How to enable CORS (Cross-Origin Requests) in ASP.NET Web API
There are certain steps that need to be followed f
by gaurav.gautam -
Why does my CHM have a blank content pane?
Hello Readers, Many times I have heard that, many
by Chetan.Sharda -
How to connect to icloud calendar?
Hello coder's world, To connect to icloud calen
by govind.chauhan -
Working with List in Provider Hosted App for Sharepoint
Sharepoint List in Provider Hosted App This Blo
by shubham.mamgain -
REST attributes of WCF Service
Objective: In this article we will explain what a
by govind.chauhan
Child Actions in ASP.NET MVC
Child Actions in ASP.NET MVC
In ASP.NET MVC controller is defined as collection of action methods which are similar to function having public specifier.These actions can be called directly from browser by typing in URL request. But there ...
Filters in ASP.NET MVC
Filters are used where we want to execute code before Action Call and after Action call. Filters are custom classes that provide pre-action and post-action behaviour to controller actions.
Types of Filters:
CRUD operations in AngularJS and MVC5
This example demonstrate how to use AngularJS with MVC5 and WebAPI for CRUD operations(Read,Insert,Update,Delete).
1. First step is to create table for CRUD operations.
2. Create a new project in ASP.NET MVC 5. Selec...
How to bind checkbox with enum values in MVC?
To bind checkbox with enum, we have to write some custom code. Here, below is the example of binding checkbox with enum.
Suppose we have a enum EmployeeGroup
public enum EmployeeGroup
[Display(Name = "Group 1")]
Compare attribute in Asp.net mvc
Compare is an attribute in MVC which is used to compare any of the two properties with one another. In the application, it can be used to compare emailId and password. If both the fields are not having the same value then this attribute will disp...
Angularjs Post Data
Today we will discuss how to post data to the MVC Controller through AngularJS.
To do so, you will need to inject '$http' as a dependency while defining your angularJS controller:
app.controller('Controller', ['$scope', '$h...
AngularJS md-datepicker format
Today we will discuss how to define our custom date format for md-datepicker in angularJS.
1. You will need to install moment.js from nuget packages
2. Add reference of moment.min.js
<script src="~/Scripts/momen...
String was not recognized as a valid DateTime
Many a times we encounter this issue where passing the correct date also ends up on this error, which makes it a bit complex and mind boggling.The main reason behind the error is the string passed as a date is not in the format the system ...
How to upload multiple files in asp.net mvc?
Instead of uploading files one by one, it is better to use multiple files upload in your application so that it can save user time and effort. In mvc, there is noneed to write javascript or jquery to ulpoad multiple files. There is a HttpPpostedF...
Chat Application using SignalR in MVC
Hi All,
In my earlier blog I discussed about the essentials needed to create a simple chat application using signalR, if you guys missed you can have a look at http://findnerd.com/list/view/Essentials-for-Chat-Application-using-SignalR-in-MVC/...
Layout View in MVC
In a web application, we often use common section in most of the pages i.e. Menu, Side Navigations, Footer etc. So in order to not write the same code in all the pages, we have the provisions of Layout view in MVC.
Layout view works in the sam...
How to bind a dynamic dropdown list
In this blog we illustrate how to bind a dynamic dropdown list when dropdown list is coming from a databse in MVC
See the below Example code:
We bind a dropdownList for a States where the list of states is coming from a database.
Display initials if no profile pic available
When we create an application its very easy to display user image or profile pic. when no image is available then we used to include an anonymous image in place of no image is available. But Gone were days and now we have something rich...
Essentials for Chat Application using SignalR in MVC
SignalR is a new library for .Net developers for creating real time web functionality, can also be defined as asynchronous signalling library. SignalR provides two way communication between client and server. SignalR can be used for creating real...
Using multiple submit buttons inside a single form tag in ASP.NET MVC
In this article we will see how we can use multiple submit buttons inside a single form tag in ASP.NET MVC view page, where each submit button will target different actions based on its value. It is important to note that we will use a single POS...
How to structure a project in ASP.NET MVC using AngularJS?
These are the several steps to structure a project in ASP.NET MVC using AngularJS.
1. Open Visual Studio 2015 -> Select File New Project->Give Project Name->Select a template MVC->Unselect Host in the cloud -> Click Ok...
Simple AngularJs Application Using Asp.Net MVC
In this blog,we will learn to create a simple angularjs application using Dotnet Framework.So Let's start to implement it step by step.
1.Open Visual Studio and Create a New MVC project.
2.Now create a MVC5 Empty...
Get dropdownlist selected value/text using javascript in asp.net mvc
A dropdownlist is a list of items from which user can select one or multiple values at the same time.
Every dropdownlist contain two items one is a value and another is text. Here in the given example,there is a list of student names in which ...
How to set favicon in Asp.net mvc
Whenever you open any website, you see an small icon or image on left side of the window tab, That small icon is called Favicon. If you have not noticed earlier,then just open any website and check.
For an example: open www.w3schools.com and s...
Client side validation using jquery in Asp.Net MVC
Jquery is client side scripting language which runs the scripts on client's browser to check user's inputs are valid or not. Before submitting the form to the server,jquery authenticate that user has entered all the valid text in input fi...
Partial View and Layout in asp.net mvc
Partial view in asp.net mvc provides the reusability feature in the application. We can use our partial view in layout page which works as a master page for all the views of our application.
To understand it better, First we take the Example o...
Paging in Asp.net MVC
To enable paging in your mvc project,First you need to install PagedList.mvc
Go To Tools=>Select Nuget Package Manager=>then Select Package Manager Console.
See the Screenshot for reference.
You will get a nuget windo...
Best practices Asp.net MVC
There are several points which we have to keep in mind while developing Asp.Net MVC application.
Some of them are given below:
1. Remove unnecessary references- When we create a project there are many references which are added au...
Defining Path in MVC
Hi All,
This blog is simply to know the fact that in MVC4 we no longer need to use "Url.Content".
The Content method is a helper method which is responsible for converting a relative path into an absolute path. But with MVC4 release...
Authorize ajax call in MVC
Hi All,
In many of our scenario's we intent to make ajax calls to get or post data. What if the session logged off before you made the ajax call, what will and should happen in this scenario. What will happen is the call will never be comp...
MVC Custom Authorize Attribute with Use of Enum
Hi All,
In many of our scenario's we need to use Authorize Attribute in our MVC project. The limitation of which is just that we can't use our custom user roles. What if we intend to use custom enum to Authorize some of our Action Meth...
Partial View in Asp.Net MVC with Example
Hi Friends,
In this blog we'll take a look at the use of partial views in asp.net MVC. So what may be the scenarios of using a partial view in code and why is this "partial"?. Let's dive in.
What will you do if you n...
Image Upload using Dropzone
Hi All,
This Blog will help you to use dropzone js and css to upload files in your project.
You can get dropzone package from NUGET. Once Installed get the reference of it in your project, Below example will show it used in MVC Project.
MVC Navigation from one View to another
We while creating MVC application need to navigate from one View to another. The usual and simple way that we use is to use HTML elements "a" with its href attribute set to a specific controller's action, this is most obvio...
Generic DropdownList in MVC
Hi All,
We in most of our projects in MVC come across creating dropdown list, that can be tricky sometimes. In this blog you all will get a preview of creating a generic function for creating dropdown for any list.
The first thing we need t...
Asp .Net MVC HTML Helpers
Asp .Net MVC HTML Helpers :--
HTML helpers helps to render HTML controls (Like TextBox, label,Checkbox etc) in the view.Suppose you want to display a TextBox and Label on the view,you need to write below html helper code in view:--
Difference between ViewBag, ViewData, or TempData in MVC
Difference between ViewBag, ViewData, or TempData in MVC:-
In Asp.Net MVC you have three ways to pass data from controller to view and in the next request. They are ViewData, ViewBag and TempData.
ViewData:- Viewdata helps to maintains da...
MVC Action Results
MVC Action Results:-
ActionResult is a return type of a controller method,it's also called an action method. In MVC by default the controller actions will return the ActionResult Object. You can return various types of...
Customizing Routes In MVC
Customizing Routes :-
In MVC application we are using routing for mapping the URL structure. But sometimes we have situation to change the URL structure according to the requirement. For achieving the requirement,...
ASP-Net-MVC-The CRUD-Part -1 Insert and Show
Hi Friends,I am back with my MVC article with some new things.
So we've covered the concept and structure of an MVC application in my previous article which are listed below:-
ASP.NET MVC Do's and Dont's or Best Practices
Hello Friends, Asp.net MVC is now getting more popular day by day, So before dealing with MVC we need to understand some Do's and Dont's of it. This blog will help you to understand Do's and Dont's of ASP.NET MVC.
ASP.NET MVC Do's and Dont's ...
Form authetication in MVC
Here I will try to explain the form authentication in MVC.
Step-1 Let's start with a new MVC project, following steps:
File > New > Project, a dialog box appears, select "Web" from the "Template" option, then on right side select "ASP...
Asp.Net Webforms vs ASP.Net MVC
Asp.Net MVC is currently used and much embraced architecture in software development. It offers a layered approach to development by it's default configuration, and facilitates unit testing...
Hosting a Custom Host Console Application with Owin/Katana
Imagine that you are writing a framework to web developers, a framework like asp.net MVC. One decision you have to make is this, how you are going to interact with infrastructure behind you which is a Web server. That's the pro...
What is Glimpse in asp.net and MVC?
Glimpse is an open source tool to Check the performance of every page in asp.net OR MVC.
You can install it in very simple way.
1. search the key word Glimpse in NuGet and you will find different versions for Glimpe Asp.Net, Glimpe MVC, Glimpe ...
Routing In MVC
What is Routing
The concept of pattern matching process used to monitor the requests and determines further step for each request is known as Routing. In other words , the mechanism of mapping request in our MVC application is Routing.
MVC ...
Basic understanding of MVC application
In the MVC application we have architecture with three main directories Model, View and controller. These sections are as follows:
Model: It contains the models or classes that we are going to use in our application. For eq. Person.cs class wi...
jqGrid with asp.net MVC
To bind jqGrid with asp.net MVC please see below steps.
step 1: Download latest jqGrid from
step 2: Add downloaded folder into your project's Script fo...
Create pie chart using jquery highchart and asp.net mvc
To create pie chart in asp.net MVC using jquery HighChart.
step 1: Include latest jquery.min.js in your page.
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
How to create flexigrid in MVC3
Flexigrid is a free Lightweight data grid with resizable columns and scrollable data. We can create flexigrids by using javascript or jquery.We can apply sorting,searching and paging in these grid.Flexigrids accepts two types data sources xml or ...