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How to use Razor View Engine in Asp.Net

"Introduction to Razor View Engine"     Razor is used to create dynamic Web pages, it supports both C# as well as VB.Net. Razor is used like a markup syntax for adding server-side code to web pages inorder to make them dyn...

looping list using ng-repeat

Hi folks, The below example will demonstrate how to do looping over lists in templates using ng-repeat. <html ng-app="nameApp"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Angular.js Example</title> ...

Initializing the model using an Angular controller

Hi all, Below example will demonstrate, How to Initializing the model using an Angular controller, defined with a global function. <html ng-app="nameApp"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Angular.js ...

Get all modified files of all commits in a branch

We can check the modified files of a branch using: git status But it will list all those files which are not committed. Once these will be committed "git status" will not list these files. For this we can use following command which will ...

How to use Phonegap SoftKeyboard Plugin for Android?

Hello All, Here I am sharing some information to include and use of the SoftKeyboard Plugin for Android. 1.Install SoftKeyboard plugin using the latest version from GitHub: $ cordova plugin add

Spring Security: Obtaining current username (i.e. SecurityContext) information in a bean?

Instead of calling static method inside the controller like below: @RequestMapping(value="/welcome", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String getUserDetails(ModelMap model) { Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getCont...

Sprint Security: Getting Active user's UserDetails

We can easily get active user's UserDetails in Spring Security. Spring Security provides "" which provides the required API for retrieving the logged in user details. The methods of this class are g...

How to use Variables in Stylus

Hi Guys, We can use variables in Stylus like the example given below. $fontColor = #000 $basefont = 'Raleway' sans-serif; How can use this ? .block font-size 15em color $fontColor font-family $basefont You ...

How to inherit a class in stylus

Hello all, In prior tutorial I have explained you about Stylus and Creating Syntax in Stylus. Now in this Tutorial I have demonstrated examples to inherit a class in stylus. @extend We can use @extend for inherit the css class check the...

Looping over list in template using ng-repeat (angularJS)

The ngRepeat directive instantiates a template once per item from a collection. Each template instance gets its own scope, where the given loop variable is set to the current collection item, and $index is set to the item index or key. - angularJ...

C# Naming Conventions and Coding Standards

"C# Naming Conventions and Coding Standards" Naming Convention:     Basicaly three types of naming conventions are used in C#, Camel, Pascal and Hungarian. We should use PascalCasing for class names and method names: ...

Spring MVC @PathVariable getting truncated

We generally face a problem when we hit server with path variable that contains special character like dot(.) it gets truncated. For Example: If you have the mapping @RequestMapping(value = "/findMe/{emailId}", method = RequestMethod.GET) ...

What is the difference between var and dynamic keywords in C#

Programming languages can be categorized into two parts based on data type 1) Strongly Type 2) Weakly Type Strongly Type:-        A strongly-typed programming language is one in which there are dif...

How to call asp net web service from javascript using ajax

Hello all, To call a web service from JavaScript using ASP.NET AJAX, there are certain steps that you have to follow which are listed bellow : Decorate web service class with [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService] Include ScriptM...

WebMethod overloading in asp net web services

Hello all, Working with .net web services, at time we have to overload our WebMethod, and the process of WebMethod overloading is very much same to the method overloading in C#. Method overloading allows a class to have multiple methods wit...

Bandwidth and Latency in a network?

Bandwidth: - Throughput of the network is known as Bandwidth of network. Latency : - Delay of the network is known as Latency of network. Network performance is basically measured in both of the above entity Bandwidth (throughput) and La...

Explain Manifest file?

Manifest file : - " Manifest is a simple text file that tells browser what to cache" and what not. The browser only cache the Manifest file content and does not cache the rest. Manifest file contains three sections :- (1) CACHE...

Define hooks in Drupal?

hooks:- hooks are api code in drupal which allows interaction between module and Drupal core. Basically A hook is a PHP function look like - general_test() general is the name of the module (file name for whom is general.module). ...

Difference between document.ready and window.onload

window.onload() - It is a Java script pre-defined function. document.ready() It is a jQuery event which are called when page is loaded. The basic difference between these :- document.ready() is called after the DOM is loaded withou...

Chaining in jQuery?

Chaining in jQuery means allowing multiple function/ selectors to an element in the web page. Example- $(document).ready(function(){ $('#mybox').css('font', '10px'); $('#mybox').addClass('new'); $('#mybox').fadeIn('slow'); }); By...

Selectors in jQuery?

Selectors are the entity which we used to select HTML elements from web page in jQuery. Selector in jQuery always start with dollar($)sign and parentheses like as $(). There are three ways to select the elements in a web page. 1) S...

Urlencode & Urldecode in php

"Urlencode is a predefined encoding function in PHP". We use Urlencode to encode a string that we are using in a url string. Url encodes the same way as we posted the data from web pages. It returns the encoded string. Syntax:- urlenc...

PHP Basic Errors?

There are three basic types of errors in PHP: Notices: These errors are not displayed to the user at all , the default behavior can be changed. These are non-critical errors that encounters by php while executing a script - for example va...

What is MIME and MIME Type?

MIME stands for - Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions. MIME types represents a unique file types as pre-defined over Internet. Web servers and browsers have a list of MIME types, which make a medium for files transfer of the same t...

Error [jquery.form] terminating; zero elements found by selector jquery ajax image upload

If you are getting error while using the ajax uploading for an image and using jquery form.js script and getting the issue "[jquery.form] terminating; zero elements found by selector" . Then for resolving this issue you have to avoid the neste...


In most of our applications, We need last inserted identity value in SQL Server table. For getting the last inserted identity value we have multiple options: @@IDENTITY SCOPE_IDENTITY IDENT_CURRENT All these three return the l...

What's the difference between @Component, @Repository, @Controller & @Service annotations in Spring?

When we define the annotations @Component, @Service, @Controller, @Repository with the classes, Spring automatically scan and identifies those classes and register the Bean definition with the ApplicationContext. Difference between @Component...

How to to convert date string of any format to a desired date format

"Generic function to convert any type date to desired date format"     While working in a project, I got stuck in a issue in which I needed a generic function that converts the date string in any format to a desired date fo...

What is @ModelAttribute in Spring MVC?

@ModelAttribute implies to a property of the Model object in Spring MVC. This annotation workes only if your calss is Controller class i.e. declares with @Controller annotation. It is also used to define the command object that we declared by ...

Disconnect Your Google+ From YouTube Channel

Step 1->To Disconnect Google+ from YouTube first things we need to do is click upper right-hand corner and came down to YouTube settings, Go ahead and click on YouTube settings.   Step 2-> Clicking on settings will redirect you t...

How to Delete YouTube Channel

Hello all, If you want to Delete or remove your YouTube channel, below are the steps Note- Your channel should not be connected to any of your Google+ page, if connected then you have to first disconnect it from Google+ page then only y...

Exception while parsing String into DateTime

"An exception of type 'System.FormatException' occurred in mscorlib.dll but was not handled in user code while parsing String into DateTime."     I was trying to parse a string "27/06/2015" into the DateTime as follows: ...

Namespaces in Unity 3D

Namespaces in Unity 3D : Namespaces are container of the classes. Namespaces help us to organize the scripts. When we create a new C# script in Monodevelop, two namespaces are included at the top, these are ' using UnityEngine; ' and ' using S...

How the Right Content Can Help in Growth of Your Business

Well! Well! Well! All the words written in the topic of this blog are not new to you, neither I have to explain it to you. Then what is actually there in the blog, is it the title? Yes its the title, we all know content plays a vital role in any ...

How to automate file download functionality through selenium webdriver?

File download functionality can be automated by setting the browser's preferences. We set the directory in which the file will be downloaded. FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile(); profile.setPreference("", "E:\\A...

How to Update Marker position on google map

By using this function when we will click on Marker, its location will be shown on tha map. Here we have a function , first we will create "infowindow" object outside the function (global scope), then we will make infowindow objec constructor...

How to handle drag and drop functionality through selenium webdriver ?

We use "Actions" class to handle drag and drop functionality. WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); driver.get(""); driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(20L, TimeUnit.SECONDS...

Implement newsletter using simplenews module in Drupal

Simplenews module is used to implement Newsletter in drupal. There are lots of other options available with Simplenews module. Find below details to implement and use Simplenews module: Simplenews: Send newsletters to subscribed e-mail address...

Sending bulk email in Drupal using Mass Contact module

Mass contact module is very useful when we want to send lots of emails to a group or users or all users. We also can add taxonomy check for this. Following is the detail for mass contact module: Mass Contact Introduction: The Mass Contac...

How to get the font size of any text on webpage?

We use .getCssValue(attribute) method to get the properties of any webelement. We can pass the following attributes: font-family font-size color line-height WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); driver.get("http://www.s...

For loop in Objective C

In this video , we learn how to create for loop in Objective c

Gray Out an Image in android

Gray Out an Image in android In android, Sometimes, we have to gray out image to show it disable or to show it differently. So I share my code to gray out any ImageView. We just do it by using pixels. private ImageView instagramIcon...

What is assembly and strong named assemblies in .net

Assembly is a fundamental unit in .net which is versionable and gets created after successful compilation and it has an extension of .dll or .exe. Strong naming an assembly is Basically a process of Private and Public Key Pair. In .Net ther...

ClickDimensions and Google Universal Analytics Tracking Scripts Conflict

These days many people use both Google Analytics tracking code as well as ClickDimensions tracking code. We use it too. If you are using latest version of google analytics i.e. "universal analytics tracking code" and "clickdimensions tracking ...

Create dictionary using array first letter

we often come to a situation where we have to create the dictionary based on the alphabetic order. So here is the program for creating a Dictionary with first letter of the array element. array element First letter is a key for adding the ele...

Spring 3 MVC accessing HttpRequest from controller

Spring 3 MVC accessing HttpRequest from controller To access HttpRequest from controller you just need to define HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse as parameters in a function signature of your Controller. by doing this you allowing Sp...

How to add marker to a location and resume back to location on Button click in a Google Map

"Add marker to a desired location and resume back to location on Button Click in a Google Map "     In my previous article I explained how to integrate Google Map in a .Net Wb Application, If incase someone has missed it th...

CSS3 child and combinators selectors

CSS3 child selector : CSS3 nth child selector, selects the child element of its parent. The common syntax: :nth-child(n) There are many other syntax related to nth-child. Few of them are: 1. :nth-child(odd) For selecting the odd child elemen...

How to Integrate Google Map in a .Net Web Application

"Integrate Google Map in a .Net Web Application"     In this article I have discussed how to integrate Google map in a .Net Application. Getting Started: Make a web application, and write the following HTML in the aspx ...

FindNerd Project Management Tool- Comparison with Trello and Pivotal Tracker

There are many Online Project Management products available in the market. All these tools provide different set of features and target various industries. These tools range from simple task management and list management features like those...
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