How to check if string arraylist is sorted?
Hello everyone, Can anyone help me with the below
by swati.rawat -
I want to a Eclipse Demo example How to connect S
by manish.bohra
Write a program in java to evaluate and print the value of mathematical function: f(x,y) = 2x2 - y + 3
Write a program in java to evaluate and print the value of the following mathematical function:
f(x,y) = 2x2 - y + 3
Vary the values of x and y according to the following table and prints the values of f(x,y) as shown in the table.
Attachment Download Feature : Streaming huge(> 1 GB) data string from javascript to JSP
Hi All,
Feature Goal :
To send a huge(sized) string data from javascript side to JSP and download that data as an attachment to user's machine.
Current behavior :
We are sending limited sized data in post body (<= 25M...
Server Side Programming
1.Modify the web.xml to turn off the three test filter filters and turn on the LogResponsesCookiesFilter filter.
2.Note how the filter works with the cookies.
3.Modify the LogResponsesCookiesFilter. The filter you implemented needs to add a...
How to resize attach image and view it (can see original size)?
Hye. I am Nabilah and below is my Java code at Jframe in netbeans. It is code about attach file or imageto display to Jframe. Here I hope someone can help me
1. how to resize image (stadardize the size I upload) that already attached and...
Is it a good option to opt for game development for pitching up my career ?
Can anybody explain to me if libgdx is a worthy option to get into game development? I just came across it in my research for taking up Game Development as my career path but am confused like what are its advantages and limitations?
Passing XML string to a stored procedure?
I am really really confused about how to convert string data that I get from a form and convert it to a XMLstring and pass the XML string to a stored procedure in Java. Please help me out.
So, Let's say:-
Post () method-
String a = r...
Ask to complete the class
I was given a test to complete but unsure how I can use the apache commons in some methods. I have attached the file. Appreciate all your help.
package interview;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleD...
Getting Springs, Hibernate Exception in Java
Can someone help me with this exception in Java,Springs,Hibernate.
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: An SQLException was provoked by the following failure:
at com.mchange.v2.sql.SqlUtils.t...
Java Arraylist loop problem
import java.util.InputMismatchException;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Random;
public class StringVariables {
public static void main(String[] args) throws NumberFormatException,
images from database to jtable. Java
I have an app that contains a database using java sql, and has a jTable that displays the database info. It works fine, EXCEPT for when I am trying to store and display images to one of the columns. I used the jTable1.setModel(DbUtils.resul...
Close to having database queries displayed to Jlist, what am I missing?
Hello, I feel like I may be very close to having my app display the rows from my database in the Jlist the way I would like (with every column from each row displayed as one item on the Jlist. I think the problem might be in connecting the ...
BufferedInputStream in java
How internally BufferedInputStream work in java?
During read from a file, how or who bring bytes from the file to the internal buffer?
Wether BufferedInputStream read 1 byte at a time from internal buffer?
How to add video background without slowing down the page?
How can I add a video background (see an example here: http://gamentio.com/) without slowing down my page? Is there a limit to resolutions also or can I use a high resolution video also?
Any help would be appreciated.
How to sort array without using Collection.sort method?
I need to sort an array but I don't want to do it by using the default Collection.sort method. How can I use Comparator to achieve the same result?
Any help would be appreciated.
Suggestion for scalable java based socket server?
Hello everyone,
I have some doubts. Can I get some suggestions for scalable java based socket server ? Please give some examples. Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thank you
How to sort an arraylist of objects?
Hello everyone, I am stuck somewhere. I need to sort an Array List of particular type of Objects in java. Please explain with the help of an example.
Thank you
Email Address from given string java
Hello everyone,
Can anyone help me with the below query-
I want a code packet in java to check if a given string has an email address if yes then return the email address or return empty string.
Why are annotations used in Java?
I have certain queries regarding annotations in Java.
What is the usage of annotations in java? What are the major applications where we can use it?
Can these be used to replace XML based configuration completely and is it language specific...
RMI Registery java.rmi.connectexception connection refused to host
Below is my code:
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileSyst...
Solve null pointer exception
Here is my Code:
import java.sql.*;
public class dbcon {
Connection con;
Statement st;
ResultSet rs;
dbcon() {
try {
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(...
How to delete rows from a JTable using swingworker?
Am trying to create an application that sends messages(SMS) to a list of people in the JTable and each time a message is sent to the recipient who is a row in the JTable i want that row to be deleted and i want the sending of the message to be do...
Desktop application like word web (http://wordweb.info/free/)
I need to make a Desktop Application with following features :
Once installed, it gets launched at the time user logs in and runs in the background.
If the user selects some text from browser or from notepad and clicks a particular key combinat...
Sorting singly linked list which takes only one argument
I want to write a recursive method which sorts the singly linked list and takes only one argument. And do not write another auxiliary method to support this recursive method.
Convert object to xml
i want to make a program that will create automatically XML data structures. I will not know from the beginning which is the class, and which the attributes so i cant use JAXB.
For example, if the input is:
Employee, name,id
Employeelist, co...
Can someone explain the algorithm of this java program?
I found it in the net and I want to know the explanation of it's algorithm. I'm having a hard time to understand this. thank you so much :)
import java.util.Scanner;
class BinarySearch
public static void main(String args[])
Java Need
I want to learn Java programs from easy to expert Level
can you suggest me some sites for It?
java web app is not uploading images
I need help to understand why my java MVC doesn't upload images. There is no errors just nothing happening.
My project is on dropbox DropBox
Please help me because I'm totally stuck with this.
Please look on it and tell me if there is...
Java database statment problem
Hello all,
I dont know what im doing wrong, i only want to check the username and password in the database if they exist show, you are logged in but if they do not exist to show.. you have no access to db
public void logIn(Student student) ...
Java bit processing
I want to process a file.txt at the binary level by removing every 5th bit if it is equal to 1. Save the new processed binary file and repeat the process until it can no longer find any more 5th bits equal to 1, then save the final file...
No options for import in Eclipse IDE
I am trying to import a gradle project into eclipse. However, when I do File -> Import, it gives no options.
How can I fix this? Thanks.
How to check if string arraylist is sorted?
Hello everyone,
Can anyone help me with the below query-
How to check if string array list is sorted or not?