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How to fetch data from XML file and insert into SQL Database

Fetch data from XML file and insert into SQL Database Step1. Create a Stored procedure in Sql database which takes one input parameter and one output parameter which returns Success /Failure Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_Insert&#95...

How to filter hasMany related model records in cakePHP when using find function?

Lets say we have models User and Friend related by User hasMany Friend relation. If we are required to pull out all users along with their female friends then how do we do that? Usually people think like this : $this->User->find('all...

auto-fill drop-down options on basis of previous seclection

Following example illustrate filling state (province) drop-down on basis of country. Drop-down HTML <select id="countryDropBox"> <option value="">--Select Country--</option> <option value="1">India</option...

Communicating with server via API to get data

Occasionally the programmer needs to communicate with the server to send and receive data from the iPhone. Usually the communication is done to get data from the database that is in the server. To communicate with the server the programmer has to...

Getting address and city from lot/long in Java

This blog will help you in getting geographical information of any location by using latitude/longitude. By using Java API Geocoder, it is easy to get geographical information of any location. The response will be in JSON or XML format. Wri...

What is Leverage Browser Caching and how to use it.

Here is the brief explanation of Leverage Browser Caching and how to use it to improve website performance. When a web browser i.e. Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari etc displays webpage it has to load several things like css files, j...

zip/unzip file on linux server through command prompt

Create zip file of existing folder on linux server use below command - "zip -r target&#95;foldername" To unzip an zip file - "unzip"

Restart MySql on linux server through command

To restart MySql on Linux server through command prompt follow the below steps - i) First go to root through - "sudo -i " ii) Then use the below command - "service mysqld restart"

Saving an image into SDcard in Android

Sometime we need to save images on SDcard that we click or get from server in many applications, and you can do it very easily by using the below code. To save Images on SDcard on Android Device, write the following code: ByteArrayOutputStr...

How to rotate a image with the help of css

Image rotate with the help of css3 Animation HTML <ul> <li><span><img src="img/left.png"width="20"height="20" /></span></li> </ul> css nav ul li span.animate{ ...

Set column name for auth component of users table

When we use Auth component for login in cake php then we are restricted to use 2 column in users table 'password' and 'username' .If we want to use our own column name then follow these steps: Step 1: Include the below function in YoursController...

Basic understanding of MVC application

In the MVC application we have architecture with three main directories Model, View and controller. These sections are as follows: Model: It contains the models or classes that we are going to use in our application. For eq. Person.cs class wi...

In cakephp different session timeouts for admin and front end users

In cakephp you can handle different session time outs for admin and front end users.I added the following lines in core.php file and it works for me. if(strripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],"admin")) { Configure::write('Session', array( 'd...

How to get Cookies from UIWebview

The following code will get the cookies form the sever and will store in the array. Get the appropriate cookie from the array by its name. - (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView { NSHTTPCookieStorage *storage = [NSHTTPCookie...

Send iOS App request on Facebook in iOS

In terms of publicity or advertisement of an iOS app there is a feature where we can make our iOS app social or can share on facebook. Accepting a request from a app will direct the person to the Canvas Page URL of the app that sent the Request....

Types of Regression Testing

Regression Testing Re-executing the old test cases across multiple releases or built to make sure that changes or bug fixes has not affected the existing functionalities is known as regression testing. Whenever some code changes or bug fixe...

Problem with required feed url fields in feeds importer

Feeds module provides functionality to import contents from feed urls. We can setup feeds module according to: There are 2 ways to import feeds 1: attach to any content type 2: Use a sta...

Different location manager delegate methods of iOS 5 and iOS 6

The delegate method iOS 5 used was as follows -(void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation This delegate method used to access two locations name...

Why the Name Selenium?

Primarily, Selenium was created by Jason Huggins in 2004. An engineer at ThoughtWorks, he was working on a web application that required frequent testing.It came from a joke which Jason cracked one time to his team at that point of time another a...

NVL fuction in Oracle

NVL function helps you convert a null to an actual value. Syntax:- NVL (expr1, expr2) In the syntax: expr1 is the source value or expression that may contain a null expr2 is the target value for converting the null Guidelines for N...

Make a good design

1. Have a professional logo--and link it to your home page. "Your logo is an important part of your brand, so make sure it's located prominently on your site. "Use a high-resolution image and feature it in the upper left corner of each of your p...

Access restriction: not accessible due to restriction on required library

When i was working on a class i have got the following error.. Access restriction: The type BASE64Encoder is not accessible due to restriction on required library C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\rt.jar I resolved it by looking up on google, ...

How to make group by query in MongoDb

Making a group by query in traditional database like MySQL,MySQL etc in quite easy but when its come to NoSQL like MongoDb we have to twist it a bit to get result we want : There are two ways in which you can do group by in MongoDb : a) Usi...

Sample application of diffrent types of Android Animations

In this sample application you will find different types of animations. For example :- Bounce, Fade In/out, Blink, Sequential Animation etc. If you want to use any animation in your app you just have to add that particular piece of code in your ...

Synchronization in QTP

When you run a script in QTP , then it may be possible that application may not respond with the same speed of script. Synchronization is the process of adjusting the time gap between script speed and application speed . Method that can be imple...

Sample Barcode Scanner Application

Here is a sample code of simple **Barcode Scanner** app. Barcode scanner library is attached with this project you just have send an startActivityForResult to open Scanner like this. Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(),Captu...

How to Make A Simple Concept Design for Chibi Character

Chibi is a simple, cute form of Manga/Anime. Super Deformed or SD is another name for chibis.Super deformed or SD is a specific style of Japanese caricature where characters are drawn in an exaggerated way, typically small and chubby, with stubby...

Sending Mail in Joomla

Sending mail in Joomla is easy. It can be done by posting the value of form in view to the controller.php of that component. Function that can be used is function mail() { $fromname = JRequest::getvar('name'); $sender_mail = JR...

How to create script in Jmeter?

Steps for Script Creation in JMeter 1.Right Click on Test plan-> Add Thread Users-> Thread Group 2.Right Click on Thread Group->Add Logic Controller->Transaction controller 3.Thread Group-> CSV Data Set config 4.Thread Plan-&...

SDWebImage Framework integration issue in Latest xCode

Download and Add framework Step 1: Download and unzip the lastest version here: SDWebImage.Framework Step 2: Right-click on the project navigator and select "Add Files to "Your Project": In the dialog, select SDWebImage.framework, and chec...

Refine Edge use in photoshop

Using a selection tool to cut an particular image portion in photoshop we are going to use refine edge to modify the selection so that we can use it in a better way. For this first we need an Image. Open it in the photoshop. Use the Brigh...

jqGrid with MVC

To bind jqGrid with MVC please see below steps. step 1: Download latest jqGrid from step 2: Add downloaded folder into your project's Script fo...

Cool widgets in OpenERP

Widgets are the GUI elements that can perform some controlling tasks. In OpenERP, we can see a few of widgets that have significance in the views like statuses of the any process, seeing states of an object, or getting lists out of huge data, or ...

Create photos album on Facebook sample code in iOS

Creating Photos album and uploading photos into the album. Two methods mentioned below creates album and uploads gallery pic on Facebook. /*========================================================= // Here we request connectin for creating ...

Fetching all pending orders in Magento

Fetching all pending orders and customer details in magento <?php $orders = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->getCollection() ->addFieldToFilter('status', 'pending') ->addAttributeToFilter...

Diffrent types of signUp pages in android

Signup tutorials for the beginners. In this tutorial you can see different types of signup pages in which date of birth is included , Signup using Facebook and other options as well for android. You can add this code in you application to get the...

Creating products with custom options in Magento Programming

we can create products with custom options by programming in Magento follow the steps : Create a form to submit all mandatory details to create a products Post all details to form controller to save product public function saveproductA...

Custom Login Activity

Two Login Samples First Sign Up Sample for Username and Password . Second Sign Up Sample for Email and Password. Use the zip file and check the output . Hope the code helps you Thank you.

Import Facebook friends list using Facebook SDK in iOS

Facebook friend list import became easier after using latest Facebook SDK. Here is the method which imports friend list. Steps to follow:- Create App in your Facebook account or open ( Go to A...

Import Facebook friends using custom UI in iOS

Facebook friend list import became easier after using latest Facebook SDK. Here is the method which imports friend list. NSMutableArray *arrfriendList = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init]; [FBRequestConnection startForMyFriendsWithCompletionHandler...

How to Create Animation in Android

How to create basic animations in android : In this blog i will show you how to create simple shake animation in android.First create a anim folder in res/anim in the android project. Create a xml file in it sopy the following code in it ...

Login with Facebook sample code for iOS

Facebook Login Button to logged into the iOS app, here we are getting logged into the iOS application using Facebook login button. Steps to follow:- Create App in your Facebook account or open (

Login with Facebook using custom login button in iOS

Custom Facebook Login Button to logged into the iOS app. Now a days most of the iOS apps provides "Login with Facebook" feature. Facebook also provides SDK for iOS platform, here we are getting logged into the iOS application using Facebook cred...

How to create a Sticky Menu bar with CSS and Jquery

In this example, we will create a simple webpage that consists of the header, the navigation and the content. <div class="wrapper"> <div class="header"> Header </div> <div class="nav"> ...

Box-shadow effect using css3

Hello readers ! This blog show how you can use shadow effect using css3. CSS :- body { background: #F2F2F2; color: #999; padding: 0; margin: 0; } .container { width: 820px; margin: 10px auto; padding:...

How to validate that string is email address or not.

During User registration it is very necessary to check that entered email id is valid or not. To check that following code will help you. - (BOOL)validateEmailWithString:(NSString*)email { NSString *emailRegex = @"[A-Z0-9a-z.&#95;%+-...

How to use search bar in UITableView

This is very helpful, if you want to use search functionality on UITableView. Code for ViewController.h @interface ViewController : UIViewController<UISearchBarDelegate,UITableViewDataSource,UITableViewDelegate,UISearchDisplayDelegate&g...

Very Useful Tags in OpenOffice Reports

Here are some important very useful tags that can help you definitely while creating various kinds of reports: [[ repeatIn(objects,'o') ]]: To add loop on the object selected, example [[ repeatIn(objects,'invoice') ]]. [[ repeatIn(o.invoic...

How to save and access value from NSUserDefaults

NSUserDefaults is very useful, if you want to save less data and want to access that data whenever you open the application. This data does not delete even after closing the app. To save data in NSUserDefaults NSUserDefaults *usr = [NSUser...

To perform a real-time capture

To perform a real-time capture, a client may instantiate AVCaptureSession and add appropriate AVCaptureInputs, such as AVCaptureDeviceInput, and outputs, such as AVCaptureMovieFileOutput. [AVCaptureSession startRunning] starts the flow ...
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