Cakephp - Using Config.php
We can use config.php in cakephp to define const
by harneet.sethi -
Multiple -Language website USING InternationalizationAND Locale
Hii friends, Many of you when you will start ma
by gaurav.singh -
Fetch feeds from youtube in drupal 7
HTML parser and can fetch data from existing URLs.
by rashi.goyal -
Delete files from folder in cakephp 2.X
If anyone wants to delete file from the folder ca
by rashi.goyal -
how to set a custom message using form_alter in Drupal
At times we need to change the message that is dis
by rashi.goyal
How to get total quantity left of different color in configurable product ?
Hello Readers,
This tutorial is going explain "How to get total quantity left of simple products with different color in configurable product".
Lets see how can we do it:
paste the below code in product view file (i.e catalog/pro...
Custom code to resize any image in magento
In magento if we are required to resize the image we can do it using the resize() function of magento, but sometimes it wont work then we need to apply some custom codes.
Lets see how can we do it :
In case if we are wor...
How to create configurable product ?
Steps to describe how to create configurable product ?
1. In admin panel click on Catalog->Manage Products.
2. Click on Add Product button.
3. Select Attribute Set -> default and Product Type -> con...
Template path hints in magento
Hello Readers,
If you want changes in any page inMagento, Then you should surely know from which file the code is generated. In magento, the code on any page comes from different phtml files. if you are beginners, you should know abou...
Override Magento Account Controller
Hello Readers,
This tutorial will guide you about controller overriding using config.xml. Here i am giving an example "to override Customer AccountController".
Lets start by creating the following folders:
How to setup youtube video in magento store?
If we need to add a video on our page in magento store lets see how we can do it
Follow these steps :
1. Login to the admin panel of your setup.
2. In admin panel menu go to CMS menu and click on option pag...
How to setup Like buttons of the Social networking in magento?
The social networks in these days works as a powerful tool for the advertisment or say for promoting the store content.
Like Facebook as it has like button and share button which allow users to share it on web.
To add the Facebook "Like&...
How to change the default url of any block in magento?
Suppose, we are required to change the url of any block in magento, lets see how we can change the url.
To do so we have to create a module and then re-write the url of that block path to redirect to the module. lets create a module ...
Url Rewrite Management in magento
Hello Readers,
In this blog i am going to explain "How to work with URL Rewrite management in Magento.
To accomplish this, follow the below steps:
1. Login to admin panel
2. Go to Catalog -> Rewrite Management
3. Click on...
getModel() and getResourceModel() in magento
Magento have two parts first as the model, with the Model it handles the business-logic, as Entity Attribute Value (EAV) Model, and the another Resource part, which only deals with talking to the database.
The collections in magento ...
Use of set and get methods in magento
Magento handles the setting and getting values of the fields with the set and get methods.
To understand how it handles using these methods lets see :
the set method in magento works as setter method, which sets to the value of the attributes...
How to create an attribute and apply it to magento products?
Hello Readers,
In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to create an attribute" and apply it to Magento products.
1. Go to Catalog -> Attributes -> Manage Attributes
2. click on “Add New Attribute button in the top rig...
How to change the admin URL path in magento
In magento the default admin url is /admin/ but for the security purpose the default url is risky as it is know by everyone. For the security purpose we need to change the admin url of the store which would be known by the store staff only.
How to add a new Custom Shipping Method
Hello Readers,
In this tutorial, i am going to explain How to add a new Custom Shipping Method to existing Magento Installation which will accept value (i.e shipping charges) from System->configuration option. Here i have used Custom as a mod...
Difference between getModel() and getData() in magento
getModel() method :
Mage::getModel() will create a new instance of an object each time even such object exists in configuration.
getModel will always return a new instance of the requested model every time.
For example:-&nb...
How to create slider of products which are recently added ?
In magento if we are required to create a simple slider of products which are recently Added for say between from previous month to the current month.
Lets see how we can create it :
1. Create a module with namespace and module.
2. Then Crea...
Difference between getSingleton() and getModel()
Mage::getSingleton() :
The getSingleton() method first checks for existence of the instance of the same class in the memory. If it finds the instance then it will return the same object from the memory. and if not than it will create...
Magento get method which loads Model, Block and Helper.
In magento the functions that is mostly responsible for the things to be done are get and set methods, which are actually same as getter and setter methods.
With the help of the get method we can actually call any model, block or helper.
How to create a Installer Script to perform operation on database in magento ?
In magento sometimes we need to add fields to the existing table or create a new table for our module, for this purpose we are required to write the installer script instead or performing the operation directly on database.
Lets see ...
How to call static block in magento ?
Hello Readers,
Before i tell you how to call static block in magento. Lets understand the term "static block" & How to Create It..?
Static blocks : Sometimes we are required to add some custom data or images (like banners) in th...
How to create category attributes ?
In magento sometimes we are required to create category attributes programmatically in admin panel.
Lets see how we can do it:
1. Create a module with namespace and modulename.
2. Then Create a file config.xml in etc folder in our module...
How to get products list from the orders of the logged in customer?
In magento if we need to get the list of products of orders of the current logged in customer.
To do so lets see how we can do it:
first of all we need to get the logged in user id from the session for the same write the ...
How to get list of all orders of the logged in user?
Sometimes in magento we are required to get list of orders of the current logged users.
To do so lets see how we can do it:
first of all we need to get the logged in user id from the session for the same write the ...
How to load categories with their subcategories product count?
In Magento if we are required to load the Categories with their product count,
Then to do so, let see how:
First of all load the current root category for say we have default category with id: 2.
To load the root category we can wr...
How to load products between two dates ?
If we are required to load products between two dates lest between previous month to current date.
lets see how we can load them in the function loadproduct()
public function loadproduct() {
$first = date('Y-m-01',...
How to Insert, Select, Update & Delete Data in Magento
Hello Readers,
In this blog i am going to show you "How to select, insert, add, update/edit and delete data in the Magento.
Lets Suppose, If you have database table named 'slider' with the following fields
id(int,primay key), titl...
How to create slider of products recently edited ?
In magento if we are required to create a simple slider of products which are recently edited for say between from previous month to the current month.
Lets see how we can create it :
1. Create a module with namespace and module.
2. Then Cre...
Steps to describe how to create product and assign to category
1. In admin panel click on Catalog->Manage Products.
2. Click on Add Product button.
3. Select Attribute Set and Product Type.(Default & Simple Product)
4. In General tab fill the mendatory details like Name, Description, Short De...
How to generate programmatically invoices of the orders and their pdf consecutively in magento?
In Magento lets see if we are required to generate invoices of the orders and their pdf consecutively from admin panel.
how we can do it:
1. Create a file config.xml in an etc folder in our module.
2. Then Create a controller folder in ...
How to generate invoice programmatically in magento ?
In magento lets see, if we are required to generate invoices of the orders from admin panel.
how we can do it:
1. Create a file config.xml in etc folder in our module.
2. Then Create a controller folder in which add Adminhtml folder wh...
How To Add Store View Selection In Magento Admin Grid?
Hello Readers,
In this tutorial, I will explain how to add Store View selection to Module’s Adminhtml
This article assumes you already know how to create Magento Admin grid.
Go to Namespace/Module/Block/Adminhtml/Module/Edit/Tab...
Examples: Override Magento Blocks, Models & controllers
Hello Readers,
This tutorial will guide you about overriding mage core file using config.xml. Here i am gonna give an examples which guide you about "how to override magento blocks, Models & controllers. Always remember, it is not a goo...
How to check which shopping cart rules are applied to product?
In magento if we need to check, if any shopping cart rule is applied to the product or not.
To do so we can perform it in a test file in our root folder.
lets perform the same, create a file test.php in root folder and write the below code:
How to add mass Delete & mass Status action in magento ?
Hello Readers,
In this tutorial, i will explain how to add massDelete & massStatus action in magento. This tutorial assumes you already know how to create Magento admin grid.
Advantage of Mass Action: Mass Action option plays very importa...
How to get Bundel items from the bundel product in magento?
In Magento, if we are required to check the items of Bundle product for some purpose, then we can do it by following way:
For the same purpose lets check the below code:
< ?php
$product = new Mage_Catalog_Model_Product();
How to change the Order total in PDF and Add our custom field in magento?
In magento sometimes we are required to apply our own custom fee charges to reflect them when we generate the PDF from invoice in admin panel.
Lets see how we can do it:
1. Create a module with namespace as Custom and module as Fee.
Small tutorial about local.xml in Magento
Hello Readers,
This tutorial will guide you about local.xml file in magento. The local.xml file does not exist by default. We will have to create it in the layout folder of current theme. By Using local.xml, we can modifying the existing layou...
How to change the Product Price at the time of adding it to cart in Magento?
In Magento sometimes we are required to apply our own custom price on the products while adding to the cart.
To do so we can work upon the event checkout_cart_product_add_after.
Lets see how we can do it:
1. Create a module...
How to apply Custom Discount in magento
In magento sometimes we are requiered to apply our own discount on the cart total section.
To do so we can work upon the event sales_quote_collect_totals_after.
Lets see how we can do it:
1. Create a module with namespace as Custom a...
How to change any attribute value of product in magento
In magento sometimes we are required to change the attribute values of the products.
To do so we can work upon the event catalog_product_load_after.
Lets see how we can do it:
1. Create a module with namespace as Custom and module as...
What is splunk
Hi All,
In this blog I'm going to discuss about the Splunk, which is an engine for collecting, analyzing and visualizing the data.
Splunk is nothing but a software or rather we can say an application just like a google search ...
Problem in Drupal 6 after updating PHP version from 5.3 to 5.5
Drupal 6, Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class view in /var/www/html/mysite/profiles/drupal_commons/modules/contrib/views/includes/view.inc on line 19
I had a working website in Drupal 6 and with PHP 5.3.5. But after updating my PHP version to ...
Add drop down attribute in product view page ?
Hello Readers, In this blog i am going to show you "How to add drop down attribute in product view & list page.
Lets Suppose, If you want to display the color and size attributes of the configurable product , then you c...
Magento: Category Import and Export Extension
Manually, it will take a lot of time to import category one by one. So, This post will explain "how to import - export all categories of one setup to new setup in magento through extension".
here you can downl...
How to show different products in different stores in magento
How to show different products in different stores.
In magento sometimes we are required to show different number of products under same category in different store views.
To do so we can apply changes in visibility of the manage product fr...
Magento Group Price
In this tutorial, i will explain how to apply different price for different customer groups.
Let’s start with logging into admin panel.
Go to backend administrative and hover on Catalog menu.
Next, Click -> Manage Products option.
Hide ADD TO CART button from list page in magento
Hello Readers,
Some times you need to Hide ‘Add to Cart’ button as per client requirement.
So, in this blog i will show you 'how to hide ‘Add to Cart’ button from the List/Category Page.
Go to /app/design/fronte...
What is block in magento?
In this blog, we are going to learn Magento blocks.
What Are Blocks in Magento?
Block is first class elements in the structure of Magento layouts, in Magento architecture. Blocks are powerful and flexible way to plug your content into alrea...
How to create module in Magento?
I am creating this blog which will let you understand how to create a module in Magento 1.*
There's two controllers you need to be concerned about. The module/frontName controller, and then the MVC controller.
Lets start and know how to...
Overriding Magento Core Files
Hello Readers,
Sometimes you need to do some changes in magento core files. It is a good habit of every Magento programmer to override the core file instead of making change in core file.
In this tutorial, i will explain how to override magento...