, An associated adaptable arrangement of metal connections utilized for affixing or securing items and pulling or supporting burdens is known as chaining.
In Jquery, Chaining mean...
How to hide a give using AngularJS?
Hello Reader's, If you are looking to make some animation effect to hide a div from website then in this blog you can learn how to do this. Hiding any div can done by many ways but by using Angular JS you can put some animation effect in it. ...
How to make count down timmer using Javascript?
Hello Reader's, If you want to make a time count-down timer then in this blog we will learn how to make this. A count-down timer is front end clock which shows time in decrement order. This is done by using javascript, So let's get starte...
How to show location image and details inside google marker on map?
Hi reader's, If you are developing website using google map and want to show location image and detail inside the marker then in this we will see how to do this.
Step 1: Create a blank space as an HTML div where the google map will l...
How to change default messages of data tables?
Hello Reader, If you are using data tables in your web website and want to change default message of it then in this blog you can see how to change them.
Now-a-days, Data tables are getting very popular because of its real-time instant s...
Live() method in jQuery
live() method:
Live method is used to attach events to selected elements and also used to specify a function when the event occurs. It is similar to bind method but live method also attach event handler to elements generated using script while...
jQuery siblings() method
The jQuery siblings() method gives back all siblings components of the component which we have selected.
By using sibling() method we can select all the siblings of the component which we have selected and then we can use them.
How web application is developed in AngularJs using MVC Architecture
This blog is in continuation with my previous blog on AngularJs, In this blog i am going to discuss about the most popular concept (MVC) on the basis of which an AngularJs application is developed.
MVC stands for Model View Controller...
Why we use Google/jQuery CDN to load JS/CSS library files
Hello readers, today I will guide you "Why we use Google/jQuery CDN to load JS/CSS library files".
Here are the following reasons on behalf of Why we should use Google/jQuery CDN to load JS/CSS library files.
1) Th...
Checkbox validation using javascript
Hello Readers
We all must have filled some or the other type of a form online. A form for subscription, for a job, an application etc. A form may ask general information of you as your address, name dob, mother tongue etc, or your educational ...
How to create custom Hamburger menu using jquery?
Hello readers, today I will guide you "How to create custom Hamburger menu using jquery"
Hamburger menu is just a symbol which is consists of three parallel horizontal lines and used as similar to button in graphical user interfaces....
How to create to-do list using jQuery?
In this blog, I am going to explain how to make a simple to-do list with the help of jQuery. The to-do list which we are going to create will contain an input box and an add button, so when we put our task to the input box and click the add butto...
eq() filtering in Jquery
It helps in reducing the set matched of elements in a form of the index. It is a zero based indexing. By zero-based indexing we mean that the indexing begins from zero. First, an element is indexed as zero and thus simultaneously indexing goes on...
jquery attr() function
The jquery attr() method help users to return the values of first selected elements as well as we can also set the values of attribute(i.e one or more attribute values.)
Syntax :
//Return the value of an attribute:
How to make ajax searching in codeigniter?
Hello Reader's, If you are making searching and want to look it as ajax which show records then this blog is helpful to you. In this blog, we will make it for CodeIgniter framework. Ajax searching will show the matching results from the typed...
Callback Function in jQuery
Callback Functions:
It is used to prevent executing further code until earlier effects has not executed completely. As we know in jQuery effects takes time to complete and sometime next line code get executed while the earlier effects are stil...
How to make visitor counter using ajax and php
Hello Reader's, If you want to get the records of visitors that visits your webpage then in this blog you can learn and build your own. Here we will develop it by using PHP and Ajax.
Page counters are easy to get and install but if you w...
How to finds odd table rows using jQuery
If you want to find odd number of table rows then it's not a difficult task now, we can do this easily with the help of jQuery :odd selector.
The :odd selector will choose all those components which have odd index i.e 1,2,5 etc.
Most of...
How to find browser details ?
Jquery have a nice feature to know about browser details. it is deprecated, If the functionality is removed, it will likely be easily accessible using a plugin.
It is safe to use it to determine whether or not to call $(document...
How to get height and width of a html element?
Hello Reader's If you are dealing with JQuery in your website and want to get the height and width of any html element then this blog will very helpful to you.
So lets get started working of getting the height and width of a div .
Use Angularjs Expression to resolve expressions
This blog is in continuation with my previous blogs on AngularJs, In this blog i am sharing a simple example in which i have used few AngularJs directives like ng-app, ng-init, ng-model and an AngularJs expression.
1)ng-app directive...
How to finds even table rows using jQuery
If you want to find even number of table rows then it's not a difficult task now, we can do this easily with the help of jQuery :even selector.
The :even selector will choose all those components which have even index i.e 0,2,4,6 etc.
How to make find and replace in page using jQuery?
Hello Readers. If you want to make replacement of words on any webpage then jquery offers you to do this. The benefit of using the Jquery is to run code on real time front end.
So let's get started working on it.
Step 1: Create a si...
Dynamic and static data generated using angularjs
This blog is in continuation with my previous blogs on AngularJs, In this blog i am sharing a simple example in which i have used few angularjs directives like ng-app, ng-init, ng-bind, ng-model.
1)ng-app directive is used to initial...
Javascript Closures
Closures are functions that are used to free variables which means variables are used locally, but defined in an enclosing scope. With the help of closures, JavaScript programmers are able to write better code.
A closure is an i...
Save drawing as an image using HTML5 Canvas
Save drawing as an image using HTML5 Canvas
Hello friends, today I am going to tell you how to save your drawing as an image using HTML5 canvas. Before starting, let us understand what is canvas. Canvas is used to draw graphics using...
Draw an image using HTML5 Canvas
Draw an image using HTML5 Canvas
Hello friends, today I am going to tell you how to draw an image using HTML5 Canvas. Before moving ahead, first of all let us understand the basic of canvas. The HTML5 canvas is used to draw graphics ...
What is the difference between jQuery.get() and jQuery.ajax()?
In this blog first we are using the jQuery.get() method. You pass function in arguments instead of passing in an object when you are using jQuery.g...
How to get the current coordinates of the element
If we want to find the current coordinates of the element then we can easily do that with the help of jQuery. jQuery have offset() method which makes us to find the coordinates of the element which you want to find in respect to the document.&nbs...
Unbind() method in jQuery
Unbind() method:
Unbind() method is used to remove events attached to html element while bind() method is used to attach events to selected html elements .
It is mainly used to prevent the events to be executed when needed and when no...
Learn how to create an accordion using AngularJs
In this blog i am going to discuss about accordions i.e is a web control used while creating menus, content-rich pages.
Main idea behind using this user interface accordian is to collapse content and make it expanded when hovered or c...
jQuery Mobile Touch Events
An event is something which triggers when something happens.In jquery we have gone through many of them. In this particular blog we explain about the Touch event. The touch event is triggered when the user taps on an element.
In the following ...
Create accordion menu using JQuery
Hello Readers
Accordion menu is familiar to all of us.
In this kind of menu, each menu item produces a dropdown menu on click. But when we click on another menu item, the dropdown for other menu items would close by themselves. Such a menu...
Different jquery methods used to calculate dimensions
In this blog i am going to share the definition and difference between different methods of jquery used to calculate dimensions.
Following are the six different jquery methods used to calculate dimensions as per ...