Error message upon submitting quiz
I have a WordPress Quiz Master Next Plugin set up
by vipul.srivastava -
403 Error Unable to load the HTML Page
Hi, I have a issue in trying to access a page o
by gaurav.singh -
URL rewriting using .htaccess
Hi, I was trying to rewrite a URL in .htaccess
by gaurav.singh -
How to identify the network usage of your particular application in android?
Hello Tech Nerds, I have created an app for And
by sachin.joshi -
How to included a timer on a web page
hello all, I want to include a timer on a web pag
by manish.joshi
PHP error after updating my php version to 5.4.0-3
Hello I'm get a strange PHP error after updating my php version to 5.4.0-3.
I have this array:
[host] =>
[port] => 11211
When I try to access it like this I get strange warnings
print $me...
CDD verification process?
I know that one has to pass CDD and CTS to get GMS license.
As for CTS, I have learned that the developer needs to get the log file after running CTS and submit the log file to google.
But what about CDD? As far as I know, CDD is just a lis...
QuickBlox Imaplementation
Hi Team,
I am new to develop chat base app.from where i should start i donot know.Can any one give me brief guidline so that i am proceed further.i am totally stuck here.
Repeated Notification
How I can make automatically repeated notification on everyday on specific time. kindly help me
How can I set cron job for Push notifications scheduling in PHP ?
I want to Automating Push Notifications.
Adding option in angularjs ui-multiselect dynamically from http request
My code is:
<ui-select multiple ng-model="multipleDemo.selectedPeople" theme="select2" ng-disabled="disabled" style="width: 800px;">
<ui-select-match placeholder="Select person...">{{$item.name}} <{{$item.email}}&...
mismatch in json while converting
can help me to resolve this. Am trying to convert the xml to json but the json values is not same as xml there is a mismatch in the values. Here is the snippet
public static void main (String args[]) throws...
PayPal - Error server - Double Payment
Good morning , someone managed to solve the problem of double payment in PayPal ? Thank you
How to display rest of the info from file after searching a word
I've been working on a project and I'm stuck at how to display a certain info when I found the word. For example. I want to search the balance sheet data of January 2015 and it will display the rest of the info in the file when found the ...
Item Add To cart
Can anyone help me for "item add to cart" in my project using php, javascript or ajax.
PayPal's library - onActivityResult -ANDROID
Hello, I am an Italian developer, I was trying to implement my PayPal's library within my e-commerce App.
I created two test accounts, and it seems to work, but there is a problem.
If during the phase of sending money, I deactivate the In...
How to export combine animations of two characters?
Hello Guys!!!
I am working on an endless running 3d game project using 3ds Max. I have 2 characters. one of them is a small kid character and another one is a security guard.Both have separate files containing their animations.
I have c...
How to export a png sequence from an animation in Adobe flash without showing the guides?
Hi guys,
I have created a tiny animation in Adobe Flash by using guide layers. It seems perfect when I play it or export the .swf file (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_T22xCgWSZsRVBUQ0JuTVJ5UkE).
but when I'm exporting the png seque...
Overwrite Existing SQLite DB with new
Hi friends
Please help me, how can we overwrite or replace existing SQLite DB in android automatically, I tried with change dbversion but still not getting new DB. how can overcome this. please help me.
How to add dynamic effects on Button symbol?
I'm working on a project in Adobe flash & as per project's requirement I have to use the Button symbol with dynamic effects.
I had worked on Movie clip symbol & Graphic symbol in flash but never used Button sym...
Expandable ListView
kindly help me to fix my issue.
i am using expandable listview to display data from SQLite Database.
in my database title,contents and favorite columns and some other columns. how I can display data to expandable listview
PHP Objects
I am looking for a good approach to this problem.
I wish to build a PHP/MySQL app that maintains configurations in MySQL. Specifically, there will be projects that each contain a different web screen that includes a backgr...
How to increase comment karma on Reddit
Hi Guys,
I am using twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+ for a while but new to Reddit- Front page of the internet. My profile link is Reddit Profile
Some how I am able to increase my Link Karma but my comment is Negative now.
Any one ...
Update Password
Can someone please take a look at my update password file?
It won't report any errors and won't make change on database. The file connects with database but falls over somewhere.
Can someone explain the algorithm of this java program?
I found it in the net and I want to know the explanation of it's algorithm. I'm having a hard time to understand this. thank you so much :)
import java.util.Scanner;
class BinarySearch
public static void main(String args[])
Simultaneous Microphone Access in iPhone
Dear Members,
Is it possible for two apps to simultaneously access microphone under iPhone. We want to develop a Skype recorder for iPhone but need to determine the possibility.
In Android we were getting problem in shared ac...
tracking system
hello, how do i find location on map by entering user id number in a text box on a web page and pull information from mysql database with corresponding coordinates in the table and is instantly displayed on a map on that page.
Seesion Management
I am making an online shopping app. I am storing user details in sqlite database( Name and Password). So at the the time of login i want to check weather username and password is correct or not. So in that case how to manage session.Bec...
How to access the database with SQL PLUS?
Hello all, I am unable to access my SQL database as I forgot the login details. I have tried with some but getting error "ORA -12560: TNS : protocol adapter error."
Kindly suggest me the way to retrieve the details. Is there any comm...
how to snap in Max 2016?
Hi all !!!
I stuck into problem in 3ds Max. When i turn snapping on. my object is snapping with all orientations.
i am not able to snap an object or vertex in a single orientation.
another example:-
if i have two boxes in 3d world and...
Search Engine Optimization Company India | Website Development Company India
I am looking for best SEO service for my website.
How to make a simple settings page in android? (Duplicate)
I'm new in the "Android-App-Dev"-Scene and got one question:
How do I easily make a good clean looking settings page for my app?
There are some kind of headlines and some kind of big buttons on you can tab to go to a new page....
How to make a simple settings page in android?
I'm new in the "Android-App-Dev"-Scene and got one question:
How do I easily make a good clean looking settings page for my app?
There are some kind of headlines and some kind of big buttons on you can tab to go to a new page....
Android - document edge detection via camera
Hello guys, i am trying to develop one p.o.c with functionality like office lens, when i focus camera on document it should auto adjust(focus, mode) , detect document edge, draw border rectangle(real time) in Android .
Have tried OpenCv but no...
How to override create method
- Create method use for creating new record with given values of the record.
- Create method return created newly record with given values.
create(cr, uid, values, context=None)
Ex: Here method override for versio...
Ajax calls start failing if my app is inactive; otherwise they work just fine on WiFi
In my Phonegap based hybrid app: Ajax calls start failing if my app is inactive for say a couple of minutes. My connection is WiFi & what happens is ajax calls fail with status 0; but navigator.connection.type still shows ...
Serilazable interface
Hello All,
Could anyone help with this,The Serializable interface doesn't contain any members and also called as Marker Interface But to persist any object that must be implemented serializable interface ,I want detail explanation ab...
How to display result of php file in an html file
I need help please. I create html file with 2 tabs. The first tab contains form that takes user input and submit it to php file. I want the result of the php file to be displayed in the second tab.
HTML file:
<ul class="nav">...
I am trying to print this sample report in pdf
so far this is what I have
1st Problem: the report should have another 2 cell (Ave and %) below the criteria which are (Exam, Progress Report, Quiz, Project)
2nd Problem: The records u...
How do I debug this code of the 'TypeError: 'int' object is not callable' error in Python?
Hey guys! I want to write a program that finds the sum of cubed terms. i.e. 1**3 + 2**3 + n**3
I wrote down the following code:
// n = input('Give the value of n.')
n = int (n)
s = ((n(n+1))/2)**2
print ('Sum...
how to show nearest famous places to user location in maps
how to show nearest famous places to user location in maps in 50 miles or 100 miles etc.. i was lot searching in google'n but i can't find it could any one help me
PLease solve transformClassesWithJarMergingForDebug error in Android studio
When I trying to build/run the build in Android studio getting below two errors randomly.
Error:Execution failed for task ':iTSM:transformClassesWithJarMergingForDebug'.
> com.android.build.api.transform.TransformException: java.uti...
How to display google maps in Navigation drawer
Hi, guys I need a help to merge different layout's as one layout. I am including google maps layout in one layout and it having some buttons at bottom and one horizontal scroll view at top of the page. Now, I am displaying the google map...
How to integrate an autoresponder in Adobe Muse?
Recently, I've built my first landing page in adobe muse but when I was about to finish, I realized that if I insert
the HTML code for my email autoresponder using "object >> insert HTML", then there is no way to modify or style my ...
Can someone help me annotate this code, I don't fully understand it
This was the only piece of code that I could find to clear all the radio buttons in my form but I don't know how to explain it. I've only been learning basic C# and can't find a clear explanation for the code or how it works.
public IEnumerabl...
Parse JSON help
This is my code
Sometimes i dont get an empty string.
EditText ord;
TextView fintext;
Button send;
RequestQueue requestQueue;
String insertUrl = "myurl";
requestQueue = Volley.newRequestQueue(getActivity().getAppl...
Magento 2.0+ Cron Job
Can anyone help me to resolve this issue in Magento 2.0+? How to make Magento Cron Job running?
Navigation drawer SupportMapFragment
Ive createad a navigation drawer and 2 fragments.
I want to create a fragment with a map where i can put pins on etc.
But it wont let be because i need to extend SupportMapFragment, and i need extend Fragment.
Register form won't connect
Can some one please help with a register form for a website? I can't get it to load information to database.
prepare($query); $statement->bind_param('ssssissiisss', $firstname, $lastname, $streetAddress, $suburb, $postcode, $state, ...
how to run swf file in android using webview
i want to run an swf (flash file) in android using webview.i used the code at the following link but was not able to find teh resolution.Please help me in this:
Odoo store time in UTC timezone how it can be change to GMT timezone default thanks in advance for help.
System time is different then the time in log and if time is selected and 1am it save time 5 hours before and so the date al...
C issues with Xcode.
Hello Guys/Gals,
I went to a 4 day C programming course in which I learned using windows. Now I'm using Xcode on my own MAC. I'm trying to practice some of the things I learned but having some small issues with Xcode. I wrote this C program t...