List of Top 10 Node.js Frameworks for Beginner Web Developers
JavaScript is one of the most popular language for
by nishant.mishra
Why Is Node.js web Development is Crucial for Enterprise Applications?
Ever since it first appeared back in 1995, JavaScript has been one of the top 3 programming languages.
Stats say that 95.1% of websites currently use it.
However, despite its obvious domination and ubiquitousness, Java...
The Comparison Between Node.JS And Golang: Which One To Choose?
A wide spectrum choice is nowadays presented in front of both the web as well as the mobile developers. It generally applies at the time of choosing the advanced programming languages. The usual selection of the languages is considered to be viab...
How Much Would it Cost for Node.js Web Application Development
Web application development has picked up the tremendous pace in recent years. In this area, there is a huge demand for Node.js web applications. Node.js is a solid part of the entire JavaScript ecosystem and the web development in entirety. Node...
NodeSource N|Solid Version 2.0 Features Revealed for Node.Js Programmers
NodeSource has launched N|Solid 2.0 as its leading product after the success of Node.JS. N|solid is a leading product of Node.JS which is designed to deliver a stage for the exclusive needs of various industries in order to achieve reliable and s...
What is setImmediate in nodejs
Today I am going to write a short note on setImmediate, hope you will understand how setImmediate works in nodejs.
Once the current poll phase is completed, setImmediate will execute. After all the tasks...
List of Top 10 Node.js Frameworks for Beginner Web Developers
JavaScript is one of the most popular language for front-end developers. While there are others languages too like CoffeeScript, TypeScript but nothing can beat JavaScript. Earlier JavaScript was widely used to front-end development but after the...
6 Easy Steps to Build Node.js APIs with TDD Methodology
TDD (Test-Driven-Development) is getting popular day by day defining its needs in greater code testing. This process is a test which we define to get an output by applying to our library, API etc. Day by day Nodejs is now developing as a language...
Top 15 Effective Node.Js Tools Web Developers Shouldn't Miss
Node.js has evolved as one of the most popular Javascript platforms to develop networking and real-time web applications. One of the many reasons why node.js is popular among the developers is that it has many tools and frameworks available for d...
Node.js 8 - New Features & Fixes Released with NPM 5
Node.js is an open source cross-platform built on Chrome runtime environment for server-side and networking applications which offer a fast network application which can be built very easily.
What's New Released:
Node.js 8.x has be...
How to Find JavaScript Leak in Node.Js
Memory leak is a situation when a computer program starts managing memory allocation incorrectly in a way that the resources or a memory which is not anymore in use and needed is not released. In this tutorial, we will learn "How to Find a J...
Why Node.js is Popular for Real Time Web Application Development - Core Reasons
In traditional web app users have no idea about server’s current state. But in real time web application (chat application, games) users are interact with server and other user in real time. Real time web applications need data to be shared...
How to Create RESTful API using NodeJS & MongoDB
So the first question will come in your mind is, What is REST?
Well, REST is an abbreviation for “representational state transfer”. It is an architectural style and also can be defined as an approach to communication...
Learn How to Export & Consume Modules in Node.js
What is node js module?
In node js module are JavaScript libraries, or set of functions you want include in your application. Also, each module can be placed in a separate.js file under separate folder. Node js module make your application mor...
Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Node JS
Before we get into the advantages and disadvantages of using Node JS, let me give you a brief idea about Node.js.
It is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment for developing server-side applications. Built on Chrome’s V8 Java...
Node.js Installation Guide for Ubuntu 14.04 Server - 4 Quick Steps
Node.js is a JavaScript runtime platform built by Chrome, it Lightweight and much efficient then other platform which build scalable network application very quickly that's why it is very famous and majorly used in today's time.
How to setup node.js development environment on windows?
Node.js is a very interesting cross-platform, open source, a runtime environment for server-side and networking applications. It enables you to unleash the internal hacker within you and offers a chance to work and join hands with one of the lead...
How To Open Node.js Command Prompt/Terminal in Mac
How to open node.js command prompt in mac
JavaScript is revered as one of the leading programming languages across the globe. As it is built into the majority of web browsers, web designers and programmers use JavaScript to add new designs and...
How to Get Current Directory in Nodejs
In my previous blog, I have shared the insights about the step-by-step guide to open Node.js command prompt in Ubuntu. Later that evening, I received a query regarding ‘ways to get the current directory in the Node.js’.
I thought o...
4 step guide to open Node.js command prompt in Ubuntu
In the previous article, one of my colleagues has shared 6 easy steps to install Node.js on Linux Ubuntu. I’ll take a step forward and explain in a straightforward way to open a Node.js command prompt in Ubuntu. We will use Ubuntu “Ad...
6 Easy Steps to Install Node.js on Linux Ubuntu
Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on chrome’s V8 engine. It is efficient and lightweight as it uses a non-blocking, event-driven Input/Output model. npm or the Node.js’ package system is amongst the biggest open source libraries.
How to Read Command-line arguments in Node.js
When a program starts the parameters or arguments send to the program using command prompt called Command-line argument or command-line parameter. A program can have many command-line arguments. We can alter the operation of program with command-...
How to convert Csv file data to Json in Nodejs?
To convert CSV file data to JSON in NodeJs we will be using csvjson module package of npm for the conversion.
npm is basically the package manager which provides the JavaScript runtime environment in the Node.js.
How to Send Emails Using Nodemailer in Nodejs?
For sending emails using Nodejs we will be using The Nodemailer module.
Nodemailer is a module that provides sending emails from the NodeJs application.
Here are some features of the Nodemailer module:
1) Zero Depende...
Update Node.js and npm to latest version in 4 Easy steps
Node Package Manager or NPM is the default package manager for JavaScripts that offers offers two prominent functionalities:
Online storage facility for the node.js modules that are searchable on search.nodejs.org
The ...
Node.js authentication with passport local
In node.js authentication and login could be a difficult task but there are some modules available in node that makes it easier for a node developer. One of them is Passport.
Passport is a middleware that allows us to authenticate using username...
How to run a single mocha test?
When working in mocha, oftenly you don't want to run all the test cases. Mocha provides you the feature to specify which exactly you want to run.
Running a single test file
Using mocha-cli you can easily run a single. This can be accomp...
File Upload in Node.js
Form processing and file handling are very common and important part of any web application. Now with express, handling file uploads becomes very easy. So far we have seen and used req.body now we have req.files. req.files contains all the inform...
Hooks In Node.js
Hooks are used to add any functionality before or after our JavaScript methods like save, create etc. Using hooks we are able to write the code that can be run before or after save method.
Suppose you have a User model, in that you have a pass...
Stub nodemailer send method using sinon in mocha node.js
Stub transport is useful for testing the email before actually sending email. It does not actually send an email, it convert mail object to a single buffer and return it with a send mail callback.
In the below code, I have stubbed send method ...
How to add custom methods in checkit module?
Sometimes, you may have a long conditions to check for validity. In general, you may need to check certain thing that doesn't exists in checkit module, In that case you extends checkit module and add custom methods into it.
For e...
Using checkit module in nodejs
Checkit allows you to validate full javascript object, defining custom rules and message, I supports both asynchronous and synchronous validations. The validations by checkit works for both on browser and server.
Sample code:
1. A...
How to use sinon for stubing in mocha node.js?
npm install sinon
It is simple and easy to use. You can easily fake any interface using sinon. Here, I am going to tell how to use sinon to make a stub of any ORM provided method in node.js.
Sample co...
Node.js with Mongoose
Mongoose is similar to ORM( Object relational mapper) in many other languages. It is a node.js package that provides mongoDB object mapping. So basically mongoose converts the data in the database to the javascript objects that can be used in our...
Express-session in Node.js
For any web application session handling is very important part.Using sessions we can easily track user's activity throughout the application.
If we are using express in our node application, setting up a session becomes very easy.
Here we ...
Express validator
Express-validator is a node's middleware that can be used as form validation or we can say to validate the body, params, query, headers and cookies of request object. It has its own validation rule, and if any of the applied validation rule i...
Event loop in Node.js
In all the event driven programming, there is a main loop that listen's the events, and then invoke the corresponding callback function whenever one of those events occur.
Here we might get confuse between events and callback, But the di...
How to scrap a website in node.js?
Sometimes, we may need to scrap data from a website (It could be any live website, For Ex: https://www.amazon.com).
There are 3 steps involved while scrapping a website:-
1- Getting the HTML content of a website's pa...
Callbacks in node.js
The basic idea behind using callback is that if we are doing a task and it is taking a longer time to complete. So instead of waiting for this task to be complete we want our node server to process other incomming request.In such situations we ca...
Express.js Middleware
Functions which can retrieve the request object, response object and the next middleware function in the application’s request-response cycle are Middleware.
The concept behind middleware is same as Filters in other languages.
Aynchronous Routing in ember js
It is not possible to have two db queries in model hook of ember js router. You can either create two router files- one for fetching the new records from database and the another one for fetching record.
That is not a good approach to create...
How to create a custom helper in ember js, handlebar and ghost node.js
Sometimes, you may have repeated HTML on your handlebars template. In those cases, you can create and register a new helper, that can be invoked from hbs templeate.
Gost: Ghost it a blogging platform developer on the top of express framework o...
How to use mocha for unit testing in node?
mocha is a javascript test framework. It works well for both node.js and browser. It makes asynchronous testing simple and easy. Mocha test run serially. mocha is open source.
Installing mocha globally:
npm install -g mocha
With the ab...
Start project with npm init - Node.js
NPM's init command will scaffold out a valid json file for you project.
The commands for npm init are:-
mkdir myapis
cd myapis
npm init --yes
I have used --yes option with the above command, because I don't want to set author...
Search records using angularJS with nodeJS
Welcome to Findnerd. Today we are going to build an application for searching the records. As we all know that we have written many blogs on angularJS as well as nodeJS. We want to recommend you to check these blogs for clear idea of these two fr...
Use of npm start command in nodejs
In this small tutorial we will learn how we use the “npm start” command in node.js.Let us create a simple node application using express framework:
npm install -g express-generator
express mynodeapp
cd mynodeapp/ && ...
An Example of AngularJs with NodeJS
Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to take an example of angularJS scope variable with nodeJS. There are other blogs available related to angularJS as well as nodeJS. You can check these blogs to get a clear idea of these two javascript fram...
Configuring Ghost To Run On MySQL
By default Ghost uses sqlite3. But if you want to configure Ghost with MySQL Database, you can reconfigure the default settings in config.js file.
Open config.js (<path-to-your-project>/config.js), replace the below lines of code:
Discussion on repl module in nodejs
Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to discuss repl module in nodejs. repl module deals in Real Eval Print Loop implementation that can work as standalone program or can be work with other applications. Nodejs includes repl as a core module. ...
Process for building the command-line tools for nodejs application
Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to discuss the process for building the command-line tools for your application. If you are reading our blogs on daily basis then you must have a good command on nodejs. We have explained different modules ...
Express application generator
As we know Express is the most commonly used web framework in node.It has many features such as rendering, routing and REST controls.
But in this post we are going to discuss about express-generator. Express-generator is a application generator ...