How to enable CORS (Cross-Origin Requests) in ASP.NET Web API
There are certain steps that need to be followed f
by gaurav.gautam -
Why does my CHM have a blank content pane?
Hello Readers, Many times I have heard that, many
by Chetan.Sharda -
How to connect to icloud calendar?
Hello coder's world, To connect to icloud calen
by govind.chauhan -
Working with List in Provider Hosted App for Sharepoint
Sharepoint List in Provider Hosted App This Blo
by shubham.mamgain -
REST attributes of WCF Service
Objective: In this article we will explain what a
by govind.chauhan
How to find .Net assembly version
Whenever we create a project in visual studio, a file named AssemblyInfo is created by itself which contains the attributes used to define the version of assembly during compilation.
Versioning an assembly helps to identify deployed assemblies...
.Net Boxing and Unboxing explained with example
The automatic conversion of value type e.g int,char,float etc to a reference type e.g object is termed as Boxing. In general the value type variables are stored in memory space called stack but whenever there is a boxing process the val...
How to debug Windows Service Applications in C#
When we creating a windows service, we need to test it before installing.Window service is not directly run through Visual Studio.There are many other method to debug the window service. I explained here one of the method to debug the window serv...
Call code behind method from design page
In .NET environment there are situations where you want to call the code behind method of your application from the design page so in that case the name of the function to be called is passed into the script.
After doing this we will...
Adding custom icons marker in Google map
While integrating the Google map we need to display the location according to the latitude and the longitude.
So in that case we need to make the use of the marker functionality for displaying it.
So if we want to change the image that the ...
Displaying image in google map
While showing the locations based on the latitude and longitude you need to display the images associated with that object you are displaying the locaton for.
This is the database where we have store...
Passing model as list in MVC
In MVC while making projects you need to pass the model of attributes as a list.
For this you need to pass or return it in form of list and then bind it with the action which will invoke that function and at last associate it with th...
URL Routing in MVC
In MVC we build the application and run it . The main core behind the application is that it will run from the controller name and the action name.
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
ValidationMessageFor in MVC
In MVC doing the validations on the client end and the server end you need to use the data annotations for it.
So for doing the validation we also need to put it in the view in which we want to validate the controls.
@Html.HiddenFor in MVC
In MVC we have the crucial information that is used to perform the operation in our project like the primary id of the entities we are working upon.
For this we need to hide this information from the external interface but need to store it int...
Dialog in JQuery
While using modalpopup we need to use the dialog boxes either in the customized way or we can do it using the already made dialog boxes which just needs to be invoked.
So for doing that we need to make use of the default dialog boxes that can ...
Calling action through JQuery in MVC
In MVC projects you need to make AJAX call multiple times in your project .
So for doing that you need to first include the Jquery file and its CSS into your view and into your project.
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery...
Url.Action in MVC
While writing projects in MVC we need to sometimes send our URL to the action where the methods will be called.
So here we are about to discuss a property called Url.Action which is used to redirect and navigate the view to the parti...
Initialize AngularJS Model with MVC Model
Hi All,
When we need to use AngularJS to bind controls with AngularJS Model but we have MVC Model filled through MVC Controller, we can follow below steps to do the same without using "ng-init".
Step 1: Create two js files in Scri...
Bind Dropdown using AngularJS
Hi All,
This log will help you to bind data to dropdown/html select control using AngularJS. Data is populated using webmethod.
<select ng-options="Country.CountryName for Country in CountryList" ng-model="selectedCountry">
Get HTML element using class name or Id in AngularJS
Hi All,
In this blog we will see how easy is to get HTML element in AngularJS. We many a times stuck in situation where we need to get HTML element that are not bind to AngularJS Model. Here is quick and easiest way of doing that.
Using Cla...
Use of ng-cloak in AngularJS
Hi All,
When we use AngularJS in any of our page, while rendering it on browser we happen to see flicker in HTML with uncompiled raw html. And once the AngularJS is compiled then it will show the compilled output. To avoid this flickering we c...
Defining Path in MVC
Hi All,
This blog is simply to know the fact that in MVC4 we no longer need to use "Url.Content".
The Content method is a helper method which is responsible for converting a relative path into an absolute path. But with MVC4 release...
Authorize ajax call in MVC
Hi All,
In many of our scenario's we intent to make ajax calls to get or post data. What if the session logged off before you made the ajax call, what will and should happen in this scenario. What will happen is the call will never be comp...
MVC Custom Authorize Attribute with Use of Enum
Hi All,
In many of our scenario's we need to use Authorize Attribute in our MVC project. The limitation of which is just that we can't use our custom user roles. What if we intend to use custom enum to Authorize some of our Action Meth...
Validation Group in asp.net
Try to understand it with an Example:consider the image below.
Here the problem is that whenever I'll click on Login button, only textboxes of the Login section(UserName and Password) needs to be validated. And whenever I'll click on the "...
Triggers in UpdatePanel
While using pop-up in your code you need to use update panel for that.
So if you have server side controls inside that pop-up sometimes these events are not triggered as usual because of update panel.
What you need to do...
Maintain Session in Home Page
While using sessions user must have to be cautious while invoking and destroying it
When user login into the page session gets created from the database details
Ex : session["userid"]=obj.getsessionid();
While logout we mus...
Executing a parameterised bat file in C#
In one of my recent projects, I had to execute a bat file which was expecting one argument before execution.
Content of bat file was like this :
"%~dp0phantomjs.exe" "%~dp0..\examples\rasterize.js" "%1" "%~dp0twingle.jpg"
If you Analise t...
Maintaining scroll after postback
While handling postback if we have pages with large data it should scrolls. So when doing that postback occurs and the position where last scroll is done gets lost by the browser.
So for doing that we can use the page property which can make t...
Razor in .NET
Razor is a syntax which add server-based code to web pages. Razor engine in .NET is used in place of ASP engine for running applications.
The page contains ordinary HTML markup, with one addition the @marked Razor code.
See the ex...
Bootstrap is the framework in which responsive designs can be made. Responsive design means which can be fit to any device of any resolution
Bootstrap is a free front-end framework for faster and easier web development
Bootstrap inc...
Token in User Management
Token Is the unique identification assigned to every registered user on the time of creation. Each user is maintained in that portal or site using this token id. Token are also used for resetting user password in .NET application W...
cshtml file in MVC
In MVC projects you have to create views inside controller class for performing tasks.
While creating views you also have to create their HTML designs for separate views in a single controller or in different controllers.
Use of VIewBag and ViewData in MVC
Like we have state management in ASP.NET, ViewBag and ViewData are also used for providing the state management in MVC
Use of ViewBag and ViewData:
1 It helps to maintain data when you move from controller to view.
2 It is used to...
Use of Repository in MVC
Repository in MVC project is used to store and perform the crud database operations.
It is folder in which there is class file that contains definitions of functions performing the operations
So we are explaining the fun...
Use of FormCollection in MVC
FormCollection class in MVC is used to send or retrieve form data from one view to another.
Using this you can access every element of your form means all the controls
Form collection is the collection of all the object that we use ...
MVC styling and Scripting
In the design page if you want to add libraries for script files and CSS files so for doing that in MVC architecture you need to use two tags :
1 Styles.Render
2 Scripts.Render
Style.Render is used to add bundle of CSS files. S...
Use of TimeStamp while reset password
While resetting password there is a need to prevent links to reopen again. For doing that you need an expiration check to validate whether link is in used state or not
So you need to store the current date time while sending the link to the us...
Setting Div property from code behind
While programming we have used division tags many times and it is the best method to store and display data in an HTML page.
Setting up div values can be done from front page as well as from the code page
Ex: <div id="maindiv" runat...
Parsing in .NET
Parsing values in .NET
While converting or parsing values we need to provide the variable to convert and datatype to be converted into String
We will see here the difference between
1 Convert.ToString()
2 .ToString()
While handli...
Comparison of using File System vs Database for storing large amount of files
In the below artice we disucss the pros and cons of using File System vs Database for storing large amount of files:
Following are the problems associated with storing files on file system:
1) Using file system for storage leads to fragmen...
c# : How to use ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem ?
In this post we will see a simple code example which illustrates how to use the ThreadPool to queue up tasks in a multi-threaded environment. We first need to create an object that contains information required for the task. This object will be ...
Route Config File in MVC
In MVC project whenever we run the application we have default form to be run.
To setting up or changing up the startup view in MVC project we have entry in the Route.config file for the default view associated with the controller
For Ex:
Sessions in Javascript
Hi All,
SessionStorage is something we can use to store values in session in Javascript. Below I will demonstrate how we can use it in our project.
To set Session Value:
var valueKey = "Value";
function setSession(value) {
Image Upload using Dropzone
Hi All,
This Blog will help you to use dropzone js and css to upload files in your project.
You can get dropzone package from NUGET. Once Installed get the reference of it in your project, Below example will show it used in MVC Project.
Tabbing & Accordion in Angular Material
Hi All,
We Often need tabbing & Accordion functionality in our project and what if we need it via angular material. Her is a quick guide of doing it simply and accurately.
Angular Material CSS references
<!-- Angular Materia...
Determine Height & Width of browser window in JavaScript
Hi All,
We most of the time in web development get stuck with responsive designs, the best way to handle that now a days is to use Bootstrap classes which take cares of your site but that helps you to achieve responsiveness width wise.
Using async with ASP.NET MVC 5
ASP.NET has a pool of threads to service incoming requests. Once a new request is received a new thread is picked from the thread pool to service this request and this thread cannot serve any other request until the current request gets complet...
ASP.NET MVC 5 : New Features
ASP.NET MVC 5 is the a major new release which has introduced new features as below:
1) One ASP.NET
On selecting a New Project from the VS 2013 unlike in previous version we will see one template called ASP.NET Web Application.After ...
C# is an object-oriented programming language which is developed by Microsoft.
Mr. Anders Helsberg developed C# with his team during the development of .Net Framework.
C# was approved by ECMA and ISO.
ECMA-"European Computer Manufacturers As...
We use HTML helpers in a view to render HTML content. An HTML Helper is simply a method that returns a string. The string can represent any type of content that we want to
The ASP.NET MVC framework includes the following set of stan...
We already know that ASP.NET MVC framework includes separate folders for Model, View and Controller. However a large application can include a large number of controller, views and model which is difficult to manage. Areas help in splitting such ...
ASP.NET MVC Life Cycle
In a MVC application the requests are routed to a special class called the Controller. The controller is responsible for generating the response and sending the content back to the browser.
When an MVC application receives request the action m...
ASP.NET MVC : ActionResult Types
An ActionResult is a return type of a controller method in MVC. We can return various types of results as ActionResult.
Here, we will discuss about some of the ActionResults available as part of ASP.NET MVC.
1) ViewResult
It renders a sp...