How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
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Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
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Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
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Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
Extracting album art/album cover image from a mp3 file using getID3 in Cake PHP?
In the previous blog Extracting metadata info from a mp3 file using getID3 in Cake PHP? i explained how to extract information regarding a mp3 file using getID3. In this blog i will explain how to extract the image (if its there) inside a mp3 fil...
Extracting metadata info from a mp3 file using getID3 in Cake PHP?
getID3 is an open source PHP library which can extract information from multimedia file like audio, video and images in various formats.
For detailed information about the types of files please view this link:
http://www.getid3.org/demo/ .
Customize Flash message in Cakephp 2
Customize Flash message in Cakephp 2
If you want to customize flash message, and want to integrate your own alert flash box, then you can do this by SessionComponent method.
Step 1 : First of all you need to include the session co...
Default checked the checkboxes in CakePHP
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss to default checked the checkboxes in CakePHP 3
If we want to set checkbox in our cakephp application for showing list of a product in checkbox then firstly we have to find a lis...
What is the difference between Component, Helper and Behavior in CakePHP
Hello Friends,
Generally lots of programmer get confuse why we have three different things Component, Helper and Behavior in CAKEPHP while its seems to work same. Well the answer is yes all three items in CakePHP do the same kind of job, it ex...
Active Inactive button in cakephp using ajax
Suppose we have a table name player and in player table we have field like id , image,player_name, status, etc. Suppose data inside fields are id=1, name=ram, image=abcd.jpg and status=0, Now we want to change status to 1, and again we have...
How to fetch data from two table in cake php
Suppose we have a table name player having field id, name of player, images, etc having some data .Now we have another table name playergallery having field like id, player_id, images, etc here player_id is foreign key and it is referencing to ta...
How to set variable in CakePHP in 2.4.1 version?
Hi Readers,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to set a variable in CakePHP in 2.4.1 version?
The set() method is a very important feature for view presentation. This method provides to set a value in our working control...
How to load Vendors in CakePHP 2.4.1 version?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to load Vendors in CakePHP 2.4.1 version?
If you want load Vendors in Your CakePHP web application then you should use App::import('Vendor', filename),
If you ...
How to create and add component in CakePHP in 2.4.1 version?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss How to create and add component in CakePHP in 2.4.1 version?
If you want to create or add a component in your web application then you should add your component i...
How to manage error log in cakephp in 2.4.1 version?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to manage error log in cakephp in 2.4.1 version?
If you want to create error log file in your CakePHP web application so firstly you have to search
location to error.log...
How to use getLastInsertId() in CakePHP in 2.4.1 version?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to use getLastInsertId() in CakePHP in 2.4.1 version?
In CakePHP there are two methods for getting the last inserted id
How to make two divs equal in height lying side by side using html and css?
Hello Readers , this is a small blog on how to make two columns of equal height regardless of content inside the columns. First, we will write the HTML to make two columns lying side by side having same width. The following code is written to mak...
1. filter_var():- filter_var() function is used to check if the given variable is a valid IPv6 Address
$ip = "2001:cdba:0000:0000:0000:0000:3257:9652";
if (!filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6) === false)
How to fetch data from one table in cakephp
Suppose we have a table name employees in which a number of employees are there.
Send email in CakePHP from localhost using CakeEmail Component
Email is the important functionality in web applications. CakeEmail is a class used to send Email from your application.
By using CakeEmail class you can send email any where in your application. When we use CakeEmail in our application, it re...
Limit the number of records to be displayed in cakephp
Showing a limited number of records per page has been a basic part of each application and it is very difficult task to bring out. CakePHP provides a easy way for limiting record to be display or for paginate data.
The PaginatorHelper gives us...
Export data into excel sheet using CakePHP
Hello friends, I am writing this blog which will help you to export data to excel sheet or you can say that it will write data into excel sheet with the help of 'php-export-data-class' library.
Lets start by creating function...
Creating Cookie in cakephp
Hello Readers this is small blog on creating cookie in your cakephp application. Cookies are a mechanism for storing data in the web browser and helps in identifying users.
Cookies are files that contain information about the...
How would you create Sessions in Cakephp
Hello readers , this is a small blog on session in cakephp.
Sessions are the most useful and important function of PHP. I think Sessions are used in every website. Sessions can be used in e-commerce website, job portals, payroll systems ...
Create your own component in cakephp
Suppose in our application we need to perform a mathematical operation in many different parts, then we could create our own component to use in many different controllers.
1. First create a file named MathComponent.php i...
How to generate a pseudo-random string of bytes
sometime we need to generate a random string of byte, For this purpose openssl_random_pseudo_bytes method is used,which gives us a random string of byte.
string openssl_random_pseudo_bytes ( $length ,$crypto_strong )
Request & Response Objects In Cakephp
Request & Response Objects
The request object in CakePHP permits you to find out the current status of the incoming request while the response object permits you to easily make HTTP responses from your controllers.
By de...
How to implement blowfish hashing for passwords in cakephp ?
Hello Readers ,
Their are many methods to hash password in cakephp like cakephp alias , md5 etc blowfish is also one of them . One thing we have to note down that we can’t use Blowfish if we already have a database filled with ...
How to create Category Tree Structure in cake php
Hello readers. This is a small blog on Tree structure. How to add , update and delete category in this structure. Now we will create a category tree using cakephp. Category tree is like parent - child type records. Well will add new category, upd...
Implementing captcha in cakephp
Captcha is a test which can't be pass by computer but it is very easy for the humans to pass it.
For implementing captcha in cakephp we have to follow simple steps.
Step1:- First we have download captcha package from https://github...
Html to pdf conversion in cakephp
Step1- For converting html to pdf first we have to download dompdf, then we have to extract it and put it into /app/Vendor.
Step2- Then we have to import this dompdf folder and its file dompdf_config.inc.php by using below co...
Qimage Component in cakephp
Qimage Component:
It is used to upload and manipulate images. It can be easily downloaded from github. We can crop or resize image using Qimage crop(), resize() methods.
Some of the methods of Qimage component:
copy : copy() method is us...
CakePHP tree behaviour
In a tree structure data or records are stored in hierarchical manner, In tree structure the starting data record is called root node or parent node and other are child or subchild of parent node.
For implementing tree behaviour in cakep...
Creating PDF file from HTML using DOMPDF in cakephp
In order to convert HTML data into a pdf file here are the followings steps you need to follow:
Step 1: Download the DOMPDF file from Github. here is the link
or you can download from the zip attached at ...
Creating association between tables using bindModel method in cakephp
Sometime we need to create association between models .we need this because ,we want that all associated data came on the first level of recursion.
In cakephp creation of association is done by using cakephp bindModel() method.
In below cod...
Use of bindModel and unbindModel function
bindModel and unbindModel:
bindModel() function is used to create association between models when needed and unbindModel() function is used to destroy the created association when it is no longer required. Association are used when we need dat...
CakePHP find conditions
Find is the data-retrieval functions in cakephp.
Below is the list of CakePHP find conditions :-
it can be 'all...
Hello Readers! In this blog we are going to export data from database using PHPExcel. PHPExcel supports reading and writing of many formats in one API. PHPExcel is a library that provides a set of classes for the PHP programming language, which a...
Relationship with modals
Defining One to One Relationship
To define a situation of one to one relationship in modals we think of a situation where we store information about authors and books. This means that book has only one author this is one to one relationship. T...
In order to convert .doc file to .pdf file in cake PHP I have used ZEND library here. Following steps are needed to be done:
You need to make sure SOAP extension is enable on your server.
Use ZEND library as third party. Put ZEND library ...
Qimage Component
In CakePhp we have a component called Quick Image Component or simply Qimage for uploading and manipulating images.
Some of common methods that are used :
copy: to copy the uploaded images.
resize: to resize an image.
Using unBindModel() in CakePHP
If we have to many tables in our project and we have many association between them. So whenever we use one of the model in our controller the other model which are associated with it , automatically get attached with user data .
Sometime we do...
How to get IP Address in Cakephp?
How to get IP Address in Cakephp
I am writing this blog which will let you know how to get client's IP Address in Cakephp. The simplest way for getting client's IP Address in core php is $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']. Similarly it is...
How to check an Ajax request in Cakephp?
How to check an Ajax request:
I am writing this blog specially for beginners who are learning Cakephp. In order to check whether the request is through Ajax or not. This can be checked by enabling the RequestHandler component in AppController ...
CSV helper for exporting data in cakephp
We can use CSV helper for exporting data in excelsheet in cakephp.
For using CSV helper we have to follow simple steps.
Step 1:- Firstly we have to create a file naming CsvHelper.php and have to save it in our app/view/Helper directory.
How to export data in PDF file from database
Data fetch from database according to the user's entry in the database table in the pdf format, benefit of using this format for saving our data in compact and secure form, this will help to user to store the data in the file. Here is simple ...
How to delete user by using cakephp
For deleting user information in cake php by clicking on delete button we have to first pass user id in URL by using below code in our view.
<?php echo $this->Html->link('Delete',array('action'=>'del'.$user['User']['id']));
Export Selected Data into Excel Sheet or CSV file in CakePHP
Simple code to fetch selected data from database table in excelsheet in cakephp:
Step 1: To achieve this we will use csvHelper class. Now make a file named as CsvHelper.php in your app/View/Helper directory, then add the following code written...
Multiple Image Uploads in Cakephp
Hello Readers.! Here is a small blog on how to upload multiple images in database using cakephp.File uploading, nowadays is a very basic and common functionality. Here in this blog we will be uploading an image which will be stored on t...
Difference between $uses and $this->loadModel() in CakePHP
$uses is used to load model in a controller. It defines which models the controller has access to by default. We can load multiple models easily using $uses. But it is not a good practice to load all models at once. Bes...
Linking models in CakePhp
CakePHP provides one of the most important features. It is the ability of the model to link relational mapping. With the help of association we link between the models in CakePHP.
We can define relations between different objects in our own ap...
Login Form and Authentication Application with Server Side Validation in cakephp
A Login Form that uses cakephp auth component to login and logout and access is denied if user is not authorized.
step 1: users database table.
First create users table in your database:
How to Upload Image in cake php
Image uploading in cake php is a common task for building application and making it more interesting by using many images to the screen, so here is some line of code used for uploading an image and resize it according to user's need...
How to edit user information in cakephp
For editing user information in cake php by clicking on edit button we have to first pass user id in URL by using below code in our view.
<?php echo $this->Html->link('Edit',array('action'=>'edit/'.$user['User']['id']));