How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
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Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
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Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
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Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
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Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
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Five Things Your Competitors Know About Food and Beverage Software
The food and beverage manufacturing companies face increased competition these days, not just from the traditional businesses, but from a lot of mom and pops businesses that have mushroomed in the recent times. With limited investm...
Install OpenERP-10 (Odoo-10) in Windows 7, 8 and 10 - 9 Easy Steps
OpenERP is free enterprise resource planning software having various modules for sales, purchase, CRM, HRM, Accounting/finance, E-commerec etc. Later in may 2014 it has been rebranded as Odoo. Odoo stands for On Demand Open Object means that it i...
How to create digital signature in OpenERP/Odoo?
Below example will helps you to add the digital signature in OpenERP/Odoo, you just have to follow the steps mentioned below:
Step-1 Install the web_digital_sign module from Odoo apps to addons
Step-2 After installation you have t...
How to each product partial reconciliation in OpenERP(Odoo)
In OpenERP first, create custom module and than override the function in .py file in custom module and pass this file to the __init__.py file. Then get the correct line residual amount and pass this line in account invoice. using...
How to amount residual in account module in OpenERP(Odoo-8)?
In OpenERP first we create custom module and module name is account_demo and then create four file like as __init__.py, __openerp__.py, account_demo.py, account_demo.xml file in your module and create function and function name like accoutss_resi...
How to change product id in your account module in OpenERP(Odoo-8)?
In OpenERP, create a custom module like: demo and then create file like: demo.py file in your demo module and demo.py file pass in your other file __init__.py file. And then create other file demo.xml file and pass this file in your other file li...
onchange quantity sequence in account module in OpenERP(Odoo-8)
In OpenERP first, we will manage all file and create module and then inherits to the account.invoice object in your .py file.
Follow these step given below
Step1- First, we create custom module like as a test module and put this test m...
How to call and create parent class in account module in OpenERP(Odoo)?
In OpenERP first, we create custom module and then create function in your existing module and pass parameter in function name is MaterialsRecursive.
In below example I have written Python script to Include only parent level class. Like given ...
How to update fields in text fields in product module OpenERP(Odoo)
In OpenERP first create custom module and inherits the hr module in your existing module.
Follow these step given below
Step1- First create existing module like as test and than create .py file in your own module like as a test.py...
How to invoke mails in account module in OpenERP(Odoo)?
In OpenERP first create custom module and inherit the email_template object in your own module. Then create templates in .xml file.
Follow these step given below:
Step1- First, create module like: test and then create .py file lik...
How to visible and invisible fields of the basis of selection fields in OpenERP(Odoo-8)?
In OpenERP first, create custom module and then create object in your own module and put your own module in your OpenERP server.
Follow these step given below
Step1- First create module like as a test and then create file like as ...
How to send mail in next level in workflow in OpenERP(Odoo-8)?
In OpenERP, first, create custom module and then configure your incoming and outgoing mail in your server an then relate it to the function.
Follow these step given below:
Step1- First, create module like as a test module and then creat...
How to create PDF report using python script in OpenERP(Odoo-8)
In OpenERP first, create existing module and then inherits the account.invoice object in your own module and also create report file in your own module.
Follow these step given belowas
Step1- First create module like, test then create file ...
How to catches all keyboard events in OpenERP(Odoo)
In OpenERP first create custom module and inherits the Scanner object in your own module and pass all the barcode fields and map it to the object.
Then this barcode will start a loop that catches all keyboard events in Odoo. And by using the ...
How to call product form to using of button in purchase module in OpenERP(Odoo-8)?
In OpenERP first, create your custom module and inherits the purchase module object like purchase.order object in your own module. Than add button in the purchase form.
Follow these step given below
Step1- First create module and than file ...
How to make payment and inherits account invoice object in OpenERP(Odoo-8)
In Odoo first we create existing own module and inherits the account invoice object in your own module. Than fetch all object like as a account.move , account.journal, account.period in your own module and update the account.journal and also invo...
Select product and add product in your sale order line on button click in Odoo-8
In Odoo first, we create custom module and also create function and pass this function in button. And when we open the form we will select the product and this product will show in sale order line.
Follow these step given below
Step1- First...
How to change email templates in OpenERP(Odoo-9)?
In OpenERP first, create a database and then install the sale module and account module with mapping your country currency and account module. Then install the mass mailing module in your database and thenconfirme your email templates in mass mai...
How to manage and configure outgoing email in Openerp(Odoo-9)
In Odoo, first, create database on server then install like: sale and account module and mapping with country account like as united state currency is $ then install module:
United States – Accounting install. And If users want to send an ...
How to inherit delegation and view in OpenERP(Odoo)
In OpenERP first, we create a module and then inherits to the delegation and views both in your own module.
Follow these step shown below
Step1- First we create a module like as: test and then create a test.y file in an own module and pass ...
How to create function Compute fields using API in Odoo-9
In OpenERP first, we create existing module and then creates an object in own module and then creates fields and function in module and relate it to the fields, this fields computes all related records and saves it in a database.
Here computed...
How to show submenus in Sale module in OpenERP(Odoo)
In OpenERP first, create custom module than inherits the sale menu and pass the view_mode in your menu file, follow these steps show below
Step1- The first step is to create a module i.e test and then create a file test.py and in this file, cr...
How to show the customer payment Total in fields in OpenERP?
In OpenERP first, create a custom module and then inherits the account.payment object in your own module like module name test.
Follow these steps given below
Step1- First create the __init__.py file in your test module and use this code g...
OpenERP/Odoo Life Cycle
The life cycle of the Information system showcases a number of stages through which the development of project and use of information systems passes. Traditionally, the life cycle of Information system revolves around system study, project defini...
How to add penalty in customer invoice in OpenERP-6.1?
In OpenERP first, install the account module and then create the own module and relate it to the fields payment term in account module.
Follow these steps given below:
Step1- First create add_penalty.py file in your own module and pass this...
How to transfer bill from one customer to another customer in OpenERP-6.1?
In OpenERP first, install the sale and account module so that users can transfer one bill to another bill.
Follow these step given below:
Step1- First create own module and then create file like as merge.py file and pass this file in your _...
How to merge partner in OpenERP-6.1?
In OpenERP first, install the sale and account module and then create the own module.
Follow these step given below:
Step1- Create your own module and then create merge_partner file and then pass this file in __init__.py file in your own mo...
How to find BoM for particular product and product_uom in Odoo?
In Odoo first, we have to create own modules and then create a function to find the BOM in our own modules.
After this, we will search product on the basis of the product_tmpl_id and relate it to the BOM.
Here, product_uom is the Uni...
How to add value form account invoice line and store in customer form in Odoo-9?
In Odoo first install the accounting module and then if users want all customer related account invoice to be added only to the product price and the quantity of the product calculated and stored in the fields in res.partner, for this follow the ...
How to resize and save image in Odoo-8?
In Odoo first create the modules and then create a new field that saves images. Now to upload them correctly in your database and to resize images automatically and store them in database you can use the below function or steps I have mentioned:
How to inherits views and replace any fields in views in Odoo?
In Odoo first, we create existing modules and then we inherits the views in modules. Like first, we install the accounting modules in database and then inherits the account modules. Object is the account.invoice in existing modules and if user wa...
Create a database in Odoo from a php website
I want to create a database in my server Odoo from my website(php).
Can you help me please.
How to create PDF report for account module in Odoo-9?
In Odoo-9 first we install the accounting module and then create new module and inherits the account.invoice object in account module to own your module and give type is pdf in module.
Follow these step show below:
Step1:- First we create n...
How to functional field is replaced by computed field Odoo-8?
In Odoo-8 first, we create the own module and then create fields and make these fields a functional fields. Ones we create functional fields after this the functional field is replaced by computed field.
Like, first create a computed field and...
How to calculate fields with total in account invoice line in Odoo-9?
In Odoo first, you have to install accounting module and in our system add existing fields and inherit the accounting module in our own module.
We will follow these step given below:
Step1- First we create our own module and inher...
How to show a menu badge in OpenERP/Odoo?
If you want to show a menu badge in OpenERP/Odoo then you should follow the below code:
class Shiva(models.Model):
_name = 'Shiva'
_inherit = ['ir.needaction_mixin']
('healthy', "Healthy Sh...
Database Auto Backup System in OpenERP/Odoo
Step-1 Go to menu settings->Configuration-> Configuration backup
Step-2 In OpenERP/Odoo Database to enable Auto-Backup system you have to first enable the user to make configurations for the automatic backup of the database...
How to add CSS file and image file in Django?
In Django framework first we create the project and follow these step shown below:
Step1- First we create a project in your Django. If you are not able to create a project then use this link. This link helps to create a project in Django frame...
How to set default Unit of Measure Categories(UOM) in odoo-9
In odoo-9 we create functional fields and validate to function and set also set to default value of Unit of Measure Categories(UOM) in selected form.
Use this step show in given below
Step1- First create fields in your own module in .p...
How to create web service in Odoo-9?
In Odoo-9 you have to create module and xmlrpc folder in server and install the apache2 in your system.
After this follow the step given below:
Step1- First create apache2 for our system using the command show below
sudo apt-get instal...
How to add value in text box using click of button in odoo-9
In odoo-9 first we have to create the three fields in .py file and then add two fields and store it in third fields to click the button to help the get_total function. Then pass get_total function in button.
Use this point show in below:
Manage old database to new database in PostgreSQl (OpenERP)
In OpenERP if users manage old database to new database and delete all record in old database and use this database in new financial year so using database query in Postgresql framework to manage database. This is very helpful for new financial y...
How to apply the domain of the user's selection in OpenERP?
In OpenERP first we create the user's in user form. Then the user clicks the selection's icon in the web client, compose a default action for the model in the user's selection and Return the action that contains all of this and ...
How to return models and ids of the user's in OpenERP?
In OpenERP first we create user's in user's form. Then the access of user's models res_users and pass the ids of the user's. After passing ids of the user's then user's selection will active and Return a tuple.
Use this...
How to create Membership State for Given Partner in OpenERP
In OpenERP first create partner and then validate the partner form. After this compare it with the membership of the other partner. Then standard dictionary for contextual values and the dictionary of Membership state Value.
Use this function ...
How to check the auto validation kanban state is activated in OpenERP
In OpenERP first we inherit to the rating.rating object and then we create the kanban. if the auto_validation_kanban_state is activated then apply the modification of the kanban state according to the given rating. And then return the action to s...
How to function called by the js in OpenERP
In OpenERP first we will create the function and then create js file. After this the no Google doc were associated with a record, with the aim to create one then no config is associated with the res_model, and hence it will result a blank t...
How to check model level groups in OpenERP
In OpenERP first we create groups in res.partner object. Then the ` parameter effectively restricts access to that field for users who do not belong to one of the explicitly allowed groups. Field decimal_places must be found in view definition be...
How to create a new partner tag in OpenERP
In OpenERP first we install human resources module and then create a new partner in partner form. Manage partner tags to better classify them for tracking and analysis purposes. A partner may have several categories and categories have a hi...
How to add a contact in your address book in OpenERP?
In OpenERP first we create the view in .view file. then install to the human resource module and configure it and then we can easily track all activities related to a customer: discussions, history of business opportunities, documents.
Use thi...