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What are the benefits of Cake PHP frameworks

1.CakePhp is basically a framework which is based on MVC pattern i.e(model view controller). 2.Cakephp have built in validation. 3.Cakephp have fast and flexible php syntax with helpers. 4.Cakephp is very friendly because developer done ...

How to set timezone in codelgniter

Hello Friends, If you are looking to update timezone in codelgniter application you need to make changes in index.php. By default timezone represent server local time suppose server is placed in Singapore then your default timezone would be Si...

How to Create Database in cake php

CakePHP database configuration details are in a file that is located at app/Config/database.php. This database file user can edit the file in the notepad or sublime and can edit the feilds by which it will be connected to the database.Filling al...

What is hook in Codeigniter and how to use this

Hello Friends, Some time we need some functionality before execution of our controller function or after execution of controller. For example you need to check a user is login or not before execution of any controller. Codeigniter hook is a ve...

Difference between ereg_replace() and eregi_replace() function

ereg_replace() ereg_replace() function is used to replace regular expression case sensitive. Syntax of ereg_replace() is:   string ereg_replace ( string $pattern , string $replacemen...

login form in cakephp

Its really easy to create a login form by using cake php, for creating a form a user have to mention its type,action or url for pointing the form to the login() action to the controller, user would supply array like this. And for further fields t...

How to change the Magento Admin URL / Path

How to change the Magento Admin URL / Path: By default url to the magento admin panel is but If you want to change Magento admin login path, then you have to change the front name in local.xml file (app/etc/local.xml). ...

Cakephp: How to retrieve video url from Google App Engine

About Google App Engne Google App Engine applications are used to create data storage. We do not require to maintain servers with App Engine. We just need to upload applications and can access the site from the web. How to Upload Video? Wri...

How to make multilanguage website in Codeigniter

Hello Reader's if you are looking to desing the multilaunge website then codeigniter offers you to do this with very easy steps. First learn what is multilanguage website.   A multilanguage website is which can run in any langauge ...

How to make dynamic session routing in PHP

Hello Reader's, if you are making the website in which you want to redirect the user on the same page after the user login. Then you can learn it from this blog.   For example if a user hit 'my profile' without making the l...

How to make Parent Child tree in PHP

Hello Reader's if your making the parent child relationship then this blog is very helpful to you. Here we are making parent child tree by using the Iteration functions. The output of this will a tree which showing the childs on branches and ...

How get only selected keys of an array using PHP

Hello Reader's, If you having a multidimensional array from which you only want a single key values column then this blog is helpful to you. Let consider a array with full of key values:-  $exArray=array( array(...

How to create Multilingual website in PHP

Hello all!,Nowadays everyone wants that their website visited by every users in every countries and this can be possible with make your website multilingual, so in this blog I am going to describe you how to make your website multilingual. Fir...

Hide prices and Add to Cart button in Magento

Hello Readers, Here is small example which will explain how to hide prices and ‘Add to Cart’ buttons for non-logged users in Magento. Hide prices in all pages: Go to Current theme (Path: app/design/frontend/currenttheme/default/te...

How to install in Codelgniter

Hello Friends, If you are looking to install in Codelgniter. Please review the below process: Step 1 :: Download Codelgniter from "" Step 2 :: Unzip this folder and place this on root folder ...

How to Create Emoticons using jquery

Hello all, Every time you see some graphic emoticons in comment they look like sad, funny, jolly, naughty. With the help of this blog you can add these emoticons in your project. Here I am using emoticons plugins Basically it replace your sim...

how to remove index.php in codeigniter url

Hello Friends, When we are working on Codelgniter the URL in the browser appear with index.php generally, the URL appear like :: "http://localhost/codelgniter/index.php/app/setuser"   and we would like to see this as ...

Drop Down Box with Search Option using jquery

Hello All, In this blog i am going to show you how you can add search option in Drop down is very helpful when u have large amount of list in drop down box. INDEX.PHP This file contain list of states <html> <head&g...

Create stored functions in MYSQl

Hello Reader's ! In this blog you will learn how to create store functions using CREATE FUNCTION statement in Mysql. In Mysql we can create user user defined functions that returns a valid value. To process and manipulate data Mysql Stored...

Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in codelgniter

Hello Friends, If you are facing the issue "Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object...." in Codelgniter. Please make the below changes to solve this issue. Please open "codelgniter/application/config/auto...

How to set default Controller in Codelgniter

Hello Friends, If you are looking to set any controller as a default controller in your project like when open any website generally Index controller call automatically. For example you want to run "Project Controller" instead of &qu...

How to Upload multiple images jQuery Ajax using PHP

Hello Reader's!Sometime you need to Upload multiple image in directory ,so in this blog I have wrote and explain jquery and PHP to upload multiple images at once. You can use this as a reference for your web projects, specially focused on new...

How to convert SOAP response to PHP Array?

Converting SOAP response to Array in php.   Dealing with a SOAP client response for a flight booking application or any other, This is how we get response from SOAP below: <S:Envelope xmlns:S="

How to use conditions in query builder with Symfony2

Hello Friends, If you are looking to use conditions in mysql query with query builder in Symfony2. Please review the below code and make the changes accordingly: $qb = $this->getConn()->createQueryBuilder(); $qb->select("SUM( ...

How to use mysql join in Symfony2

Hello Friends, If your are looking to use join with query builder in Symfony2. Please review the code as below and make the changes accordingly: $qb = $this->getConn()->createQueryBuilder(); $qb->select('ts.model_id, ...

How to use update query in Symfony2

Hello Friends, If you are looking to use update query with query builder in Symfony2. Please review the below example and make the adjustment accordingly. $sql = "update tbl_paymentmethod set pm_address = :address, pm_status = :status, up...

How to add checkbox in products list to add to cart all checked products

In Magento e-commerce website we usually add products to cart through add to cart button, but if we are required to add many products to cart by selecting them with the checkbox. Then we can do this as, Add checkbox input tag...

Encryption functions in PHP

If you are developing a website then you must have a login sign-up page that stores the users information in the database then it is responsibility of the person to make the database more secure i.e. the password must be secured so that nobody ca...

Customize Magento Toolbar For List Page

Customize Magento Toolbar For List Page: Hello readers, Some times you need to show the toolbar as per client requirement ,But magento (default & rwd theme) show same tool bar at the top and bottom of listing page (List & Grid). You can C...

To Show Drop-Down Attribute Value on Product View Page

If you want to show a drop-down attribute value on product view page & product listing page in Magneto then follow below code. Suppose, your attribute code is “color” go to current theme/template/catalog/product/view.phtml ...

PHP Explode() Vs Split() Function

Hello Readers, In this blog, I am going to tell a small difference between Explode & Split function in PHP. Both the function do the same thing i.e split a string into array.   But there is a minor difference that explode takes ...

How to use select query in Symfony2

Hello Friends, If you looking to use "Select" query with query builder in Symfony2. Please review the below example and make the changes accordingly. $qb = $this->getConn()->createQueryBuilder(); $qb->select('*')->f...

Enable remember me functionality in Magento

Hello Readers, If you are a newbie in magento, then you should know How to enable remember me functionality in Magento, since by default “Remember me” functionality is not enabled in magento. To enable it, login to admin panel then...

Difference between mysql_connect() and mysql_pconnect()

Both mysql_connect() and mysql_pconnect() are used for database connection. mysql_connect() In mysql_connect() function opens and close the database connection, depending on the request. Every time a new connection is established, when usin...

Differentiate between array_combine and array_merge?

 array_combine and array_merge are the array functions in PHP that are used for different functionalities both are different from each other both have different functions. Merging the elements basically means to merge one o...

Upload multiple images/files with multiple input type with single submit button

Create the html for multiple file upload.The form action would go to the "uploads.php" file.  <form action="upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> Select Files: <input name="blogimg[]" type...

How to write insert query in Symfony2

Hello Friends, If you are working on symfony2 and looking to implement insert query please review the below example and make the changes according: Open your model/repository file $sql = "insert into tbl_paymentmethod set pm_m_id =:pm_...

How to use calendar in symfony2

Hello Friends, If you are looking to implement calendar in Symfony2 by FormBuilder(). Please use the code below and make changes accordingly. Please open your controller function  $filterform = $this->createFormBuilder() ...

How to access repository function in Symfony2

Hello Friends, If you want to access repository function in your controller file under Symfony2. Please review the below code. To use repository function in Symfony2, first we need to include repository file in your controller file top abov...

How to handle multiple form request in Symfony2

Hello Friends, If you are using multiple forms in symfony2 web page and getting issue to fetch data from multiple form. Please review the code below and make the adjustment accordingly. In the below example I am using two forms 1) $Kickedform ...

How to define Paging in Symfony2

Hello Friends, If you are looking to implement paging in Symfony2, please review the code below and adjust your code accordingly. $data = $this->get('app_cam_taxsetting.taxsetting_repository.taxsetting')->getUserList(); // app_ca...

How to fetch request variable in symfony2

Hello Friends, If you are looking to fetch request variable submitted through GET method in Symfony2. Suppose your URL :: You are looking to fetch q value in your controller, please review code below...


SESSION- A session contains user information on server side. When a user opens a page, then the information is first transferred to the server, then php will match that information to the server-side cookie. If the browser is closed once, a...

Magento - Ajax Add to Cart In Product View & List Page

Add to Cart Functionality using Ajax in MAGENTO : Hello Readers, In order to add Ajax add to cart feature in your product view page, first you should need to know how add to cart button is working. In magento add to cart button is a simple form s...

How to fetch form post values in Symfony2

Hello Friends, If you are looking to fetch form posted values in symfony2. Please follow the below code and make adjustment accordingly: Open your controller function where you would like to fetch the values:: $VendorForm->handleReq...

How to create form in Symfony2

Hello Guys, If you are looking to create form in symfony2 the below code might help you: 1) Open your controller file and function where you would like to define form and add below code with require modification: //Define in Controller...


Inheritance is one of the most important concept of OOP. In inheritance one class works as a base class for one more than one class. In this derived class inherits all the properties and methods of base class. Inheritance makes our work easier...

How to define routing in Symfony2

Hello Friends, If you are looking to implement routing in symfony2, like I have created a new controller like "listAction" in my controller file and now want to run this on browser. My controller file look like <?php nam...

How to add new bundle in Symfony2

Hello Friends, If you are looking to create a new module in Symfony2 and want to integrate this with new bundle. Please follow the below steps:   1) Create your bundle folder under your_project_name/src/App/your_bundle_name like ...

How to use __Call magic function in PHP

Hellow Reader's !, Before going to Discuss about __Call Function in PHP u should know about Magic Function in PHP. If you have ever looked at the source code of open source PHP projects, you might have noticed object methods that begin with a...
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