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Calculate the distance between two locations through HQL in Java

Sometimes we need to calculate the distance between two locations. And to save the time of iteration we can get filtered results through query by apply functionality of calculating distance in the query. Suppose we have two tables Events and ...

How to get complete address from latitude/logitude

Let's find out the latitude/longitude first to find out the address. 1) Add CoreLocation.framework under Targets -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries 2) Import in your view controller where you need to find out the address. 3)...

Implements Runnable Vs extends Thread in java

Implements Runnable Vs extends Thread in java There are two ways by which we can create custom java thread class 1. By using Runnable interface (implements Runnable) 2. Extending Thread class (extends Thread) I read a statement for T...

Finding address from latitude longitude in ios using CLGeocoder

CoreLocation framework of iOS provides method for finding address of a location using its latitude and longitude (also known as ReverseGeocoding). Following code snippet explains how to use it : CLLocation *location = targetlocation; ...

How to display a single text view in different colors

It can be done simply by setting your text as below :- textView.setText(Html.fromHtml(getString(R.string.starting_up_message))); And in your in your string file define that test say like this <string name="starting_up_message">&l...

Inheritance in Hibernate

Sometimes we need to apply inheritance in Hibernate as per our requirement. Here I'm explaining the Hibernate Inheritance using "Table per subclass: using a discriminator". Suppose we've a class User with subclass Student. And in this approach...

Curves Adjustments: Quick review

We often use curves adjustment within the Image menu in Photoshop for changing the contrast of colors within the layers or image. This option is quite good to Enhance the overall contrast and the tonal range for getting a quick result in small ti...

Spring 3 MVC configuration.

Introduction to Spring 3 MVC Framework The Spring web MVC framework provides model-view-controller architecture and ready components that can be used to develop flexible and loosely coupled web applications. The MVC pattern allow us in separa...

Best way to create a singleton class in Objective-C

There are different ways to create a singleton/shared instance of a class in Objective-C. Here I have explained two most preferred methods for it and both are thread safe. 1) Using "@synthesize" #define SINGLETON_FOR_CLASS(yourclassname...

UITableView or UIScrollView scrolls to top not working.

UIScrollView has a property called scrollsToTop which sets y of content offset of scrollview to zero on tapping the statusbar. But there might be situation when this functionality does not work. According to apple documentation "The scroll-to-...

Parition of log files

Generally we got errors at the time of development so logs are the best place to find out the errors. Its easy to deal with log file on our local machine but if there is a live site and we have to check out for logs and logs are getting larger so...

How to calculate distance from CLLocationCoordinate2D

Using the following code we can calculate the distance between two CLLocationCoordinate2D. +(double)calculateDistance:(CLLocationCoordinate2D) f to: (CLLocationCoordinate2D) t { // CLLocation *locA = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLati...

Double Click for publisher

DFP(Double Click for publisher) previously or in past it is known as Google Dart, DFP Small Business is an advertisement service run by Google. It is freely hosted ad service provides divers features which is very useful for managing process of o...

ORM Methods in OpenERP

Every object in OpenERP is based on OSV i.e Object Service and this service implements full Object-Relational Mapping enabling developers not to worry for the simple SQL operations. In OpenERP, we have such ORM methods that are very useful. He...

Events in OpenERP 6.1

On Change (on_change) The on_change is the attribute that describes what will happen when a field value changes, what changes in other fields or an event will take place. Syntax <field name="field_name" on_change="function_name(field1...

Flaws of "and" and "or" operators in PHP

Today, When I was doing some programming stuffs and I found out that there is serious flaw in the and , or logical operator of PHP. Im not talking about the symbol || and && logical operator. Im talking about the and and or logical op...

What you need to know to start Testing career ?

Before starting career as a tester, I think we should at least know the answers of the following. Do you really want to make career as Tester? What is testing? Why we do testing? What are the different types of testing? What are differen...

How to test My SQL Injection

SQL injection attack can access the sensitive data from the database. The attacker can Insert, Update, Delete and execute the administration operation. Detection: Authentication Forms : When user enter the web form, chances are that the user...

Managing the two versions of OpenERP on the same machine

Sometimes you require to run two versions of any software on a same machine. To run OpenERP with two different versions, you can have issues even if you try to use different browsers or windows at the same time. To run OpenERP 6.1 and 7.0 vers...

Get a many2one field in a list with domain

To get a many2one field of another model in your model as a drop-down list, you have to define a column or a field and a write a function for it. Suppose, you want to get a list of invoices in a drop down list based on the customer selected o...

Technical Terms Used in Testing

Following are some of the technical terms used in Testing: Acceptance Testing: Acceptance testing is a testing which is done to check whether or not the requirement of the specification are fulfill or not. Alpha Testing: It is one of the mo...

Hurdles and Drawbacks in Automation Testing

Automation Testing is good for Regression Testing because after every sprint, testers have to test the whole application. Automation testing although reduces the tester effort a much but still it has few hurdles and drawbacks. Few of them are ...

Languages You need To know to learn Selenium

Selenium is a free open source automation testing tool Which is used for the automation testing also it is used for web based application. We can use Selenium in different types of browsers and platforms for testing. Selenium is very strong, ...

Open Source Test Management Tools

Test Management Tools are very useful for Software Testing teams. If they use any test management tool then they can handle their testing process in a proper way. Test Management tools manages bug tracking, client's requirements, test plan, test ...

Automated Open Source testing tools Comparison

Selenium- Selenium is a testing framework for web applications. Selenium is a suit of tools for web browser automation and it is composed of:- Selenium IDE Selenium RC Selenium Webdriver Selenium Grid It provides a test domain-speci...

Installing Clean Windows Web Server 2008 R2 64-bit with IIS 7.5

While Installing Clean Windows Web Server 2008 R2 64-bit with IIS 7.5, If you receive the following errors when opening .NET 2.0 / .NET 4.0 application: 1. Managed handler is used; however, ASP.NET is not installed or is not installed completel...

Solution for error 'The requested address '/' was not found on this server' in cake PHP

If anyone face the error 'The requested address '/' was not found on this server' in cakePHP, then try these two steps:- Add function date_default_timezone_set() somewhere in you cake/app folder. If above solution not works then place date_...

Best QA Training Institutes in India

There are number of institutes which provides QA training in India.Some of The best QA training institute in India are listed below : QSpiders : Software industry keeps on doing changes day by day and improving, so do technology updates, Qspi...

How To Write Good Test Cases

Writing test cases is most important key activity performed by tester in software development life cycle(SDLC). This is the first step, followed by tester to identify, define & analyze the requirement. Test Cases: A test case is a set of c...

Ubuntu - Resolution Drivers

Hello All, Today when I was trying to installing Ubuntu 13.04 on my system suddenly I got stuck with resolution issues. After installation, it worked properly for few minutes but later on when I try to search or open any new application, f...

Creating fire asset for a Text: Using High pass, sharpen and vanishing point.

Creating fire asset for a text: Using High pass, Sharpen, and Vanishing point. For this upcoming tutorial we need couple of images of fire waves, So Google it to get some of these fire images so that we could start with our tutorial. Lets...

Get Pinterest Images into an iOS app

Simply to get User uploaded images from Pinterest we need to do following things first:- Install Pinterest native app on iOS device. Get logged in with any user credential. Now Hit the Pinterest API with passing . In json response you wil...

How to use "Group By" in views 3

Hello All, These are the following steps to use "Group By" in views 3 First create a new view. Select your content type under Filter section. Select style under "FORMAT" section in your page. Go to the selected style settings there...

Guidelines for Blogging

Important steps or points to be followed before posting any blog. Creating a unique technological blog every time seems to be a question in everyones mind. It is to be noted that just uploading codes doesn't count as good blogging. One needs ...

Database creation using PostgreSQL

Database creation using PostgreSQL To start work with postgres, you need to install Postgres. To download PostgreSQL 9.1, go through below link: Download To check that you are able to access psql, open cmd and fire command psql. If you ...

Property field in OpenERP

Each time you work in OpenERP, you find a new concept, recently I came across a concept Property Field in OpenERP and tried hard to understand it. Here is a small introduction to a property field. Property Field: A property field is a special ...

Relational Types in OpenERP

Relational types in OpenERP are: many2one one2many many2many related many2one: associates an object to its parent object. Example Customer and Invoices. Many invoices belong to one customer. Syntax: fields.many2one( ...

Get rid of the difference in base and subtotal amounts in an invoice

It has been noticed that if we create an invoice in OpenERP, we see a difference between the subtotal of a line and the base amount for taxes, and this amount can vary hugely as the quantity of the product/item increases. For this, I have been se...

How to copy entire folder in linux

While working on linux we usually need command to copy folder from one location to another , this can be archived by simple console commands in a simple way : cp -r sourcedir targetdir : Where -r means recursively i.e all the files in a folder...


Hi Guys, Do you know how to implement PageViewController ? This is an IOS very good and efficient feature. Below I have implemented a example which will help you use the PageViewController. Lets assume you have create a Book for kids ...

How to create a new table with specific column from another table

Check the rows of column is either greater than zero or not Use function DefaultView Pass the parameters true for distinct, and create new string for giving columns if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0) { DataTable dt2 = dt1.DefaultV...

Fetching data from Solr using Solarium

We seldom need to fetch result from solr based on limit and order by clause similar to sql queries , the same thing can be achieved using the below given code packet with solarium : // create a client instance $client = new Solarium\Client($...

XMPP integration using iOS sdks

If you want to add chat functionality in your iOS app . Then this blog can help you to do some basic chat functionality. Such as creating xmpp session , login on sever, creating room, getting list of login buddies and chatting. First step down...

Blog Writing Guidelines

Foundation of blog: Few things that are considered as the foundation of a Blog are: Keyword Embedding ( A blog must include your targeted keyword as per the theme of your content) Collect some attractive image related to post &...

Detecting the Wifi-Networks in android

From here you can easily detect the Wifi-Networks as well as there info surrounding your device. This can be achieved by using the "WifiManager" in a following way :- package com.example.wifidetector; import java.util.List; import andro...

Customer login issue in Magento 1.8.1

Customer login issue is just because of 'form_key' value. So , to avoid this error open your login.phtml file and place the below code under form tag - <input type="hidden" name="form&#95;key" value="<?php echo Mage::getSingleto...

How to export data to csv using javascript and jquery

Sometimes you face the problem to export the data into csv file using clientside platform. In this case you can use javascript and jquery. Below is the code to find out the solution: Javascript Code: $(document).ready(function () { ...

Convert a Drawable into Bitmap

Following method tells how to convert a drawable into bitmap // method to convert a drawable into Bitmap public static Bitmap drawableToBitmap (Drawable drawable) { // check if drawable is the instance of BitmapDrawable if (draw...

Set or Get phone wallpaper from your Application

To set or get the wallpaper of android phone from your application, we used WallpaperManager. This class provides access to the system wallpaper. By the help of this class you can get the current wallpaper of your phone inside your app and even c...

Install pdfkit and wkhtmltopdf library on Ubuntu 12.04/ruby

This library is used to create pdf from html. Steps to install: #Install wkhtmltopdf library in ruby by using below command: apt-get install wkhtmltopdf #Use below command to find the path. This path need to add in in pdfkit.rb[in i...
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