Creating Horizontal Menu Bar Using Html and CSS
Hello readers, If you want to create a horizonta
by nitish.rawat -
Custom checkbox using jquery
Hello Reader ! Here is an example how to make
by mukul.kant -
How to make Sticky navigation
Hello Readers ! Below is an example of sticky n
by mukul.kant -
Smoke Font Animation
Hello Friends, The following codes below is an an
by kushal.kant -
How to Make A Simple DropDown in HTML With The Help of Jquery and CSS
You Can Use Below Code to Make A Simple Drop D
by indresh.kumar
An Overview to Meta Tags
What is Meta Tag ?
It provides information known as data in an html document.
It allow us to develop the description of the web page.
It is used by search engines to index a page so that the user can easily find it.
It help the user t...
How to display video background in html
In this post, you will learn about video display in background using html and css. There is video tag in HTML5 which you can use to embed a video in your web page.
<video width=450" height=340" controls autoplay>
<source src=abc....
An Overview to HTML5 Attributes
Hello readers, Today we will discuss about the HTML5 Attributes. Basically attributes are used to define some additional information about the HTML elements. As there are various global and custom attributes used in HTML5.
Features of HTML5 at...
New Concept to Build HTML for big projects
We all know that for any web page or website, HTML is compulsory. HTML is the necessary platform to develop the website. Many times when I created HTML templates, I faced the issue to do the changes and had to do copy paste the changed content in...
An Overview to HTML5 Elements
Hello readers, Today in this blog we will discuss about HTML5 various elements, its syntax and various tags that are used in it.
Features included in HTML5 -
The tag name remains uppercase.
For attributes the quotes remains optional.
An Overview to HTML5
What is HTML5?
It is a Hyper Text Markup Language which is used for structuring and presenting content on Internet.
It is the current version for HTML.
Its previous version was HTML 4.01.
It is the 5'th version of the HTML standar...
Spellcheck Attribute in HTML5
Hello, reader's Today we will discuss about the HTML5 attributes. Basically attributes are used to define some additional information about the HTML elements. As there are various global and standard attributes used in HTML5.
Here , we wil...
Structural Semantic Elements in HTML5
Hello readers, Today we will discuss about the Structural Semantic Elements that are used in HTML5.
Introduction of HTML5
HTML5 is basically a latest and an enhanced version of HTML.
HTML5 has various new features including new elem...
Checkbox and Radio Buttons using Bootstrap(Touch Friendly)
Hello Readers,In my example I have simply created Radio and Checkbox buttons using Bootstrap framework.
We basically use checkboxes when we need to select one or several options from a given list while radio buttons are used for selecting one ...
How to append the data of an input box to another div
Suppose we want to add the content of different elements in a single element, we use append for that.
Below is the example which will append the text of an input into a div.
<div class="aside_header" id="s...
custom scrollbar using jQuery UI
A scrollbar is a communication method or gadget in which nonstop content, pictures, or some other substance can be looked in a foreordained heading (up, down, left, or right) on a PC showcase, window, or viewport so that the majority of the subst...
Image Flipping Effect By Css
Flipping Image can be extremely valuable these days. The most basic use-case for flipping images that I can consider would incorporate some sort of image on the front, and some data related to it on its back.
By using below code we can u...
HTML5 Semantic Elements
The word semantic is the study of the implications of words and phrases in language. A semantic element clearly depicts its intending to both the browser and the developer. These are the elements that are used...
How to resize a div with mouse drag with html css and javascript
Have you ever taken a risk at doing some movement utilizing plain Javascript or moving DIVs here and there or resizing them?! All things considered, you know then the amount of torment it is as not just you need to handle the troublesome piece of...
Flipping Effect using CSS3
Introduction to CSS3
CSS3 is the successor of CSS2 which comes with various new modules such as selectors, borders and background, 2D/3D Transformations, text-effects, box-model, Animation and Multiple column layouts etc.
How to get city name with geolocation API from a input form ?.
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to get city name from google maps from a PHP input form.
If you are trying to get city name displaying location information based on the IP address geolocation fro...
Calculator using Html Css Jquery
JavaScript is extremely helpful when you require information elucidation and control on the customer side. JQuery is a standout amongst the most prominent and valuable JavaScript libraries. Web designers adoration to utilize JQuery and we use the...
How to make the Zooming of the web page disabled?
On viewing the responsive website in our mobile device, the responsiveness of the website can be maintained via @media queries but on double click to the web page it will make a zoom effect in the device and than the horizontal scroll will appear...
The Grid system in Skeleton Framework
Skeleton is a lightweight framework for CSS . It specifically has two CSS files: the popular normalize.css file and the skeleton.css file.
The grid system of Skeleton is used create responsive website hence it's a most important part if Sk...
Animation in jquery
Animation in jquery is used for creative designing and give an amazing view to the user. A wide range of effects is possible using jquery animate function, here I am showing you a simple line of code example that will provide to a text and div, n...
Scraping a big HTML Table through a single command
Hello Everyone,
We have seen a lot of websites having big tables in them with lots of rows and columns.
What if someday being a developer you feel the need of getting all that data from the website at once without going the nasty way ...
Table pagination using html
Table pagination is a simple code that will give new effect to the user for creating a long html table into compact manner, This can be possible through simple line of code of javascript and html, for better look and touch up User will use css to...
How to apply image in the checkbox using CSS
Hello Readers, Here is simple line of code that will be useful for applying different color in checked or unchecked state or User can apply different icons to it, This will be only possible using HTML and CSS, User can see below how these line of...
Disabling Button click action using jquery and Html
Disabling Button click action and Enabling when checkbox is checked:
We can disable button click action easily using Html and can enable it using jQuery.
Html code to disable a button:
<h1 class="redeem-head">Redeem Portfolio<...
Creating contact form using HTML/BOOTSTRAP and CSS
If you want to create simple contact form using html/bootstrap and css, below example will helps you.
Firstly we will create the HTML form which will display basic form fields. It will ask users to submit their Name, Email Address an...
How to make facebook share button on website?
Hello Reader's if you are developing the Ecommerce based website in which you want to integrate the facebook sharing option, then this blog is very helpful to you.
So lets start with the html doc.
To get Facebook sharing first you...
How to replace localhost by project name from URL
Hello Reader's if you are working on single project and want to rename localhost to any other word then this blog is very helful to you.
So let's start with the following steps
Step 1 : Open httpd.conf file you can f...
Create simple responsive form using html and css
If you want to create simple responsive user regestration form using html and css, below example will helps you.
In the below code I have create complete responsive form that includes several different elements and attributes. These ...
How to hide a div with animation using HTML
Hello Reader's if you are making the hide and show events in your website with animations effects, Then this blog is very helpfull to you.
So lets start, Suppose there is div you want it to be hide everytime a user hits a hide checkbox. We...
Bootstrap Navbar Menu without Javascript
The navbar menu is used in header or footer and in many cases in the content also. It is responsive by default in bootstrap and take size according to screen size.
The navbar get collapsed in case of small devices like mobile phones and there is...
Full page background slide show
Hello Readers,
To make full page background slide show I have used the below mention code. The code is very simple. If you want full background slide show in your website you can easily use this code.
Here is the demo for background images ...
Hiding div elements in a responsive layout using bootstrap classes
Hiding div elements in a responsive layout using bootstrap classes:
We can easily hide a div block on a particular layout like for extra small devices(mobile) or for tablets or for desktop using bootstrap classes.
Responsive menu
i am sharing a simple responsive menu code i.e html and css which you can use whenever you want to create a responsive menu.
<div id='Responsivemenu'>
<li class='first'><a href='#'><span&...
Implementing Slider with Angular UI Bootstrap
To create slider with angular UI, carousel is used as it is same as bootstrap's image carousel. But It also supports swiping in the touch devices. ngTouch is used to enable the swiping in the touch devices. We have to load ngTouch module as a...
Display:none vs Visibility:hidden
Display:none doesn't display the elements on the page and doesn't occupy any space.
For example :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<style> </style>
How to make nav tabs using html code
Nav-Tabs can be really useful especially for content-crowded web sites or in that project where large number of interlinked pages to it. By using nav-tab in html a user can save plenty of space just by placing your block of content in tabs and di...
Manipulators in C++
These are the operators that are used to format data display.
(i) end l manipulator
when it is used is an output statement,causes a line feed to be inserted. It has the same effect as using new line chara...
In html we use list attribute for arranging data in the form of list.
Their are two types of list in html.
Ordered List
Unordered List
If we want to put our data in numbered form rather than bullets then ordered list wil...
When we want to take(collect) information from user or those who are visiting site, for this purpose html forms are use.
for eg:- for user registration in any social site, we want to collect his personal information like his name,last name, ema...
If we want to print data in the form of table in html we use TABLE tag. Table contain rows and columns.
For creating rows in table we use
tr tag with in table tag.
For creating columns in table we use
td tag with in tr tag.
How to control the media playback using JavaScript:
While embedding a video to your webpage, very first thing you need to keep in mind is the browser support, like where this will work and where it will not. Only the latest versions of most browsers support native video playback using HTML5's "vid...
Progress bar
Progress Bar
Progress bar is used for up-to-date feedback from the user's action, it can also be made a user indeterminate.This bar will be helpful when the length of the task is unknown for the user. If you are using progress bar to show real p...
Hello friends, Here is simple code of using Pagination. You can use this code to make your page more attractive and give a easy access by reaching on several pages from a single columns of links.
Pagination is a navigation tool that will help...
Column Layout using HTML5
Explaining the use of column layout in CSS:-
CSS column layout is helpful for dividing the text into columns. For example: The text in magazine/newspaper you have been generally come across the big text is divided into column with a colorful...
@media Screen
Media rule in CSS is very attractive way to define different style rules for various types of screens(tablets/mobile screen) Media queries look at the capability of the device and be used to check various things:
Height and Width of the ...
Differentiate between SVG and Canvas
SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics it is an XML based image format which is basically used to define 2D vector graphics for the web. A vector image can be resized to any extent without destroying the image quality.
SVG images are repres...
Difference between Div and Span
It is a block -level element.
It is used as a container that is used within a page or document.
It is used to wrap sections of a document.
By default, line break is placed before and after the element.
It is used within paragraph or...
HTML5 elements
HTML5 is having new elements, which helps the developer to make their document in the form that can be easily understood. By using HTML5 elements there is no need to use <div> again and again. This makes our work easier by using less number...
Application Cache
Application Cache:
Application Cache(Also known as AppCache ) in HTML5, means that a user can browse, navigate and access the web application offline.
Advantages of AppCache:
It allows user to navigate and browse the website offline.
Multiple images in background
It is easy to add multiple images in the background by using HTML and CSS code only. we can use one image which will repeat across the top i.e (repeat-x) and the another one will across the entire page or it is simple way to adjust every image p...