How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
Understanding Custom Directives in AngularJS
AngularJs Directives are used on a DOM element like any attribute, name of the element, some css class or any comment. It tells AngularJS’s html compiler to attach any directive to DOM element. all data bind attributes with ng- are in-built...
webui-popover plugin in jQuery
It is a plugin with jQuery which can be used to show popover . It can work with bootstrap but it can be used without bootstrap. It requires jquery1.7+
It supports browsers IE8+, Chrome, Safari, firefox, Opera.
These are the features of this p...
Scroll Fixed Header in jQuery
In this article, you will learn how to fix the header all the time while scrolling your website page. There are different jQuery plugin available for this purpose but we will use a simple jQuery based solution to make a header fixed on the top of...
Adding Form Elements dynamically in Javascript
You can use JavaScript to add elements like textbox, button, radio button in a html form. createElement() method is used to create html elements at runtime.
Here is the example:
<h2>Dynamically add element in fo...
DataTables: Table plug-in for jQuery
DataTables is a jQuery plug-in designed for creating flexible HTML tables.
It has following features:
* It provides Instant search, Pagination and multi-column ordering
* It has Supports for any data source like DOM, Javascript, Ajax and s...
How to check device network in Phonegap
Cordova provides cordova-plugin-network-information that checks the cellular and wifi connection of the device and also it can check the internet connection.
To install this plugin run the following command
Best IDE for Angular 2
In this article, we will go through the different code editors and IDE’s which are useful in angular2.
Visual Studio code: Visual Studio code is developed by Microsoft and it is relatively new, microsoft has developed the...
How To Use JavaScript To Copy Text From One Field To Another
When you create a web form for web page of any website, users need to fill the details in the fields like name, address, phone number etc. sometimes when filling the details there may be some fields which you need to fill twice. Instead of having...
Closures in Javascript
Closures are one of the fundamental concepts of javascript. Closure are the functions that refer to free or independent variables. We can define free variable as the variables which are not declared locally and also not passed to the function as ...
The Architecture of an Angular 2 Application
In this post, we will understand the architecture of Angular 2 framework.
These are the modules that Angular 2 architecture contains:
Data Binding
Dependency ...
md-list in angular material
<md-list> is the most important directive in angular material to represent the list of items. Multiple items 1 to n can be displayed by using this directive. User don't need to write frontend or html multiple times to display ...
Infinite scrolling with IntersectionObserver API
JavaScript is the programming language of HTML and the Web.It plays a very important role in web. Its client side scripting language.JavaScript is also defined as a lightweight, interpreted programming language.
It is complimentary to and integr...
What is Vue.js and Why Use it
Vue.js is a library of javascript that can be used to build any web application. It has MVVM(Model-View-ViewModel) architecture. It is easy to learn and also more flexible.
Here you will see how you can use this js in your application.
Simple Digital Clock using JavaScript
In this blog, we will learn about how to create a simply animated digital clock with javascript. As we know, browser executes any javascript program at the client side, this means that the script will take the time of the client computer and will...
Storing data in session
Session storage is used when the user wants the same data to be used for a session, that also can be used in multiple windows, without affecting the working of website or mobile app. The data stored in sessions can only be maintained until the us...
Full Calendar Events From Database
1- Create a mysql Database.
2- Create a Table events inside created database.
CREATE TABLE `events` (
Full Calendar Implementation
1- Place the JS files in js directory.
2- Place CSS files in CSS folder.
3- Paste the bellow javascript code i...
Drow Basic Lines Using Highchart
1- First of all place JS file in JS folder.
2- ...
Strings methods and properties in JavaScript
Hello Readers,
In today's post, we will discuss the String methods and properties in JavaScript. These methods and properties make easy to deal with strings.
Now let's have a look at methods and properties:
jQuery clone method with Id change
Here in this blog I am going to explain about the JQuery CLONE WITH CHANGING ID, for doing this we have to know about the clone() method so this method used for performing a deep copy of the set identical elements, it is useful for moving copies ...
An Overview to Angular JS
Hello readers, Today in my blog I will discuss about Angular JS which is basically a web application framework.
It is a structural framework for creating dynamic web applications.
The Angular JS is an extended ...
Limit text length using angularJS
Many times we run in a condition that the whole text is taking to much of space, so we need to show data upto certain limit and end it to ...(3 dots).
Usually we write code to check the length of the string and then trimming it, angular ...
Extracting a part of string in JavaScript
Hello Readers,
In today's post we will discuss about the how we can extract the part of a string in JavaScript. These methods make easy to deal with strings.
To extract the part of a string there are three methods wh...
An Overview To Some Useful Terms Used In JavaScript
Hello readers,
InBelow in this blog I will discuss some terms used in JavaScript with their meaning and the context in which they are used.
So here they are :-
Arity :- The term Arity basically means to refer the n...
Some Useful Statements Used In Javascript
Hello readers, Today in my blog I will discuss about some useful statements that are used in JavaScript.
Basically the web developers use statements as it allow us to implement different type of logic in our code.
The va...
How to create Simple Phone Number Picker
Hello readers, Toady in my blog i have tried to create a simple phone number picker using CSS and JavaScript.
While filling many online forms besides names and emails, contact information filed is also essential part to be filled by ...
Strings in JavaScript
Hello Readers,
JavaScript strings are used to store collection of characters or it can be text inside quotes. We can use both single and double quote. Lets talk about the basics of String.
For Example :
JavaScript Math object
Hello Readers,
In today's we will learn about math object of JavaScript. We can use this object as it includes many mathematical methods and perform several tasks on numbers.
Lets have a look on the methods:
Javascript void operator
The Javascript void operator set the given expression and then returns the output as undefined.
The void operator is employed to amass the undefinable denoting price, typically we tend to use "void(0)" (which is suggests th...
Difference b/w Function Declaration & Function Expression
Hello readers, Today in my blog I would like to discuss about the difference b/w Function Expression and Function Declaration.
The first question that arises in the readers mind would what basically these both terms mean, so he...
Difference b/w onClick() and onSubmit() Event in Javascript
Hello readers , today in my blog I would like to discuss about the difference b/w the onClick and onSubmit Events .
Below is the difference b/w them :-
Below is a example showing the use of onSubmit() :-
JavaScript- Hide broken image icon or set a default image icon when source image is not found
Hello Readers,
When source image is not found then it will show a broken image icon. In today's post we will learn how hide broken image icon when image URL is invalid or not found.
onerror attribute of <img>&n...
Google URL shortener API with Javascript
Hello Readers,
goo.gl service at Google URL shortener API takes long URLs and squeezes them into less characters to make a small link so that can be easily share on social media and email to friends. This API is free with a daily limit o...
Shortened URL with Bitly API and jQuery
Hello Readers,
Bitly API is a way to shrink long URLs so that we can share it on social media. For example on twitter we can't share long URL so it is a very easy way to shorten long URLs. The most important thing is no ser...
Calling JavaScript function from String
Sometimes, you may need to call a method at runtime. If you know the name of the function you can invoke it as a string. You can call a function as a string. You are basically achieving eval of javascript indirectly.
Lets say, there ...
Display initials if no profile pic available
When we create an application its very easy to display user image or profile pic. when no image is available then we used to include an anonymous image in place of no image is available. But Gone were days and now we have something rich...
Progress loader plugin for Cordova / PhoneGap iOS apps.
Hello Readers,
In today's blog we will talk about progress plugin in Cordova / phoneGap apps. It is a progress loader and there is no need to add any JavaScript library for this.
This plugin supports iOS platform. It should be...
TypeError: variable "x" redeclares argument in javascript
If you redeclared a function parameter in the function block using a var. This is a naming conflict and javascript gives you a warning "TypeError: variable "x" redeclares argument"
This warning occurs in strict mode only. I...
Time validation in 24 hours format using regular expression with javascript
In this blog we will learn to convert the time format as per requirement with the help of the regular expression.
Pattern of regular expression for time in 24-hour format:
1. Pattern 1: ( [01]?[0-9]|2[0-3] ) : [0-5][0-9]...
Captcha Implementation with Javascript
Captcha is stands for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart". It is a test for checking that the response is coming from human. People have tried ...
Creating Slideable Grid Using JQuery
Hello readers , Today in my blog I have tried to create Slideable Grid with the help of jQuery .
As we all add columns to our web pages either for dividing the data as per the screen size so that the content would not get overlapped ...
Introduction to Touch events in JavaScript
We can handle the touch event in the javaScript using touch event listeners. The touch events are similar to the mouse event but in different way, it is more complex than the mouse event because it supports simultaneous touc...
Password validation Using HTML5 and JavaScript Function
Hello Readers
In my previous two blogs, I separately explained about Password Validation using JavaScript and Password Validation using HTML5. In this blog, I will explain you all how to separate form and function, so basically it will h...
An Overview Of Forms Using JQuery with Progress bar
Hello readers , today in my blog I will discuss about creating a form using JQuery along with the use of progress bar .
In this blog , I have simply created 3 forms whose first step includes the form for creating your account that in...
CRUD Operations Using WebSQL In HTML5 And jQuery
HTML 5 provides an API, called "Web SQL" API. It is new feature in HTML5 and it also helps to the developer for doing CRUD operation on the client side. It give the permission to client side for doing some operation:-
Overview of JavaScript arrow functions
Traditional javaScript function has the Method, Non-methods and constructor and have their own this keyword, so it causes the this binding. To overcome this problem coffeeScript provides an Arrow function, Called "javaSc...
An Overview to Single Page Application
Hello readers , Today in my blog I will discuss about the Single Page Application i.e (SPA) .
Introduction :-
It is basically a web application design approach .
It uses all the modern browsers and HTML5 .
It uses AJAX and ...
Password Validation with Regular Expressions using JavaScript
Hey there!
In this blog I’m going to tell you how to validate your username and password and how to match password to confirm password. Lot’s of websites now require registration, meaning that users need to be assigned a username a...
Form Validation: Date and Time using JavaScript
Hey there!
Form Validation is a very important aspect when it comes to filling forms. It helps us to identify if we are entering the correct information or not. This blog post will particularly deal with the form validation of date a...
sessionStorage Object in js
Hello Readers! In this blog we will be saving the data temporarily in the browser. Earlier we use to achieve such task by using the cookies. But now for a change we will be doing this with the help of sessionStorage object. The sessionStorage obj...