Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Best 5 Lightweight PHP Frameworks for REST APIs Development
Are you ready to develop the Rest AP
by ankur.kumar -
PHP: Full-Stack Framework vs Micro Framework
A web framework can be described as a software fra
by ankit.bhatia -
How to get facebook profile picture by Facebook App
If you would like to get your profile picture in f
by vivek.rastogi -
Creating RESTful API in cakephp
This tutorial will help you to learn how to create
by pushpendra.rawat
Setting cookies in php
Cookies in php is defined in the following line of code, CookieComponent is a wrapper in a PHP setcookie method.It offers user a number of methods for working with the Cookies in the document, cookies will allow user to remember their username an...
how to do save the cookies in cakephp and remember me in cakephp
In your login page you have two fields that are username/email and password in that page you have a checkbox . In that form you have a checkbox if you select that check box then your cookies will be saved in your browser for that remember me code...
Disable back button after login and logout.
Hello Readers! While creating an application what we notice is when user log in to the application using the credentials and while being logged in if user clicks on the browser back button he/she is redirected to the login page again. Same is the...
How to use forget password function in cakePHP
Forget Password function use in cakePhp for making it secure by sending the code to the database in encrypted form, and fetch the value from by using find keyword in the list, this will give you detail on the bases of email id.
encode password before saving it to database
Hello Readers. Here is small code to encode password before it is saved into database.
Add the following code in your Model file User.php
App::uses('BlowfishPasswordHasher', 'Controller/Component/Auth');
class User extends AppModel {
Reset Password link code in cakephp
Hello Readers! Here is a cakephp code to reset your password.
Create a view reset.ctp and paste the below code to it:
<?php echo $this->Session->flash(); ?>
<div class="container">
<div class="midBlock clearfix"...
Forgot Password link code in cakephp
Hello Readers! Here is the code to send link to your email address when you click on Forgot Password link during login in cakephp.
Create a view forgot_password.ctp and paste the below code to it:
<?php echo $this->Session->flash...
How to watermark image usimg Qimage component in cakephp
For watermarking image using Qimage component in cakephp first we have to download Qimage plugin after downloading Qimage plugin we have to put it into App/Controller/Component .
Then we have to do all this in our controller....
How to remember username and password in cakephp using cookies
As we seen in login page if we click or check the checkbox of “Remember Me” then our login id will be remembered by the browser . This is done by using cookies .
our login form contain email field and password alo...
How to get path of function being used in PHP
Hello Reader's! if you want to get the name of function and method being called, Then by using PHP you can do this as explain below:-
Lets's see the example as below here we are using the info provided by a php exception, it's a...
How to create components and use in cakephp
Hello friends,
Cakephp provides a utility packages of logic that are shared between controllers.You can also create your own components. If you find yourself wanting to copy and paste things between controllers, you should consider creating yo...
How to login with Facebook using CakePHP Facebook Login Plugin?
In this tutorial, we will learn that how we can login with facebook in cakephp . As we see that most of users do not take too much interest in signing up in any website that's why we use social media login by which they can logging or sign up...
Datepicker in cake php
Datepicker in cake php used for displaying its content in date formats. The widget used in jquery for making it stylish and feel easy to user for displaying the date, minth and years. This will expalins as follow, User can use this line of code b...
Association Types in cakePHP
Hello Readers Four associations types used in cakePHP is explained here in a short and simple way. Hope this will be helpful to all.
If table movie has a field that refrences table director, then table movie "belongTo&quo...
AuthComponent and hashing password in cakePHP
Identifying and authentication of a user is very common and useful part of every web appilication, In CakePHP AuthComponent provides a way to secure user's password in encrypt manner and allow user to authenticate objects as well. It is a pro...
Association in cake php
Association means relationship, It is a way that two table are connected to each other or linking model together, in cakephp the links between models are handled through association. User can understand it from the following table.
How to send email in cakePHP?
CakePHP comes with an default email library that already supports SMTP mail protocol. In this article we will come to know that how we can send an email in HTML or text both.
We have to define the layout of text and HTML emails In app/vi...
cakePHP Flash component
cakePHP have by default FlashComponent which provides notification messages to be displayed in the website or application after processing a form .
FlashComponent in cakePHP writes flash messages to be rendered in a ctp file in vie...
To add image in the cakePHP
We can add the new image in cakePHP just like we did html.
but we have different tag for it.
We need html helper that is already provided by the cakePHP but have to be included first.
For adding an image
echo $this->html->imag...
Validation in CakePHP
Validation in cakePHP is on the client side and on the server side.
Client side validation is on the js file that is in the webroot folder.
Server side validation is on the model which we are using.
Client side validation is important as...
Speed up the loading time of cakePHP website
Loading time of the website plays very important role in internet world.Slow loading time of website will cause uninterrupted services and the good loading speed website serves as an indicator of how well things are doing, it will help you to gai...
How to pass variables through the URL when using pagination?
First of all we should understand the pagination concept , so for this check the cakephp.org .
If we want to pass the custom variables in pagination so first of all pass the variables to the view . Lets suppose we want to pass $pass .
In th...
Remember me in CakePHP
Remember me is the functionality that people usually see in the sign in page of the website.
What it does it keep your session continue by saving the cookies.
We can save cookies and add the remember me functionality to sign in.
We have ...
cakePHP model side validation
Data validation plays an important part in any of the application. It is very important to make ensure that user has input valid Fields or not. For example, passwords are at least eight characters long or more, User Names ,emails are unique...
How to make reset password function in cakePHP
In this tutorial we can learn that how to make reset password functionality in CakePHP . Most of the times users forget their password for their login credentials, so reset password functionality gives them the authority to change their us...
Cakephp 2.7: How to paginate using ajax in cakephp?
Cakephp Ajax Pagination:
This blog will help you to paginate page using ajax. First of all create Users table and add some data in it, now create its model, view and controller by following command:
$ cd /var/www/html/cakephp/app
$ /var/...
Cakephp: How to cake bake all in Ubuntu 14.04?
Cakephp's bake console is the fastest way to create models, view and controller. In order to create it first you need to create the table. In this case I am creating Users table:
id INT UN...
How to resize image using Qimage component in cakephp
For resizing image using Qimage component in cakephp first we have to download Qimage plugin after downloading Qimage plugin we have to put it into App/Controller/Component .
Then we have to do all this in our controller.
Retrieving and Set the data in cakePHP
Retrieve the data from the database.
CakePHP come with the functions to get the data from the database.
find: It is a multifunctional function of all model data-retrieval function.
It is used under the controller.
It is used for...
How to crop image using Qimage component in cakephp
For cropping image using Qimage component in cakephp first we have to download Qimage plugin after downloading Qimage plugin we have to put it into App/Controller/Component .
Then we have to do all this in our controller.
CakePHP Controller Basic
A Controller in MVC like cakePHP is basically used to manage the logic around a single model.
LIke for example if you are working on User model than you have to have a controller for it name UsersController.php for managing the model.
Fetching data from databse in cakePHP.
Fetching a data in the form of table from the database can is explained here in this blog, User have to define a function in the controller with the same file name in which user are displaying table using HTML code, for example here it is 'fe...
Differentiate between Component, Behavior, and Helper in Cakephp.
These all extend existing CakePHP functionality so they are almost similar but differ on what they extend from the existing folder.
The Component is used here in the controller it will used as a packages of logic and function and these are s...
How to implement blowfish hashing for passwords encryption in CakePhp
Whenever you make registration form in Cakephp all you need to do is to make various field for username , email, password, gender etc etc... If you are inserting these values in the database then you should know that you should encrypt your passw...
How to Save data using cakephp
CakePHP will save model data as a snap to your database, User's Data will be ready to be saved in database it should be passed to the model’s save() method using this, in the giving format below. This is Controller action that uses a Ca...
How to store multiple checkbox values in one column in a database in cakePHP?
For storing the multiple values in the database through check box, when a user select multiple choices,that selected value will be shown in database For Example a user want to select their education in the form so it will shown in database in one...
How to register new user using cakephp
For storing new user information in database, first we have to create a new table in database which contain user name,email,password fields.
The logic of the controller is written below. In below code we have create a function registrati...
Helpers in CakePHP
Helpers that are used in CakePHP are associated with the Presentation layers of application. Helpers basically contain presentational logic that are available to share between many views, elements, or layouts. We have different h...
CRUD operations in cakephp
Let us start with the simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) Application. Before we begin let me split the processes we are going to do this this blog into the following steps:
Creating the Database
Create models
Create controlle...
MVC architecture in CakePHP
CakePHP is a swift development framework for PHP which manipulate frequently recognized design patterns like Associative Data Mapping, Front Controller, and MVC. Our key target is to impart a structured framework that accredit PHP users at a...
cakephp 2.4.2: How to do Blowfish authentication
What is Blowfish Authentication:
It is an authentication adapter for AuthComponent. Blowfish is a symmetric-key block cipher. It provides the ability to authenticate Post Data using Blow Fishing. In order to add Blow fish authentication add it...
What are the benefits of Cake PHP frameworks
1.CakePhp is basically a framework which is based on MVC pattern i.e(model view controller).
2.Cakephp have built in validation.
3.Cakephp have fast and flexible php syntax with helpers.
4.Cakephp is very friendly because developer done ...
login form in cakephp
Its really easy to create a login form by using cake php, for creating a form a user have to mention its type,action or url for pointing the form to the login() action to the controller, user would supply array like this. And for further fields t...
Cakephp: How to retrieve video url from Google App Engine
About Google App Engne
Google App Engine applications are used to create data storage. We do not require to maintain servers with App Engine. We just need to upload applications and can access the site from the web.
How to Upload Video? Wri...
Forget password in cakephp
Hello Reader's!,If you want to add forgot password field in your login page and send the forgot password link through mail Then I wrote this blog for you.
// first create a forgot password link in your login page and allow forgot password ...
How to resolve "- cakephp/cakephp 3.1.7 requires ext-intl *" in Ubantu
Hello Friends,
If you are looking to create project on CakePHP 3 with the help of composer. This problem might be encounter "- cakephp/cakephp 3.1.7 requires ext-intl * -> the requested PHP extension intl is missing from your system".
class CakeEmail(mixed $config = null)
CakeEmail is a new class introduce to send email. With the help of this class one can send email from any where in the application.The CakeEmail class replaces the earlier used EmailComponent ...
Cakephp putting condition on virtualFields
Hi Readers,
Today I will be discussing about the limitation of virtualfields and how can we overcome it's limitations. Firstly, we can not use virtualfields in associated models for conditions,fields arrays or order. Doing so will general...
How to get the base url in cakephp ?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to get the base url in cakephp ?
If you want current base or Get current url.
You can take reference of bellow example
suppose your project URL is http://localhost/pro...
How to bind model at runtime in cakephp
Hello guys,
Most of time we need to bind model at runtime, So cakephp provides inbuilt function
bindModel(). Using this function we can associates model according to requirement .
Using this technique we dont need to association in Model. I...