Top 10 Template Engines for JavaScript
What is a Template engine? Template Engines are
by nishant.mishra -
jQuery Accordion
Hello readers! In this Blog we will gain knowled
by vishwanath.rana -
How to make Numbered and bulleted list in HTML Editor with JavaScript
Hello all, Working with HTML Editor we wanted t
by gaurav.gautam -
How to hide particular div with just one click?
Hi, you want a condition in which the particula
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
How to Create and Retrieve Array in Javascript?
If you want to store multiple values in a single v
by siddharth.shahi
Converting Java Apps to JavaScript Using CheerpJ
If you want to convert Java application into JavaScript, CheerpJ might be the best tool to do so. CheerpJ melds Java and Web development. It can convert Java applications or libraries into JavaScript and here comes the best part, to do so you don...
How to Implement AngulaJs Form Validation in a Web Application
AngularJS is an open source free and most popular JavaScript client-side framework which provides a great power to built HTML and JavaScript based web application.
This tutorial is in continuation with my previous tutorials, regardin...
Angular2 vs React vs Ember vs Aurelia JavaScript Frameworks - Which is Best?
Are you still planning to build web applications based on a plain JavaScript?
No Way!
With the modern age of rapid app development, we require much better ways to develop the web applications and this is wh...
Aurelia, Angular2 and React - Top 3 JavaScript Frameworks with Merits and Demerits
Lately, JavaScript was revered as the most important programming languages to learn in the year 2017 by IBM. As it is used on both client and server sides and enables a developer to enrich web apps, real-time modification of web pag...
Root Module File in Angular2 Application A Brief Introduction
AngularJS is an open source free and most popular JavaScript client-side framework which provides a great power to built HTML and JavaScript based web application. Angular 2 is written in typescript and in one big survey it has been clearly said ...
Create a Simple Twitter Bot with Node.js in 9 Easy Steps
Before Creating a Simple Twitter Bot with Node.js let us first know what twitter bot is and what it does?
The Twitter bot is a software program you write that listen to something to happen and carry out the action in response. It wil...
Getting started with Node.js and Robotics
These days developers are trying to make the robots and machines which can be controlled by the Javascript. From Sumo Bot battles, blinking lights, to Remote control cats…
Seems difficult, well, not exactly!
All you need is...
4 Step Guide To Deploy Meteor Apps With PM2-Meteor
Meteor.js is a framework for JavaScript that allows us to write JavaScript code reusable in both client and server-side. Whereas, pm2-meteor is a CLI tool that will establish the Meteor app as a Node.js bundle and run with PM2.
Top 10 Template Engines for JavaScript
What is a Template engine?
Template Engines are the tools which help you split the program logic and presentation logic. It also assists in separating both the logics into two independent parts. It is always better to separate your presentatio...
List of Top 7 JavaScript Frameworks a Developer Must Know in 2019
Top JavaScript Frameworks to Learn in 2019
Before I start with the Top Javascript Frameworks, let us first understand what is the Javascript?
Javascript is a programming language which is used to create the dynamic and i...
JavaScript - Learn how to find the difference in multiple arrays using reduce
So when we talk about iteration on arrays in JavaScript, first thing comes in mind is traditional loops, but here we are discussing something that might surprise you that is array reduce() method, so first I’ll tell you, how does array redu...
How V8 JavaScript Engine Works
V8 is a Javascript Engine which is used to increase the efficiency of javascript code during the web browsing. It is an open source and can be used for the clients as well as the server side. Google chrome and node.js are the main examples ...
List of Top 7 JavaScript Data Chart Libraries to Follow
Today, it is practically impossible to offer a dashboard devoid of pictorial or graphical representations. Representation of the graphs, charts, and pictures enables the users to easily comprehend the large statistics or complex sets of data. Apa...
How to pass data from controller to directive in AngularJs?
Hello All,
Sometimes there is a situation in which one want to access data from Controller to Directive. So let's see how we can pass data from controller to directive in AngularJs
Step 1-
Sample Controller:
How to Prevent Flickering in Angularjs While Page Loads?
Hello All,
We are sometimes in a situation when a particular page loads up on the browser and there are some incomplete contents, raw code displayed in the browser while Angular Js is loaded.
So in order to prevent the browser to ...
How to Create Custom Filters in AngularJS?
Custom Filters in AngularJS
The data can be modified through filters in Angularjs. AngularJS not only provides built in filters but also provides with the capability of creating custom filters. Custom filters can be created through "...
How to create separate AngularJS controller files?
Controllers are used to adding behaviors to $scope object. When you are building a large application,the best practice is to split your controllers into different files according to the purpose that it fulfills. So, you need to follow these very ...
How to add and remove select options
To remove an element we use remove() method. The remove() method removes all text, data and events of selected elements.
To add an item to select option we use append() method.
Syntax of remove() method:-
Sharing Data Between Controllers using Services
Services are the Javascript functions (stateless object) that are responsible to do some specific tasks. We can use service to share some data or functions throughout the application within a controller or between different controllers. Services ...
Communication between Directives in AngularJS with Example - Part 2
Hello again,
In Previous Part 1 of Communication between Directives in AngularJS with Example we learned about Communication between Directives using require and directive controllers, and now in this part, we’ll be going through the oth...
Communication between Directives in AngularJS with Example
Communication between Directives can be done the following ways:-
1.Using require and directive controllers to communicate and share functionality
2.EVENTING -more defined way of communication.
3.using sc...
Understanding ng-repeat special variables in AngularJS
Hello Readers,
Hope you are doing good today.
Today on My blog, I am going to explain about the ng-repeat special variables in AngularJS. The nag-repeat directive has a set of special variables which can be used while iterating the collecti...
Enabling of Javascript in your browers
To Enable Javascript on yourbrowser'ss you have to follow certain steps. Sometimes users face to load some websites because of Disabling of javascript. It gives some interactive content on modern browsers.
Mostly these are the browers wh...
Add & Remove Application in AngularJS
Hello Readers,
Hope you are doing good today.
The below code example will provide you a demo to create simple cart application using AngularJS.
Using this you can Add and Remove item in your application.
Include required libra...
Custom Filters in AngularJS
Hope you are doing good today.
Today on My blog, I am going to explain how you can create Custom Filters in AngularJS. Filters are an important part in AngularJS which used to format data
First Create an index.html page and put required libra...
Upload multiple image using AngularJS
Hello Readers,
Hope you are doing good today.
Today in My blog, I am going to explain how you can upload multiple files using AngularJS and PHP.
First Create an index.html page and put required library file in <head></head...
Validation in AngularJS
Hello Readers,
Hope you are doing good today.
Today on My blog, I am going to explain how you use Form Validation in AngularJS. First, you need to use the AngularJS library in your page. AngularJS provides client-side form validation. Valid...
Tooltip show using jquery
Basically tooltip is a element in which we can display extra information about something i.e When you hover that element with your mouse pointer and that little content will be displayed in small box.That little content box position can be a...
How to Update LableText on click using Javascript
Hello Readers,
Hope you are doing good today.
Today on My blog, I am going to explain how you can make labels in edit mode and update label text using JavaScript. First, you need to create label which you want to make editable and also crea...
Create PDF from HTML using JSPDF
Hello friends, welcome to findnerd. Today I am going to tell you how to create PDF from HTML using JSPDF. In this blog I am going to use fromHTML plugin to convert html page into pdf.
Copy and paste the following code into your fi...
How to Add Multiple Image to PDF Using JSPDF Javascript Code
This is a basic how-to tutorial on adding single or multiple images to PDF using JSPDF framework. JSPDF framework is a framework which helps to convert an html document into PDF format. To achieve this, we need to first download JSPDF f...
AngularJs : Creating multiple ng-app in single page
Creating multiple ng-app in single page
Consider a program with multiple ng-app in html page :-
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>In a page only one ng-app works</title>
4 Easy Steps to Setting up Angular2 Application Development Environment
In this tutorial we will learn how to set up develpment environment for Angular 2. TypeScript is a main language for developing applications in Angular. TypeScript is super set for all ECMAScripts and javascript.
Setting up the development e...
Show More and Less content using javascript
Whenever we want to hide/show a particular content on our web page, we use show and hide functionality of javascript.
HTML code:
This is my Blog
<p id="content"> <!-- This i...
Learning about ES6 map object and its methods
Map object in ECMAScript 6 is an ordered list of key/value. Any value either objects or primitive values may be used as either a key or a value.A key 7 is identified as different from “7”. There are more methods mentioned below:
Show password using jQuery
It shows the password in plain text and help user to check whether password entered is correct or not. Basically it Reveals the hidden passwords in the form of characters and numbers and provide convenience for checking your password...
How to loop through array elements using forEach in ES6?
In this blog, we will learn how we can use foreach in the latest ES6 i.e. ECMAScript 2015. In ES6 the new syntax that we will use to iterate over the elements of array is “for-of”. Hence here we will learn how we can iterate through t...
Using TouchSwipe plugin in jQuery
If you want to swipe on touch devices like iPad, iPhone, Android device etc there is a jQuery plugin that can be used for this purpose. It can read any single or multiple finger swipes on touch device and mouse 'drags' on the desktop brow...
Get started with a simple TypeScript application
Typescript is Microsoft’s extension of Javascript. It provides type checking abilities and also has features of object oriented programming. TypeScript is used in both Angular2 and Ionic2.
TypeScript has similar syntax and semantics that a...
Difference between Angular 1.x and Angular 2.0
Angular 2 is different from Angular 1 as it is written completely in Typescript and includes the ES6 specification. As it is not updated version of Angular 1.x so it is rewritten and has many changes.
Component based Programming:
Angular2 is ...
Ionic - Javascript Action Sheet
Ionic provides a service named Action Sheet. It will add slide up pane on the bottom of the screen that contains different options.
Using Action Sheet:
If you want to use ionic sheet into your application, then in your controller you have t...
Understanding Modules in Angular2
A module is component in angular that can export classes, function and values. It can work as a library for some other module.
angular2 library is primary library that is a module and will be imported by some other component.
This is the code...
Using Ionic - Javascript Events
In this article, you will learn about the javascript ionic events. These events are useful when you want to interact your web application pages with user.
These are ionic events:
on-hold : It is called when user touches screen for more tha...
Angularjs routeParams with Example
$routeParams is a service of angularjs that can be used to get the current set of route parameters i.e. URL parameters. ngRoute module is used to work on it.
The route parameters consist of $location’s search() and path(). The path p...
How to use switches in AngularJS
The md-switch which is a Angular directive can be used to show a switch in your angular application.
These are the attributes:
* ng-model - bind data.
name - It is the name of property in the form under which the control is publi...
Understanding Filters in AngularJS
Filters are used to do some changes in the data. It can be used by adding pipe character.
These are the types of filters in angular:
uppercase: It converts any text to upper case.
lowercase: It converts any text to lower case.
How to use jQuery Lazy Load Plugin
In this article you will learn about lazy loading plug-in from jQuery. It first loads your web page then request is sent to load the images of that page.
By using Lazy load plug-in you can decrease time for loading the page and also it can incre...
Understanding Custom Directives in AngularJS
AngularJs Directives are used on a DOM element like any attribute, name of the element, some css class or any comment. It tells AngularJS’s html compiler to attach any directive to DOM element. all data bind attributes with ng- are in-built...
Toggle method in jQuery
Today we are going to learn toggle method in jQuery with example.
Toggle method() is used to hide and show the particular selected element.
Syntax of toggle method() is:-
webui-popover plugin in jQuery
It is a plugin with jQuery which can be used to show popover . It can work with bootstrap but it can be used without bootstrap. It requires jquery1.7+
It supports browsers IE8+, Chrome, Safari, firefox, Opera.
These are the features of this p...