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How to create module in magento ?

Before we create magento custom module, let’s have a look on code directory structure of magento where we create custom module. Here is only code folder structure. - app (contains code pools, design, configuration, localization and Mage....

How To Import Excel files into MySQL with PHP

Hellow Reader's ! In This Blog we are going to import excel file into MySql table using PHP. If you have Excel files that need to be imported into MySQL, you can import them easily with PHP. First you need to download Excel reader File. In th...

String Function in PHP

String Functions String functions are the part of core PHP. These are used to manipulate string data. Following are some commonly used string functions used in PHP. These are: addslashes  : Adds slashes to specified char...

Validating Captcha code using php

Captcha verification includes: should be a combination of alphanumeric characters. should be case-sensitive fresh captcha is to be displayed whenever a webpage is refreshed. should be refreshed when user enters incorrect value. &...

How to add comment using php & jquery without page refreshing

Hello Reader's!Comments is very useful for your website where users can give there feedback suggestion and discuss problems with us so for that i have decided that to create a comments system in jQuery where page cannot reload but your commen...

Type conversion in PHP

To convert variables of one type to another is known as type conversion. There are two types of type conversion: Implicit type conversion Explicit type conversion Implicit type conversion  : It automatically converts the da...

Jquery Ajax exapmle in php

Here in this blog i have shown  a simple example how to use AJAX to send and retrieve data from a PHP page and then populate the result from a PHP page in a HTML element. The example here shows when I select a country a request is send to...

Open, Read, Append and Close file

OPEN FILE-  fopen() In php file is opened by the fopen() function. The fopen() contains  two parameters. The first parameter of fopen() holds the name of the file to be opened and second parameter indicates the mode in which file is ...

How to Convert Currency in PHP with Google?

Hello Reader's! In this blog i m going to show how you can convert currency using PHP, first u need to create index page where u can define field for conversion.. index.php <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://...

To display the server time in the input box with the help of ajax

Here we are making two simple text box one for the name which is filled by the user and the other is the input box for the time which is automatically called with the help of jQuery-ajax. First of all we make a simple form with two input fields o...

How to sort column by clicking on column header iin PHP

Below code will gives us a table on which when we  first time click the headers of column, it display data in ascending order.  if we click the header second time than it display values in descending  order.   <?php...

How to fetch data from database in PHP

For fetching data from database  in php, first we have to create a connection from database by using following code.   <?php $servername = "localhost"; $username = "root"; $password = "pass"; $database = "demo"; //this wi...

jquery validation method

jquery validation is a pattern of checking of input desired code user need a standard library of validation method and include the file into the same folder. it is a process of ensuring that computer input is clean and correct by using the rules ...

jQuery Ajax data types

The type of data you expect to get back from an Ajax request in jQuery generally requires some instruction.  By the method name the data type is specified and in different cases it is provided as part of a configuration o...

Difference between PHP4 and PHP5

PHP is a server side scripting language which is used to create dynamic web pages. PHP5 ia an updated version of PHP. PHP4 is no longer developed. There are some additional features in PHP5 due to which it is used widely. Some features a...

A simple registration and login form and connectivity through database in php

For Javascript validation please refer this link:     FOR REGISTERING: Here is the code for registering the user and saving data in data. ...

Comparison and logical operator in php

Comparison operator is basically used to compare any two variables. Whereas the logical operator is basically used for logical operations such as AND, OR, NOT. We know that there is precedence for the different operators we have a particular...


Polymorphism in php Implementing the polymorphism principle can be done in either of two ways, i.e., either choosing abstract classes or interfaces.   /* Program to demonstrate a polymorphism principle in php */ <?php c...

Captcha Code in php

Captcha stands for “ Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart”. A captcha is a small program which is used to develop a software program that can create and grade challenges most humans can pass but n...

How to Change User Active/Suspend Status on dropdown change in cakephp

Hello Reader's!,If you want to change User Active / inactive status on click or dropdown change,Then I wrote this blog for you. first you need to create dropdown box which contain user status 0 for Suspend 1 for active. Example: <...

PHP include and require Statements

The include() and require() function takes all the text in a specified file and copies it into the file that uses the these function respectively. include will only produce a warning (E_WARNING) and the script will continue require w...

Forget password in cakephp

Hello Reader's!,If you want to add forgot password field in your login page and send the forgot password link through mail Then I wrote this blog for you. // first create a forgot password link in your login page and allow forgot password ...

How to insert values into database in php.

Inserting data to a database would be possible by using SQL statements, specifically the INSERT command. Data can be entered  into the database using insert query into the function, here is simple line of code that will create a database usi...

Resize Image in CakePHP with Plugin

Hello Reader's!,If you want to Resize Image While Uploading in directory using cakephp ,then this blog going to help you to do this easily. You need to Download Qimage plugin for resize your image (Download file attached Below) after down...

how does foreach loop exactaly work in php

The foreach function in php will be used for a easy way to iterate over the loop and it is only used in array and objects or It will give you an error when you try to use it on a variable with different data type. Syntax: foreach(array_e...

Php sort function for arrays

In php we have predefine function for sorting the array according to the need of the user. Functions are defined below. sort() - It is used to sort arrays in ascending order rsort() - It is used to sort arrays in descending order ...

Session in php

Session is used in php to store information with the help of session variable. By creating session we can use that information across multiple pages. When we create an application we write the code, do some changes and then we close it our s...

Insert data into database from form in PHP

Below is a form which contain id field, name field, phone number filed, gender radio button and we are sending these data  by using post method. <form name="user_registration" method="post" > Name: <input type="text" name...

Difference between include(), require() and require_once()

The include() function The include() function is used to include the whole text of a specific file to another file where we want to include that file. While including the file if there will be any error in loading the file, it will only produc...

Different type of Session function in php

session_start(); It Start new session or resume existing session or the current one based on the session identifier passed via any request like $_get and $_post. When a session start php will call the open and read the session handlers.User can ...

Explanation of php_uname

php_uname function is used in php for getting information about the operating system ,host name, release name, version information and machine type.This method is used in php for returning a description of the current operating system in which yo...


AJAX is a topic which comes under PHP AJAX Stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX is used to update segment of web pages, without refreshing the whole page. By using AJAX we can create dynamic web pages easily and very fa...

Where to use isset() or empty()?

isset() and empty() are the function of PHP which are used to check whether the variable contains some value or not. The major difference between them is:: isset() is used when we want to just check whether the variable is set or not. It re...

Fetching Data from database using php

To fetch a data from database by using simple PHP code,  firstly create a connection to the database by using simple query and create a login form using HTML code for entering values through user. on clickinng submit button, This form will b...

Difference between isset(), empty() and is_null() functions

In PHP we have three different functions which can be used to test the value of a variable. They are isset(), empty() and is_null(). All these functions return a boolean value. But in case if these functions are not used in correct way they can c...

Creating database using php.

Database in php can be Created by using the four argumnets:- Servername,Username,Password and dbname. This will give the information about the server like a using 'localhost' username as 'root' and password should be of users ...

Code to fetch form data to database

Here is a simple program code to enter the form data to the database using php. HTML Code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Form To Db</title> <style type="text/css"> .container{width: 80%;...

How To Upload File in PHP

Below we first creating a html form, which contain a field for uploading a file and a submit button for submiting form. <html> <body> <form action="file_upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> Sele...

Variable Scope

PHP Variable Scope In PHP there are three variable scope. They are : Local , Global and Static.  LOCAL VARIABLE : Local variable is the one which is declared within the function,  has the local scope and can be accessed ...


PHP Superglobals are always accessible regardless of their scope, i.e., we can access them from any function, class or a file without even declaring them. Superglobals are available in all scopes throughout a script. There is no need to do global...

Simple code of php for making tree using asterisk

Simple code of php for making tree using asterisk It is easy to make tree using php in less no. of line of code. Here are few line of code that will help you to get desired output by using for loop with three variable i,j and k or this can be ...


Below is a  simple html form which have two input type fields and submit button :- <html> <body> <form action="form_post.php" method="post"> Name: <input type="text" name="name"><br> E-mail: <input...

PHP file handling

FILE HANDLING File handling is very important for any web application. With the help of file handling feature in PHP, you can store and retrieve a wide variety of data. PHP has several functions for creating, reading, uploading & editin...

$_GET and $_POST methods in php

Explanation of GET and POST methods in php GET and POST are treated as $_GET and $_POST in php. These are superglobals, which means that they are always accessible. $_Get: This is used as an array of variables and passed to the current scrip...

Sorting function in php

Php sorting function of an array:  sort()  -This will sort an arrays in ascending order.  rsort() -This will sort arrays in descending order  asort() -This function will sort associative arrays in ascending order, ac...

Pattern Desigining in PHP

Hello Reader! All of us must have designed a code to print pyramid or some other pattern of asterisk using C, C++. Here is a simple program to print the different asterisk(stars) patterns in PHP. A pattern of stars is a way of arranging these in ...


An error is defined as the unexpected state of the program. An error message is then displayed to the browser. There are four types of error in PHP- Parse Error Fatal Error Warning Error Notice Error 1.Parse Errors- Parse erro...

PHP Global Variables

PHP contains many predefined variables from these predefined variables many are superglobals, It means that we can access all these variables from any function,file or class without having any problem. Below are some PHP superglobal variables:...

How to read a file in php ?

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to to read a file in php ? If you want to read a file in php the you should use readfile() function. This function reads a file and writes it to the output buffer. It...

Sending HTML/PHP Form Data in mail with Attachment using PHPmailer in PHP

Hello Reader's!,If you want to send HTML/PHP form data with attachment through mail Then PHPMailer the best option for you. PHPMailer is one of the popular email-generating and sending libraries in the world  thou currently many popul...
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