How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
Data Scraping in Cakephp
Hello Reader's ,
Hope your are doing good today.
Today we will discuss about Scraping.Sometime we want to scrap some data from another website So here we will learn how we can do this?
Before going to start scraping you need to downloa...
How to use switches in AngularJS
The md-switch which is a Angular directive can be used to show a switch in your angular application.
These are the attributes:
* ng-model - bind data.
name - It is the name of property in the form under which the control is publi...
Top 8 Major Changes in Latest Bootstrap 4 Alpha Version for Web Designers
Hello Readers! Currently alpha version of Bootstrap 4 has been released on 19 August 2015 with some major changes. Moving from bootstrap 3 to bootstrap 4 , some components are changed and some are improved and only few have been dropped.
Overriding Vs Shadowing in C#
Overriding Vs Shadowing in C#
Method overriding
A base class method re-written in derived class with different definition is method overriding.
At run time overriding is resolved therefore it is also...
Create a dotted star by using half tone effect.
Step 1:
First open up a new document. Set the width and height of the canvas.
Step 2:
Now goto the basic shape tool and take the star tool. Draw a star on the canvas. Filled the white color inside the star.
Materialize UI
A modern responsive UI component library made with CSS, JavaScript, and HTML is known as Materialize UI. This reusable UI component helps in developing attractive, predictable, and functional site pages and web applications while clinging t...
Actionable Guide to SEO Best Practices for Ecommerce Websites
According to a research conducted by Optify, websites that are number one on major search engine rankings, often receive an average click-through rate (CTR) of 36.4%.It is closely followed by websites ranked number two with an avera...
Adobe Photoshop CC shortcut keys for Windows
Marquee tools
Lasso Tools
Brush, Pencil, Color Replacement, Mixer Brush
Spot Healing Brush, Healing Brush, Patch, Red Eye
Understanding Filters in AngularJS
Filters are used to do some changes in the data. It can be used by adding pipe character.
These are the types of filters in angular:
uppercase: It converts any text to upper case.
lowercase: It converts any text to lower case.
C# .Net : XML Serialization of DataSet
C# .Net : XML Serialization of DataSet
XML Serialization require XmlSerializer class which is derived from System.Xml.Serialization.
Example to demonstrate XML Serialization of DataSet :-
using System.IO;
C# .Net : XML Serialization of simple class object containing properties
C# .Net : XML Serialization of simple class object containing multiple properties
The process of converting an object into stream is Serialization. This generated stream then can be used either for saving it in a file or for transpor...
How to make use of RecyclerView to show the chats between two people in your app?
If your app wants to show the chats between you n your friend then you can make use of RecyclerView.
Here in the layout that is being inflated in RecylerView, I have used the visibility concept that the layout consists of two major layouts one...
How to use HTML5 download attribute
HTML5 provides download attribute that can be used in place of PHP-driven file download scripts. In this article, you will come to know about this new attribute of html5.
One Attribute, Two Functions
download attribute sets a file download na...
Asynchronous Nature of Delegates
Asynchronous Nature of Delegates
Delegates are defined as function pointer i.e act as a pointer to methods in the application.
Example of Delegate :-
using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication2
Network calls in Android via Volley
Hello Nerds,
This Video Tutorial describes how to use volley for making network calls in Andorid application along with the following points:-
1) How to integrate volley in your Andorid project.
2) What are advantageous and disadvantageo...
How to use WebView in Android?
This tutorial describes how to integrate WebView in Android. A Webview is the UI element which is use to load webpage inside the application.
For any queries feel free to post comment.
How to use SQLite database using Phonegap
In this article, you will learn about the SQLite database in Cordova for mobile application.
SQLite is open source database which can be used in phonegap application. It has features as in standard relational database (SQL syntax, prepared state...
How to use jQuery Lazy Load Plugin
In this article you will learn about lazy loading plug-in from jQuery. It first loads your web page then request is sent to load the images of that page.
By using Lazy load plug-in you can decrease time for loading the page and also it can incre...
Top 5 Gadgets For Students That Will Help You in 2017
I’m jealous of modern students. There are just so many tools out there that I wish I’d had when I went to school. And I’m not talking about laptops either. We actually had those when I was growing up. Admittedly, t...
Attached and Detached Child Tasks in C#
Attached and Detached Child Tasks in C#
Task can be defined as an object representing some work which needs to be done. System.Threading.Tasks is library provided by .net framework for tasks. Task class have it's own set of pro...
Amazon Go: A Grocery store with no Checkout lines
Image Credit: wired.com
You’ve probably spent a number of months of your life in checkout queues – even if it feels longer. But ‘someone’ has worked out a way to beat the system. ‘Amazon&rs...
Storing Objects in HTML5 localStorage
In HTML5 there is a new feature of localStorage. With this feature web pages store data locally inside the user’s web browser.
Earlier, cookies were used for storing data. The data is used only when it is asked. also you can not store larg...
How to Create an attribute of a product through mysql setup Installer Script ?
In order to create an attribute of a product we can use our mysql setup Installer Script. In the following example we will see how can we do it.
Lets we are required to add an attribute 'Warranty Period' to the products in the group ...
Understanding Custom Directives in AngularJS
AngularJs Directives are used on a DOM element like any attribute, name of the element, some css class or any comment. It tells AngularJS’s html compiler to attach any directive to DOM element. all data bind attributes with ng- are in-built...
How to set your camera to a particular location in yor google map in android app?
If you wish to show a particular location on google map in your android app, this can be done by using the following code in the activity where you have implemented the map :-
public class LTJMapActivity extends FragmentActivity implements O...
SQL SERVER: Copy structure of an existing table without data into new table
SQL SERVER: Copy structure of an existing table without data into new table
Create a table named "tblStudents" in database and insert some dummy data into it.
CREATE TABLE tblStudents
StudentId INT NO...
How to convert XML data to SQL database table
How to convert XML data to SQL database table
Step 1 : Create a table named "tblStudent" in database by following query in which xml data is to be inserted
StudentId INT,
What is SASS ?
SASS (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheet) is a CSS pre-processor which helps to reduce repetition with CSS and saves time. It is more steady and intense CSS extension language that depicts style of document neatly and fundamentally.
Reason ...
How to inflate two layouts in a single RecyclerView?
Sometimes we need to show the list with different views so for this we can inflate two layouts in RecyclerView. To know how it is achieved follow the steps mentioned below:-
Create two layouts xml files I have named them "program...
Simple SEO Guide: How to Keep Your Rankings After a Major Website Overhaul
Change is a wonderful thing. It’s demonstrative of one’s ability to grow and adapt when faced with new technology and changing needs. It may be time to launch some huge changes on your website, but don’t get too eager just yet. ...
async & await keyword in C#
async & await keyword in C#
Asynchronous programming can be performed in C# using async & await keyword. These keywords were introduced in C# 5. These keywords are to be used together i.e await keyword can only be used within...
Email Related Error Codes And Their Solutions
Business people, employees, organizations, hospitals, hotels, corporate sectors, offices, airports and many others use email accounts to operate their work smoothly and quickly. Emails are known as electronic mail which can travel miles and miles...
How to initiate Skype call through your android app
To initiate a skype call through your android app please add the code mentioned below :-
The third line
Uri skypeUri = Uri.parse("skype:" + number + "?call");
in the code below helps you to make call but if you need vi...
What Does It Take to Develop & Market an Instagram Clone?
Visual content is compelling and has become the most sought after content in the digitally dominated times. Instagram has a great followership, and the success of this social networking platform has given rise to the number of clones being develo...
Usage of Lock statement in C#
Usage of Lock statement in C#
Lock keyword in C# find it's usage in Threading. Whenever multiple threads try to access some code at same time inconsistency occurs then lock keyword is used which makes execution of only one thread
What Is Osiris Virus & How to Deal with This Security Vulnerability
The Osiris ransomware is a new, updated version of the Locky ransomware, which is even more dangerous than its predecessor.
It arrives on your computer together with spam messages that contain malicious attachments. Cyb...
Difference between Bootstrap 3 & Bootstrap 4
As we know, Currently, Bootstrap 4 alpha was released. So, In today blog, I am going to tell you major changes and differences between Bootstrap 3 & Bootstrap 4. Here are the following differences:-
S No.
Auto Generated Auto Incremented Alphanumeric Sequential Code in SQL SERVER
Create a table tbEmployeeMaster by following query :-
CREATE TABLE tbEmployeeMaster
EmpName VARCHAR(100),
EmpCode VARCHAR(15)
How Ransomware Authors Use Psychology to Achieve Hacking Goals
Ransomware is a type of cybercrime that is very much a psychological challenge. Psychology is involved in each and every aspect of ransomware attack, from the moment of infection and to the moment when people pay the ransom.
How to change checkbox icon
In certain cases, according to the application we need to change the mark or the drawable of the checkbox.
Step 1:- Create selector in the drawable, say checkbox_selector.xml :-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Toggle method in jQuery
Today we are going to learn toggle method in jQuery with example.
Toggle method() is used to hide and show the particular selected element.
Syntax of toggle method() is:-
Introduction to bootstrap 4
In this blog, I'll tell you a brief description of Bootstrap 4. Currently, Bootstrap 4 alpha was released. This release included a major upgrade of Bootstrap with some huge changes to the way it functions. Porting from Bootstrap 3 to Bootstra...
How To Establish Connections In The Digital Age
Did you know that according to the experts in the area, 90% of top performers also have high emotional intelligence? In other words, people who succeed are those who are the best at building connections with others.
How Graphic Recording Techniques Help You Understand Your Research
The Power of Visuals Compels You … (to do what?)
The power of visuals is unquestionable: it’s apparent throughout our lives and yet we don’t even think about it. This is because ima...
Sending parameters using GET request RETROFIT
Sending the parameters in GET request is quite different you can't append dynamic query to the URL .
Another way of using it.
Using retrofit as follows:
How to implement zip compression in .Net ?
Implementing zip compression in .Net
ZipFile class is provided by .Net framework for zip compression. This class provides static methods for creation, extraction, and opening of zip archives. The namespace required for zip&...
webui-popover plugin in jQuery
It is a plugin with jQuery which can be used to show popover . It can work with bootstrap but it can be used without bootstrap. It requires jquery1.7+
It supports browsers IE8+, Chrome, Safari, firefox, Opera.
These are the features of this p...
Types of triggers in SQL
In this blog we illustrate the types of a triggers in SQL.
Triggers are those which executes automatically when some event arise with their related tables in database.
Triggers are divided into two types:
1. After Triggers (For...
Controlling Session Behavior in Asp.Net MVC
Controlling Session Behavior in Asp.Net MVC
Sessions in Asp.Net MVC are used across requests for storing data. Asp.Net MVC manages sessions for all controllers in the application irrespective of the fact data values are stored in the session...
Accessing a Table from Xpath Locators or Making a Xpath Locators from a HTML code
For reading a table first we need to access elements within HTML tables. However, a web designer provides sometimes an Id or name attribute to a cell in the table. So we can't use the methods such as by.id,by.name or by.cssSelector(). So in t...