How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
Flutter Vs. Swift: Consider the Key Differences to Choose the Best Language for iOS Development
An age-old battle between native and hybrid apps has blurred the lines between app development frameworks. For example, Flutter framework has gained ground as an option to Swift for developing iOS apps. Be it budget constraints or faster developm...
Kotlin- Bridge Between Android and iPhone Mobile App Development
Kotlin is a cross-platform programming language that is supported by Google for Android app development launched in Feb 2016. It is declared as an official language for Android by Google. This language is designed to work reliably with JAVA langu...
7 mHealth iOS & Android Apps that are Transforming Healthcare Sector
Seemingly, we have advanced a lot from where we stood before digital technologies knocked at our doors. But of what use is an advancement if it doesn’t directly benefit the mankind? That isn’t dedicated to serving the human aspects of...
How can I Create an App/Start-Up When I have no Coding or Designing Skill?
If your question is How to Create an App from Scratch that too without coding then I believe the answer is yes. If you are thinking of creating a basic application then it is entirely possible to make one for Apple IOS or Android. In order to do ...
What are the Biggest Challenges Faced by Mobile App Creator?
Building an app is not an easy process. A mobile app creator faces many challenges. As people move towards using mobile apps for everything, an increasing number of businesses are shifting to mobile based applications instead of web-based applica...
Top 3 Benefits of Using Apple Business Chat for Your Enterprise
Businesses today must contend with a plethora of challenges to ensure that their customers have a fulfilling experience. One of these challenges above is providing them with smooth mobile communication for supportive customer service. It is why i...
Top 7 Ways to Choose the Best Technology Stack For Mobile Development
There is an undoubted Impact of mobile industry on the development of various industries. This statement is evident from the statistics that around 6 billion gadgets are in use by 2020.
Mobile industry is just wrapping ...
The Best Practices To Ensure Your iOS Apps Security
The emergence of a broad variety of novel technologies has given rise to valid concerns about security. To state the obvious: Maintaining security is currently among the biggest concerns in the global IT market. Everyone, from users to companies,...
Is Artificial Intelligence Technology Threat Dominating its Future Promises?
The continuous research in the direction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has potentially brought a great transformation. No more, the high-level problem comprehension confines to human only.
However, what about the dangers pos...
Role of UX Research in Mobile App Development
UX research plays an important role in developing and designing an app. It involves the process of observing, understanding what they want and analyzing your targeted users and how they interact with your product. UX research actual...
How to Solve Facebook Login Problem During Cross Platform App Development?
If you are making build for Android and you face error like --
Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'.
> Failed to execute aapt
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --...
Create iOS App Store Distribution Provisioning Production Certificate in 5 Steps
Production certificate is used to identify the concerned organization with the help of distribution provisioning profile. If you want to upload your application to Apple App Store, production certificate allows you to submit your application in A...
How to Load an Image from URL with Special Characters in iOS Swift3
If an image URL contains special character which doesn't load image on image view then we need to do more than UTF8 encoding. We usually decode string using Unicode methods but sometimes it is not sufficient to encode special charact...
How to move between Two UIViews Independent of the ViewController in iOS
Before moving on to the topic, first of all, I assume you all are aware of Storyboards, segues plus traveling from one view controller to another. So going from one VC to another is okay what if we need to move between two UiView’s independ...
How to Load an iFrame in WKWebView Locally in iOS App
WKWebView, introduced in iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite which replaces UIWebView in UIKit and WebView in AppKit UI, it is used to open Safari browser outside the app. It loads web pages faster and more efficiently.
So, in...
Objective-C or Swift: Which Technology to Learn for iOS App Development?
It’s no argument that mobile platforms are kicking desktop computers out of the limelight and according to the most recent statistics, these will gain a significantly greater offer of the market in th...
Top 5 IDE Tools for iOS App Development
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a software application that facilitates for Android & iOS app development. It is a graphical user interface that helps the developer to build software applications in an integrated e...
Learn to Get Location by Tapping on iOS Apple Map Using UITapGestureRecognizer - 6 Quick Steps
Nowadays there are may times when you need to use map in your iOS application. There are lots of things that are implemented using maps. This blog includes the explanation of how you can get location of a place by tapping on any place on map.
Present ViewController with Transparent Background in Swift iOS App - Basic Steps
Sometimes we have to show a transparent View on a ViewController, For that we generally use .xib file and add them as subView in ViewController to show the transparency. But we can also give the transparency to view controller while presenting th...
How iBeacon Technology Can Light the World of iOS Developers?
Technology introduced by one of the most innovative and technology agencies of the world, Apple back in 2013, iBeacon grabbed attention of many tech enthusiasts. The company reports to be on the right track and going at the desired pace to make a...
How to Build Chat Application in iOS Swift3 Using Firebase for iPhones?
Before moving on to the topic first of all you must be aware with Firebase, if not then please, do visit this my last tutorial on How to Register Realtime User Information at Firebase in iOS. It will clear you about how to get...
How to Register Realtime User Information at Firebase in iOS App
Firebase is a realtime database where we can store the information and can check whether data got saved or not in Firebase. Here is a simple example of creating a project and connection of the project with Firebase, so, here we go.
How to Use Guard Statement in Swift iOS Application
Guard statement work as an error handler. If we have to send values to server which can be empty or may not be in that condition we can use guard so that if the value is nil then app will not get crashed.
How to Show UICollectionView in UITableViewCell Using Swift in iOS App
We can easily create a simple table view to show the data in tabular format but if we need to show UICollectionView inside the UITableViewCell then it become a challenging task for the beginners. So here is an easy tutorial, to get the concept of...
How to Play, Record & Save Videos in Swift3 iOS App in iPhone
If you have ever tried to play, record and save a video using iOS Swift 3 language and found difficulty or messy code, then today in this tutorial, I am here with a simple and easy example for you. Lets's discuss all the aspects one by one.
How to Implement Custom Camera Functionality using Swift3 iOS App
To Implement camera functionality in iOS, we use Image Picker Controller but if we need to change the style and functionality other than of Image Picker Controller then we need to create a custom camera. So, in this tutorial, we will see an examp...
2 Easy Steps to Implement PageViewController in iOS Swift 3 Application
The user can easily navigate between the pages of content in which each page is managed by its own view controller objects. screen navigation is controlled by the user gestures. Once UIPageViewController interface is defined, you can add the View...
How to Localize Your Swift3 iOS App for Multilingual Support in 8 Easy Steps
iOS devices are widely used by the people across the world speaking different languages. Making an application supporting multiple languages will make it user friendly and acceptable by large number of users. To support this, apple has introduced...
How to Capture Screenshot of Particular Screen Via Swift3 Application
Many a time we need to take a screenshot of a screen on an iOS device. So In this blog, we will discuss how to capture a screenshot of a particular screen through an application and with the help of an example this concept can easily be understoo...
Learn How to Integrate Google Login SDK Using Swift in iOS - 3 Easy Steps
To integrate your iOS app with Google for allowing login from Google, Share and other features we need integration by Google login SDK. So in this tutorial, I am providing you simple steps to integrate Google Login SDK using swift in iOS.
Learn How to Integrate Facebook Login SDK Using Swift in iOS - Easy Tutorial
To integrate your iOS app with Facebook for allowing login from Facebook, Share and other features we need integration by Facebook login SDK. So in this tutorial I am providing you simple steps to integrate Facebook Login SDK using swif...
5 Steps iOS Tutorial to Create Repository in Bitbucket
Bitbucket is a hosting service which is used to store source code of any application and code reviews. We can store source code of the application in bitbucket with the help of repository. The repository is used to store source code and any furth...
How to Fetch Particular Substring from a String in iOS Swift3 Program
In this tutorial, we will see how to Fetch Particular Substring from a String in iOS Swift3 Program, but before moving on the mane case first of all let us see, What is String and Substring?
What is String
How to implement SFSafariViewController in swift3?
What is SFSafariViewController?
SFSafariViewController is a view controller which is used to provide a user interface to show web pages from an application. It includes different safari features like autofill, content blocking, illegal w...
Creating Tic-Tac-Toe Game in iOS Swift3 Language for iPhone Users
Tic-tac-toe is a very well known game among young children and very often most of us like to play this game to remove stress and feel refreshed. This game is for two players and all about placing noughts and crosses or Xs and Os in any place in a...
6 New iOS Swift-4 Features for Better Programming Experience
Swift programming language is developed by Apple Inc for various operating system iOS, watchOS, macOS, Linux, and tvOS with easiness and advanced features to work on Swift. It is safe, having a modern approach, powerful, have many other features ...
Major Feature Difference Between UIWebView and WKWebView
Because of the need of showing the HTML data/content inside an application the WKWebView is developed. It was introduced by iOS 8.0 whereas UIWebView was introduced by iOS 2.0
The UIWebView is a part of UIKit an...
5 Easy Steps to Set User Notification Feature in iOS Swift Application
User notification is a new local notification feature in iOS. It gives the additional functionality i.e. to remove pending notifications which is not possible in UILocalNotification. So lets start how it works.
As we know for schedul...
iOS UIKit Framework and its Components
The UIKit framework is used to provide graphical infrastructure and event-driven interface for the iOS application. The User interface can be implemented by window and view architecture which is provided by the UIKit framework. It manages the int...
Exciting 5 New Features of Apple iOS 11 Latest Version
There is a lot of buzz in the market about the Apple developers who are working to develop the latest iOS version. Yes, we are talking only about the iOS 11. As Apple iPhones are hugely responsible for reshaping our digital lives, this new versio...
Implement Face Detection Feature in iOS Swift Using Core Image Framework
In popular apps like Facebook, you may notice that while uploading any photo post, it automatically detects human faces. Everyone now knows that the face detection feature has become the hour of need for every Photo Sharing app.
With the face ...
How to use multiple target and macro for handling multiple environment
In this article, I’ll share 7 easy steps to use multiple targets and macro for handling the multiple environments.
Different environments are created to separate various parameters like Server URL, Bundle ID, API keys, etc...
Programmticaly Add AutoLayout by Visual Format Language in Swift
Auto layout adjusts the size and position of view according to the constraints applied to it. This approach dynamically changes our User Interface according to different screen sizes.
There are different ways for adding autolayout programmatical...
How to use custom sound for notifications when application is in foreground/active mode?
Hi Reader’s,
This blog includes the concept of how to use custom sound for notifications when application is in foreground/active mode. Below is the code in objective C language for the same which you have to write in AppDelegate file ...
Get location from postal code in Swift 3.0
1. import coreLocation in your controller.
import CoreLocation
2. Add this function to your view controller.
func getLocationFromPostalCode(postalCode : String){
let geocoder = CLGeocoder()
Swift: Get clicked image by camera
Hi All,
Sometime we have to take a picture using camera and use that image , we have to follow these simple steps.
1) Ask permission to access camera and microphone. Add these key and value in your project plist:-
Choose Image from gallery
Hi All,
Sometime we have to pick an image/video from device gallery and to open gallery/photos of your device and pick any image , we have to follow these simple steps.
1) Ask permission to access user gallery. Add these key and v...
Hide Status bar in iOS
If you want to hide status bar in your application then do following steps to achieve:
1- Go to info.plist file provided in left panel of your application.
2- Add a new key with name “View controller-base...
How to login with Facebook in swift 3.0
To Implement Facebook login in swift 3.0, we can use following steps.
1. install pod
pod 'FacebookCore'
pod 'FacebookLogin'
2.Register your app on the Facebook developer account. After registration,Go to you info.plist, right ...
Convert NSDate from local timezone to UTC and vice versa in Swift 3.0
1. To convert UTC(Coordinated Universal Time) to Local timezone
func convertToLocalDateFromUTCDate(dateStr : String) -> String {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z"