Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Social Network for Developers - FindNerd Introduction
In this Video Tutorial, we are describing a brief
by sachin.joshi -
How to Resolve Canonical Issue? (301 redirect)
Hello reader! In this Blog I will cover the top
by sachin.joshi -
Plagiarism and its Role in Content Writing
The word Plagiarism is derived from the latin word
by sachin.joshi -
Guidelines for Blogging
Important steps or points to be followed before po
by sachin.joshi
How-to : Getting To 100 Followers on Instagram
Courtesy:Ready made [Pexels]
Instagram was once a simple app. You took a photo, applied a filter, and then posted it for the few people who followed you to see.
Today, This isn't the case anymore.
Social Media Marketing: How YouTube Comments Can Boost Your Traffic
YouTube is a popular social media platform where you can search and watch videos of all sorts of people from all over the world. You can also upload your own creations on the platform so that others can see them as well. Uploads on YouTube come f...
How Online Reputation Management Impacts Your Business Significantly?
You may like your brand and maybe your parents too, but that doesn’t matter! You must have a market out there that actually praises your brand.
So are you worried about your reputation online?
Do you want to use Social media to enhanc...
Take a Look at How to Grow Your Instagram Followers Fast
Being the best social media platform for businesses to market themselves on, Instagram is the new Facebook. With an engagement rate that is 58 times higher than Facebook, Instagram has become the most prized possession for businesses in terms of ...
How Does Digital Marketing Help Startups to Get Leads?
Do you require customers for your business?
It is no big deal, if you‘re a brand. But, a startup should ground up from scratch. It’s a big challenge because online marketing is no more effective as it used to be. It doesn...
How Can Ephemeral Content Boost Your Brand Awareness
Ever since social media platforms became ultra-popular, the world of digital marketing has never been the same. Not so long ago, the main principle behind paid ads was repetition, as promoters believed that if they repeated an advertisement a suf...
Trends to Adopt for Successful Digital Marketing in Coming Year
Are you still unable to magnetize the audience that can harmonize your business revenues? Well, in that case, you better switch to digital marketing of your brand! Digital marketing is perhaps the perfect way to create brand awareness and target ...
Content Marketing for Educational Websites in 2018: Trends and Tools for Success
Educational websites have become very popular these days. This growth has been observed due to the rapid development of the internet which help individuals access information easily.
A lot of educational websites have been establishe...
Why Business Branding is Treated as Vital Circle of Trust for Companies
Branding is a word that crosses everyone path, whether you are an entrepreneur, or a CEO or a Marketer for an organization. In all our endeavours, we pursue to cling on to ‘the brand’, yet do we really understand the concept and the u...
Follow Simple Instagram Rules to Increase Followers - Social Media Marketing Tips
If you are going to launch a new business and looking for a quick ways for get followers on social media then you can learn from this article which I am writing now. Which strategies I use can be very useful for every business person, products, a...
Top 7 Digital Marketing Strategies for Aspiring Business Startups
It is undeniable that marketing is one of the most important things for any new startup, the greatest problem here lies in the fact that most of these young companies operate on a tight budget. With this in mind, what they need to f...
7 Social Media Marketing Trends in 2017 for Business Growth
How will you be marketing on social media in 2017? If the answer does not include any of the 7 options we are about to list, then you need to get started on a new plan – and fast. The quickest adopters of these ideas will see ...
7 Useful Social Media Marketing (SMM) Tips For Business
Social Media Marketing (SMM) tends to become more complicated with every new social media website. Some people are so frustrated at the situation that they have started hiring professionals for social media marketing, even though ...
How Social Media Marketing Helps in Business Branding
Social Media & its Benefits:
Social Media is the future for communication, marketing & business. It is a collection of internet based tools and platforms that enhance the information shared.
Social media can be used for a vari...
Recycling for pros: tips for reusing social media content
If you've been crafting your social media marketing strategy for a while, you probably realize how challenging it is to create fresh and engaging social media content on a regular basis. Keeping your social channels interesting takes lots of ...
8 Most Effective Tactics to Launch a Product Using Social Media
An infographic representation of Social Media as a Product Launch tool. Courtesy: www.123rf.com
It was December 2013, Pop Queen Beyonce took the music industry by storm, when she launched a (15 video and 17 songs alb...
Social Media : A Powerful Mass Notification Tool
Social Media is considered as the ultimate Mass Notification Tool. With changing times, methods and modes of notification and communication have also changed. Today, you will find the qwerty wolves lurking everywhere. RTs, shebang, RSS feeds, has...
How to Get 250+ Free Retweets without using Twitter Ads Part 1
You login to your twitter account and check how many Retweets and likes you have got on your 5-day-old post. You are left scratching your head after seeing only 5+ odds or even less. Has this ever happened to you? If yes, then you have come to ...
How Offering Sales Can Benefit Your Internet Business
How Offering Sales Can Benefit Your Internet Business:-
There's an incredible technique online that can give you a sudden surge of requests immediately. Do you know what this method is? Well… I'm discussing the force of of...
7 Strange Factors That Influence Online Conversions
7 Strange Factors That Influence Online Conversions:-
The online client is an unusual creature. They are influenced by factors on your site or in your articles that shouldn't make a difference when they shop online. Some of these...
Social Media Marketing Activity Plan
In order to gain Traffic or to promote app, product or website through Social media activity one should focus on the below mentioned activities:
Marketing Activity Plan
General SMM Activites
How to Add Managers to Google Plus Page
As you already know that most of the internet marketers hardly make you of Google plus platform for marketing any brand, product, local business or a community because Google plus social...
Importance of 3 Different Aspects of Link Building Process
Link building process consists of three basic methodologies including Manual Directory Submissions, Local Directory Submissions and Social Media Submissions. All these types of Natural L...
How to Create a Group in StumbleUpon and Viral Your Content
Internet marketing is a very diverse field and promoting your content over the internet is the best way if you want to make your product or ...
How to Merge Google+ Brand Page With Local Page
When you are working as a social media marketer for Google Plus and have just created a brand page on Google plus account for promoting your product or service then you may have encounte...
Site Optimization with SEO & SMM Work Plan for Better Results
Dreaming to be on top results of search engine require superior quality efforts SEO and SMM work. The work should not only be smart but it should have been implemented with extremen planning. If you plan search engine opti...
Facebook Tips for Managing Post, Audience and Results
This blog is the continuation series of my last blog posted on Facebook Marketing Tips for Your Business. In earlier blog I have explained in detail various tips and techniques req...
7 Useful Tips to Draft Facebook Updates for Local Business
Promoting a business on Facebook helps a lot to make the presence of your business among the targeted audience, however the way of marketing differs with respect to the type of bus...
Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing: The Difference
Source: pinagkaiba.blogspot.com
For ages, marketing has been the most important cog in the wheel of brand establishment, and with technology advancement, it has only become easier and more effective to reach out masses to market a prod...
Latest Social Media Facts & Statistics
[zipedit]Social media is the collection of many online websites & applications that allows people to share their ideas, career interest, pictures/videos and to create, exchange or share information in their social communities & networks. ...
Social Media and SEO an Effective Business Solutions
As In my previous post I have already described How much SMO (Social media optimization) and marketing is important along with SEO, I just came across with this wonderful article describing how social media and search engine optimization can prod...
Three Hot Trends of Digital Marketing in 2015
A clear lesson from 2014 was digital marketing would set out to surpass traditional means of marketing. So far, it has been proved true, with Christmas waiting across the corner offering a new treasure trove to companies to increa...
Facebook Marketing Tips for Your Business
Facebook is the biggest social media website, where we can post daily status updates, share images, videos, create groups, write notes, and ask question and answer and create pages for promoting business. We can also use Facebook platform f...
Google+ Social Media Marketing Strategy Tips
In my last blog Role of Google+ in Social Media Marketing, I have shared my knowledge about 'what is Google+, what is the role of Google+ in social media marketing and how to optimize a profile along with business page properly'. As we are ...
Use Pinterest as Social Media Marketing Strategy
Pinterest is a social platform for sharing images online in a well categorized manner. This social channel is basically named from the combination of two separate words pin and interest. Pinterest contains several categories starting from...
Role of Google+ in Social Media Marketing
What is Google+
Google+ is a social media platform provided from Google.com to all the users. It is one of the growing social channel. Google has launched this social media in June 2011. The main features of this platform include posting u...
Why Social Bookmarking
In today's online marketing world every marketer opts for different strategy for the identical goal - Get higher SERP. One of the most common and important strategies is doing Social Bookmarking (SB). Posting content on social med...
How to increase organic traffic to website?
Organic Traffic is the traffic comes from search engine like Google, Yahoo, Bing, for this traffic you don't need to pay any bugs to any one but need to invest a lot hard and smart work. First phase to get organic traffic is to get urself means ...
Social Media Marketing and its benefits
With each passing day Social Media Marketing is becoming more popular and broader. Its not only contributing in the growth but also in the success of the company. Entrepreneurs have analyzed social media efforts are providing more exposure to the...
Social Media Marketing
To know about Social Media Marketing first we should know what is Social Media.
What is Social Media?
Social Media is a web 2.0 sites that allows users to collaborate and interact with each other.
Social Media is a tool of interaction betw...