How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
How to disable the text select in browser with demo?
If the user doesn't want his content to be copied or only want the other user to read it. He can use the following code of lines to disable the selection of text in the browser.
<div style="-moz-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select:...
Disable the control(ctrl key) plus click event for a particular click with demo
There are many cases where we do not want our page to open in another tab while clicking ctrl+click and the anchor tag is producing dynamically.
For that, we can add the following script which will disable the same effect.
How to check if the scroller reached at the bottom of the page with demo?
There are many techniques through which we can place an event when the scroller reaches the bottom of the page.
If the user wants to play an event when he reach the bottom of the page, he can do the same with the help of the example below:
Scope in javascript
In this blog i am going to discuss about scope in Javascript and how we can use it.
Being a JavaScript developer one should have proper knowledge about JavaScript scope.
JavaScript scope specifies objects,function and set of variabl...
How to add a video as background of your website
While designing a web page our main motto is to design the web page beautiful and attractive with the help of CSS.
Here is one more option i.e to add a video in the background of a webpage to make it more attractive and beautiful.
File validation using javascript
File Validator is a function used when we want to restrict the type of file uploaded.
Using File validator we can easily get file Info for each file uploaded.
If uploaded file is not as per the required format a validator func...
Objects in javascript
In this blog i am going to discuss about objects in Javascript and how we can use it.
While writing client side scripting language i.e Javascript we use concept of OOPs(object oriented programming languages) which helps us to use propertie...
Transition of a div on click event using Jquery with demo
Hello friends,
If you want to make an animation like transition on your multiple views or If you want to slide your view i.e. your DIV element from one to another, you can use the following code.
In this we have all the content in...
How to restrict a list of domain name in Email validation using JS with demo
If you want to validate your email field with a list of domain name and normal email validation, then we can do that with the help of following code:
<div class="form">
<input id="emailAdd" type="text" onkeyup="emailVal()...
How to fetch data from one table in cakephp
Suppose we have a table name employees in which a number of employees are there.
javascript:How to remove element of an array
This post is in the continuation with my previous post in which i had discussed about inserting mutliple values in an array using different method as per requirements and in this post i will discuss about removing elemen...
List of phonegap addEventListener
In phonegap application there are many events that can be used and for these events the application code may add a listeners.
Lets take an example to evaluate this thing:
<title>Events Ex...
How to make the Zooming of the web page disabled?
On viewing the responsive website in our mobile device, the responsiveness of the website can be maintained via @media queries but on double click to the web page it will make a zoom effect in the device and than the horizontal scroll will appear...
Manual and Automatic bootstrapping in AngularJS
In Javascript framework like AngularJS there is a bootstrapping process involved and there are certain flow that is involved in it.
There are two types bootstrapping involved in AngularJS:
Automatic bootstrapping
Manual Bootstrapping
javascript:How to insert values in an array
We can insert mutliple value in an array using different method as per requirements.
Here is the list of method we can use to insert values in an array.
Array fill() Method :fill() method is used when we want to fills eithe...
How to use counter increment in CSS
If you want to increase the counter of the listing we can do that easily with the help of counter increment using CSS.
This can be used like an variable in javascript and you just have to increment the value of the variable using CSS rules and...
Adding css property using jQuery
Hii All ,
Jquery is a type scripting langauge created by John Resig along with his team in 2006.
It is a client side script programming language.
It is a concise javascript library.
Both javascript and jquery is used for script progra...
The 21st Century Blogging
21st Century Blogging:-
Blogging and social networking/communication are from various perspectives fundamentally the same. The reason for them both is to gain media communication/interaction. As such, they both need a...
Introduction to JCanvas
JCanvas: As we know that canvas is used to draw graphics with the help of javascript. In this there are certain properties to draw a line, circle, box, etc but canvas does not support event handlers.
JCanvas is a javascript library which is...
Disabling the text selection with the help of css
In many cases we do not want that the user can select the text of the website for privacy reason.
Using CSS property, we can restrict user to do so.
Here is the code below:
.disable-selection {
-moz-user-select: none; /* Firefo...
How to disable back button of the browser using javascrpt
There are many cases where we have to disable the back button of the browser.
Here, the following code will help you to make your back button disable.
<body onload="disableBackOnLoad(); ">
Now the back button is disabled
Responsive menu
i am sharing a simple responsive menu code i.e html and css which you can use whenever you want to create a responsive menu.
<div id='Responsivemenu'>
<li class='first'><a href='#'><span&...
How to add, remove and check the class using angularJS
We can add, remove or check classes through our angular code:
The following is the syntax for adding a class and the corresponding CSS related to that class:
<div ng-app="addRemove" ng-controller="myCtrl"&g...
How to populate options in select in angularjs with example
The dynamically generated option in the select box with angularjs is done with the following code :
We can populate the options inside the select box and on selecting any value from the select box it reflect to some event. It will sh...
$watch() , $digest() and $apply() in AngularJS
There is an important concept of angularjs $scope function like:
As to understand angularjs more better we have to go throught the central function in angularjs.
Lets discuss them one by one:
CSS:Animation effect
i am sharing an example of css animation effect in which the basic concept of this animation is an easing function which is used here to show cubic bezier effect which is providing the movement of image .
here's the...
Javascript:Exchanging data between a document in an iframe and a parent document.
I am providing a very simple javascript code by which we can access variables and invoke functions in the parent document and vice-versa.
Please go through the given example below and understand the concept.I hope it will be...
Objects in javascripts
Lets understand "Objects" in javascript.
Object: It is a collection of property and each property is associated with name value pair. The object can contain any data type.
Lets understand this with the help of an example:
var demoObj = {...
jQuery - Removing hover effect in Responsive design
As we all know that for mobile and tablet screen hover effect doesn't works so we need to remove all hover effects provided after window screen width 768px.It's very simple using Jquery.Just go through the following steps.
Step 1:Make su...
A layout of a webpage plays an important role in providing a good look to our webpage. A good,attractive and beautiful design can be provided only by a person having good creativity skills that's why designing part of a website is not a easy task...
Usually any webpage that has been created is with a white background by default unless until we provide some styling to it.like background color,background image,border-,any pattern or transparent backgrounds etc.
HTML background styling ca...
Difference between Frame and IFrame
Frames are HTML tag which divides the browser's window into multiple parts where each part can load a separate HTML document.
<frame> tag specifies each frame within a frameset tag.
A collection of frames in the browser window...
In javascript we use different functions to display outputs, like to display into an alert box, HTML output, HTML element,browser console we use different functions.
1. window.alert():- Used when we want to display data into an alert box.
Jquery:filter(selector) method
Jquery filter( selector) method:-
It is one of the most important method which we can use to filter out elements from a list of DOM elements.
It removes all elements from the set of matched elements that do not match the specified selector(s)...
Attribute Methods
1. attr( properties ):-Set a key/value object as properties to all matched elements.
Syntax:-selector.attr({property1:value1, property2:value2})
<title>The Selecter Example</title...
jQuery - Selectors
jQuery Selectors are used to find out matching elements and select one or more HTML elements using jQuery and then perform operations on them.
Factory function is a synonym of jQuery() function start with the dollar sign and parentheses $(...
SQL: WHERE ,AND and OR Clause
1. SQL WHERE Clause:-
SQL WHERE Clause is one of the most useful feature of the SQL query as it is used to specify a condition while fetching the data from single table or joining with multiple tables,it also allows you to select specific ...
JQuery - eq( index ) Method
JQuery have DOM filter methods which we can use to filter out elements from a list of DOM elements.
It provides DOM traversal methods to help us select elements in a document randomly as well as in sequential method.
DOM Traversal Methods...
async attribute is javascript
Hi All,
In this blog we will discuss about the async attribute is javascript, which is a boolean type of attribute that's either can be true or false and when ever we use this attribute to any script tag, it simply denotes that the available s...
QueryString Value in Javascript
Hi All,
Here is quick way to get query string value in javascript:
function getParameterByName(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
Mobile Number Format in Javascript
Hi All,
We in very common scenario come across a scenario where we want user to just be able to enter Mobile Number Format.
This small code piece will help in validating user to enter only Mobile number format.
Measurement Units supported in CSS
CSS supports the following Measurement Units
% :- This is % symbol used when we want to give a measurement as a percentage.
cm :-An abbreviation of centrimeters is cm and it is used when we want to give a mea...
Sessions in Javascript
Hi All,
SessionStorage is something we can use to store values in session in Javascript. Below I will demonstrate how we can use it in our project.
To set Session Value:
var valueKey = "Value";
function setSession(value) {
Binary Search in DSA(Data Structure and Algorithms)
Binary search is simple and fast search algorithm which works on the principle of divide and conquer.
It will work properly when the data collected is in sorted form.
It is having run-time complexity of (log n).
This searching algorithm ...
Determine Height & Width of browser window in JavaScript
Hi All,
We most of the time in web development get stuck with responsive designs, the best way to handle that now a days is to use Bootstrap classes which take cares of your site but that helps you to achieve responsiveness width wise.
SQl:Create,Drop and Select Database Commands
Create database is a type of command used to create new SQL database.
Here is the syntax of CREATE DATABASE statement:-
Drop database is a type of command used to...
Linear Search in DSA(Data Structure and Algorithms)
Linear search is simple search algorithm in which a sequential searching is done over all the items in a list. Every items are checked and if any match is found then that item is returned otherwise search will be continuued till the end of the...
Javascript:Prompt Dialog Box
Prompt dialog Box is used to have an input from the users or to get confirmation on any input.
This dialog box is displayed using a method called prompt() which takes two parameters:-
(i) A label which you want to display in the text box. ...
Javascript:Confirmation Dialog Box
Confirmation dialog Box is used to get confirmation on any input. It is mostly used to take user's opinion on any option. It displays a dialog box with two buttons: Cancel and OK.
If the user clicks on the Cancel button, then confirm() returns...
How to create an alert dialog box in javascript
An alert is a type of dialog box supported in javascript and is mostly used to give a warning message to the users.
For example:
If one input field requires to enter some text but the user does not provide any input, then as a part of v...