How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
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Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
What is JQuery noConflict method?
As jQuery do most of the JavaScript libraries use $ as a function or variable name. In jQuery's case, all functionality is available without using $ because it is just an alias for jQuery. In jQuery we can return control of $ back to the othe...
jQuery not() Method
In jQuery not() method, we set a criteria. Elements that match the criteria are expelled from the selection, and those do not match will be returned.
Below is the syntax of jquery filter method:-
Filtering methods in jquery
In jQuery there are three most essential filtering techniques used these are first(), last() and eq(), which permit you to choose a particular element in respect of its position when there are more than one element or have group of elements....
Highlighting important information with the help of jquery
Many time we want to show some information in our page to be highlighted, we want some important information to be display with different background color. we can acquire this by simply using jquery filter() method.
In jquery filter method &nb...
Simple chat application in node.js
Today, I am going to show you, how to create a simple chat application in node js using a special model "socket.io". It simply transmits messages from one client to all others.
For this, I am going to create two files:-
1: main.js...
Interaction in jQuery with Drag-able
The Drag-able function can be used in JqueryUI to enable draggable functionality on a DOM element. Using Drag-able function we can drag the element by clicking on it with the mouse.
Example code:
What is the difference between JavaScript and JQuery?
Hii all, it seems that many want to know what is actually a difference between JavaScript and JQuery. So, here are following differences between these two :-
JavaScript :-
1. JavaScript is a scripting language.
2. In JavaScript, you...
Chaining in jQuery
Chaining is a technique that allows us to run multiple jQuery commands, one after the other, on the same element. Using chaining we can run multiple jquery methods within a single statement.
Chaining makes code short and easy to manage and it im...
Get dropdownlist selected value/text using javascript in asp.net mvc
A dropdownlist is a list of items from which user can select one or multiple values at the same time.
Every dropdownlist contain two items one is a value and another is text. Here in the given example,there is a list of student names in which ...
jquery autocomplete in AngularJs not working on first click
I was using jquery autocomplete functionality in angularJs using directive. Whenever I tried to load static data it was working fine, but when I loaded data from server side the first click was not working.
I was using code someth...
How to change the font family using JQuery?
In this blog, we will see how we can change the font family of text through jQuery. In this blog we have two div in the left div we show the text and in the right section, we make a selectbox( ) from which we select the particular font whatever y...
Client side validation using jquery in Asp.Net MVC
Jquery is client side scripting language which runs the scripts on client's browser to check user's inputs are valid or not. Before submitting the form to the server,jquery authenticate that user has entered all the valid text in input fi...
Creating Marquee using jquery
Marquee is a text which is seen floating from right to left or left to right , top to bottom or bottom to top depending on the code . Before we can created marquee effect by simply using <marquee> tag of html as this html tag is not support...
Difference between size() and length in Javascript
In jQuery size() and length property are the two features, which have the same property of returning the number of elements in a jQuery object which creates a lot of confusion for developers.
This blog is to help developers to understand the d...
jQuery methods to select elements by hierarchy
Selecting elements in a hierarchy is very useful when the HTML is very nested and the unique id or class is not associated with every element. In such a cases, we first select that element that has some unique id or class and then move to the des...
jQuery - Methods to select elements by attributes
There are many times while selecting any element we do not have its class or ID, so in that case we have to take the help of various attributes to select the element. Suppose we have the following HTML
<a target="ma...
Simple Calculator using Html and jQuery
Simple Calculator using Html and jQuery:
We can create a basic calculator using Html, Css and jQuery. When user will click digits then it will store in either crntStore or btnVal variable. When user will click a arithmetic operation button the...
Changing font-size using jquery
In this tutorial I am going to explain how to change the font size of text content in a paragraph dynamically using jquery. We can change the font-size using jQuery css() function.When page will load font-size will be 14px .When us...
Sbiling in jquery with demo
It returns all the sibling elements of the element that you have selected.
It allows you to go through the siblings of the matched elements in the DOM tree and creates a new jQuery object from the matching elements.
Lets see how it works:
Difference between window.onload and document ready
There are some minor difference between the two but it can effect with lots of confusion between to many of us.
window.load - It is fired when everything on the page is loaded. By everything I mean that when the DOM is loaded, when all t...
Queue Functionality In jQuery animate()
If we want to create custom animation than for this purpose jquery animation is used.
jquery animation method syntax is below:-
Syntax :-
$(part to be selected).animate({parameters},speed,callback);
Queue functionality of ...
How to use jQuery :first Selector?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to use jQuery :first Selector?
Basically :first selector is used for selecting the first element and it is always use in a group.
The :first selector&n...
How to use load() method in jquery?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to use load() in jquery?
Basically load() method is used for loading data from server and putting return data into selected item,in simple word we can say tha...
How to increase and decrease the date by one on click using js?
If the user wants to increase or decrease the date by one, on click of a button, he can easily do this by using the following code.
Date: <input type="text" class="dateone" id="datepicker">
<input type="button" onclic...
Slide Element from Left to Right Position
Hello readers,
This is a quite simple blog that will show how to slide a div from left to right using jquery function. Here I have taken two div one is outer that have some property like it is set to at left position and add the background col...
How to disable previous dates in datepicker using jQuery?
Hi Readers,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss a method to disable previous dates in datepicker using jQuery?
Datepickers is a very important feature of a web application. It is mostly used in any registration form when ...
Disable the control(ctrl key) plus click event for a particular click with demo
There are many cases where we do not want our page to open in another tab while clicking ctrl+click and the anchor tag is producing dynamically.
For that, we can add the following script which will disable the same effect.
jQuery fadeToggle Method
In many sites we have seen that when we click on some button it will make some div faded, this will happen with the help of fadeOut() method in jquery.
If we want some faded div or hidden div to get show, we can do that by using fadeIn()...
append( ) property
append( ) property is used to insert a block of elements inside a particular element. It helps in adding block of element during runtime.This property insert's content, specified by the parameter, to the end of each element in the set o...
JQuery Slider For Rails
JQuery Slider For Rails
As we know these days in almost all applications there are image sliders which keep rotating and displaying images one by one like a slide show.
To integrate the same functionality there is a gem which we can use to ...
Transition of a div on click event using Jquery with demo
Hello friends,
If you want to make an animation like transition on your multiple views or If you want to slide your view i.e. your DIV element from one to another, you can use the following code.
In this we have all the content in...
custom scrollbar using jQuery UI
A scrollbar is a communication method or gadget in which nonstop content, pictures, or some other substance can be looked in a foreordained heading (up, down, left, or right) on a PC showcase, window, or viewport so that the majority of the subst...
How to rotate a text
As we see in many website some text get rotated and other text come in its place this is known as text rotation. It is a very basic thought where we can display more than one word without taking much space by simply rotating an individual w...
How to use focus() Method Jquery ?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to use focus() Method in Jquery.
Basically focus() Method event when an element gets focus with selected by mouse to it.
So we can say that ...
How to use event.data property in jQuery ?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, in this blog I will guide you to use event.data Property in Jquery.
Basically event.data property is used when the current executing handler is bound. so we can say that it is an optional obje...
How to use appendTo()event in Jquery ?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to use appendTo()event in Jquery.
Basically appendto() method is used for inserting specified content of HTML elements at the end of the selected elements.
How to use blur() Method in Jquery ?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to use blur() Method in Jquery.
The blur() Method occurs when an element loses focus hence we can say that blur() method is used for attaching a function to ...
How to use bind() Method in Jquery ?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to use bind() Method in Jquery.
The bind()methods is one of the most important aspects of dealing with events through jQuery.
Basically,the bind() method affixes ...
How to use append()event in Jquery ?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to use append()event in Jquery.
Basically append() method is used for inserting specified content at the end of the selected elements hence we can say that this ...
create element with dynamic id on click event with jquery
If you want to create multiple elements with dynamic id on click of button or an HTML element see below program for reference.
/* The following html/jquery snippet will create multiple input boxes with dynamic id on clicking an individual elem...
Different ways to dynamically add list items at the end of the list using jquery
Whenever we use lists (either Unordered-ul or ordered-<ol>) in html, in most of the cases there comes a need to add dynamic elements at the end of the list. This is achieved using javascript or jquery. Jquery being a fast and commonly...
Animation in jquery
Animation in jquery is used for creative designing and give an amazing view to the user. A wide range of effects is possible using jquery animate function, here I am showing you a simple line of code example that will provide to a text and div, n...
Adding css property using jQuery
Hii All ,
Jquery is a type scripting langauge created by John Resig along with his team in 2006.
It is a client side script programming language.
It is a concise javascript library.
Both javascript and jquery is used for script progra...
jQuery Callback Functions
JavaScript codes are executed line by line. However, the next line of the code can run even though the effect of the first line of code is not finished. This can create errors.
To prevent this errors, we can create a callback function. callbac...
Stylish tool tip display on hover of an element with the help of jquery
How to use stylish tool tip on hover of an element with jquery
To use the jquery basic tool tip you have to first include the following basic jquery file with another two. One will be use for jquery tool tip effect and other for tool tip css...
Autocomplete form feild using PHP and jQuery
As we see in many of the forms in different websited that we just type a letter then the form automatic start guessing the the test or word we want to write in the feild. In this tutorial we will learn how to do autocomplete functionality using a...
Change the form action before submit
How to change the form action before submit on the basis of element/input field click.
The html sample code for form having radio button and submit button :
<form action="" id="myformID">
<input type="radio" name="ch...
5 Useful jQuery Tricks for every Programmer
jQuery is a feature-rich JavaScript library. jQuery makes the things like animation,events handling, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.
Here we are sharing some useful jQuery tricks that ca...
Disabling Button click action using jquery and Html
Disabling Button click action and Enabling when checkbox is checked:
We can disable button click action easily using Html and can enable it using jQuery.
Html code to disable a button:
<h1 class="redeem-head">Redeem Portfolio<...
Making a draggable element using jQuery UI
Earlier using javascript code to make an element draggable was very hard and moreover cross-browser version working of code was very difficult.
The following code shows how to make an element draggable inside its parent element by using ...