Cakephp - Using Config.php
We can use config.php in cakephp to define const
by harneet.sethi -
Multiple -Language website USING InternationalizationAND Locale
Hii friends, Many of you when you will start ma
by gaurav.singh -
Fetch feeds from youtube in drupal 7
HTML parser and can fetch data from existing URLs.
by rashi.goyal -
Delete files from folder in cakephp 2.X
If anyone wants to delete file from the folder ca
by rashi.goyal -
how to set a custom message using form_alter in Drupal
At times we need to change the message that is dis
by rashi.goyal
Define hooks in Drupal?
hooks:- hooks are api code in drupal which allows interaction between module and Drupal core.
Basically A hook is a PHP function look like -
general is the name of the module (file name for whom is general.module).
Implement newsletter using simplenews module in Drupal
Simplenews module is used to implement Newsletter in drupal. There are lots of other options available with Simplenews module. Find below details to implement and use Simplenews module:
Simplenews: Send newsletters to subscribed e-mail address...
Sending bulk email in Drupal using Mass Contact module
Mass contact module is very useful when we want to send lots of emails to a group or users or all users. We also can add taxonomy check for this.
Following is the detail for mass contact module:
Mass Contact
The Mass Contac...
Import wordpress functions in custom.php file
Hello reader's in this blog I will guide you how to import "Wordpress functions in custom.php file?".
First Create a custom.php file into your theme and put your code into it.
Below is the example of image crop function into custom.php :
How to pass extra variables in URL with Wordpress
Hello reader's, today we will discuss about "How to pass extra variable in URL in Wordpress".
Suppose , Admin want to update the user detail then they go to user listing page and select the user and click edit button or link. When ...
Woocommerce Or Magento - What to use and when?
Magento and WooCommerce are currently the top two frameworks in use for e-commerce websites over the web. Both are backed by strong open-source communities developing plugins for various functio...
Mailchimp, third party newsletter in Drupal
MailChimp is basically a web-based email marketing service. It helps you design email newsletters, share them on social networks, integrate with services you already use, and track your results. Mailchimp module in Drupal, provides APIs to intera...
How to send bulk emails in Drupal
Drupal has hook_mail function to send emails. This function is capable of sending email to a single user.
If we need to send an email to multiple user then we can write a function and call this function within foreach loop. This should be a simp...
File Handling with JFile component in Joomla
JFile is the default library class for handling files upload, copy & delete functions. This can also be used to get the file name, extension and renaming a file while uploading.
Following are the details of functions available that can...
Drupal Queue Api
I have been using Views Bulk Operations (VBO) module from long time. I always found an option appear in list after enabling the module Enqueue the operation instead of executing it directly , this make me appealing to learn more about Drupal Q...
ACL architecture in Joomla 3.x
Hello Readers,
Today we are going to discuss the details about Access Control Lists (ACL) of Joomla 3.x
Access Control List (ACL) specifies which users or system processes are granted access to objects, as well as what operations are allow...
Changing Admin Password Through Database
How to Change Admin Password Through Database?
Hello reader's !
In this tutorial I will guide you about "how you can Change Admin Password through database".
SO read the complete tutorial and follow the steps and implement it same in your Wo...
Guide to Wordpress Menus
Hello reader's !
In this tutorial we discuss about How to add menu in WordPress.
So if you want to add menu in your WordPress Site follow the steps one by one.
Login to the WordPress Dashboard.
From the 'Appearance' menu on the left-ha...
Wordpress ShortCodes Guide
Hello readers !
Today we discuss about "WordPress Short Codes".
Short-codes:- a short-code is a shortcut to put things simply. short-codes are WordPress-specific pieces of code that do things that would otherwise require technical knowledge...
How to add additional image sizes in wordpress
Hello reader's
Today we discuss about "How to add additional image sizes in WordPress".
When you upload an image to the media library, WordPress creates the store a range of various sizing's to the image. They're: thumbnail, medium, large an...
Wordpress Object Caching
Hello readers!
In my Last blog I have explained about how you can Speed Up Your WordPress Website by Caching Custom Queries using Transients API.
Now today we discuss about " WordPress Object Caching". this ones is also a method to Boost WordP...
Configuring WordPress for Browser Caching
Hello readers!
Today we discuss about "How to Leverage Browser Caching in WordPress" (Configuring WordPress For browser caching).
Browser caching:- Browser caching helps to reduces the request per page in numbers which results to reduce serv...
Speed Up Your WordPress Website by Caching Custom Queries using Transients API
Hello readers!
If you want to make your WordPress website faster you can make it possible by Caching Custom Queries using Transients API. So read out this tutorial carefully and apply the steps in your website.
If you are using custom WordP...
RESTful API/Web Services with Drupal 7
I came across a project where I have to develop "Web Services Using Drupal 7". Though Drupal 7 core standard contains no RESTful API, but this is easy to set up using modules such as: Services, RestWS or Restful. While working on Web API's I foun...
How to build complicated block views without using views module
I came under a situation where I have to do lot of sorting and filtration, which was quite hectic doing with views then I found this tutorial which gave me a start where I can do things even without using views.
Please find the reference link ...
Display Post in WordPress Home Page
When you works in Wordpress the loop is the main part of your template to show the post to the user, using the loop you defines how you want to show the content to your user, Lets take a look how you can show the posts in index.php in WP site , ...
Memory profiling in hooks - Drupal 7
When your site is getting memory exhaustion errors it get hard to figure out which pages are getting the memory errors and how much memory they are using. After lot of search I found below link which help me lot to understand more about memory e...
Adding settings to template
Hello reader's today we will discuss about "Adding settings to template" .
Add this code to your theme's functions.php file:
function setup_theme_admin_menus() {
add_menu_page('Theme settings', 'Example theme', 'manage_op...
WordPress Footer
The wordpress theme contain a file called "footer.php" and that file contain function "wp_footer()"
The footer.php file is a base file of theme which generally contain a footer menu, social media widget, copyright text, javascript files etc
bloginfo() in WordPress
Hello reader's, today we disscuss about bloginfo and its parameter.
It displays information about your site, It can be used anywhere within a template file.
<!--?php bloginfo('name'); //Displays the "Site Title ?-->
Wordpress Theme and Menus
Custom Menus will show in the header area at the top of your site. With some themes, you may have the option to create and display multiple custom menus in different places on your site, such as the footer or special sidebar areas.
Creating a ...
search form in worpress theme
searchform.php is an important template file that is why it is included many a time in the sidebar of many themes and generates the search box form. If this template is not in your theme, you can copy the below code and include it in your theme. ...
wp_head() and header.php
Hello reader's, today we discuss about "wp_head() and header.php".
Two Important and key things to add to a WordPress theme are the wp_head and wp_footer functions. These two functions are known as action hooks. Action hooks are placeholders whe...
What is WordPress Widget & How To Create Your Own Widgets In WordPress
A wordpress widget is a small component of an interface, that enables a user to perform various action. You can add, arrange, and remove widget from the sidebar of your blog. Widgets make it easy to customize the content of your sidebar of your b...
Get all Terms of Taxonmy
Hello all,
Get all terms of taxonomy. Using the particular code below, we can print all term with permalink in taxonomy and single page.
$taxonomies = 'TAXONOMY-NAME;
$get_terms = get_terms( $taxonomies, '' );
term_id != 1 )
Wordpress Custom Archive
Today we will discuss about archive.php template page.
Archive page is the great way to bring together your all old content in one page. It allow you to list your monthly archives, category archives, tag archives, author archives, and anythi...
How to remove WordPress Generator Tag or Version Number from header?
In WordPress, it is very easy to identify the wp version of website via checking source of web page and this information might be a security leak on your site, if you are not running the most updated version of WordPress. therefor you are providi...
Wordpress Querying Posts
The querying posts means to modify/filter the query of a page or add new query in the page. There are lot of ways to modify query of a page or post by replacing it with new instance of the query.
You can achieve this to query a wordpress post ...
Wordpress The Loop have_posts and the_post
The following example can be used to refer if any posts exist.
It have two functions like 'have_posts()' and 'the_post()'.
The function 'have_posts()' checks to see if the current wordpress query has any results(post) to loop over, and the fu...
Custom Taxonomy in Wordpress
Hello reader's today we will discuss about "Custom Admin Dashboard Menu or Custom Taxonomies".
WordPress provides a new method of grouping content by allowing you to create your own custom taxonomies. The core developers have created the regis...
Wordpres theme template hierarchy
In wp, pages are join together from different theme template files. Each & every template file of wp represents section of the web page, and all together they render all of the content of individual web pages, pulled from the wp admin. Howeve...
Creating Wordpress Admin Page
In wordpress you can create a admin page in admin section, to start this we have to first use hook function add_action() to create a menu in admin.
Before doing this we have to first create a directory under the plugins folder for now we create ...
WordPress archive.php template pages
Hello dear reader's !
Today we will discuss about archive.php template page. Archive page is the great way to bring together your all old content in one page. It allow you to list your monthly archives, category archives, tag archives, author a...
What is Sidebar get_sidebar() and sidebar.php?
Hello readers !
Today We will discuss about sidebar.php
This is one of the best features in WordPress that gave lot of flexibility in theme. Sidebar.php is a template page in your theme directory. It includes some extra links which you canno...
Wordpress 404 Error Template
Wordpress 404 Error Template :- Every wordpress theme has a 404.php file. This error occur when a user click on link to a missing web page, the web server will send the user an error message template such as 404 Not Found !!!.
Admin can custo...
Magento Adapter Class for Shipping
The adapter model handles the functionality for our shipping module. This is where all the calculations happen and where everything will be coded. The coding written in model is to handle the shipping methods and the rates returned to the user fo...
The Loop in WordPress -Part 2
In My previous blog I have explained have_posts and the_post Loop but there are some more WordPress loops which I am explaining in this blog below.
The Loop :- As I already explained in my previous blog, The Loop is PHP code used by WordPress...
What is functions.php in wordpress & how to use it
function.php - brain of WordPress theme
functions.php or the theme functions file is a file used by WordPress themes. It acts like a plugin and gets automatically loaded in both admin and front-end UI pages of a WordPress site. This file is us...
The Loop in Wordpress
The Loop
The Loop is PHP code used by WordPress to display posts. Using The Loop in WordPress we can display each post in the current page.
In wordpress have_posts() simply calls into $wp_query->have_posts() checks, if there are any post...
WordPress Theme Directory Structure & Their Uses
In WordPress terminology:
A WordPress Theme is a collection of php, css & js files that work together to produce a webpage with an underlying unifying design for a weblog. These files are called template files. A Theme modifies the way the...
How to fix ctools_add_js() not working issue in ctools modal form in drupal 7.x
Hi All,
I am sharing my recent experience with C-Tools modal form, I was adding custom js file in ctools modal form in Drupal 7.x using jQuery version 1.8
and add my code under
but my code didn't...
Advantage of "loadModel" over "$uses"
Advantage of loadModel over uses
While using "$uses", many unrelated model gets loaded. So it's best practice to use it only when it is needed through out the controller. If you only need it randomly then loadModel(). Another way of loading a...
Add product to cart in magento programmatically
Hello All,
To add product to cart I followed the below code and its work for me -
For this you need to pass parameter - product id as $param['pid'] & customer id as $param['customerid']
$product = Mage::getModel('c...
Update cart quantity not working in magento
Issue to update shopping cart quantity in magento -
To solve the issue go to your theme's cart.phtml file find the form tag then
<?php echo $this->getBlockHtml(\'formkey\') ?>
after start form tag like...
add 'in stock' filter in product collection in magento
Add 'in stock' filter in product collection in magento
To get product that is in stock apply the below filter to your product collection -
$productDetails = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($cat_id)->getProductCollection()...