Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
An Overview of Android Activity - Video Tutorial
As far as Android platform is concerned, the funda
by amit.rai -
How to get IMEI number,serial number and software version of your phone
Hello... Sometimes we need to know the country
by shahbaz.ahmmod -
Search location by using place on google map
Here below is the code for searching places by usi
by shahbaz.ahmmod -
How to know free space in sdcard android
I have written code to know free space in sdcard
by shahbaz.ahmmod
Android RecyclerView Items Animation Using Custom Adapter With Example
RecyclerView was introduced as an upgraded version to List view. The RecyclerView is much flexible, more efficient and more advance. With the help of RecyclerView, you can show larger data collections whose data may change at run time. RecyclerVi...
How to make Flip animation image in android?
In the below example code, I have set the animation to an ImagView when you clicks on image, image will rotate 180 degrees from Y axis. Here first, I have added an ImageView within actvity_main.xml layout, after that I have created a flip.x...
Create tap on image animation like facebook
In the below example I have created a animation ImageView. When user click the image , then image will appear on full screen, after this when user tab again on image it will be Zoomout like a facebook image tab.
Here In activity_main.xml ...
How to implement animation on custom view in android?
In this tutorial, we will know that how to implement animation on our custom view in android through a simple example using a Library AndroidViewAnimations. The Animation is a technique which can effect to any still view. In this tutorial, ...
ZoomIn and ZoomOut Animation
Animation is generally used to make user interface more attractive and pleasant.
In android, we can have the animation from many ways.
We call a static function loadAnimation() of the class AnimationUtils. to perform animation in androi...
How to remove ListView Item dynamically using animation function in android?
In the below example I have created a ListView , when user touch ListView row item then that particular row item will be remove dynamically. Here, first I have added Listview in activity_main.xml layout. In next step I have created row.xml layout...
How to make ListView animation in android
In the below example I have created ListView animation in android. Here, first I have created ListView and Button in activity_main.xml layout and also added animation layout with in ListView. Then in Second step I have created list_anim layout wi...
How to Create stylish (animation) login page
In the below Example, I have created a stylish login page. Here I have design first login activity_main.xml layout here I have added FrameLayout, LinearLayout, TextView, EditText and Button. Now In MainActivity I have used ViewCompat.animat...
How to create OverShoot Image animation function in android
In the below example I have created Overshoot animation function. Here I have added Button and ImageView in actvity_main.xml layout then I have created new directory (anim). In anim directory I have created overshoot.xml layout and In MainA...
How to create linear Image animation function in android
In the below example I have created linear animation function. Here I have added Button and ImageView in actvity_main.xml layout then I have created new directory (anim). In anim directory I have created linear.xml layout and In MainActivity I ha...
How to create cycle Image animation function in android
In the below example I have created cycle animation function. Here I have added Button and ImageView in actvity_main.xml layout then I have created new directory (anim). In anim directory I have created cycle.xml layout and In MainActivity I have...
How to create anticipate Image animation function in android
In the below example I have created anticipate Image animation function. Here I have added Button and ImageView in actvity_main.xml layout then I have created new directory (anim). In anim directory I have created anticipate.xml layout and In Mai...
How to create Bounce Text animation function in android
In the below example I have created a Bounce Text animation function. Here I have added Button and TextView in activity_main.xml layout then I have created new directory (anim). In anim directory I have created bounce.xml layout and in MainActivi...
How to create Floating Action Button Animation in android
In the below example I have created Floating Action Button Animations. Here I have added four FloatingActionButton, then in second step I have created button_open, button_close ,rotate_forward, rotate_backward xml layouts ...
How to create rotate animation buttun in android
In the below example I have created rotate animation button. In below code I have used scale and translate effect on rotate animation button. Here I have added Button in button i have used an img and added a TextView in activity_main xml la...
How to make animation TextView android
In the below example I have created animation TextView. Here first I have created a animation.xml layout, in animation layoout I have set scale property after then I have added TextView in activity_main.xml and finaly at last In MainActivity I h...
How to make Dialog Animation in android
In the below example I have created Dialog Animation using windowAnimation. Here I have added DialogAnimation item in style.xml folder after that I have created a new dialoglayout.xml and added a image and button then in mainlayout I have added a...
How to start an Activity with Shared Element Transition Animation
A view that moves from one activity to another in a smooth motion is possible with the help of Shared Element Transition. Its a type of animation when user clicks on certain view in one activity the view smoothly expands to the next activity. Whe...
How to create Circular Reveal Effect like WhatsApp in Android
While sending a photograph/audio/video/contact through WhatsApp in Android, we have to use a attach button at the top right corner, clicking on that button makes a circular reveal effect. To show or hide a group of UI elements we called it a Reve...
How to implement Drawable Animation in Android.
To implement Drawable Animation in Android follow the steps :-
1) Prepare a series of images with the individual frames of your animation. Add the images to your projects drawable folder.
2) Declare a XML file that defines the animation se...
How to impliment view Animation in Android
To implement view Animation in Android follow the steps mentioned below:-
1) Start a new project in android studio.
2) Now create a new Android resource Directory under res directory then choose interpolater option in directory type and nam...
Property Animation Android
1) Here I will rotate a View around its vertical axis using the rotationY property. we will create an XML resource file in the /res/animator directory named as flip_on_vertical.xml.
<objectAnimator xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/...
Click animation on view
Hello Android folks,
We've been using selectors and xmls whenever we wanted to apply click effect to the views. Here is very simple and short way to achieve the same.
We can use Android's AnimationUtils class to load the animation on any vi...
How to Create Animation in Android
How to create basic animations in android :
In this blog i will show you how to create simple shake animation in android.First create a anim folder in res/anim in the android project. Create a xml file in it sopy the following code in it