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Swift Firebase Firestore not able to get variable outside of embedded query
Note: This is not a swiftUI
I have a collection called **teamMembers** and another one called **patients**. In the **patients** document is an array field with a list of the **teamMembers** (document id). I am trying to set a toggle switch to ...
Xcode Debug Returns "failed: permission_denied". Can't Send Xcode to Firebase Data
What I am doing
I am trying to send data through textfield to the database of Firebase to make sure whether both xcode and firebase are connected.
The question to solve
2018-06-28 13:42:02.795922+0900 SNS[7542:1313616] 5.0.0 ...
How to Make iOS AVplayer Play the Full Video without Restarting in Middle?
AVPlayer sometimes restarts in the middle of playing a video and i'm not sure why. Also, as soon as the view is loaded it begins to play. I want the user to click play first and then let the player start playing.
Here is my code:
how to show nearest famous places to user location in maps
how to show nearest famous places to user location in maps in 50 miles or 100 miles etc.. i was lot searching in google'n but i can't find it could any one help me