How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
Change Image orientation when upload from mobile in liferay
Hello Guys,
Here I will suggest you the best coding standard to develop effective and fast application in java technology. So, now I am writing code for changing image orientation while uploading image from mobile.
For this follow below st...
How To Add Extra Fields in account module in openerp
To Add Extra Fields in account module in openerp use below code
In OpenERP Add Extra fields in account module to create new module name is invoice_cartage
and add these 4 file.
1- __init__.py file ---
import invoice_crtage
2- __op...
How to make Geolocation Watch Position Distance Calculator between two city
In below example, I am calculating the distance between center of Mumbai City to Pune.
Using geolocation we get current location and monitor it using the watch position method. On this type we will be calculating the distance between starting p...
How to bind all dates of month on GridView Header cell in .net
Hello all,
Working with ASP.NET, we wanted to print all the dates of months on the Header cell of GridView based on current month and year dynamically from code behind which can be changes later on by selecting different month and year from th...
What is :target selector ?
The :target pseudo-class represents a unique element, with an id matching the fragment identifier of the URL of the document..
For example, the URL http://website-path#demo contains the fragment identifier #demo. In HTML, identifiers are found...
How to set CSS of Div using jQuery
Hello all,
To set the css of any html element such as Div from jQuery, we can use various ways. Some of them are listed below :
We can use .css() methods which sets the CSS property for the html elements
$('#myDiv').css("display", "...
Using JSON Web Services with liferay
Liferay Plugin Portal JSON Web Services :- Liferay support the REST API. By Using That we have to create restful web services and the data format of that is JSON.
Liferay internally supports to create JSON services. it already have many portal...
How to rotate image in java?
Here I have illustrated how to rotate image using java code.
Impot imgscalr-lib-4.2.jar for Scalr class to rotated image on various angles.
Below code will rotated image on 90 degree angle.
File file= new File("file-path");
MultiView in Asp.NET and how is it different from Panel control
"MultiView in Asp.NET and how is it different from Panel control"
MultiView control is a asp.net web server control, used to create multiple views of a single page.It helps not to create multiple pages for making differ...
How to Deserialize XML using C#
"How to Deserialize XML document in C#"
In this article I have discussed about how to deserialize the XML using C#.
Let us take a simple example to understand better:
How to parse JSON in C#
"Parsing Json in C#"
Now a days JSON is the most popularly used data exchange format due to its simplicity and light weight, therefore we will see how to hit the API and then parse the received JSON in C#.
Please go ...
Unable to upgrade module in OpenERP
If module is not upgrade in OpenERP, later on error will came while you upgrading any module.
Or in other words we can say that, while upgrading module in OpenERP we faces error and every-time false to upgrade module, so to solve this issue foll...
CSS counters
CSS counters are, in essence, variables maintained by CSS whose values may be incremented by CSS rules to track how many times they're used. This lets you adjust the appearance of content based on its placement in the document. CSS counters are a...
Create Invoice Autometic in openerp-7
If you want to create invoice automatically then follow these step
1- Install subscription module in OpenERP
2 - Than go to menu Tools -> Configuration -> Document Types
3 - Than go to menu Tools -> Recurring Events ->...
Steps to create module in DNN 7
I. Installing the templates
1. First of all you have to download Aspose.DNN.Templates_VS2013 from the given link: https://asposednn.codeplex.com/releases
2. Now double click on the downloaded file to install the templates in visual studio.
How to hide/display different actions in an Admin Panel for a project in cakephp
After we have learned how to create an Admin Panel for a project in cakephp see the link. Now in this tutorial we will learn how to enable/disable different actions such as add,view ,edit, delete, records in a table say posts or increase/decrease...
AngularJS Controllers
AngularJS applications are controlled by controllers. A controller is a JavaScript Object, which is created by a standard JavaScript object called constructor. In below example lastName and firstName are two properties of controller object demons...
How to pass extra variables in URL with Wordpress
Hello reader's, today we will discuss about "How to pass extra variable in URL in Wordpress".
Suppose , Admin want to update the user detail then they go to user listing page and select the user and click edit button or link. When ...
Getting incorrect results while using ToString("dd/mm/yyyy")
"Getting incorrect results while using ToString("dd/mm/yyyy") "
In this article I am sharing one of the issue I got stuck in.
Please go through the following code :
string date = "30,jun,2015";
DateTime dt = C...
How to centralize div horizontally and vertically ?
Hi all,
Here are two method to center align a position of div.
height: 200px;
width: 200px;
background: #ccc;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
margin: auto;
position: absolute;
How to use defaults function in OpenERP(Odoo)?
In defaults function first we have to go in .py file (python file)
After that we have to decide where we want defaults function and then give attribute defaults function to that field.
See below python code in .py file for reference : -class h...
How to resize an uploaded image in Asp.net
"How to resize an uploaded image in Asp.net"
In this article I have explained that how to resize the uploaded image and then save it to a location.
Getting Started:
Step 1: Place a FileUpload control, a Button on th...
How to get or post asynchronously data using ICallbackEventHandler interface in .net
Hello all,
Working with ASP.NET web forms, if we want to post or fetch the data from server asynchronously we use ICallbackEventHandler which is an interface that can be implemented in any class by inheriting it.
ICallbackEventHandler is an...
How to Set the Multi Companies and Technical Features in OpenERP (Odoo)?
Step-1 Go to Settings menu
Step-2 Select submenu -> Users -> User
Step-3 Selcet Administrator -> Create
Step-4 Select Access Rights -> Technical Settings
Step-5 Select -> Multi Companies -> Technical Features
Coding Standards and Conventions
Coding guidelines and Conventions
Every object like datasets, class objects and other reference type variables must be declared with null assignment and must be set to null or Disposed if the object implements IDisposable interface, once the...
ClientIDMode on Asp.Net 4.0
"ClientIDMode on Asp.Net 4.0"
This feature is added in ASP.NET Framework 4.0.
The control's client side ID is regenerated at runtime,basically it inherits outer controls id from parent control or place holder...
How to make the X-path in OpenERP (Odoo)?
In X-Path first we have to go in View_XML file (XML file)
After that we have to decide where we want X-Path and then give Initial to last Path to that field.
See below View_Xml code in Xml file .
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>...
How to get address from latitude and longitude
If you would like to get address from latitude and longitude. You can use below function:
public function getAddressbylatlong($latitude, $longitude){
$latlng = $latitude. ','.$longitude;
$geocode = file_get_contents('http...
How to add OpenERP Report Designer In menu for Creating Report in openoffice
This tutorial will guide you to add OpenERP Report Designer in menu for Creating Report in openoffice.
Follow these step to add menu in openERP
1 - install base_report_designer module in database
2 - Download openoffice and open
3 - conf...
How to send Push notification on Android mobile
If you want to send push notification on Android mobile please use the below function:
Requirement :: a) Mobile TokenId
b) Google API Key
public function send_notification_mobile($mobiletokens, $GOOGLE_APIKEY){
// API ac...
How to post data using jQuery Ajax POST with .Net
Hello all,
Working with ASP.NET, if we want to fetch the data from server using jQuery than we can use Ajax POST method of jQuery. which allows us to asynchronously interact with server and we can get data in the desired format such as JSON or...
Activerecord callbacks
Callbacks are methods that get invoked at various stages of an Activerecord objects life cycle. and thus it is possible to write code that will run whenever an Activerecord object is created, saved, updated, deleted, validated, or loaded from th...
Show the product description below an image-Woocommerce
In WooCommerce site we need to provide product description underneath an image, so if you are stuck in this and looking for solution to show the product description below an image here is the solution.
Add the code below to your functions.php:...
Implementation of Singly Linklist in C
Singly Linklist:- Hii Friends, The Below code will show you how we can create singly Linklist in Data Structure using C. we can simply create the singly linklist using the pointers and malloc function to insert and delete element dynamically.
How to parse JSON using PhoneGap
Follow the below steps to parse JASON in PhoneGap.
Step 1. Call Js function From html page or from where we want, like this
function onBodyLoad()
document.addEventListener(deviceready, callJson, false);
Step 2.
Create a functio...
How to show stars instead of theme ratings in Woocommerce
If you want to show stars instead of theme ratings in Woocommerce, you can do this by changing the Woocommerce star ratings.
The Stars rating is the default rating system in WooCommerce, so to match the rating system with themes we have to dis...
Setup for Windows Application using Visual Studio 2013
"Creating Setup for Windows Application using Visual Studio 2013"
To create setup using visual studio 2013 you should have Visual Studio Installer, else you can download this extension from: Visual Studio Extension Ga...
How to enable Macros in OpenOffice
You can enable the Macros in OpenOffice by following steps:
Click on Tools
Click on Options
Click on Security
Press on "Macros Security"
Select "Medium" and add "Trusted Sources".
You can add the folder to the Trus...
How to adjust height of row to fit text in cell
If you want to adjust height of all rows to fit text in cell, you can do following. This will save your one by one height adjustment for each row.
Select the rows for which you want to adjust height.
In Microsoft Office Excel 2003 & ear...
Implement Queue Using Dynamic LinkList
Queue using Dynamic LinkList:-The Below code can shown you how to implement Queue using dynamic linklist in data structure using C. We can insert the node dynamically and the Linklist works on principal First-In-First-Out(FIFO). The Element can s...
How to make use of undo mail functonality of Gmail
Most of the times after we have dropped a mail we think of making a change in the mail which has already
been sent making task impossible. But thanks to Gmail for providing their user with the option of enabling undo mail functionality which ca...
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE not printing or anonymous block completed
If your DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE code is not printing any of your logs or if you are just viewing "anonymous block completed". Following will fix the issue.
You need to configure a buffer for dbms_output. You can run following command in SQL Promp...
Save file to Document directory in liferay 6.1 using API
File Upload in Document Library of Liferay:- First we need to create the folder in the Document Library of Liferay. In my case the folder is created with dentalnoteDocuments name.
In below code AddInfo.jsp we can take simple AUI FORM to inser...
How to Disable tab (space) on HTML Editor
Hello all,
Working with Rich Text Editor, some times we need to disable Tab Key, which creates space between two text or HTML Elements inside the Editor.
To do that we have following block of code:
In HTML Page :
<div id="editor" o...
Send JSON Objects with an ajax request
To send an ajax request, we have number of functions in jQuery. But to send JSON object along with the request, I chose jQuer.ajax(). It takes various parameters url, type, data, dataType, beforeSend etc.
See below steps
Get the current user Liferay using a simple Java code
Get Current User in Liferay:- We can find the current logged in user in liferay using the below code Script. There are two methods to get the current User of liferay as following:
1. we can directly use the PortalUtil class in Liferay.
ASP.Net MVC-What's inside-Part2
This is the continuation of Part 1 of article-ASP.Net MIC-What's inside
Now we come to 3 folders which are building blocks of any MVC application. So let us start with
Here we can create ...
Using Ajax request in a Liferay portlet
Ajax Request in Liferay Portlet:- In below code we will show you how you will call the ajax request in the Liferay. We can pass the aui form values to the PatientSearch portlet then get the result from database and display records in HTML table. ...
How to make readonly field in OpenERP(Odoo) ?
In readonly field first we have to go in .py file (python file)
After that we have to decide where we want readonly field and then give attribute readonly to that field.
See below python code in py file for reference : -
class spartner(...
How to save image from url into device photo gallery
If you want to save image from url, you have to merge the following code to you js file
First of all, we have to add the following plug-in to read, write and navigate file system.
Write this in your code:
cordova plugin add org.apache.cord...