How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
How to add and remove a class on click event
Today i am sharing a blog on How to add and remove a class on click event in javascript.
First of all you need to either download few plugins or just copy and paste the below link inside head tag.
<script src="https://ajax.google...
What is CSS box model
As we all know CSS is style sheet language used to give a beautiful look,Design to our document written in HTML.
CSS is an abbreviation for Cascading Style Sheet.
CSS is a kind of technology used by many websites to create attracti...
Draggable and resizable a block using HTML5 and Javascript
If you want your block draggable and resizable, the following code will help you for the same:
<section class="map">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="this-week panel-group dayListing" id="ac...
Drag and drop using Javascript
If you want to drag your element from one point to another, here is the code below using Javascript:
<div id="dragElement">Drag me!</div>
#dragElement {
What is image sprite and its uses in CSS?
CSS image sprite is a single image like a image-sheet with all
the images needed for your website.
Image sprites is having all the
images needed at one place in a
single image to it makes the browser
work easy while the browser try to
how to use media query to make your page responsive in html?
I am sharing an example of html with the use of mediaquery.
Here in the given example below in which i have used 3 separate files,namely
1:Html (a file with .html extension)
2:External css style sheet (a file with .css extensio...
Use of Span tag
Span tag plays a very important role in HTML, CSS designing.It is used to provide beautiful,attracting,as desired features to the attributes using CSS.
SPAN tag is a tag using which attributes can be implemented.
There many tags but we m...
Using var dataType in C#
What and why we need to use Var dataType? This is one simple question that many of us might not know. So here it is, illustrated with a simple example:
When we declare any variable as int i = 0; this is an explicit conversion.
But when we wri...
Create new project in Ionic framework
If you want to create a new project in Phone gap with Ionic framework, you can do that with the following lines:
First of all we have to install ionic, to install ionic in the system we have to run the following command in our terminal:
$ n...
Refresh the parent window and close the child window on clicking the button in child window
How to refresh the parent window and close the child window on clicking the button in child window using JavaScript
If you want to close your child window and refresh its parent window on click of a button, we can do that with the help of foll...
HTML Event Attributes
Let us discuss some of the HTML Events Attributes:
1. oninput
2. onselect
3. onchange
4. onsubmit
5. onkeypress
6. onresize
Let us discuss it one by one
1. oninput - When an element get the user input, this attribute fires autom...
Angularjs difference between routeprovider and stateprovider
$route: This is used for deep-linking URLs to controllers and views (HTML partials) and watches $location.url() in order to map the path from an existing definition of route.
When we use ngRoute, the route is configured with $routeProvider and...
How to use custom filters in our code in AngularJS
Filter is one of the important part in angularJS. There are many default filters like:
1. uppercase
2. lowercase
3. orderby
We can use these filter simply by adding a pipe character (|) in the expression.
Now we will discuss a custom ...
Getting Device info using phone gap
In phonegap, if we want to know the device information then we have to add a plugin for the same and from that we will have a device object which describe the hardware and software of the device.
The properties include:
Difference between the different services in AngularJS
AngularJs provide different services to organise and reuse the code multiple times in the app.
These are the two services:
1. Service
2. Factory
These services are singleton objects.
Lets Discuss them:
1. Service: Service are singleton ob...
Declaring modules in Angularjs
A module is a container for different part of an App which includes controller, services, filters, directives and many more.
We can also say that it is a collection of controllers, filters, services, directives, etc.
Syntax for creating a m...
What is the difference between var and dynamic keywords in C#
Programming languages can be categorized into two parts based on data type
1) Strongly Type
2) Weakly Type
Strongly Type:-
A strongly-typed programming language is one in which there are dif...
In most of our applications, We need last inserted identity value in SQL Server table. For getting the last inserted identity value we have multiple options:
All these three return the l...
CSS3 child and combinators selectors
CSS3 child selector :
CSS3 nth child selector, selects the child element of its parent.
The common syntax: :nth-child(n)
There are many other syntax related to nth-child. Few of them are:
1. :nth-child(odd)
For selecting the odd child elemen...
Difference between shift(), unshift() and push(),pop() methods
Writing a JavaScript code in correct approach can be fun instead of terrifying. In this tutorial we will see shift(), unshift() and push(), pop() are the methods of JavaScript that allows us to add remove elements.
Lets discuss all these m...
Login to Your Site through Google+ using Javascript
Many a times we need to authenticate our users through social media such as facebook, twitter and google+.
Today I will be discussing how to login to the system using Google+ credentials without using any sdk but through javascript.
Using the...
Section and Article tags in HTML5
It represents a self-contained composition in a document, application, or site.
It could be a forum post, a magazine or newspaper article, a blog entry, a user-submitted comment, or any other independent item of content.
An article el...
Named Skin in ASP.NET
What is Skin-> Skin was introduced in ASP.NET 2.0 to solve the problem of design/layout of server control. Its used for changing the appearance of asp.n...
Programmatic Caching
The first thing we need to understand is the need of caching. This can be understood by a very simple and most common usage of search functionality. For example we need to search all products that come under furniture by typing in one of the furn...
Working with List in Provider Hosted App for Sharepoint
Sharepoint List in Provider Hosted App
This Blog will provide an insight of how we can use Sharepoint List and its properties in Provider Hosted App. Assuming you already are familiar with Sharepoint and Provider Hosted App.
As we all know Pr...
Tutorial On LinQ and Simple LinQ examples
Introduction of LINQ:
Abbreviated for Language-Integrated Query (LINQ). It was introduced in Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework version 3.5. The main concept behind it was to fill the gap between world of objects and the world of data. LINQ...
Blog Writing Guidelines
Foundation of blog:
Few things that are considered as the foundation of a Blog are:
Keyword Embedding ( A blog must include your targeted keyword as per the theme of your content)
Collect some attractive image related to post &...
NGUI: Custom Atlas
NGUI: Create Custom Atlas
When we install NGUI in our game it contains some built in Atlas such as - Fantasy, Refractive, SciFi, Wooden. We use them to create buttons, image buttons, progress bar, popup list, scroll bar etc., in which we can o...
NGUI Features
Features of NGUI :
Easy to implement
Written in optimized c#
It supports iOS, Android and Flash plateform
Intigrated with Unity Inspector.
Quick add template widget using Widget Tool
Every widget is an object as other in Unity.
Add Sound in Unity3D
An AudioSource is attached to the GameObject to play sounds in a 3D environment. To play the sounds we need an AudioListener.
The Audio Listener acts as a microphone-like device. It receives input from an Audio Source in the scene and plays sou...
Memory Management for Unity3D
Many a times while developing a game in unity3D we encounter issues like crashing in between the game play due to low memmory warnings. This is because the game is consuming unexpectedly high memmory. Developers not usually think of this while de...
How to Develop an Android Game in Unity3D
When we create our game, we might want to see how it looks when we build and run it outside of the editor as a standalone or web player. Today, I will explain how to access the Build Settings and how to create different builds of your games.
Incorporate Progress Bar in Unity3D
How to make a progress bar in Unity3D Game
Calling LoadLevelAsync like TheDarkVoid suggested will start the loading process. You could put it in a coroutine so other parts of the game can keep running. It returns an AsyncOperation.
Unity3D: Moving an Object with Keyboard Input
Today we're going to take a first look at the Unity3D game development engine. This engine is pretty easy to use and has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. It supports multiple languages (including C#, JavaScript ,Boo) .
1) The first ...
HUD (Head Up Display) in Unity
HUD (Head Up Display)
A head-up display or heads-up displayalso known as a HUDis any transparent display that presents data without requiring users to look away from their usual viewpoints. The origin of the name stems from a pilot being able ...
Importance of Blogging
Why Should I Blog
Before focusing on the main theme, I would like to share some views on why I am writing this blog
the whole day i was thinking that what should I write?
And the last question that hit my mind and which might be hitting m...