Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Best 5 Lightweight PHP Frameworks for REST APIs Development
Are you ready to develop the Rest AP
by ankur.kumar -
PHP: Full-Stack Framework vs Micro Framework
A web framework can be described as a software fra
by ankit.bhatia -
How to get facebook profile picture by Facebook App
If you would like to get your profile picture in f
by vivek.rastogi -
Creating RESTful API in cakephp
This tutorial will help you to learn how to create
by pushpendra.rawat
How to Display Advance Custom Fields in Wordpress - 2 Different Methods
Custom fields are the addition fields in WordPress that are used to show the custom data that we want to show/have in our WordPress posts/custom/posts or pages.
While adding a new post in WP Website you will find draggable or drop-down boxes, ...
WordPress HTTP API
Hello readers, today I will guide you about "WordPress HTTP API".
Do you wish to make a request to the remote server to go or to post something?
WordPress HTTP API is the perfect solution for this. It provides a simple interface t...
Creating Wordpress Custom Plugin
In this blog post i am explaining how to create a custom plugin which we can use in wordpress.
For creating custom plugin first we have to create a file, here i am creating a plugin for a custom form type so i am naming the file as custom-form...
what is custom meta box and how to create custom meta box
The most critical part of the wordpress development theme is to make a custom meta box. It avoids forcing clients to depend on custom fields and it is an approach to add an editor to the post screen. when you create a post type then you have to a...
Display WordPress posts by number of Views
Displaying the most viewed posts becomes very helpful for every user to have a look at trendy blog post in your WordPress.
There are so many plugins that will help us easily to add most viewed/poipular posts in our WordPress website. But there...
Password hashing in wordpress
WordPress doesn't ever store client passwords as plain content. This is the essential motivation behind why, on the off chance that you forget or lose your password, you have to reset it. Your password is not stored by wordpress, regardless o...
Move Comment Field to Bottom inWordPress
In this blog i am going to explain why comment field of comment form in wordpress 4.4 and above version comes on the top whereas other fields come on the bottom and how to make comment field to come on the bottom and other fields on the top. ...
Reading setting in Wordpress
In WordPress, there is a Reading setting option in WordPress dashboard which is inside setting option. We can use this Reading setting for controlling Reading experience in WordPress. Reading setting is utilized to set the substance which i...
What is permalink settings in wordpress
The URLs of the substance you distribute on your WordPress site are known as permalinks. Permalinks are what individuals go into their program address bar to view one of your pages. They are additionally what internet searchers and different site...
How to show related posts in WordPress without using plugin
As we see in most of the WordPress websites that each single blog post is having related postsat the end of the content. It is the technique to engage the visitor in the website by giving them suggestions for reading another alike blog pos...
How to create a wordpress custom widget?
WordPress widget is a simple approach to include substance and particular elements into your site.
You simply need to move and customize the gadget into any widgetized territory like sidebar, footer or header of your site and begin utilizing i...
How to fetch Post in Wordpress
Hello Friends,
If you are new in Wordpress and looking to fetch any specific post data. Please review the code below::
//Here we are going to fetch post named Vacancy.
$args = array('post_type' => 'Vacancy');
How to create pagination with wordpress post?
Hello Friends,
In Wordpress if you listing post on your page and wants to setup pagination on the pages. Please review the below code, I am listing vacancy and you can make your changes as per code requirement.
Create custom posts in wordpress theme
Default posts option is not sufficient for customized themes in WordPress. Sometimes users need to create and use their own post type with desired names apart from traditional blog posts.
The following PHP code will ...
Create And Use Shortcode in Wordpress
Shortcode is a special feature of wordpress . In other words we can call it a simple set of functions Developer can create the functionality specific shortcode and can use it either at admin end in page or post or in any c...
Wordpress: Create custom fields for post type at admin end & fetch them at front end
Create custom fields for post type at admin end and fetch them at front end in Wordpress
The below code will create custom meta box at post type at admin end. You have to put the following code in your theme's function.php file if you want...
how to install wordpress on local server
To install the wordpress on the local server you need first a local server like xampp.
XAMPP is a cross platform server for Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl.
It a ligh weigh server which can be used to install the wordpress.
1. First you need is...
How to create custom post type in WordPress
Custom posts type is used when we are making a new theme from html or want to add some extra feild in the made theme.Suppose we want to have a separate section for Trending News. By using Custom Post Types we can create a new custom news type of ...
How to create custom user role in wordpress
There are 6 types of user role defined in Wordpress by default. These user type/roles make insure that the user can only use only few WordPress website features only. It minimize the chances of any accidents happening that could potentially...
Display Breadcrumb without Plugin in WordPress
Breadcrumbs are navigation links that are used by all the sites by which user can understand the hierarchy of the pages. Breadcrumbs are used to display all the pages links leading from the homepage.
In WordPress, breadcrumbs plays an i...
Custom Taxonomy in the Word press
We can add taxonomy to our custom post type.
Adding taxonomy means adding new category option in our custom post type.
We use taxonomy to basically categorize the data.
We create the groups of the similar type.
To add custom taxonomy ...
Widgets in the Wordpress
Widget is used to add feature to you sidebar or anywhere we want to.
We can just simply call the widget in footer or anywhere we want to add it.
It is an easy way out to add feature to your page
To add widget
Go to Appearance > Cus...
Wordpress Custom Post Type
We can create our own custom post types.
We can call them whatever we want.
They are content types like posts and pages.
We create a custom post type for adding different feature to our website.
We can add category to our post.
How to add Breadcrumbs Without a Plugin in WordPress
Breadcrumbs is very useful in navigation. It is defined as a navigation technique that offers link to the home page to the user navigated through to arrive at the current post/page.There are so many plugins that is used to add breadcrumbs in word...
How to replace login logo with custom logo in wordpress
When we go to the WordPress login page , we see the default WordPress logo there written "WordPress". We can customize it and can put any of the logo in place of that wordpress default logo.
It's easy: just open your functions.php file and pas...
How to hide menu from WordPress admin panel
Sometimes, we see that the clients who do not have any technical knowledge messups with WordPress settings after logging with WordPress admin panel. We can hide the menu from wordpress admin panel by which the client can only see some menu/option...
How to call featured image in WordPress
If we are making a custom wordpress theme , we can call any feature image attached with any post or any custom post. Wordpress have by default option for feature image. We can upload the feature image to any post or any custom posts.
We can ca...
How to add custom logo in wordpress
Many of the wordpress themes are having options in admin panel for uploading and changing the logo. But if we want to make a custom logo that is used in converting HTML to wordpress or for making any custom wordpress theme or we do not have any o...
How to add a Favicon to your Wordpress Blog
Many of the wordpress themes are having options in admin panel for uploading and changing the favicon image. But if we want to make a custom favicon image or we do not have any option in theme then we can create a custom favicon for every wordpre...
How to update record in Wordpress
Hello Guys,
If you are looking to update data in wordpress database, please follow the below example::
global $wpdb;
$address_data['state'] = $_REQUEST['state'][$i];
$address_data['country'] = $_REQUEST['country'][$i];
How to insert data in Wordpress
Hello Friends,
If you are looking to insert data in wordpress database. Please follow the below code for the same::
global $wpdb; //define db object in Wordpress
$data['first_name'] = $_REQUEST['fname'];
$data['last_name'] = $_REQUEST['l...
How to set different menu for different page in wordpress
We can set different menu links for every page in wordpress. Sometimes we get the requirements from the client to have different menu links for every pages. It can be done, Its quite coding part. For each pages we have to set different menus from...
Wordpress hook wp_register_script
Hello Readers,
Description Registers is a script file on WordPress, and is supposed to be linked to a website later with all the wp_enqueue_script() function, which usually safely manages this script dependencies.
Scripts t...
Please stop using the action hook wp_print_scripts to load JavaScript
Hello Readers,
This plugin is using the wp_print_styles and wp_print_scripts action hooks to load all css and javascript.
wp_print_scripts shootes with just about every page heap that can cause your javascript for you to heap everywhere whic...
Replace default WordPress jQuery script from Google Library
Hello Readers,
There are default scripts that is included with each WordPress installation. These types of scripts have reached disposal regarding style as well as plugin experts to make use of of their function. Via our experience, jQuery is ...
Create custom user signup using AJAX in WordPress
Hello Reader,
The below example will help you to create user custom sign-up using AJAX.
Please follow below steps to create WordPress custom sign-up.
1.) copy the below line and paste it to header,php file under section.
<script t...
How to style BuddyPress pages than a regular WordPress page
Hello Readers,
Most of the time when you work on the buddyPress, you wanted to style BuddyPress pages differently than a regular WordPress page, you need add a template file named buddypress.php to your themes directory and BuddyPress would us...
Buddypress Templates - how to customize buddypress pages?
Hello Readers,
Today we will discussed about BuddyPress template customization.
If you want customization to buddyPress template then you need to follow below steps.
1.) Need to adding a Child Theme if you haven't done so already.
How to create custom taxonomy for post type page
Hello readers, today we will discuss "how you can add category for post type page".
When a user install the WordPress, user will only get category for "post type post".
If user want to add taxonomy or category for "post type page", then u...
How to add custom field in wordpress for category
Hello Reader's! if you are new to wordpress development and need to add more custom fields in category, Then you can learn it from the code below:-
Open the file functinon.php and add the following code in it.
add_action( 'category...
How to make custom logo in admin of Wordpress
Hello Reader's!
If you are new to wordpress and need to set your own logo from admin then you can use the wordpress custom logo management in the code:-
First create of open the file, Functions.php in the root directory.
now paste the code ...
How to make a quick login page in Wordpress
Hello Reader's!
If you are new to Wordpress and want to make a login custom page, then you can see an example below:-
First you have to create a page on the root, name it login.php
* Template Name: Sign In
How to insert form data using Wordpress
Hello Reader's!
If you are new to wordpress and looking for the method to insert form data into table, Then you can use the Wordpress liberary code to do that:-
global $wpdb;
Base URL in Wordpress
Hello Reader's!
In wordpress you can use the base url as written below
<?php echo bloginfo('template_url'); ?>
Lets take an example:-
If you want to link the CSS
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo bloginfo('temp...
How to create menu using Wordpress
Hello Reader's! If you are new to WordPress and you have to create the menu for first time. You just have to do the steps below:-
Step1:- Open or Create a file functions.php in your theme folder and paste the code below:-
add_action( 'after...
Best AJAX path for Wordpress
Hello Reader's if you want to write a custom code for making AJAX hit then you should choose for the best path for that, Open the file admin-ajax.php All ajax request should be made there.
On in first step open the template file and write the ...
7 important plugins to use before starting a wordpress site
If you are going to start a website a blog or website in wordpress must install these plugins .
1-Akismet This plugin comes inbuilt in wordpress. This plugin removes and secure your wordpress sites from spams comments.
2- BackUpWordP...
How to remove unwanted HTML tags from WP menu
Hello Readers,
If you want to remove default <div> and <li> tags from the WP menu, you can use below code.
It will remove the default <div> Tag and default <ul> Tag from your menu item.
The defualt Wp code is below
How to get WP menu in array form
Hello readers, today we will discuss about WP menu.
If you want to get WP menu in array form , you can use below code and will get your menu in array.
/** Get the nav menu based on $menu_name (same as 'theme_location' or 'menu' ar...
Cross-Origin Request Blocked on wordpress
Cross domain request is a HTTP request from other domain. Browsers do not support the XmlHttpRequest from other domain. Cross origin resource sharing provides a way to allow these type of requests. You need to set the headers to allow the other ...