Cakephp - Using Config.php
We can use config.php in cakephp to define const
by harneet.sethi -
Multiple -Language website USING InternationalizationAND Locale
Hii friends, Many of you when you will start ma
by gaurav.singh -
Fetch feeds from youtube in drupal 7
HTML parser and can fetch data from existing URLs.
by rashi.goyal -
Delete files from folder in cakephp 2.X
If anyone wants to delete file from the folder ca
by rashi.goyal -
how to set a custom message using form_alter in Drupal
At times we need to change the message that is dis
by rashi.goyal
Magento Theme Structure
Magento theme designing is complicated unlike other cms wordpress. If we look into the magento theme structure we will notice that it contains two main folders app and skin.
The two primary elements of Magento Theme are :
Multiplelanguages Links in Top Up in Magento
Sometimes we are required to add Multiple languages to our magento site. To have different languages in our site we must include the language translation package from the magento site and follow the below steps :
1. To Create multi store ...
How to add new payment module in Magento
In this tutorial, I’m going to show you How to add a new payment module (Payment Gateway) to your existing Magento Installation which will accept credit cards when the order is placed and capture order ID in payment record.
Lets start by...
How to use Drush in Drupal
Drush stands for Drupal shell, which provide shell interface for managing Drupal sites. It is a useful command line tool to perform various admin tasks using just one or two commands in the terminal. It seems very complex for newbie but when you ...
Magento: Fieldsets in Config File
In this blog, i will explain how to convert quote object to order object using Fieldsets tag in XML config file.
<fieldsets> tag is only found in config.xml files. This tag is used to define attributes (fields) that will be copied from one...
Magento 1.9.1: How to sort products by quantity and price both ?
How to sort Products by quantity and price in Ascending or Descending order programatically?
I was facing issue to sort products by quantity and price in descending order i.e. products which is having maximum quantity in stock and with h...
Magento 1.9.2: How to update Stock Item Quantity of product ?
I was having issues for updating stock quantity items of product in Magento. I was loading the product then setting the stock quantity and saving the product. But that does not work for me. Finally it was resolved, in order to update the stock qu...
Magento How to get category description on product page from CMS block
Magento: Get Category description from block
I was facing issue for getting category description from cms block. After researching on google I found the solution for it. You just need to add this in the home page content:
{{block type="co...
Magento How to remove product images programtically?
Magento: Remove Product Images in Magento through programming:
There is a case when we need to create our own extensions or we have to customize the module, then in that case we need to write custom code for deleting images. Following code wil...
Magento How to display Color, size attributes of product on onepage checkout.
I was facing issues regarding adding attributes to the product with color and size. (i.e configurable products). I have added products to the cart and then went to view the cart, but I didn't see the attributes color and size which should be ...
Magento 2.0: How to add static block in a page template
In order to add static block in page (.phtml) template. Follow the steps below:
Display Static Block in Phtml file & CMS page.
In XML File:
<referenceContainer name="content">
<block class="Magento\Cms\Block\Block" name="...
how can Menu Breadcrumb module is used in my tpl.php file in drupal?
Hello Readers ,
Breadcrumbs or breadcrumb trails are a graphical control element used as a navigational aid in user interfaces. It allows users to keep track of their locations within programs, documents or websites.
So in th...
Websites Creation & WordPress Themes?
The list of these web hosting providers looks a bit long? It should be... There are a ton others and the ones listed here serve different purpose plus have different plans and pricing. The good thing is we know about these guys and you'll be in g...
Using Git Flow on a Drupal Project
Git is very useful in these days to manage your code repository. It is very useful when there are multiple repositories and multiple developers working concurrently. I found below content very useful. It is also assume that you are familiar with ...
How to get a category in wordpress
Hello reader's, we discussed about "How to get a category in wordpress".
In the below code gallery is the custom post type. For this you can create a taxonomy-gallery-category.php file. You can put the below code into this file.
How to get child of Category(Parent Child relation)
Hello reader's today we discussed about "How to get child of Category".
In Wordpress, if we create a category and their sub category and we want to call category and their sub-category. In Programming language we called it Parent Child relatio...
How to write a basic Plugin in wordpress
Hello reader's today we discuss about "How to write a simple Plugin in wordpress".
If you want a to write own Plugin in WordPress there are some steps you must follow and these steps are mention below:
Plugin name should be unique(the nam...
Websites speed optimization process.
Following are some steps to increase page loading speed:
Step 1: HTML Design
Use Div based html design for your website. Table based design will take more loading time as compare to div based design.
Step 2: Use External JavaScript and ...
How to reset wordpress back to its Original Settings
1> Go to your wordpress dashboard.
2> Go to plugins --> Add New
3> Type 'reset' in the search bar & click on "Search Plugins"
4> From the search results select "WordPress Reset" & click on "Install Now"
5> On...
How to add a simple jQuery script to WordPress?
Hello readers, today we discuss about "How to add a simple jQuery script to WordPress?".
There are two way to add script in our wordpress.
In header.php file, and in function.php file
In header.php file you can put the below line into he...
Difference between Joomla and Drupal
Hello Readers
Below are some points to differentiate between the Joomla and Drupal:-
Joomla uses plugins components and modules while Drupal has a module only.
Joomla has lower technical curve while Drupal has high technical curve.
benefits of using Joomla?
Hello Readers,
Benefits of Joomla:
Joomla is an open source software.
It follow MVC pattern model , view and controller.
Large number of components and extensions are available in joomla.
Joomla allows to update the old joomla version ...
Upload multiple files in Drupal 7
There are lots of modules available for uploading multiple files and images in Drupal 7. Each of them have their own feature and might be suits on your specific requirement.
Here is a list of all available modules for multiple file upload opti...
Recovering Drupal Admin Password from From database
If we forget administrator password in Drupal then it is very easy to recover it using Email or Drush. But situation get tougher when we don't have Drush and email notification enabled.
In this way only database update query is the best way but ...
Drupal 7 views filter by dynamic taxonomy term
If we want to create a list of contents which can be filtered by a taxonomy term the we can use Views 3 contextual filter. This will enable views to get filter from url or also from current node which is being viewed in content area.
Get comp...
Best wordpress plugins/widgets to improve your website or blog
Following is the list of WordPress Plugins in which some of them are useful:-
WP Super Cache : Its a very fast caching plugin for WordPress. This plugin generates static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog.
Allow PHP in Posts and...
How to use plugins in wordpress?
WordPress is one of the most popular and simple platforms for blogging. It has themes, plugins, widgets and functions/resources which are used to improve your blog or website. WordPress provide most of the themes and plugins free which are develo...
CMS vs Framework
CMS A Content Management System (CMS) is a software tool that provides functionalities to manage content like: create, edit, delete, and publish content. The main goal of CMS is to provide user interface for building and editing websites content....
Event Booking Payment Plugins
Event Booking supports 40+ payment plugins. Some of them are:
EB Paypal Pro:
uses Paypal Pro payment gateway for processing payment.
EB 2Checkout:
accept payments via 2Checkout payment gateway.
EB Authorize:
accept payments via ...
Configuration of Event Booking Extension
Event Booking is a powerful Joomla extension used for event registration. You need to access the configuration functionality before using this extension. Important parameters included in this extension are:
If using community...
Jomsocial Plugins
Jomsocial provides various plugins. Plugins is a joomla extension which provides functionality related with trigger events. Some of jomsocial plugins are:
Jomsocial Apps- Community Plugins
JS Events:This plugins provides list of events us...
Event Booking Extension
Events Booking is a Joomla Events Registration extension which is a very powerful, rich featured and easy to use. You can create both free and paid events and registrants can register themselves to the event either as a group or individual via o...
Jomsocial is a powerful component which is used for creating social networking sites in Joomla. It provides various facilities to the developer such as:
allow you to create your own social network.
Sharing photos, videos.
Managing events.
Get nodes with the same taxonomy as the current node
Use following steps to create a similar content block for a particular content (Similar contents work on the basis of taxonomy. So first create a taxonomy and assign this to your content type):
1: Create a view with block view.
2: Set fiel...
Implement hook_theme in drupal 7
As per Drupal's definition "A hook is a PHP function that is named foo_bar(), where "foo" is the name of the module (whose filename is thus foo.module) and "bar" is the name of the hook. Each hook has a defined set of parameters and a specified r...
Drupal 7: how to restrict file access to specific user roles
The best way to restrict the file access, is to set default download method to "Private" from Configuration->media->file system.
After making this change we can use Content access module to manage the access of files.
I found this lin...
Attaching image files to nodes programmatically in Drupal 7
Hi All,
It is quite easy to add a node programmatically in Drupal 7. But it gets little bit complex when we need to add an image to this node as well.
Use the following codebase to add an image to a node programmatically:
global $user_...
How To Fix JAuthentication Error in Joomla
Hello Readers,
When we log in to the Joomla administrator site and we find out the error like:-
unable to log in to the Joomla administrator site.
JAuthentication::__construct: Could not load authentication libraries.
Username and pass...
Joomla admin login problem
When we Install Joomla on our machine and we Log into Joomla administrator, after that when we enter the username and password, it will not taken us to the admin page, instead of landing to the admin page we get redirected to the same login page ...
How to add a new module position in Joomla
Hello Readers,
If you want to add the new module position in Joomla admin and show the text or Html on the front end side of this add new position.
You have to follow the some certain steps to do so:
1> Log into the Joomla admin Secti...
How to Rename files during upload within Wordpress backend
Hello readres today we will discuss about "How to Rename files during upload within Wordpress backend".
There are many hook function to remane file in uploading time in wordpress. We will use the sanitize_file_name hopok function.
Suppose use...
How to remove index.php file from URL in Joomla
Hello Readers,
If you want to remove the index.php from the url (http://host/folder_name/index.php) and show in this form
Use the following steps to do so:
1>Log into your Joomla dashboard (adminis...
How to resolve the issue Invalid Token in Joomla
Hello Readers,
If you want to resolve the Issue of Invalid token in Joomla while login then use the some basic points which are given below:
1.Clear all cache and cookies from your browser.
2.Disable apache mod_cache.
3.Disable the server...
Create a custom module in Drupal 7 to create a list page of custom content type
Here I am giving a brief idea of creating a custom module for newbie.
For taking an example, I am creating a list of contents of my custom content type.
However for creating custom pages, we can use Views module and it is highly customizabl...
How to add Custom HTML Module to Your Joomla website
Hello Readers,
If you want to make the custom HTML module in Joomla from admin side and show on frontend then follow the below lines:
1.Go to the Module Manager (Extension Section) in Joomla administrator (backend).
2.Select the New button ...
Create excel reports in Drupal 7
PHPExcel library is basically used for creating reports in Excel format. But if we are using Drupal then there is list of contributed modules to achieve this feature and build on top of PHPExcel library.
You can use one of the following module...
Create a custom token for taxonomy in Drupal 7
Taxonomy Token module is very useful for this purpose but only in Drupal 6. As In Drupal 7 The core Taxonomy and Token core modules already offer similar features.
In Drupal 7 Taxonomies are related to nodes through fields of the type Term re...
Create a custom token in Drupal
Drupal in it's core have lots of tokens which are basically shortcode or placeholder for any kind of information related to Node, User or System itself. Get a complete list of available tokens in Drupal from:
Some useful modules related to views in Drupal
I was searching for a module which can provide me a grid view page with lot of flexibility and found a very usefull module related to views which is Views Fluid Grid
I also found a list of modules which related to views module which enhance vi...
What are Contextual filters in Drupal Views
Contextual filters are much similar as regular filters in views. The only and main difference between them is in the way values are fetched. A contextual filter allows user to filter content based on dynamic information rather then setting a valu...