How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
Fading slideshow using Javascript
Hello Readers!
In this blog post, I am going to tell you about slideshows but with a special effect.
Slideshow is an information which is displayed in slides. The information may be images, text, chart etc. The slides change after a certain...
Disable Click effect on web page.
Hello everyone,
Today, We will discuss that how to disable click effect on the web page so that we can protect our html.
Using javascript we can disable the click effect on the web page. But this is not most difficult way to protect the HTM...
reset() method in javascript
Reset() method:
It is used to clear all the values entered in a form. This method does not require any parameter and also does not return any value.
<!DOCTYPE html>
jQuery next() Method
The jQuery next() method gives back the next sibling components of the component which we have selected.
By using next() method we can select the next siblings of the component which we have selected and then we can use ...
Use of strict mode in javascript
strict mode:
It is used to catch or throw errors when some unsafe actions are taken and use strict directive is used to execute javascript code in strict mode. For example: we cannot use undeclared variable in strict mode.
use strict ...
How to make count down timmer using Javascript?
Hello Reader's, If you want to make a time count-down timer then in this blog we will learn how to make this. A count-down timer is front end clock which shows time in decrement order. This is done by using javascript, So let's get starte...
How to show location image and details inside google marker on map?
Hi reader's, If you are developing website using google map and want to show location image and detail inside the marker then in this we will see how to do this.
Step 1: Create a blank space as an HTML div where the google map will l...
jQuery siblings() method
The jQuery siblings() method gives back all siblings components of the component which we have selected.
By using sibling() method we can select all the siblings of the component which we have selected and then we can use them.
Checkbox validation with Html5
Hello Readers!
In my earlier blog post, I explained about the checkbox validation using Javascript. This blog post will explain you the same thing using HTML5. Let me give a brief overview of checkbox validation here too.
While fi...
How to make login via ajax in codeingiter
Hello Reader's, If you are developing the website in codeigniter and want to make login via ajax, then you have to use use ajax with PHP in website functionality. Ajax give you a lot of functions by which speed of website will increase. ...
Checkbox validation using javascript
Hello Readers
We all must have filled some or the other type of a form online. A form for subscription, for a job, an application etc. A form may ask general information of you as your address, name dob, mother tongue etc, or your educational ...
eq() filtering in Jquery
It helps in reducing the set matched of elements in a form of the index. It is a zero based indexing. By zero-based indexing we mean that the indexing begins from zero. First, an element is indexed as zero and thus simultaneously indexing goes on...
How to make ajax searching in codeigniter?
Hello Reader's, If you are making searching and want to look it as ajax which show records then this blog is helpful to you. In this blog, we will make it for CodeIgniter framework. Ajax searching will show the matching results from the typed...
How to make visitor counter using ajax and php
Hello Reader's, If you want to get the records of visitors that visits your webpage then in this blog you can learn and build your own. Here we will develop it by using PHP and Ajax.
Page counters are easy to get and install but if you w...
How to finds even table rows using jQuery
If you want to find even number of table rows then it's not a difficult task now, we can do this easily with the help of jQuery :even selector.
The :even selector will choose all those components which have even index i.e 0,2,4,6 etc.
Save drawing as an image using HTML5 Canvas
Save drawing as an image using HTML5 Canvas
Hello friends, today I am going to tell you how to save your drawing as an image using HTML5 canvas. Before starting, let us understand what is canvas. Canvas is used to draw graphics using...
Draw an image using HTML5 Canvas
Draw an image using HTML5 Canvas
Hello friends, today I am going to tell you how to draw an image using HTML5 Canvas. Before moving ahead, first of all let us understand the basic of canvas. The HTML5 canvas is used to draw graphics ...
jQuery Mobile Touch Events
An event is something which triggers when something happens.In jquery we have gone through many of them. In this particular blog we explain about the Touch event. The touch event is triggered when the user taps on an element.
In the following ...
Screenshot plugin for Cordova/phoneGap apps.
Hello Readers,
Screenshot plugin for Cordova/phonegap apps allows you to take screenshot of the current open screen and save it to phone storage.
First of all we need to install the following plugin through CLI:
$ cordova plu...
Learn how to copy text and paste to clipboard using javascript
To learn how we can copy text and paste to clipboard using very simple few lines of javascript code,Go through the given example below
In this example execCommand() plays an important role in the following way:
Step 1: I have a html tag...
Create color picker using javascript without using any external link/library/plugin
In this blog i am sharing an example of creating a color picker using javascript without using any external link/library/plugin.
There are many browser's addons tools and online tools available using which we can choose ...
How to remove all child nodes from the selected elements?
If you want to remove all the child nodes which contain selected HTML elements then it's not a difficult task now, we can do this easily with the help of jQuery empty() method.
All the child nodes of our selected HTML element will be remov...
A Concentric Circle Clock Using JavaScript and Canvas
Hello readers, today in my blog I will discuss about canvas . Using canvas I have created a Concentric circle clock.
The HTML <canvas> element is used to draw graphics on a web page using JavaScript.
It basically u...
How to fetch and show records using Angular Js with Mysql
Hi reader's,
If you have done enough work with the technologies like PHP then you can switch to Angular Js. Using Angular Js is quick and fast to compile than PHP. If you want to fetch Mysql records now a days you can perform same task...
keypress, keydown, keyup events in jQuery
Hello readers,
Today we will discuss about keypress, keydown, keyup events in jQuery. These events fires when user pressed any key.
Lets have a look all three events:
keypress: This is a special event and works when any key ...
An Overview of javascript within a form
Hello everyone , Today in my blog with the help of an example i.e cake form I have illustrated the use of array, if and else statement and JavaScript functions .
Basically the form helps in calculating the price of the cake depending...
How to redirect a web page with JavaScript
Hello Readers,
There are many ways to redirect a web page to another web page. We can do this via server redirects and JavaScript redirects. But the question is which method is best and appropriate for redirection as there are many methods avail...
Taking Screenshots
Hello everyone!!
Today, we will learn how to take screenshots in HTML 5. HTML 5 provide a method called ctx.drawImage(video, 0, 0), by the help of this method we can take screenshots of the video and save it. In ...
How to show live feeds of facebook page to webpage?
Hello Reader's
If you want to see how to integrate your facebook page to your webpage then this blog will be very helpful to you.
The integration of any facebook page with your webpage will result as the box showing the page activity(...
The Speech Recognition
Hello everyone,
HTML5 , javascript provides Speech Recognition API,with the help of the API the user can talk with the browser without the using the keyboard. Html 5 provides voice search option like in google IE and chrome.It u...
Polymorphism in JavaScript
Polymorphism is one of the main feature of Object Oriented Programming.Polymorphism in Object-Oriented Programming is the ability to create an object that has more than one form. Polymorphism can be used when there is a hierarchy of classes and t...
Inheritance with JavaScript
Inheritance is one of the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming. Inheritance enables child classes to inherit the properties and methods of parent class. So basically it allows us to reuse and organize code more effectively.
Cordova background plugin- (Keep the app running in background)
Hello Readers,
Cordova background mode plugin keeps the app running in background mode. When app pause in background mode and the system keeps open the network but doesn't send data until app resumes. This plugin helps in those appli...
Sorting list with jQuery
Sorting as we all know refers to the rearrangement of data in some predefined format, it can either be ascending or descending or alphabetically or numerically. This is a small blog on sorting the list data using jquery. Here is a sample co...
Web Security Vulnerabilities
Cross site scripting (XSS)
XSS is sending unfiltered data such as <script> or any other HTML data to the server, when the user needs any resource, the server sends unfiltered data to the client. The attacker may get private data.
Discussion on select and unselect all check box on click.
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discussion on select and unselect all check boxes on a click.
If we want to select all check boxes in your web application, so we have to follow below process:
Firstly we have to m...
Loading simple data with the help of ajax
If we want some part of our website to load but we dont want other part to be loaded for this purpose ajax is used . Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML it helps us to load particular part of the page but not the whole ...
Add twitter feed to website
If you want to embed multiple Tweets on our website in a compact, single-column view and want to display the latest Tweets from a single Twitter account for this a Twitter collection may be rendered in either a list or a responsive grid template....
Chaining in jQuery
Chaining is a technique that allows us to run multiple jQuery commands, one after the other, on the same element. Using chaining we can run multiple jquery methods within a single statement.
Chaining makes code short and easy to manage and it im...
Object-Oriented JavaScript
Objects are used to represent the real world entities in our code like bank account, books, person, etc, by storing all relevant information in one place, i.e, an object. We have two ways to create objects in javascript, i.e., 'Literal notati...
Retrieving the selected text using JavaScript
In the example below, we have a textarea containing some text. When the user selects something using a mouse, we will check what user has selected. For that, we use selectionStart and selectionEnd properties of textarea, and we can get the select...
Understand JavaScript Closures
JavaScript Closure is the inner function that the access to its outer function's variables. Closure has 3-scopes:-
1: It has the access to it's enclosing function.
2: It has the access to the variables withing its own scope.
3: I...
What is javascript engine?
There are several different implementations of javascript engines by far the most popular engine is Google's V8( Which is not only limited to client side but also with the server side with NodeJS).
But what is actually does? It's actua...
Merging An Array Using JavaScript
Hello reader's, Today in my blog I will discuss about the merging an array using JavaScript.
Basically the term “Merge” means to combine or join two array into a single array.
In JavaScript , for merging ...
Javascript function call in webview
Hello Readers,
In order to call javascript functions within webview,following code snippet may be used:
Specify path of the html file which contains the javascript function:
NSString *path;
NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
multiple angular app in one page
While working in jsp with some parts common in few pages and ran into a problem to attach multiple apps to a single jsp page. After doing lot of search I found this one the best solution. Create a new app and take all other apps as an parameter. ...
Creating objects in JavaScript...
Hey guys in this blog we are going to look at creating objects in JS, having properties and methods attached to them :
var car = new Object();//Creating a brand new object...
//Adding properties to the newly created object ...
car.Wheels =...
Converting a Decimal to a Hexadecimal Value
Hello readers in this blog we will discuss about the conversion of a decimal into a hexadecimal value. In this case if we have a decimal value. we have to find its hexadecimal equivalent, we use the Number object’s toString method :-
Multiple Ways To Concatenate A string using JavaScript
Hello, readers . In today's blog I am trying to give multiple ways to concatenate a string using JavaScript.
Basically the term “Concatenate” means joining two or more strings and returns a new joined string .
Sorting an Array
Hello Readers! In this blog we are going to focus on the sorting method of an array in javascript. We use sort() method to sort the array in Javascript. The possible order in which an array can be sorted can be either in ascending or descending, ...